posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 01:56 PM
~First, they (the ABC agencies) started buying up as much of the ammo supply on hand that they could. Shortages ensued. Some 2A supporters weren't
too concerned because, heck, "we can make our own if we have to".
~Then the Aurora theater incident, the Oregon Mall incident, the Sikh Temple incident, the Sandy Hook Elementary School incident, and finally the
Boston Marathon incident....all within about a year. So, we have an attack on Entertainment, Shopping/Commerce, Religious Institution,
School/Education, and finally Sporting events. Pick your pet peeve. Surely, all these tragedies will get Gun Control bills passed. But, they
~Well, guess what now!? Have you heard this morning? The Boston bombers purchased fireworks in February and now there is a discussion ensuing in
the media about how easy it is to extract dangerous powders from pyrotechnic kits and purchase black powder in gun shops.
If they can't take your guns away, they'll take the ammo. If that doesn't work, they will take your ability to load your own. 2A supporters, stay