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Why does the US wants more foreigners?

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posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 12:43 PM
I have seen lots of sites with publicity saying "Live an work in the USA", including ATS.

Today I saw an TV commercial saying something like "Work or study in the USA" on VH1.

So my question, for anyone who knows or has any idea about it, is:

Why does the US wants to attract more foreigners to work there?
Why do they want foreigners to work there?
Why do they want foreigner students?

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 12:49 PM
We're still "the melting pot of the world". If it weren't for immigrants, the U.S. would not have progressed in the areas of science, industry, literature, medicine, etc. Besides that, educating foreigners is another way to spread amity and culture, as those who interact with the students both influence and are influenced & educated about ways, traditions and language other than their own. How many U.S. citizens here are NOT the offspring of immigrants or immigrants themselves?

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 12:58 PM
What I do not understand is why they want more people to enter the country but because of the terrorists they make it more difficult to enter the country. Also, if the unemployment is rising and the big companies are outsourcing work, why they need foreigners? Surely there are more people looking for work in the US than employers looking for employees.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 01:07 PM
Well, for the most part, anyone BUT Native Americans come from Immigrants I guess it only stands to reason that America continue this "Melting Pot" or "Salad Bowl" approach. After our isolationist period that generally lasted from Theodore Roosevelts presidency at the turn of the century until WWII, America has become increasingly more aware of international situations.

Personally, I welcome the diversity and cultural backgrounds, but one has to wonder about the intentions of certain things. An example: Are we more interested in foreigners themselves, or just exploiting their cheap labor?

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 01:15 PM
This is called the "Business Migration Program" , and is dated back to the early 20 century. It doesn't mean, that you'll be a citizen right away, and get a good job. They'll take approach through your studies, and intellectual skills. It has nothing to do with cheap labour...

Here is the Aussie site...
BMP Australia

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 01:37 PM
ArMap - actually, the rules for U.S. immigration are tighter than what is generally known. After sifting through the visa instructions on the Internet (not a small feat, it's complicated as hell) to see what it would take for me to move to California to be with my girlfriend, I've concluded that my only two options are to work either for an international organization with a branch in the U.S. or for a Canadian consulate, or marry my girlfriend.

The U.S. immigration system requires workers who want to work in the U.S. to already have a job offer from an American employer before they apply for a visa (which is time-consuming and can easily discourage the employer), unless they're specially-skilled workers with outstanding abilities (athletes, computer engineers, doctors, etc.). And as a Canadian, I'm not eligible to the Green Card lottery. So basically, unless I marry my girlfriend (and we just started dating six months ago, so that ain't happening), my chances of getting a visa for the U.S. are pretty slim.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 03:55 PM
As the son of a first generation foreigner, and my mothers parents were German/Americans it seems pretty clear that we all were "foreigners" at one time or another. Unless that is you are a native American

The question often arises: Will America go the way of the Greeks, the Romans, the Macedonians, the Persians etc. Empires that were the "superpower" of thier time. IMHO no, one of the things that seperates the United States from those empires is our diversity. Every group, every race, every culture, brings something to the pot. In that we are strong and diverse. That IMHO will preserve American for the forseable future.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 04:10 PM
Otts, need to know how to come over? By Michelle Malkin's book, Invasion, and see how the terrorists and other illegals do it.

"Cultural diversity" destroys countries, as divided households crumble. That is why were were never meant to be a "salad bowel". People were expected to come over here and become Americans, not hyphonated Americans. In case some of you aren't old enough to remember, it used to be an undertaking, becoming an American, including tests and everything. By the time you were admited, you probably knew more about American civics than born Americans.

No, it isn't for cultural diversity (although that makes dems happy), but because we Americans seem to be slacking in the getting married and procreating obligations. That is to say, our greatest natural resource, our people, is expected to decrease.

Don't like the foreigners being invited over? Well, get married, have kids and PULL YOUR FREAKING HAIR OUT LIKE GOD INTENDED!

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 04:32 PM
Does the USA have traditional culture? It's too big and young to have any. It means, that the USA has nothing to loose if "invaded". Furthermore, cultural diversity only exists if it is supported. Through generstions you won't see blacks or whites, everyone's blood will flow in everybody. This is part of the New World Order...!

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
"Cultural diversity" destroys countries, as divided households crumble. That is why were were never meant to be a "salad bowel". People were expected to come over here and become Americans, not hyphonated Americans...

No, it isn't for cultural diversity (although that makes dems happy), but because we Americans seem to be slacking in the getting married and procreating obligations. That is to say, our greatest natural resource, our people, is expected to decrease.

Don't like the foreigners being invited over? Well, get married, have kids and PULL YOUR FREAKING HAIR OUT LIKE GOD INTENDED!

Cultural diversity destroys countries? I guess this is news to me. Of course, I'm sure Hitler would completely agree with you. Immigrants have been welcomed into the US on numerous occasions. During WWI many Mexican citizens were welcomed into the US borders to help with the labor shortage during the war. However, once the Great Depression struck after the stock market crash in 1929, many people including actual US citizens were deported down south. So, according to History, Immigrants are highly welcomed into the country during times of labor shortage, but yet thwarted during times of economic downfall.

Cultural diversity or rather "Cultural Unity" is what makes America strong, and procreating and marriage have nothing to do with it. Its about economics and social diversity affecting our "salad bowl" of a country, that has steadily turned it into the "melting pot" that people speak so fondly of.

Leaving Thomas' religious beliefs out of the equation we have a country that thrives on diversity, but some who only welcome it when they can make a quick Dollar off it.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Otts, need to know how to come over? By Michelle Malkin's book, Invasion, and see how the terrorists and other illegals do it.

Are you implying that I'm terrorist material? Cause it you are, I'm taking it VERY personally.

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne"Cultural diversity" destroys countries, as divided households crumble. That is why were were never meant to be a "salad bowel". People were expected to come over here and become Americans, not hyphonated Americans.

Well then, I guess I should break up with my girlfriend right now and let her find and marry a good, home-bred American. Cause you know, what will probably happen is that even if we live together - and even get married someday - I'm keeping my Canadian citizenship, and she's keeping her American citizenship.

And by the way... that post I made? It was to recount my experience with the US immigration system, for the benefit of people actually interested in knowing that information. NOTHING MORE.

I like it how an informational post can get you shot down like that. Makes me feel all nice and warm inside.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 10:57 PM
Our government knows too well that a lot of the U.S. population is disalutioned and not happy with the current state of affairs.
And with up comming changes (patriot act 2 etc...) we're being pushed closer to the edge.
Flooding a country with immigrants causes us to become more devided.
A country devided is less of a threat to the ruling classes.
Immigrants are less likely to question the state of affairs, being happy to just be here.
It is harder to unite diff culture in a move toward change of any kind, the ruling class know this.
Another version of devide and conquer.
The ruling classes would be happy to wipe out the "new natives" of this country and be left with complying immigrants, so as to hold onto their power and wealth. They did it once, they'll do it again.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 03:53 AM
First, to Otts:, no, you moron, I am not implying you are terrorist material! I was suggesting that you read the book in order to see just how legally prous our borders are, and how easy it would be to get into this country if you like. Of course, it would probably help if you were terrorist material as then you'd be protected by the idiotic politically correct.

Jazz, my friend, how are you? Even after having dinner with my ex-wife, I am doing fine. Let me help you understand what I am talking about. You are talking about peoples' origins, while I am talking about those new Americans' new culture.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough, or maybe you pulled my usual stunt of skip-reading, but I was pretty sure I said that the old days, where immigrants were expected to learn about their new home, its way of life, its civics and its history. In other words, way back in the good old days, immigrants were expected to "melt" into this particular pot, rather than we be expected to accept other culters and peculiararities from other culters, religions and idioms. You see, that is plain and simple, the way it was before the soon to become "politically correct" bunch took over, explaining to the rest of us that America's way were inherintly evil and every other culture's ways was much better. Even if that culture didn't raise its society to the level ours made it in such a short time.

What I am saying is not Hitlerism, pal. What I am talking about was in effect before Hitler rose to poswer, and the nation that was at the time rose to the occasion and helped kick Hitler's butt. In otehr words, your rhetoric is hollow, and do not aim it toward me.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 10:12 PM
The reason the US needs all the working foreigners it can get is to support the baby boomers who are all about to retire at once. The US economy cannot sustain itself much longer without a massive inflow of new tax paying workers. We are on the cusp of total collapse now. Watch the dollar and the Dow over the next few weeks it is going to be ugly. If Fed Chairman Greenspan can steer this one back we should be electing him President.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 02:11 PM
I too find it puzzling. I mean, i know how difficult it is for people to come here, yet they promote it "come work and live here". They subject the people to a bunch of burocratic nonsense. How is that helping?

I mean, having foreigners come here is great. i think the only requirements should be, a thourough background check and medical exam to make sure they they have no infectious illnesses. After that.....then why not let them in?

but it does seem very......doublespeak, to say common over, then make it next to impossible to get in. I mean, as long as they aint terrorists or carrying ebola, and as long as they work or do something constructive, we should make it easy for them to come here.

Thomas, the reason Americans are not getting married and reproducing much is because of the culture. there is little incentive to get married, people are more into self gratification, and well, the quality of mates out there has dropped, and thus, making marriage unappealing. But its not as bad as it could be.

For that, look at Europe. In some coutnries, they have negative popualtion growth, and in alot, youll be ahrd pressed to find anyone with more than one kid.

But we are not bringing in foreigners because of that.

We are bringing in foreigners because thats what America is about: A place to go when youve had enough of your own native land. And i hope it stays that way.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 02:25 PM
In a Canada, many of the foreigners that enter into the country take a shot at the cab business, despite their so called education back home. lol

One reason to live and work in the states is to see what its like somewhere else. I was in England for 10 years and came to Canada. No one wants to wither away in the same place for their whole lives.

The feeling of going to a new country also creates a stimulant type feeling, a get of jail free card if you will. Things may not be going one's way, and the opportunity to run away will be an option.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 02:38 PM
TC - keep calling me names, it arouses me.

I understand the need for the United States, like any country, to lay down clear rules for who can come into the country. And in a time where the US is fighting terrorists abroad, I would find it dangerous and foolish to resort to illegal means to get into the United States.

But in view of how porous the border is - especially in Arizona and New Mexico - I don't understand why Americans would make things difficult for a Canadian who holds a Masters degree and readily accepts to do things by the book..

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Otts
TC - keep calling me names, it arouses me.

I understand the need for the United States, like any country, to lay down clear rules for who can come into the country. And in a time where the US is fighting terrorists abroad, I would find it dangerous and foolish to resort to illegal means to get into the United States.

But in view of how porous the border is - especially in Arizona and New Mexico - I don't understand why Americans would make things difficult for a Canadian who holds a Masters degree and readily accepts to do things by the book..

its also hell for Europeans and other westerners with high degrees to get in as well. I think its discrimintory.

I think we should let in anyone of decent character with a desire to make their own dreams come true, who have good intent in, regardless if its a third world country or a first rate power. the borders should be open to all decent people in the world.

then again, maybe thats why we dont let canadians in!

Just Kidding

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
Why does the US wants to attract more foreigners to work there?
Why do they want foreigners to work there?
Why do they want foreigner students?

Because immigration and diversity are good for a country?

"Cultural diversity" destroys countries,

Since when? GB was made stronger by incorporating ethnicity after ethnicity. The Culturally Diverse US and GB defeated the ethnic states of Germany and Japan. Non-diverse nations, the ones that cut off immigration, or can't deal with different ethnicities and try to suppress them rather than assimilate them, are the ones that get torn apart.

People were expected to come over here and become Americans, not hyphonated Americans

There's a difference between that and cultural diversity tho. All immigrants owe their alliegence and duty to the Nation, just like everyone else, but that doesn't mean they have to abandon their culture completely. No immigrant group has done that as a group anyway. Not the Pennsylvania Dutch or the early Italian immigrants or anyone else.
I see that you are trying to make it clear that you are not advocating c.f. nazi germany, well and good enough, I wouldn't think you were anyway. But, even in the past, the immigrant groups that came here, all they were really expected to do was, well, nothing. They weren't under legal obligation to conform, they simply did so and did things like learn english because they couldn't operate in society without it.

So if you are saying that the US as a country shouldn't do things to make it so immigrants don't have to do this to operate in the system, all well and good, but what's been changed between then and now anyway, ignoring this temporary 'pc-ism'?

Through generstions you won't see blacks or whites, everyone's blood will flow in everybody. This is part of the New World Order...!

Can hardly call it 'new' since its been going on forever.

[edit on 25-10-2004 by Nygdan]

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:51 PM

I hate it when ever people talk about America and its diversity they always brings up the fact there were a fairly new country, which immediatly makes everyone an immagrant.

The same could be said about any nation, as long as you trace there roots far enough back. I certainly dont consider myself in any way a immagrant. I'm the typical white American, whos family history goes back generation and generations. and I don't like the fact that every year thousands of illegals are coming here, and in other counties there saying to come here.

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