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Bans...for the greater good.

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posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by DeadSteve1234

Name one thing you can build with a gun?
To be specific what can you build with a machine gun or a twelve shot, 12 gauge, shot gun?

A patch of freedom for 100 meters in every direction from where I stand.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Not mine. All of the guns I've ever owned were made for the sole purpose of causing water-filled milk jugs to explode. I'm easily amused, and it's really sort of therapeutic.

You would take something like that and employ it to kill PEOPLE? what sort of kerazeesicko are you?

Ban water-filled milk jugs!! They cause guns!!

I still say if we ban stupidity, it would take care of everything. May as well go to the root of the problem. Then, the people who have guns will also have some sense and it won't be a problem at all.

... and the water-filled milk jugs could be easily controlled by the intelligent gun-holders

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Guns were made for one thing and one thing only..end it animal or human.

Sure. End the life of someone who is trying to end yours.
There is NOTHING wrong with that.

You gun people are such tards...your idiotic arguments are don't even make sense.

After reading your post, I've gotta say that right back at you. :shk:

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 09:50 AM
Excellent thread. This should be on the ATS front page.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by MrBigDave
100% of automobile deaths each year happen as a result of "ASSAULT VEHICLES". I keep thinking about those poor kids who died in that motorized vehicle and I cant help but think.....this could have been avoided if a ban was in place. Semi trucks are even worse, and don't even get me started on motorcycles.


Please feel free to add things that should also be banned in the interest of public safety.

I effing love you. S&F

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by oonkala
Ban Procreation. The future of our children depends on it....... Oh wait....

No, you were right to begin with. If they are never born, then obviously, they can never die. I'm with ya on this!


It's for the CHILDREN!

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz
ok so I have read the thread and I am confused by the term 'assault vehicles'

I am in the AU and I have never heard that terminology... so maybe you mean 'high performance' cars?

An "Assault vehicle" shall be defined as follows:

Any conveyance having at least 3 wheels, and one or more of the following features found in military vehicles:

1) an engine fueled by a volatile substance, such as gasoline or diesel fuel. Such engines are capable of propelling the vehicle forward at great speeds, developing an overabundance of kinetic energy which is frequently used to kill innocent and unsuspecting people, especially on highways.

2) a windshield. These devices can be used to spot unwary prey persons for targeting. A windshield was used for targeting purposes in the 2006 attack on a crowd of human beings in Chapel Hill, NC, in which several were injured. If these High Visibility Targeting Devices (HVTD's) are banned, they are far less likely to be used in targeted assaults such as the Chapel Hill Assault. They have no place on a civilian conveyance, because civilian conveyances should not travel at military speeds, thus requiring wind-blockage.

3) Doors. These devices are found on many military vehicles for ease of ingress and egress. They are entirely unnecessary on comparable civilian sporting vehicles, such as those used for hunting.

4) A refillable fuel tank. These are entirely unnecessary on civilian vehicles. They should be reserved only for the military and governments. Civilians can make do perfectly well with hay-fueled horses (except "war-horses" - those should be reserved for the military only as well, as the name implies).

5) Windshield wipers. These are used to remove dirt, debris, and water from the targeting devices of assault vehicles. No one needs them but the military. There is no need for windshield wipers on civilian conveyances - where would you put them on a horse anyhow?

6) Radios and other sound-making devices. These only distract the civilian driver, and should be left in the hands of the professional military and governmental entities. Civilians are obviously not competent enough to use them wisely.

7) Seat belts. These pose a strangulation hazard, and may conceivably trap civilians in burning vehicles. Proper use of them requires extensive training, not generally available to the civilian user. However, proper training in their use can be gained from any sworn Law Enforcement Officer, provided such LEO observes the civilian not using such seat belt devices, presumably for lack of training. A permit scheme for seat belt use can and should be instituted to permit those so instructed to use such dangerous devices, after they are registered with the State as having been properly instructed in the use of seat belts. Such permits could be renewed every 4-5 years, pursuant to proficiency testing and recertification.

edit on 2013/1/30 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by HopSkipJump
If we just ban outight stupidity, we can unban everything else. It would be much easier.

If stupid is outlawed, only outlaws will have stupid...

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by Saltron

Police have weapons because their job is defend the public and themselves from danger... the police and armed forces should carry guns as they are charged with the responsibility of providing policing/protection for a nation.

Butbutbut... I'm charged with the responsibility of providing protection for a family, defending myself and that family from danger, and the nearest police are 40 minutes at a hard run from here. Should I not be equally armed, then?

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by HopSkipJump
If we just ban outight stupidity, we can unban everything else. It would be much easier.

If stupid is outlawed, only outlaws will have stupid...

yet somehow.... I'm ok with that one!

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj
You people that call for banning cars are sick! Cars don't kill people. TIRES do! When's the last time you saw a no-wheeled vehicle kill anyone?

Ban assault tires!

That was AWESOME! Great point as well. Add it to the list.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Also, we need to ban front seats in all vehicles. 100% of accidents involving death, involved one or more people sitting in the front seat. 100% that is a number we just cannot ignore. BAN fron seats!

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by MrBigDave
reply to post by nenothtu

Also, we need to ban front seats in all vehicles. 100% of accidents involving death, involved one or more people sitting in the front seat. 100% that is a number we just cannot ignore. BAN fron seats!

We need to ban the back seats, too. Far too many lives have been started in them, and if a life does not get started, then it can of course never end. Back seats cause death by extension!

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