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Enough Talking about this CORRUPT US dictatorship..... Whats the first step to TAKE IT BACK?!

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posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by thesmokingman

Look, we all want to get this corrupt government out of office, and take back our country, that we all know and love. We all spend so much time on forums like this very one (and MANY others just like it) on the internet, complaining, whining, and saying how we are so tired of the corruptness of the fed reserve, the president, congress, TPTB, and so on. Yet, what CAN WE REALLY DO? Seriously, I want to know HOW we would go about implementing a change?

It all depends. If we don't do anything then, we have no one to blame but ourselves because it is pretty clear that our constitution is being slowly decommissioned, bit by bit. On the flip, if we lose our heads then we might end up seeing something like what is happening in Syria here in our own back yard and nobody in their right mind should wish for that.

Currently, the ownership of the electorate is being partly fulfilled by way of promises that can never be kept.

Our economy is a shambles because we shipped our industrial plant overseas and all the revenue generated by all those industries and their workers, is no longer available. Our country is broke and what used to be called 'the great middle class' no longer even exists. There's no way to avoid this fact except by way of dodge and deceit, which both parties have been playing.

You want to save your country? get out and get active. Tell the nation that our first step needs to be replacing every single incumbent in both house and senate without regard to party affiliation. Hire people who will finally admit that the globalist agenda is killing us and that we need to reign it back in.

Personally, I do not know a single law abiding gun owner who is going to respect any executive decree coming from the White House that violate their constitutional rights. This doesn't mean civil insurrection... it just means that we hold fast to what is right and ignore efforts to have us all roll over on command. The president will learn that he is a president, not a Roman emperor.

Americans have a lot of tools at their command to retake this country that don't involve insanity and civil strife. We just have to focus our determination and begin to form as a united front, is all.


posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:16 AM
I for one am tired of watching the bull**** go on, I for one am tired of watching the police state grow, I for one am tired of watching the number of homeless increase, I am tired of the poisons in our food and water supply, I grow ever more tired of the shocking amount of immunity religions get, even though they condone child molestation, genocide, and "honor-killings". I grow tired of how gluttonous we as a whole are for a fuel supply, that took millions of years to make under natural conditions, and we are eating through it in a span of a hundreds + years.

I want us to reach for the stars and land on other planets, to sail through space like Spike Spiegel. I want us to be truly free, but I don't see that happening when everyone still runs to war and religion as their only way of growth.

If we continue on this path of ignorance, there will be enough oil from us, but that is only because we have wiped our species out and our remains go back to from which they came, starting the cycle anew.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:17 AM
I honestly don't think we have to use force to break it up. I think it is all going to fall apart on it's own. I hope what replaces it is better but looking at history and what is happening in other countries, I doubt if it will be. This is a really powerful country, the military needs to be left intact to guard people from acquiring our weapons. I trust our military but not the misguided people running the country. Most of the senators are not bad, they are just misguided or have been led to believe in something that is not real as the rest of us have. These untruths are tied deep into our society. If the government collapses there will be many failed governments to follow.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:19 AM
Voting will never buck this trend.

I think everyone knows the solution, but so far noone man enough to step up.

Burn it down and bring back the USA.
edit on 21-2-2013 by ironguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:21 AM
Too much emphasis has been put on democrat or republican. Left or right wing, how about we go back to being AMERICANS. These people act like they are in a gang. They even have red and blue colors. Makes me sick. Then they try and dumb people down with cult phenomenon, like dancing with stars, american idol, and "harlem shake"?

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by thesmokingman

Why can't we just be HUMANS...why do we have to be labeled? We are all in this together, so stop labeling people as American, Syrian, Chinese, Russian. I am not an american, I am Human

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by seabag

Maybe so, but this is war. And to think it is anything else is just crazy. Short of bloodshed, you can't expect to win with passive behavior. You have to fight a much larger and superior force like the U.S. Gov with Guerrilla warfare. First you hit the money that is the easiest to get the ball rolling, next you need a long line of people willing to be Martyrs because we will need a charismatic one to lead the resistance to take back the country. Which more then likely these people will be assassinated by TPTB. This is going to be the hardest thing to do.

Next you organize an follow with the same tactics that have worked in the past (Martin Luther King), you have to get a movement going. Once the movement is rolling it's very hard to derail that train.

Let's face it, this country was founded on Bloodshed. It's the only thing Americans understand and believe me we are strong enough to withstand the hardships that will come from this type of resistance. Yea it will suck but anything short of getting the Majority on the same side will be a futile attempt. But, if you can just get the ball rolling good it will work. It's contagious, why do you think they try to silence the people like MLK jr.

Just have to be prepared to endure the hardships is the question.

Anyway just my thoughts My Lord.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by th3onetruth
reply to post by thesmokingman

Why can't we just be HUMANS...why do we have to be labeled? We are all in this together, so stop labeling people as American, Syrian, Chinese, Russian. I am not an american, I am Human

There's nothing wrong with being any nationality. But... you are correct, too, because we do tend to focus on the superficial and ignore the valuable.

We are all human first... and if you are a Russian or Chinese or Japanese or Indian or English or even an American human, then that's all good. We don't have to look for negativity in our national heritage.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by redoubt

More or less, that's what I mean. Our species is over-saturated with labels, Nike, Adidas, Vans, EA, Treyarch, Bethesda, Ford, Lincoln, Dodge, Windows, Apple, At&t, Sprint....the list goes on for almost an eternity it seems. They are blasted into our minds at a young age with bright toys and crap food ( McDonalds lol). I think we need to do an extreme overhaul of this cancer, not saying we need a one unified "label", just not so freaking many, one can loses their humanity under the mountain of filth that is projected at us.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by redoubt

This highway to hell has been under construction since long before the first world war. The builders were a combo of governments, corporations, tax exempt foundations, think tanks and religious organizations.

Before we can do anything about it we need to STOP. Just stop marching down their crooked path like we've been doing since God was in knickers. Going along to get along is just taking us another step down the scenic route on a global trail of tears.

So what would happen if everyone cancelled their insurance policies? ALL policies.They don't pay out anyway unless you've got a $200 an hour lawyer in your back pocket to make carriers honor their obligations. Maybe its not the ultimate step, but its a step. Shut 'em down. Drive defensively, live sensibly.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by skorpius

Maybe so, but this is war. And to think it is anything else is just crazy. Short of bloodshed, you can't expect to win with passive behavior. You have to fight a much larger and superior force like the U.S. Gov with Guerrilla warfare. First you hit the money that is the easiest to get the ball rolling, next you need a long line of people willing to be Martyrs because we will need a charismatic one to lead the resistance to take back the country. Which more then likely these people will be assassinated by TPTB. This is going to be the hardest thing to do.

Next you organize an follow with the same tactics that have worked in the past (Martin Luther King), you have to get a movement going. Once the movement is rolling it's very hard to derail that train.

Let's face it, this country was founded on Bloodshed. It's the only thing Americans understand and believe me we are strong enough to withstand the hardships that will come from this type of resistance. Yea it will suck but anything short of getting the Majority on the same side will be a futile attempt. But, if you can just get the ball rolling good it will work. It's contagious, why do you think they try to silence the people like MLK jr.

Just have to be prepared to endure the hardships is the question.

Anyway just my thoughts My Lord.

There is no need for bloodshed. 90% of this war is an information war. People have been asleep and haven’t been paying attention to the direction the fed has been driving this bus we’re on. That is beginning to change. Read my thread and see that there is a better way because people everywhere are starting to get it. People are beginning to see the usurpation of power by our federal government and they're finally starting to stand in opposition.

All this talk of war and guerrilla warfare is ridiculous. Crap like that is going to draw fire, it will get people killed, and it will hurt our chances for meaningful, positive change back to constitutional principles.

War with TPTB may be something you’re seeking but I’m certainly not - I’ve seen the conditions of war. To this day, I sometimes smell, hear and see it at night when I sleep even though it was a decade ago. I have 2 little children and I certainly don’t want my children to see what I’ve seen or experience life in a country ravaged by war like kids in the ME today.

Life in US will NEVER be the same (for us or our children) if war happens on US soil. I urge people like you to tread lightly. If you want to vent and talk war, do it with your buddies in the privacy of your home. The country doesn’t need that.

Just my $.02

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 11:00 AM
I plan on making sardonic posts on ATS to enact change.

Oh yeah, and encourage local efforts.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 11:06 AM

I don't need to say anymore, I don't need to explain anymore. Enough has already been said. Either you realize that it is the only alternative, or you accept the road we are going down with open arms.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by TheNewRevolution

I don't need to say anymore, I don't need to explain anymore. Enough has already been said. Either you realize that it is the only alternative, or you accept the road we are going down with open arms.

...screams the keyboard warrior!!!

You're advocating for something that will only serve to help TPTB. Don't you think THEY would love you and your small group of fringe revolutionaries to start trouble? Don't you remember the feeble Black Bloc activities during Occupy?

What did those activities lead too besides beatings, pepper spray and arrests??

Give me a break!

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by thesmokingman

The main thing we can do is educate others. Right now we do not have the power to change it because not enough people are on the same page with us. Until there is a shift in the Majority of the American mindset things will not change. That Shift is in the beginning stages but it takes longer then we would like. TPTB know this shift is underway and they are hurrying to complete plans to lock us into tyranny. So it is a race against time.

We must be bold in talking about it and stop fearing what our friends and neighbors might think of us. Many are still programmed by the media to knee jerk react and call you a cooky conspiracy theorist when you bring it up. We see it even here there is a certain point folks will not go beyond and even turn on you here when they themselves would be considered crazy conspiracy theorist by their friends and family. We must ignore that and wear it as badge of honor instead of shrinking in shame and fear of it. Otherwise TPTB may win the race....

edit on 21-2-2013 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 11:36 AM
I say start with trying to pass a law that would only really affect them. Take away the light sentence for any and all laws they break and double the punishment. Get a speeding ticket they get double the points taken off their license and double the fine as well. No getting a lighter sentence for anything.

If they’re all far law abiding citizens as they like to say they are, they should have no problem with passing such a law. Since it’d only affect the ones that break a law. Put the bill in to action and watch who oppose it, if the oppose it investigate what they’ve been doing. Since they should have nothing to worry about if it passes unless they’re up to something.

If the law isn’t passed, then might be a good time to take things up a notch.

edit on 21-2-2013 by ObjectZero because: spacing

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by ObjectZero

I say start with trying to pass a law that would only really affect them. Take away the light sentence for any and all laws they break and double the punishment.

Sounds great…except they are the people who draft law!

How about we start by taking away their ability to make unconstitutional law? The states can do that. Let's start with nullification and go from there.

Just sayin'!

edit on 21-2-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by seabag

I'm all for dropping authoritative laws but doing such also is avenue leading to division. Many people want to repeal anything that has the word equality in it and you know exactly what I mean. Your proposition is DOA because too many people want to use the Constitution as an excuse to deny 'others' their Constitutional rights.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by seabag

How about we start by taking away their ability to make unconstitutional law? The states can do that. Let's start with nullification and go from there.

That SHOULD be the answer, unfortunately many of the state's legislators are every bit as evil as the feds or they would have gone the nullification route long since. Good ones usually get ousted by the machine that runs the states before they can do much "damage" to the gears. I'm fondly remembering several state legislatures and governors that passed tenth amendment resolutions back in the 90's ~ all of them were shredded by the machine. Silence ensued.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 12:11 PM
I think the powers that be already have a plan. Mainly, TPTB intend to make English a dead language in much the same way as ancient Latin became a dead language. Get religious with states' rights and put a church where the Federal government used to be.
That is to blatantly copy the fall of the Roman Empire which put the Roman Catholic church where the Roman Empire used to be.
Then the Federal military will continue to live behind a veil of stealth technology which was probably bought off the shelf from a highly advanced alien society in the richest continent on Earth: Africa.

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