I did a google search for photos of tall white aliens and it had this photo.
The charles hall who is tells the story of his interaction with the tall white aliens at area51 in the 1960s will be visiting/speaking in my city
Australia adelaide 20 th april.
You reckon the photo of the tall white female is real?
What about his story, is there any proof for these tall white aleins, apart from the charles hall source?
edit on 17-4-2013 by AthlonSavage
because: (no reason given)
I'm assured that the motive of the individual is money and his premise is false. The photo appears to have been created with 3D graphics software or
a real image that has been altered with image software.
edit on 17-4-2013 by eManym because: (no reason given)
No, take a picture with your google phone and match the original image...Yes people its here you can do that now...that in the next 5 years should
change things up on this website a bit...maybe then will be even more legit articles and threads. I have seen that pic before and not that is not an
alien. I might add. that I think that is what David Bowie's Plastic Surgeon is supposed to make him look like next time, he has it done.
on 17-4-2013 by kurthall because: (no reason given)
edit on 17-4-2013 by kurthall because: spelling
edit on 17-4-2013
by kurthall because: (no reason given)
I can't prove it, of course--but I would bet perfectly legit(!) Federal Reserve Notes that that photo is (not-so-)subtly embellished. I've done this
kind of work myself, and I can see a couple of amateurish touches.
From simply viewing this picture I am emphatically not interested in any story associated with it....
Edit: I awarded you a star and flag anyway, because I'm still interested in hearing others' opinions. (I'm not always right, never mind what I tell my
wife.) I might also mention that I have seen 2 rather remarkable UFOs myself and have no doubt that we have ET visitors. But sometimes the stories you
hear on book tours are (like the lady in the photo) just a little too pat and perfect.
edit on 4/18/2013 by Ex_CT2 because: (no reason
I wonder whether this woman's alien appearance is related to that of Akon?
Elisabeth Klarer was a South African woman who claims to have married and mothered a child with Akon, a Nordic-looking alien, as she described in her
book Beyond the Light Barrier (1980).
At the time Klarer became celebrated by the international UFO community in the 1970s one could still be very creative in alien descriptions.
So it's interesting that she also described a race of aliens who look very much like Nordic white people.
More on Klarer, the first woman who claimed to have sexual relationships with an alien (I guess that was legal under apartheid if the alien was
white): en.wikipedia.org...
edit on 18-4-2013 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)
Considering the supposed features of some of these Alien races, many of which were 'discovered' in the ufo craze back during this time period, i am
really not impressed by the picture.
I imagine the picture is an artistic impression, Charles Hall hasn't got any pictures of the Tall Whites. When he is asked what they look like he
shows a picture of his wife on their wedding day, I take that to mean they look like us. I can't see how anyone can know if his story is true or not
unless they worked in that restricted area back in those days.
Another guy who gets a hard time here is Bob Dean, he also claims to have met Aliens who look like us. At the end of one of his more recent talks he
claims there are a couple of people in his audience who were not born on this planet.
We all have to decide for ourselves if we believe them or not.
You reckon the photo of the tall white female is real?
What about his story, is there any proof for these tall white aleins, apart from the charles hall source?
It reminds me of the incident where
Two young, tall, blond, attractive, Swedish twin sisters got into a bit of trouble on a highway, one being hit by a truck. Cant find the videos and
seem to be missing. This is the only info I can find on the incident.
deeppoliticsforum.com... Culture shock?
I cant determine if this "Photo" is real or not, I can only try to keep an open mind. But if real, well then, it might explain a few things from
the past.
The "photo" depicts someone who appears not to be too happy about having her picture taken. But what female really does? If she is really what is
portrayed then I would have to bestow great credit on her, if she is representing herself in a truthful and honest light, and, she represents a honest
effort of "Friendship".
Again, if the story is true, they must have great apprehension about making a full and public appearance. The backlash could cause global events that
could spiral out of control, and become a unintended consequence. There must be reason, rational reason why they choose to contact us after such a
long period of suppression. Their choice of "First" "ambassador" , being a attractive female is something to be concerned with. Our instincts as
a species would always favor the attractiveness of the unknown, over the perceived threat of it. Reminds me of a Coyote choosing not to attack a
female domestic dog, but only when she is in heat.
There are moral issues that must be considered. The first I suppose is the idea that "They" are our owners, our biblical creators. This may
absolutely be true, in the past, and with the first human beings they bore. But those first human beings are long gone, and I don't see how
ownership could follow after such a long period of abandonment. In essence, they have lost all rights of ownership or responsibility for us. We, as
a species, have paid our dues, we have matured, and we must take responsibility for our own individual actions, and inaction's. As they must as
Another moral issue is where they come from and who it ultimately belongs to. It is similar to the idea that a mans home is his castle. He has the
ultimate authority who enters his domain, and who does not. It used to be a steadfast principal here in the US but has declined over the years due to
an assault by covert forces. I believe they have guarded the location and nature of their domain to such a degree that it now puts the whole of the
world at risk. No secret whether it be big or small, short or tall, is worth "At all costs". For in the end, it will cost all of us, everything.
Are they here now, trying to defuse this situation? It appears so.
In a compressed video Billy Joel puts to song what your Collective Secret has done to humanity, and show what price we have paid, for it.
No, we are not responsible for starting the fire, we have only had to try and live with it, and put it out. But on the other hand, all of "you" are
not responsible for what your forefathers did either. By observing the covert assistance you have provided, maybe all of us working together can
finally put the fire out, for good. I have seen into the hearts of your "position", I have seen the reasons, the threats, the ignorance, the
compassion, pain and suffering. For even your "Souls" have been played for fools. It also may be true that you live a extended life span and in no
way can I challenge the knowledge you may posses, but, on the other hand, wisdom, true wisdom, is ageless, and recognizes no boundary's.
You are a lost part of all of our beings, its time for a homecoming, a family reunion of immense proportions
The following song contains the spirit, the "Soul", of our combined presence. It must come to pass for our continued existence.
I just hope I live to see the day.........
To those who have no idea what I just shared, well, what can I say. I'm just crazy that way..............
The picture looks like the typical beautiful human woman. I have to say that the female Alien I met on Sedona Oak Creek could only be described as
"Beautiful" afterwards by both my friend and I. What we see as beautiful and what other races of living entities see as beautiful can be worlds
apart, literally.
Genetics are such a beautiful thing whether here or other planets. All Genetics.
If what we judge as ugly, or grotesque are ever seen by the public, then will they be automatically judged to be malevolent? If they are covered in
mucous and have bulging eyes in places unnatural to us, will they be seen as benevolent?
Humanity must first learn to accept one another before the veil of other worlds/dimensions can be lifted.
The picture in question here from the OP, made me think instantly of the female in the new series Defiant, the sensuous wife of the leader that looks
benevolent as all get out, but she was not so benevolent when plotting the demise of the miner guy to take control of the mines. Also when she averts
the children's attention away from her husband breaking the fathers hands for being late on a payment.
David Bowie would first need a lifestyle lift then this other work. His hair should be as naturally white as that by now though so we wont have to
bother with the bleach. Seriously though we might have morphed David Bowie into this chick 30 years ago but not today.
www.bing.com... I really wish I knew how to
post photos right in this box but I have not learned how.