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Former DHS Analyst Daryl Johnson on How He Was Silenced for Warning of Far-Right Militants in U.S.

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posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:12 PM
I remember when this played out a few years ago. Conservative/right wing pundits were outraged and chalked it up to the horrible liberal boogeyman Obama's administration targeting conservatives. The resulting political drama played a part in damping down the report but, as it turns out, it may have been accurate.

At least from casual observation on ATS it certainly is. There is no end to uber-ultra-right wing haters and storm farters who try to bring that militant crap here and to so many other places on the web.
edit on 8/9/2012 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by bjax9er

Deflect? I addressed exactly what you were talking about.

Obama and Romney are both fascist. Romney isn't capitalist, he is corporatist all in it for his cronies. Have fun supporting that.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by bjax9er

Deflect? I addressed exactly what you were talking about.

Obama and Romney are both fascist. Romney isn't capitalist, he is corporatist all in it for his cronies. Have fun supporting that.

so who are you voting for?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:34 PM

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by bjax9er

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by bjax9er

Deflect? I addressed exactly what you were talking about.

Obama and Romney are both fascist. Romney isn't capitalist, he is corporatist all in it for his cronies. Have fun supporting that.

so who are you voting for?

He does not have to tell you who he is voting for
He has a right to a secret vote

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

From the linked article:

Basically, the definition was written very broadly so it could encompass the wide range of extremist groups we were talking about which were primarily the white supremacist movement which has neo-Nazi groups, Ku Klux Klan groups, Christian Identity groups which is a racist religion that thinks whites are the true Israelites. We have skinhead groups. We have other types of white supremacists. It also was alluding to sovereign citizens, those that reject federal and state authority in favor of local authority. It was also talking about the militia extremists. So, basically, some of the conservative radio talk show hosts took this definition out of context, and without the scope of talking about violent extremism and terrorism which was stated upfront in the scope note, and took this definition out of context and applied it to a broad range of people. I think it was done deliberately as a political maneuver to use against the new administration.

I really didn't add too much to it, just put it in the context of my own observations. Observations I'm sure many on ATS would agree with.

I'm happy to discuss it with you on casual terms but I'll not partake in your usual rhetorical gymnastics for praise and glory on the interwebz.
edit on 8/9/2012 by kosmicjack because: fixed quote

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:12 PM

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by bjax9er

Neither. I'm not voting for fascism.

By yeah, go vote for Romney, the pro-war with Iran candidate. The pro-war without congressional approval candidate. The pro-wall street bailout candidate. The pro- government mandated insurance candidate.

You might as well vote for Obama.

edit on 9-8-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

The article and the report are referring to avowed hate groups who may pose a threat to peaceful citizens. I have no qualms about calling it what it is. It's not talking about your typical right-wing /left-wing sniping or ideological impasse. There's no middle ground to be found, divide to be conquered or "good fight" with these types of people.

The report is prescient to the shooting at the Sikh Temple in WI and was shouted down and made into something it was never meant to be. It wasn't discussing your average conservative, right wing citizen, not even ultra-right wing citizens. It was discussing the farthest right (on the edge of a cliff) conservatives such as KKK and others.

You may want to defend them as fellow citizens against the big bad government but I won't. Sure they have a right to say whatever they please but when they start plotting or planning or executing - such as in WI - then they lose me and I would hope you as well.

Off course the left can hate - I never said it didn't (classic straw-man there, BTW) - and when they pose a threat to fellow citizens, they should be called out just as those groups in the report were - for instance, some animal rights and environmental activist groups.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

You may want to defend them as fellow citizens against the big bad government but I won't. Sure they have a right to say whatever they please but when they start plotting or planning or executing - such as in WI - then they lose me and I would hope you as well.

Strawman arguments are unbecoming. I am not defending anyone, and it doesn't take a casual observer to understand I was on the offense with my initial post to you and not the defense. The article discusses a man who singled out one side of political fence and showed no concern for the "uber-ultra left wing" zealots who have a history just like the other extreme. The Black Panthers are militants but hardly right wing. The Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army both are extremists from the left but no concern for that ideology coming from Daryl Johnson.

As I stated in my initial post, the Wisconsin incident is an isolated incident, and there are others, but they are isolated incidents coming from people who are in all likelihood mentally unhinged. I am not clear why you believe that we should use the political ideology of nut bags as an excuse to attack political ideologies.

I would hope that you are well aware of the deep divisions of political divide and I had thought you understood fanning those fires was not a good idea. When it comes to insanity it is pointless to try and rationalize it. Does Jared Lee Loughner's political ideology really matter when it comes to his crimes and does it better explain his insanity? Can we better understand James Holmes atrocities if we dig into his political ideology?

We have organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center continually demonizing people for no other reason than their political ideology but few are calling that group, who very obviously hopes to influence governments as their weapon of choice to oppose their political enemies, a hate group, and the Anti Defamation League? Hell, let's not even concern ourselves that this group has been regularly and successfully sued for defamation and let's not worry that their influence using government as their weapon of choice against their political opponents is anything of genuine concern.

It matters not what the politics are of the KKK, the ADL, the "freeman movement", or the SPLC are, it is their tactics that are of concern. Identifying their tactics with their political ideology is sheer disingenuousness. At some point we have to be willing to temper our language with reason and if it must be rhetoric then let us hold each other to a higher standard. I would hate to think that you actually believe that everyone reading a post that is calling guilty people "storm farters" will be read as such by all, and I would hope you understand that some will read that post and "agree 100% that all right wing extremists are storm farters" and perhaps if we simply hold each other to higher standards and temper our language we might find a language not so easily misconstrued.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:12 PM
DHS is a criminal organization which is working for the NWO! Every employee of the DHS needs to be arrested, trialed, and executed! I'll take part of that back, they don't need to be trialed just executed!

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:25 PM

I don't think every single Tea Party member is racist, I think that the core of the movement is

It definitely is. Most of them weren't claiming they were overtaxed before Obama got elected (and cut taxes), or crying about the constitution, even though Bush flagrantly violated it. And they didn't question his opponent being born outside the US either. They claim it's not racist, but they hold up racist signs all the time as well.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer

Former DHS Analyst Daryl Johnson on How He Was Silenced for Warning of Far-Right Militants in U.S.

While many were shocked by the massacre at the Sikh temple, our guest, Daryl Johnson, had warned years ago that such an attack was imminent. While working as a senior analyst in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2009, Johnson authored a report warning about the increasing dangers of violent right-wing extremism in the United States, sparking a political firestorm in the process.
(visit the link for the full news article)

More leftist BS. Militants is a reference to private militia's, this was one person with a few screws loose, not an organization of people acting together. The only dangerous militants are all the leftists still not behind bars, as history has shown during the 20th century, it is the leftists you have to watch out for(leftists killed more then 100 million people during the 20th century, and routinely use terrorism, bomb threats and death threats to get their way).
edit on 10-8-2012 by korathin because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by CB328

I don't think every single Tea Party member is racist, I think that the core of the movement is

It definitely is. Most of them weren't claiming they were overtaxed before Obama got elected (and cut taxes), or crying about the constitution, even though Bush flagrantly violated it. And they didn't question his opponent being born outside the US either. They claim it's not racist, but they hold up racist signs all the time as well.

Please point to individual cases of racism. The only blatantly racist thing I can think of is the Black panther voter intimidation claim, or how about how Mr. Obama made it clear the stimulus wouldn't help men, in particular white men at all?

Right, you can't point out any cases of racism because the only ones are the ones your side is guilty of. And this whole Constitution thing, was started by Representive Ron Paul's 2008 bid for the republican nomination. Combine that with Mr. Obama's Obamacare(which is what started the protest's), I don't think every Obama supporter is a racist bigot just most of yous.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 05:25 PM
Uh, something tells me that this is just another disinformation release by Big Sis to bolster their report about the danger of domestic terrorism. You know, those dangerous right wingers like those who love the Constitution, military veterans, Christians, etc., according to DHS, are the ones we need to worry about.

When you read this story, it leads you to believe that this poor man was just trying to get the truth out, but the evil groups listed above bullied, threatened, and covered up the real true evidence. Bull#.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by CB328

I would love to see a picture of one of those racist signs you speak of.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by korathin

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 03:14 PM
There's more than enough examples of racism from the Tea Party. The lack of diversity is the most telling factor.

We could spend all day posting images of TP rallys showing racist signs, it wouldn't matter.

But the Tea Party is not the "far-right militants" that are the topic of Johnson's report. He focused on groups like neo-nazis, skinhead, White Power groups, some of which feed on the hate and yes, undercurrent of racism present in some Tea Party positions.

The "radicals" (Aryans, neo-nazis, WP, and the like) from the far-right, when they do decide to join a more mainstream movement, are more likely to join the Tea Party than any other group.

And Deep South Racism is more than alive and well;

From: "Aryan Outfitters"

From: Post-Racial America? U.S. Hate Groups On The Rise

From: Obama's election sparked dramatic rise in militia groups in US, report finds

The election of the nation’s first black president, Barack Obama, triggered an explosion in the number of militia and so-called “patriot” groups across the U.S., a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) finds.

The report (...) finds that while there were 149 such groups active in the U.S. when Obama was sworn in, in January 2009, the number today is 1,274 — an increase of more than 755 percent over the first three years of the Obama administration.

  • The SPLC defines the “patriot” movement as made up of conspiracy-minded individuals who see the federal government as their primary enemy. The movement includes paramilitary militias as well as groups of “sovereign citizens,” who believe they are not subject to federal or state laws, nor obligated to pay federal taxes, according to SPLC.
  • The center also reports a steady rise in the number of hate groups in America — from 604 in 2000, to more than 1,000 last year. Those include anti-gay groups, anti-Muslim groups, black separatists and “Christian Identity” groups, which hold racist and anti-Semitic views that overlap with neo-Nazi beliefs.
  • The spike in these groups can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the sluggish economy, radical propaganda and anxiety over the election of a black president, [the SPLC’s Mark] Potok said.
  • Potok said although many individuals involved in patriot militias are not criminals, a handful of these groups have been responsible for a significant amount of violence in recent years.

While most of the images above deal with the Ku Klux Klan, the SPLC notes that the Klan has lost the lead to newer and much more violent racist groups. Someone like Wade Michael Page belonged to some of these fringe racist groups as well as the underground "White Power" metal music scene. That was what Johnson's report was warning about, but for whatever reason, Congress chose to squelch the report.

The fact they did choose to silence the report raises from serious suspicions as to their motivations.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 09:10 PM
Kinda an old chestnut...

I worked with the Iraqi Army a few years back. I tried to train them and make them independent. The results are another story but every day I had to send up reports on their progress. Unfortunately, some days there was no progress. Other days they went backwards. Once in while they fell of the tracks completely. I would put that in my reports.

No one wanted to hear what actually went on. They had a script. Only those things which fit the script was I welcome to report.

This is no different. DHS is sucking tons of funds. In order to keep the funds a' flowin', they have to demonstrate progress. They are getting the bad guys and the exact bad guys we thought existed. It makes great briefing slides and the money givers stay relaxed. If we start implying by bad news and off message data that we do not look like we know what we are doing, the money givers get a little puckered. So, in order for the greater good of all that is holy, the field needs to support the script.

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