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'It may cause panic' Russian PM's secret files on aliens

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posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 09:32 PM
'It may cause panic' Russian PM's secret files on aliens

Unseen on camera footage, he is heard telling a Ren TV journalist he could not tell "how many of them are among us, because it may cause panic." He said more details could be found in Barry Sonnenfeld's "Men in Black" films.

Medvedev has spoken about top secret files on aliens that may have landed in Russia.

I'm not sure what to think of this. It sure is an interesting set of statements coming from the prime minister of a rather secretive nation, in some aspects.

If a mod wants to close or delete thread that is fine. I have been informed other wise.

Who knows what role these things play in our society
A bit of information has been added now: (no reason given)

edit on 9-12-2012 by curiousrb because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 09:35 PM
I think the mod deleted the other one?

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 09:40 PM
A video with some interesting subtitles here:

Medvedev told about aliens! (WITH SUB)

"I tell you the first and last time. Together with nuclear suitcase president bring folder - Top Secret. And it is entirely devoted to the stangers who visited our planet."

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 09:46 PM
WOOOWWWWW, I knew MIB was true!!!!! I love those movies. If that were the actual truth It would be easier to swallow than some stuffy gov't story. I mean think about it, that would be so cool!!! Maybe I just have a very warped and deranged sense of humor, that I am proud of by the way!!! I hope to see more on this!!!

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 09:51 PM
I've read alot about people saying he was joking. I don't believe he was joking I think he was being completely serious.

Governments Lie. This will be ignored and we will live our life until it smacks us in the face

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 09:52 PM
That's funny...I don't speak Russian but I'd have to imagine the subtitles are not entirely accurate. I could be wrong I guess but that just seems too far fetched.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by thepolish1
WOOOWWWWW, I knew MIB was true!!!!! I love those movies. If that were the actual truth It would be easier to swallow than some stuffy gov't story. I mean think about it, that would be so cool!!! Maybe I just have a very warped and deranged sense of humor, that I am proud of by the way!!! I hope to see more on this!!!

This is funny. You've basically just said that you don't care what officials say about things, because it's 'some stuffy gov't story'.

Because it's the government...

In other words, you have already made your mind up. and the fact that this was nothing more than a humorous comment, it's more important than any official statement.

The difference between curious inquisition, and ignorant stubbornness continues to confuse me. It really is a religion..

edit on 9-12-2012 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:05 PM
What if everyone in Russia IS an alien?

Think about it. How much do we really know about the Russians?

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:16 PM
Ultimately it doesn't matter what the government says on the topic.. he was probably joking, seems most likely.

The only way it will be real to me is when I'm presented evidence.. a statement doesn't mean much, but that's just my opinion.. to be honest, if aliens have visited I don't know that our public leaders would know about it .. What happens when a president's term ends and he's now a private citizen again? .. they wouldn't be allowed in on that unless there was a strict need for them to know.

The people who would be in on it would be people who are in it for the duration of their careers.. high ranking military officials, high ranking intelligence officials like in the NSA / CSI ( George Bush. Sr. might know something )

I remember reading about Jimmy Carter requested Bush to brief him about what the government knows about UFO's .. he didn't succeed ..

Medvedev isn't really that powerful anyway, the man running the show there is still Putin .. and he would also know something from his history in the KGB
edit on 12/9/2012 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
That's funny...I don't speak Russian but I'd have to imagine the subtitles are not entirely accurate. I could be wrong I guess but that just seems too far fetched.

somebody has to have access to a reading translator.... or a translating reader program... however you want to look at it.

maybe it's a true thing he passed off as a joke so as to not give people heart attacks but they really do need to get on with it (disclosure)

Now would be a weird time to be making strange jokes though...hell, they are sending missiles to Syria and joking around about disclosure. Too much Vodka at the wheel?

If it's true, this is highly commendable and there's no telling what else they want to tell people. There's no telling what they'd say about other political conspiracies. Now's a good time to be talking to people and telling some truth since they are backing up Syria.

What's happening is awful but how is Syria to blame? They are having to kill their own people from an inside threat that I'm really starting to think is coming from outside.

We all know Israel is fueling that.... so much we DON'T care about in the world (US) but we want to sort out Syria's crap by helping rebels overthrow that government. BULL.

So, yeah...I can see that view but I know I'm in the minority, especially where I live.

So now we just get to look at it as a painful joke.

Is this guy teasing us because we want to know the truth?

I say I'm not an Aspie but I'd swear he's riding a fence and I wish he'd stop it... cause I'd like to see some truth and integrity come from that part of the world right now... seeing as how they might be about to kick our ass.
edit on 9-12-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by boot2theface

I think this one here basically covered what I wanted to tell you guys. So i thought it would be best to have it deleted so I don't get people complaining that there's already one up and then linking me to it.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 01:37 AM
It always puzzles me why leaders of governments would automatically assume most people would panic and run around like headless chickens.Aside from the ones that would always try and find the slightest excuse/opportunity for looting-exactly how would disclosure change the course of your day? If disclosure comes,it stands to reason that TPTB didnt find out about it 5minutes before it was announced,and the ideas and theories on the alien/ufo phenom has been gradually introduced to the collective anyway,via TV,books,the movies,sites like this+many created exclusively for discussion of this subject.I'd think most average folks would/could only say:"Oh #!/Oh WOOOW!/SEE?!i So Told you so!"...followed by:"Johnny/Jenny,you're gonna miss the schoolbus,hurry Up! And im gonna be late for work,i told you to look for those sneakers last night,you always wait till the last minute,OMG we're running So late this morning!"...Rent or mortgage Still has to be paid,bread and milk and the drycleaning/a B-day present for Johnny/Jenny's l'il best friend Still has to be remembered on the way home...If they wanted us all dead,we Would all be dead.No reason for panic. And i think most sane sensible folks realise this.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 07:52 AM
Topic already being discussed here.

Thread closed.

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