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So Maybe There ARE Chemtrails...

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posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 12:44 PM
With all of the military activity since 9/11 I've seen more and more contrails. AWACs planes fly in a recetrack or figure 8 pattern. However I have noticed crosshatch patterns that spread out into overcast. So I think there is a purpose to it. I wonder about the metalic particles. Do they want the trails to be conductive? Would they have any use in protecting against EMP or solar storms?

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by ArchaicDesigns

You obviously did not read my post.
I am a homemaker, passionate about trying to make some people remember and/or learn the science behind what they are seeing in the sky. I started debunking because so darn many videos on YouTube called "chemtrails" were merely clouds, something I have always loved to look at. I am able to identify clouds like some people do bugs, rocks, or wild flowers. I am actually a pretty fair at all of those as well.
While it might be odd to you, some people just know more about things than you do about things. You can't claim true knowledge of "chemtrails" until you know what they actually contain and how they are formed. If you knew these, you would know that "chemtrails" basic premise is just wrong.
I do know these things. I don't get paid to know them. I don't get paid to try and get some real science onto the web instead of some of the crap out there. When I see something I don't know about, I try to LEARN. I don't just "look up" and "believe".
Learning should be a lifetime goal of every intelligent person. Watching videos on YouTube and believing is a sign of being gullible at best.
And I am not a "he". Women can be smart, too.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Magister

No, crosses and grids are made when different planes flying in different directions fly through a place in the atmosphere which is saturated enough to permit contrails to form.
I've never understood why this logic is so puzzling to supposedly intelligent adults.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by stars15k

Did you even watch the video?

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
reply to post by network dude

Your lack of commenting on any specifics of the video itself make me suspicious that you did not even watch it. I don't like that. Not one bit. Do you not understand that I have NEVER believed in chemtrails, and always understood them to be contrails? And hence the title of the thread. Now lose the condescending attitude please, and go watch the video, and hear the guy out. Is why I posted it, so people could listen and make up their own minds. You're not going to make mine up for me. I just have doubts- especially after what all this guy is talking about. Too far gone...puhleeeease.

Do you seriously want me to pick apart that video bit by bit? I did watch it. I heard the guy sound passionate. He is massively confused about the causation of his methane issues.

Firstly, contrails can and do exist. They do affect weather patterns and that has been known since just after they started to form. The weather is changing. I personally don't buy into man made global warming, but in the end, my opinion means exactly jack spit. So whomever is at fault the weather is changing. And it will continue to change. So the polar ice caps might melt, the ocean currents might change and guess what, there isn't s damn thing you nor I can do about it. Now onto your video. The chemtrail BS that is shown at the beginning is all lies. They have been discussed and debunked here and elsewhere time and again. To use those in a truthful video is dishonest at best. Chemtrails, if they exist, would most likely be invisible. Look that up if you wish.

The fact that you started a thread on this, then disappeared to let all the back slappers and idiots who post patents as if they are proof of any damn thing is what I was most disappointed in. I thought you have a tiny but more integrity. I was wrong. An attention whore is not becoming.

Science proves that contrail can and do persist. Knowing that, every picture showing a line in the sky, has much more of a possibility of being a contrail than it does being a chemtrail. Feel free to look that up too.

Enjoy your new fame, at the cost of any shred of dignity you might have had.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by 311DTOM
Wow, I'm surprised that so many people here still don't believe there are Chemtrails to go along with Contrails. We see them constantly here and even friends of mine who don't believe much in conspiracies acknowledge their existence.

We've even been noticing within the last few months that some of these planes will turn their spray on right before they enter a cloud then off again once they leave, literally seeding the clouds.

Here's a few picture's I've taken with my phone, if these aren't Chemtrails I'm not quite sure what they are.

PS: I'm new so if I didn't do these right could someone please help me out, thanks.

ETA: So far as the reasoning behind them, your guess is as good as mine. Also sorry about the size of the photos, guess I should've cropped them down a little.
edit on 27-2-2013 by 311DTOM because:

Have you heard of contrails, they have been around almost as long as aviation has

Look it up

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by bluestorm


Okay, let me fill you in on some actual facts about clouds I LEARNED about because I didn't know.
An average cumulus cloud, the white puffy ones you see on a nice summer day, weighs 550 tons.
To make that cloud would require 50 tanker planes to spray. Each.
So unless you see fleets of planes overheads, there is no such thing as a fake cloud.
It is physically impossible. If you understood about the atmosphere and how it works, you would know that fake clouds and "chemtrails" are both impossible. Illogical, too.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:00 PM
As a people, we are lost. We handed control of our destinies to those who said they would protect us long ago, handed it to people who we thought had EVERYONE'S interests at heart. However, because we blind ourselves and tell our children their future is bright, we help the people who control our destiny destroy it, we continue to give them the tools of our demise and assist them in looking out for themselves alone. I am saddened, because we all let it happen, including myself. I am saddened because I will continue to lie to my 4 year old, tell him there are no monsters, tell him he can be anything he wants to be when he grows up, tell him that I will protect him always. But there are monsters out there, devil in sheep's clothing, convincing us that they don't exist, hell bent on destruction with all the money and power and oil they can muster behind them. Because I am smart, because I am informed, because I will always seek knowledge, I am doomed. People say ignorance is bliss. Socrates said that we are not truly wise until we realize how much we don't know. Ever had a cut that didn't hurt until you noticed it? Well, our cuts are quite evident now, crisscrossed in the sky, and it hurts. We have noticed, but try as we might, our destinies are already fixed. The trail has been blazed and all we can do is follow it to the end. Oh how I wish G.I.Joe was right, that knowing is half the battle. Maybe we should all start smoking pot, at least then the end would be one hell of a ride!

Mentioned previously on ATS was the Jumping Jack Flash theory, kinda ties into what this guy is saying, link to the actual Blog

Jumping Jack Flash: It's a Gas, Gas, Gas

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by stars15k

In my experience, the clouds caused by chemtrails resemble stratus clouds rather than the generally bigger / puffier cumulus type. Just from what I've seen myself and generally associated with spreading trails.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:11 PM
OK some odd pics I posted in another thread.
Make of it what you will. To save people some hassle and a short little personal affirmation for them... sure they're fake why not. Its just a flying saucepan.

Cool got that out of the way.......

For those who are interested, this image set is of two different objects from two separate eye witnesses.

"I saw this chemtrail forming to the west of Vail, Colorado on March 7, 2008 at 5:23PM. As I zoomed in full with a 70 to 300 lens on my D200 Nikon, there appeared to be no plane in front of the chemtrail - like it was forming out of thin air. After shooting several shots, there was another plane-less chemtrail rising to the west just before sunset. It was spooky. When I downloaded the pictures, there was a halo shape at the front of the chemtrails in some of the images and absolutely nothing visible in others."

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Z32Driver


And laughed in disgust at what passes as "information" to some people who choose to believe what a YouTube video says than learn something about the actual mechanics of what you are seeing.
So, how much do you know about combustion of jet fuel?
What chemical content would you expect to see?
The equation would be fine. I know how to read one.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by stars15k

lol, i dont care to convince people that heads are stuck in the mud, look up, "they" can turn a blue sky into a cloudy day here in hrs, seen it happen hundreds of times, i say fake clouds but i should say clouds that were helped along by use of artificial means.. Its tyranny from above and we the people need answers...

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Z32Driver

Sorry, but a big puffy "chemtrail" that goes from horizon to horizon is over 200 miles long.
Extrapolate that information to the size of a cumulus cloud, which would be much, much smaller.
The fact that has to be pointed out shows you don't care about facts or knowledge and would rather hide from nasty "them" doing some unknowable "thing" to you than LEARN.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by bluestorm

It's not tyranny.
It's transportation using combustion of a hydrocarbon into a moisture-rich, extremely cold atmosphere.
And it's a known. It's why real scientists, you know the actual experts in meteorology, aviation science, atmospheric science, physics, chemistry and similar fields, have been studying them since the end of WW1, when contrails were first noticed. The want to know what a contrail can do. Because we fly, contrails are a given. No contrails, no planes. Choice is yours. I don't think the world can do without airplanes, do you?

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by stars15k

Look Stars I don't care what exactly they're spraying, what bugs me is that its secret and they do it allot. That implies that it may not be in our best interests. Also I'm now further bothered at the potential effects its having on our planets weather patterns and currents. BTW you watched it? For the record, I dont buy that. The guy in the video is highly qualified, has performed tests, works closely with large international research groups... This has 0 credibility to you? just cuz he is on youtube? Like there's absolutely nothing real on youtube

+3 more 
posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by network dude

That, is an example of an ignorant post.

You are downplaying everyone like you are explaining something to children.
You don't think the average person knows how contrails are naturally formed and how the weather system works?
When actually it's quite the opposite, people are seeing things that DO NOT fit the "natural" system of things and have good reason to question. Especially when there are hundreds of patents since the 50s that support the arguement for ariel spraying, toss in photo evidence and people's eyewitness accounts, and you have more than probable cause to question these things.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by stars15k

No need to attack me, I know about clouds. I'm a registered spotter. I was simply pointing out that the clouds associated with chemtrails are generally not cumulus.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by bluestorm

Its tyranny from above and we the people need answers...

Tyranny from above. That has a ring to it. Down with tyranny from above!

The answers you're looking for are easily available but they don't involve spraying anything. They involve aircraft (commercial, private, and military) flying in conditions which are conducive to the formation of persistent contrails. Those contrails are not the intent but the result of maximizing the efficiency of air travel. They could fly lower and not produce contrails at all, but that would mean burning a lot more fuel.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by stars15k

military jets that can turn on and off there contrails when they want is transportation???? I have eyes and watch the sky, i know the difference between jets that circle my sky and ones that are doing cross country transportation, silly rabbit Trix are for kids

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Z32Driver

The guy in the video is highly qualified, has performed tests, works closely with large international research groups
Really? What are his qualifications? What tests? What large international research groups?

edit on 2/27/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

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