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Why is being “Homeless” such a bad thing? Maybe it's not!

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posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by luciddream
I live a above averge home, have a new car, have a decent job, i feel trapped.

I'm so desperate to get the heck out of this place... i have money to go anywhere.... but all my friends are too busy.

Sometimes, i get so bored i drive around city at night.....

I would do anything to live in a new environment every 6 months. That would be life.

I am NOT telling you what to do, but you know that you can do ANYTHING you like with your life, AS LONG as you are willing to accept the consequences of your decisions.

No place is better or the grass greener than another, they are all so amazing, every one of them.

Just find some quiet time alone and listen to your heart. Then do what your heart tells you is right. Then never look back...


posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:34 AM
Maybe you should embrace your gypsy side if you feel " stuck" or "oppressed" in your life. Ya'll know gypsies are considered homeless by the establishment generally. Living in their vehicles doesnt count as a home. But for them it is their home.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:41 AM
Homelessness equates to a lack of security, hence why people fear becoming homeless. Furthermore, homelessness often coincides with a lack of hygiene which brings on all sorts of health problems. Living in free spirits and being a victim of homelessness are entirely different things.

With that being said, there are a growing number of people taking up a nomadic lifestyle that allows them to travel the world working from their laptops from just about anywhere with an internet connection. They hop from place to place spending a few months at most in each location, and as such have no need for a home; they are, however, by no means forcibly homeless.

I suppose being homeless and alone is different from being homeless and having to care for a family; having done volunteer work at homeless shelters I've seen the difficultly homeless single parents face, not being able to provide for their children, let alone themselves. It's a defeating thing.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

Why does society look on being homeless as a bad thing?

Because 'homelessness,' as an ideal, is not something to strive for. It implies that one is without a home, without a job, without a social standing, and without the necessary currency to survive healthily in a densely populated societal setting. It implies that in order to survive in the city, the homeless person must beg, leech off the system, scavenge through waste, or resort to illegal tactics in order to survive. The homeless man isn't free at all if he still resides in a city. There's no freedom in being homeless, as one is still under the pressure of the very city he lives in.

If one wants to be truly free, he should live outside the city and survive off nature and be fully self-subsistent, not having to rely on the waste and leftovers of others, and not having to submit to the laws and societal pressures of a city.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:54 AM
Some great posts so far. Yes, there is a difference between whether "homelessness" is a change in lifestyle or whether it is forced on you by difficult circumstances. I was trying to say that how you view this change in lifestyle can determine whether this is a terrible, tragic and debilitating event or whether it is a freeing thing. The condition is the same in both, but one group sees it as a terrible thing and the other sees it as the best time of their lives.

There is a lesson here I think for those that can see it...

But yes of course! There are people suffering terribly in the world from poverty, especially when children are involved. it hurts my heart to see them. This should never happen in a civilized society.

I am NOT saying that homeless is a great thing for all! I am saying that we can live life anyway we wish. I believe that we have complete control of our destiny. We are NOT victims. Unless we wish to see ourselves as victims...

Just my opinion.


posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by LesMisanthrope
reply to post by Wanderer112358

Why does society look on being homeless as a bad thing?

Because 'homelessness,' as an ideal, is not something to strive for. It implies that one is without a home, without a job, without a social standing, and without the necessary currency to survive healthily in a densely populated societal setting. It implies that in order to survive in the city, the homeless person must beg, leech off the system, scavenge through waste, or resort to illegal tactics in order to survive. The homeless man isn't free at all if he still resides in a city. There's no freedom in being homeless, as one is still under the pressure of the very city he lives in.

If one wants to be truly free, he should live outside the city and survive off nature and be fully self-subsistent, not having to rely on the waste and leftovers of others, and not having to submit to the laws and societal pressures of a city.

What a pile of silly generalities there. This post is great example of the way society judges others.


posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:01 PM

Major reasons and causes for homelessness as documented by many reports and studies include:
Unavailability of employment opportunities.
Poverty, caused by many factors including unemployment and underemployment.
Lack of accessible healthcare. People who have some kind of chronic and weakening disease but cannot get healthcare either because they don't have money to afford it or because the government will not give it to them are simply too weak to go and work every day.
Abuse by government or by other people with power.
War or armed conflict.
Natural disasters
Mental disorder where mental health services are unavailable or difficult to access. A United States Federal survey done in 2005 indicated that at least one-third of homeless men and women have serious psychiatric disorders or problems.

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edit on Thu Jan 24 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:06 PM
today! in montreal,qc canada it is -27 celcious, -39 with the wind factor.
today! is a bad day to be homeless

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:06 PM
Yes, there are misconceptions. If you mean you CHOOSE to be homeless, then this may suggest you have savings etc to do so. If not then maybe you like the streets, who knows.

My point is that, gypsies are considered " homeless" by a great many countries and yet they have their own job, form of income, they lead cozy lives in their vans, travelling from place to place, but there is ALOT of prejudice towards their lifestyle. I cant think why. Maybe its because others do not understand them.

Then there are students who travel inbetween studies, but they usually have the backing of their family and some savings to do this, Its not really homeless.

Homeless implies without a HOME!

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:07 PM
Ironic isn't it, but I feel ya.

People in the USA and most western mentality work work work, only to think about a couple of weeks break, or retirement. WTF!

I gave up a high paying job years ago and balanced out my life, so that I could enjoy the moments, in my life.

The reason I did this was I was looking at my older co-workers and listening to how their lives were, and thought there is no F'n way I am going to waste my precious time, only to regret it later in life.

I still work, but much less and much smarter. Enjoying time with family and friends is what keeps my happy these days.

Peace to you.

Originally posted by luciddream
I live a above average home, have a new car, have a decent job, but i feel trapped.

The same routine every frkin day.... wake up, go to work, come home, get on computer, random activity here, go to sleep. Repeat.

I'm so desperate to get the heck out of this place... i have money to go anywhere.... but all my friends are too busy.

Sometimes, i get so bored i drive around city at night.....

I would do anything to live in a new environment every 6 months. That would be life.
edit on 1/24/2013 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by FreedomEntered
Yes, there are misconceptions. If you mean you CHOOSE to be homeless, then this may suggest you have savings etc to do so. If not then maybe you like the streets, who knows.

My point is that, gypsies are considered " homeless" by a great many countries and yet they have their own job, form of income, they lead cozy lives in their vans, travelling from place to place, but there is ALOT of prejudice towards their lifestyle. I cant think why. Maybe its because others do not understand them.

Then there are students who travel inbetween studies, but they usually have the backing of their family and some savings to do this, Its not really homeless.

Homeless implies without a HOME!

I have to admit that I intentionally chose the word "homeless" to spur discussion of the topic as a whole and not to just discuss people that are completely destitute or people living an adventure. What I wanted to discuss here was the bigotry, misconceptions of the word and whether there is a form of hate involved here.

From the posts so far, there is such a huge difference in what people see as being "homeless".

BUT, whether you are homeless out of choice or whether it is forced on you, if you see yourself as a victim then you are much worse off than if you see it as an adventure and a challenge to be overcome. That is what really needs to be discussed here in my view...

edit on 24-1-2013 by Wanderer112358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:15 PM
Many years ago society abused the mental health laws to a horrendous degree. New laws were passed to end that travesty and the result was that a mentally ill person can not be held against their will. This quickly led to growing numbers of homeless,mentally ill people living under bridges, etc. Society saw the homeless as mentally ill or addicts of one form or another. That is basically where the negative attitude toward the homeless comes from. Today we see average people that are homeless through no fault of their own lumped into that mindset. It takes a long long time to counter a mindset that is so ingrained in society. I doubt it will change anytime soon.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by mkkkay
today! in montreal,qc canada it is -27 celcious, -39 with the wind factor.
today! is a bad day to be homeless

If you are homeless by choice, then it's a great time to visit Mexico. Are we discussing victims here only?

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:19 PM
The complexity is interesting. Ive noted where I live that the homeless band togeather. They seem happy. If that makes sense but they look "rough" in face and clothing. Maybe they appreciate more. I mean perhaps our culture is no longer appreciative of what we have.

Are gypsies victims? ( They are considered homeless ) They have their homes in their vehicles. I dont consider them victims. As they usually have loving families and an income thats enough to live in a healthy way.
edit on 24-1-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by FreedomEntered
The complexity is interesting. Ive noted where I live that the homeless band togeather. They seem happy. If that makes sense but they look "rough" in face and clothing. Maybe they appreciate more. I mean perhaps our culture is no longer appreciative of what we have.

Are gypsies victims? ( They are considered homeless ) They have their homes in their vehicles. I dont consider them victims. As they usually have loving families and an income thats enough to live in a healthy way.
edit on 24-1-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

Yes! Yes! This is what I find the most interesting. This is a VERY complex topic. Is it complex because of we are and where we came from over the thousands of years? I think so. It touches something in us when we see these kinds of people.

Yes, many do seem quite happy at times. I'm NOT saying that their lives are not difficult, but maybe happy in spite of their burden or because of it? Gypsies are seen as a happy people. That seems to irritate us for some reason... Why?


edit on 24-1-2013 by Wanderer112358 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-1-2013 by Wanderer112358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

I don't have a retirement, little money, no medical or life insurance, but I can honestly say that I have never been this happy in my whole life.

Because you are in the world but not "of it". Not a "product of the world" as it were. The pressure to conform is so great, shedding those "requirements" is like losing ones life. Now you know what it is to face the void, now you know what the word 'faith' means. When you have nothing to fall back on, that is not a state of "having nothing". That is when you learn to find and depend on a new inner guidance, not from within, but through our inward search for guidance that comes through us, if we'll let it. That is true happiness.

I don't mean "happy" like happy - celebrating, I mean a true inner peace. A lack of internal conflict between the way we live and the way we were meant to live. There is a void in most peoples souls their whole life because they have never ventured beyond the realm of comfort and "sureness" brought on by the maintenance of all that money, stuff and structure. If there is a true meaning to the word "be" you have discovered it.

Maybe you can relate...

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

Because stability and order is seen as civilized. Being able to establish a system and maintain it. It's all about order. We're afraid of chaos.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:37 PM
Ahhh ... tell that to the hard working people who pay high taxes .. taxes that are used to support the homeless ...
Nobody likes work sucks .. but we all have to do it to maintain a fair quality of life .. and yes .. a roof over the head at a minimum ..
If you truly want to be homeless .. don't accept any welfare things on your own .. and you will have my respect ..

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:38 PM
Precisely . Infact as you know gypsies were gased. The govenment would prefer them in brick homes. Well the thing is they define themselves. Its like having too much power, they define their reality, not the govenment. And I think this is a gypsy traveller philosophy that they are " happy" travelling. Seeing more. Wandering from people to people.

I dont get the gypsy prejudice, because I myself find that path alluring, It seems safer somehow. If you keep moving then you become more worldly, and in becoming more worldly you are more aware of what life is about.

Reminds me of a bird in a cage, and one who is out of that cage. They have different mentalities and thus behaviours.

Gypsies tend to save " Lots of money" Because they dont have bills and they dont buy into what we do, the co consumer lifestyle.

Travellers annoy them
because they leave mess, expecting others to pick up their rubbish as they vacate to their next adventure lol.

edit on 24-1-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by Wanderer112358

I don't have a retirement, little money, no medical or life insurance, but I can honestly say that I have never been this happy in my whole life.

Because you are in the world but not "of it". Not a "product of the world" as it were. The pressure to conform is so great, shedding those "requirements" is like losing ones life. Now you know what it is to face the void, now you know what the word 'faith' means. When you have nothing to fall back on, that is not a state of "having nothing". That is when you learn to find and depend on a new inner guidance, not from within, but through our inward search for guidance that comes through us, if we'll let it. That is true happiness.

I don't mean "happy" like happy - celebrating, I mean a true inner peace. A lack of internal conflict between the way we live and the way we were meant to live. There is a void in most peoples souls their whole life because they have never ventured beyond the realm of comfort and "sureness" brought on by the maintenance of all that money, stuff and structure. If there is a true meaning to the word "be" you have discovered it.

Maybe you can relate...

Wow. You touched me so deeply. I have not mentioned once my inner spiritual understanding for this change in lifestyle, but to be honest, this change has been SO much deeper than just no longer living in a house.

Deep within me, this change was about refusing to be afraid and to live my life in fear any longer. I began to understand that we are not these frail, finite physical beings called humans. We in truth are actually powerful, infinite spiritual beings that were never born and will never die. Now, if I knew that to be true, then what is there to fear? This is the key to the whole enslavement issue. Once you begin to grasp that you really will NEVER die, what is there to fear? Yes, this body could starve or die, but this "avatar" body is NOT really me.

Once you just let go and follow your heart, life becomes a whole new place and a happiness comes over you like nothing you can imagine. Not enjoyment like a cheeseburger or a funny movie. More like a inner peace that makes me laugh in amazement. I no longer need "things". I can now just let go and live what is presented to me. I am no longer afraid...

Thank you for seeing this in me my friend.
edit on 24-1-2013 by Wanderer112358 because: (no reason given)

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