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Risks of the Third Eye(Pineal)

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posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by LittleByLittle

If you go down the rabbitwhole you will lose yourself (or a part of what you call yourself) and come back transformed and it will sometimes be hard to continue living your old life not telling your experiances to others since most are not ready at all to hear it. You will feel disconnected from the people you cannot be honest to.


At least I always have that rabbit hole. :

Return trips can be just as fun (if not "funner") as the first trip.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by LittleByLittle

If it so reeks of it, then why treading here.

Anyways, my post doe's have fear, and my fear had lead me to concern. If some of you folks wanna think I', so dis info agent stopping you from achieving utter zen or how some of you would perceive a connection with God, then be my guest.

You know, it good to be scared sometimes?

Do as you wish with meditations?
However, do take this post with some consideration at least, before we try falling into supposed WABBIT Holes.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by dontreally

I think I need to make my point a little clearer here.

There are people who will try to open the third eye, and think they are doing it properly. It will feel good for a long time, but sadly I believe it to be vain(kind of my story). If your into neuroscience, you should know that physically trying something inside the brain, can lead to negative effects. And I've not only experienced this "ERROR" of my way, I've been noticing it for years.

While I believe the ones who truly open the third eye don't physically think about at all. They can just focus on the other lower chakras, and let the two remaining take their course. Or they are just good at staying in the calmed tranquil mind, and the longer they expose themselves in how should we say "VOID" of reality, the more open the later chakras and balanced they be.

There are glands for every other chakra as well.

Also I've seen other postings on sites saying that when they open a lower chakra, they will say they felt pain in that area.

NOW, my problem is this, and it with all the chakras as well. If those glands are what we focus on in meditiations, are some of us doing a physical reaction to those glands that once we focus on leading to some later health issues?

The main reason I'm picking on the PINEAL, is that, it getting popular these days, whether it be in some kid cartoons, or an adult main achievement of spirituality.

edit on 27-4-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Specimen

There are people who will try to open the third eye, and think they are doing it properly. It will feel good for a long time, but sadly I believe it to be vain(kind of my story).

Just because it doesn't feel good anymore doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong. The 'dark night of the soul' follows periods of spiritual advancement. An exhaustion phase. Good feelings can't go on forever, just like you can't inhale forever. It's a sine wave with ups and downs... both are needed.

Enantiodromia (Greek: ἐνάντιος, enantios, opposite + δρόμος, dromos, running course) is a principle introduced by psychiatrist Carl Jung that the superabundance of any force inevitably produces its opposite. It is similar to the principle of equilibrium in the natural world, in that any extreme is opposed by the system in order to restore balance. However, in Jungian terms, a thing psychically transmogrifies into its Shadow opposite, in the repression of psychic forces that are thereby cathected into something powerful and threatening. This can be anticipated as well in the principles of traditional Chinese religion - as in Taoism and yin-yang.

edit on 27-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Specimen

On second thought, now that I've rethought what I wrote earlier, I was rash to say the pineal gland isn't related to producing higher consciousness. Technically speaking, some area of the brain must be responsible for production of the neurotransmitter responsible for the states described by mystics, shamans, etc.

As said earlier, attention seems to be localized in the orbitofrontal cortex (fMRI scans of people concentrating on a particular task causes this area of the brain to light up), whereas the sense of an independent free will, or "superconsciousness", can be found in the dorsolateral cortex, which would be right behind our forehead. It seems that area of the brain is most essential to directing the body as well as thoughts, and perhaps even plays a lead part in attaining higher states of awareness. Helps explain why the thickest part of our cranium protects just this part of the brain.

But the real question is, what educes these higher states? All mental states are caused by neurotransmitters - chemicals produced in the brain. So which neurotransmitter engenders these radical shifts in consciousness? Perhaps it is the pineal gland, and perhaps dmt is the neurotransmitter involved in creating these states of mind.

There are glands for every other chakra as well.

Interesting link.

As far we know, these glands are related to body function, not consciousness. Though, since the hypothalamus - the "master gland", as it is sometimes called - essentially directs the endocrine system, and the hypothalamus is directly linked with activity in the prefrontal cortex, systemically speaking, each gland may be related to a particular set of conscious perceptions.

NOW, my problem is this, and it with all the chakras as well. If those glands are what we focus on in meditiations, are some of us doing a physical reaction to those glands that once we focus on leading to some later health issues?

From a higher perspective, glands, chemicals, they are just intermediaries between the mind and the body. So it would be rather pointless to meditate on the glands themselves. Rather, the chakra centers would be the energetic duplicate of the gland. The gland is the physical organ where chemical activity is situated in the body; the "energy center" or chakra, would be an astral reflection of this activity. Therefore, meditation on the center would heighten activity in the gland itself.

And definitely, It could very lead to health issues. I've heard that overstimulation of certain chakras could result in hyperthyroidism (a chemical imbalance in the thyroid gland), producing feelings of insomnia, anxiety, etc. Since the mind and body connection is amazingly complex (see the placebo effect for examples), who knows what else could result from these practices.

If you do want to play around with it, logic would recommend that you work with someone who has experience with it. That you work slowly, and methodically, so as not to overwhelm your bodys natural response.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

Nah, it didn't feel good, it just ended up being a real pain.

I've read about " the dark night of the soul" before, and thought to myself is this what I'm going through now for the longest time. I might have to look up some philosophical means as well as certain studies.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by dontreally

I ain't no brain surgeon, and have little knowledge on biology, so I will go with what your saying there. And that what ever state of consciousnesses they had reached, may require a whole system of the brain synchronization in order to do so. Although this could be achieved through many hours of meditation, as well a key factor could be as to how one feel about themselves. I believe brain entrainment is a key factor with or without the use of binurals.

As for glands, I'm glad you agree with me there. Just trying to stimulate a healthy gland, could lead to some problems. While an un-healthy one may require stimulation. The third eye however, is what I believe to be the one with the most risks, so I would like you folks to take in that pre-caution with some consideration, cause I guarantee you will see certain idiots doing it in the future.

As for help, I've got certain guides.

Hmmphfff....maybe I should take my own advice and just relax. Anyways, I'm glad to have somewhat of an argument about it.
edit on 28-4-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Specimen

Well the third eye - the crown chakra - is directly involved with brain processes.

As I said earlier, the idea of a chakra or energy centre, only makes sense in terms of what goes on in the body. Each "centre" is really just a pool of energy which forms a vortex, or whirlpool (to use a water analogy). It is a direct reflection of the topographic layout of physical processes in the body. Since glands transmit chemicals to specific bodily areas, then it would be in these areas in particular where the most energy would be found, and so a "vortex" would form. This, to me, is what makes the idea of chakras so intellectually compelling. They were known to exist not because some Indian guru deduced that a gland corresponds to a speculated "energy centre", but because with experience, they had learned through some higher vision that there are 'energy centres' which overlay the human body. It was through astral vision that they learned of it's existence. Our present day scientific understanding merely buttresses this perspective with a physiological explanation.

Psi definitely exists. The real debate between philosophers is whether the body gives rise to the mind or whether the body merely acts as an intermediary between the mental and physical realms.

cause I guarantee you will see certain idiots doing it in the future

I know first hand how "real" psychologically at least, the concept of energy centres can be.

At age 20, I decided to do a kundalini rising exercise. Not really understanding what I was actually engaging in, I went through the exercises, roused the kundalini from the root chakra, imagined it flowing through each chakra, up to the crown chakra. Seemed fine About twenty minutes after, I began to feel a heightened sense of energy, which caused me to become anxious. What followed can only be described as catastrophic. I'm fortunate to not be insane. I didn't sleep for 3 weeks - 21 days. I kept "hearing" this subtle sound, or energy, like a white noise which underlies all existence: perhaps it was the vibrational frequency of physical reality itself? In any case, thank God, I got better, and I learned a very important lesson. Spiritual powers are not important. Rather, live a good life, and don't worry about "exercising" energy centres.

Of course, this was something I saw as relevant to myself. If someone wants to do it, I can only hope that they are spiritually mature enough to handle the consequences.
edit on 28-4-2013 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 06:55 PM
Recently my pineal gland felt like it caught fire for some reason and caused the top of my head to feel like it was being separated from the bottom half. This caused like a tingling sensation on the top of my head. This experience lasted about 10 days to which i experienced what felt like 100% brain function and a hallucination to which i could see a physical and a non physical version of each person at the same time. My consciousness was experiencing this timeline and another existence outside of this reality both at once. I seemed to have full telepathic capabilities and was able to communicate to plants and animals. People were an absolute nightmare to be around because their thoughts would easily effect my own heart rate. Being able to see right through people weather it was a hallucination or not was not fun for me. It was as real as real can be from my perception and all of it made me realize there was that not one person that actually truly cared about my existence other than would it would mean for their own attachment or image. Obviously what is seen cannot be unseen but i am glad i don't have to witness their immaterial sides anymore.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by TheomExperience

It sounds as if your seat of consciousness or awareness was located permanently at the eye centre for the period of 10 days, and this enabled you to observe all those things which normally are not visible. In ordinary waking consciousness, the awareness is seated at the heart centre or lower.

In mystic practices, that is the first step in a long journey of self-realization - to bring the consciousness permanently to the position of the eye centre. It is also the most arduous. If this has happened spontaneously to you, you are very fortunate, from my point of view.

It is a shame about your heart rate being affected by the thoughts of others, there are methods to protect yourself from those, if you are interested in finding guidance from whatever source resonates with you. Also, the thoughts of others may be something best avoided if possible, as it is, in effect, an uninvited intrusion into another's mind. Still, what you learned about others is probably a reality many of us come to realize sooner or later.
edit on 28-4-2013 by mysticnoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by mysticnoon

I would say the experience is not easy in a society filled with jealousy and greed. I would say it wasn't spontaneous as i was pushing my mind very hard however i had no idea it would in fact "break" and allow me to perceive multiple layers of information underneath the surface layer of materialism and labels. I can only assume the line between my heart and mind was without any distortion and this allowed me to perceive intelligences using people as sort of like a "land line" to conduct their business (again i assume the intelligences were in fact the immaterial aspects of my friends). Sounds crazy but what i noticed was the more someone was polarized either way the more distorted their land line seemed and the more imbalanced their energies became. I was getting quite good at balancing myself and then it just stopped with a message "the land line has been cut" lol. The best part about the experience was that i did not need to eat at all and only slept about 2 hours a night. I never felt so energized in my life it was actually weird "running" of sun and water. I have considered a CME from the sun may have effected my brain causing this anomaly to occur. It did feel like a bolt of electricity to the back of the head and a i heard a "popping" sound but that could have been my sphincter snapping closed to avoid me sh1tting my pants haha

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by TheomExperience

I would say the experience is not easy in a society filled with jealousy and greed. I would say it wasn't spontaneous as i was pushing my mind very hard however i had no idea it would in fact "break" and allow me to perceive multiple layers of information underneath the surface layer of materialism and labels.

it sounds like your mind gave way, it surrendered its usual dominance and acquiesced to the will of your higher self. The unfortunate aspect is that your mind/ego may not so readily allow itself to be coerced into letting go in this same way anytime in the future.

Originally posted by TheomExperience

The best part about the experience was that i did not need to eat at all and only slept about 2 hours a night. I never felt so energized in my life it was actually weird "running" of sun and water. I have considered a CME from the sun may have effected my brain causing this anomaly to occur. It did feel like a bolt of electricity to the back of the head and a i heard a "popping" sound but that could have been my sphincter snapping closed to avoid me sh1tting my pants haha

With the focus of your consciousness at the eye centre, you were able to be nourished by spiritual essence. The popping sound may have been the inner doorway opening. You probably would have had the potential to contravene physical laws during that state, though it is good that these temptations did not present themselves.

A very fascinating experience, and by all accounts an authentic spiritual experience, at least from my limited understanding.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 12:38 PM
I'm so enjoying this. That's all I needed to read.

I wish you folk best of luck with your endeavors, and hope if you folks get back into meditation, you can forget about that blasted gland.

Like Spock said, "Live long & Prosper". Or you folks prefer Obi-Wan "May the Force be with you".
edit on 29-4-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-4-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

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