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Alex Jones' 'Real Wife' Just Outed Him as CIA and Part of The Holy See? WTF!

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posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

No man..
Why would it be a threat. Alex Jones has an anti activist agenda. Everyone knows that.
Here is Alex Jones attempting to ruin a pro gun rally:

He also did have an Asian girlfriend that was dating him when he was doing his show. You seriously need to get over Alex Jones if you strive to be an enlightened person, he has an agenda, and he is driven by one or two things. Either profit, making conspiracy theorists look crazy/in the wrong direction, or both.
edit on 26-1-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Since its not his wife but she has really crazy, occult like eyes to me. And my friend said he sensed a cia signature on her. Well it would make sense that this is a threat. That they are hinting that they may harm his wife and set him up. They may fabricate as much as they can to try and slur him in the public eye, such as the mockingbird thing, and its intimidation, a threat.

And I hope by posting this, seeing this as a possibility they pay attention and realize, oops no point in going through with this plan as some are already seeing through us. And you bet, boxing gloves on for sure!
edit on 26-1-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Don't be on the fence about Alex Jones. Watch the video I posted. Alex Jones has a job to do and it's not enlightening people.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

CIA? Don't be absurd. You don't know if it's not his first wife. He had a long time Asian girlfriend that was written about. Look for information in other places. You are going out on a HUGE branch here. Pure speculation based on "here eyes" and some insanity about a cia signature?

Come on. You think the CIA would go after Alex Jones in a vague youtube video? That's crazy.
Alex Jones is bad for everyone. He is anti gun, and anti activist.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Im on a conspiracy site where I can speculate as much as I wish, and hopefully if one of us gets it right whats going on, we'll prevent a crime taking place.

If you don't think that the cia would smear someone and threaten someone, you have another coming. If that is not his girlfriend or wife, and his wife is already in a video on this thread, then something very dark and sinister is taking place.

ALL things that are taking place are done by the black ops at the command of the PTB orcs running this world.

And as for whether he is enlightening people, there are many who would not be aware of what actually goes on behind the scenes by the criminals running our institutions if it wasn't for Alex Jones and others like him.
edit on 26-1-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Hey, found this link here, with pictures of her, see what you think....

It's strange, but it's hard to find pictures of her.....if she's the right one.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:29 AM
Oh dear. Poor alex. Even the lunatics are now ganging up on him.

no, I don't like alex. But man, it shows the sort of mentality that gets really involved with him. Even if it's only on the end of a radio and with a youtube account (which for some reason is now taken for valid logical sources of information, as opposed to an open window into the absolute garbage that some people can produce in the spare 20 minutes they have after popping that xanax or opening that wine) it shows that goofy magnets attract like .. uhh

Anyway, no doubt this will be all over jones own show so he can gloat about how the neocons are making puppets now to try and destroy his family, ruin his reputation and by god as is his god given right, he will not take that sitting down... well, he'll be sitting down as he says it, on his radio. but figuratively speaking. He'll be in an outrage.

Which means more about him, throw in some sort of conspiracy, make no connections but leave everything open so you, the listener, can glue it all together yourself, and bam, then he'll tell you exactly what to think.

Are you a mule, dragging the neoconservative globablists around while they whittle their poking sticks to poke you in the eye with, and laugh? Listen to Alex jones and break free of the shackles that keep domestic donkeys in domination. Only he, the true patriot, can free your mind. Because... there is a war on.. for your mind...


edit on 26-1-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I think it is actually incorrect to say that he never touches on anything to do with 'Israel' because he mentions the 'Zionists' a fat lot, on his radio shows, and rants..

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:00 AM

from her youtube channel

edit on 26-1-2013 by Zeta Reticulan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:15 AM
She mentions the Holy C and God is on earth. I wonder if the threat against Jones and possibly his family is being made by the Holy C after all the pope/vatican has now called for gun control?

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Just sayn there are a lot of rumours re Alex Jones
it would go with the territory he choooses to inhabit I should think, to be fair
rising above rumour is usually the high road

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

There is no proof that that is not his ex gf (who was asian). Also even if it is not it doesn't mean it's anything more than a mentally ill woman.

You can speculate, but you should really take AJ with a grain of salt. Watch the video I posted.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:45 AM
This is directed at the posters referring to an asian wife/girlfriend.
Could you perhaps be mistaking Alex Jones with Art Bell? I think Art married a filipino and currently lives in Manilla.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by snarky412

Yes that appears to be his wife.
In the book I was talking about ("Them: Adventures with Extremists") which was written in the mid to late 90's and released in 2000/01, it is stated that his girlfriend was Asian. The author Jon Ronson met her and quotes her in the book multiple times, so I sincerely doubt he would make up such a minute detail (especially given his credibility).

Obviously his wife is white, but he did have at least a long term ex girlfriend that was Asian (and possibly was a previous wife).

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:50 AM
After looking over a year of rambling comments on her youtube feed, I truly think this girl is very mentally ill.

I do not think there is anymore to it honestly.

Just my two coppers worth..

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by geldib

Nope. Not at all. I own this book, and just read it a few weeks ago. Art Bell isn't even mentioned in the book. Jon Ronson was the author that found out how to get Alex Jones into Bohemian Grove.

(Jon Ronson went in too, but he didn't sensationalize it like AJ. Jonson said it was basically a frat party for rich guys with owls instead of greek letters).

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by Startruth144

In my earlier posts I stated that I don't have any reason to believe this woman is his exwife/girlfriend/secretrealwife, BUT she does appear to be Asian (Filipino maybe?) and Alex Jones DID have an Asian girlfriend when he started his radio show.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

What threat? I never heard a threat? There is no implication of a threat.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by Danbones

Yeah, I should have chosen my words better, but let's put it this way, this is a very respectable and great author (not what you usually have touching on conspiracy subjects), and I 100 percent believe that Alex Jones had an Asian girlfriend early on in his radio career because it would be absolutely insane for a budding author to fabricate the race of a hardly mentioned character, in the single chapter that touches on Alex Jones, in his first book of investigative journalism.

The book has the author travel to spain to preempt a bilderburg meeting where they are chased, he meets Randy Weavers daughter, The KKK, The ADL, Bohemian grove/alex jones, and so on. So I am certain he didn't mask the race of Alex Jones girlfriend. So there is an Asian woman out there that likely knew the inner workings of Jones at the time he was starting his radio show.

That is all I have haha.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by winofiend

I was thinking about that too. He undoubtedly cruises ATS and other conspiracy sites for his show. I am not saying there is anything to this. Only that I drew the connection between the woman is possibly Asian (sometimes hispanic girls look filipino/polynesian so I have no idea honestly) and that in the 90's he dated an Asian woman.

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