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World Central Banks On Red Alert

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posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 01:44 PM
Collapse is inevitable at this point. It's just a matter of time as to when this will happen not IF

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 01:45 PM
I hate to burst everyones bubble here, but I live in canada, and there has been nothing but economic growth. There is construction everywhere, and they are talking about the next decade being busier than ever. Business's are booming with work, there is no shortage. I have been following the financial collapse for a few years now, and almost nothing has changed since 2008, sure the odd business goes under, but 5 more rise to replace it. The system is not going to collapse, they can and will find ways to bail out, delay, and beat around the bush. They can do this forever, because its all a giant game of monopoly. It's all an illusion, people believe they need money to live, and that belief alone will keep the monetary system from collapsing. If a country does default, people will still have that monetary belief and a new monetary system just like the old will rise to replace it. As long as people believe that pieces of paper with numbers on it, is essential to living, there will never be a monetary collapse, and greed will always win the war. We will run this planet into the ground long before we will realize that paper is worthless. The environment doesn't matter, sustainability doesn't matter, efficiency doesn't matter, health doesn't matter, freedom doesn't matter, life itself, doesn't matter. Money matters. Period. If the monetary system were to collapse completely, then it is the end of the world. Everyone dies. Mad max style. it will never happen, because the people, not the governments, nor the banks, nor the corporations, or the rockefellers, rothschilds, morgans and others, believe it is a necessity to life. They have created a prison that we all fight to remain in. And we fight hard. It is a genius way of keeping the people under control. They will always use the threat of collapse against us to keep us in fear of what might happen. It's fear tactics. These fear tactics are what give money their value. It doesn't matter how much money they print, thats all apart of the fear. If you think you have freedom, try going somewhere without money. Not very free are you?

Money is literally the bars of our prison, and we strive so hard, giving our time, our lives, to obsess over it. If the human race is ever going to be free, then we must realize that the monetary system is the only obstacle in the way. But how many of you can imagine a world without money? It shatters your reality, you can't grasp the concept, you fight with your mind trying to rationalize how it could be possible. Everyone would become lazy slobs and nothing would get done, there would be no motivation to do anything......Doesn't money already do that to most of the population? How many of you are sitting there right now, reading this, because you can't afford to go and do something better? How many of you have had to give up your dreams of becoming a scientist, or doctor, or architect because you couldn't afford the schooling? How many of you cannot go and travel the world and experience life because of money? How many of you are stuck at a pointless job that you hare, barely able to pay the bills, enjoying only what you can afford because of money? How many of you are suffering with health because you cannot afford to get yourself treated?

But tomorrow, you will still get up, go to work, waste your life doing something you don't want to do, in order to make a dollar. You will fight to remain in your prison, and you won't even realize it. Money does not make the world go round, money has made the world anything but round. Look at the planet. Look at the environment, look at the human population. Look at the misery, the greed, the fear, the poverty, the suffering. All of the worlds problems would be solved tomorrow if there was no greed. If money was not an issue, no human being would ever have to starve. No human being would ever have to be unhealthy, and all human beings would be able to explore their dreams, and experience what their hearts desire. There would be no lazyness. People would help each other much more willingly if it wasn't going to cost them personally. Theft would no longer be a problem because when things exist in abundance, there is no point in stealing. We are smart enough to create a world full of love and passion and adventure. It's time we realized that.

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by randomname

The capacity for manipulation is there because the system is inherently corruptible. It was Mayer Amschell Rothschild that said "Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws."

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by BABYBULL24

MAX KEISER & STACY HERBERT are the best thing on the idiot box, informative, funny and highly entertaining.

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 03:01 PM
Well, the math is the math and no one can argue with those cold numbers. They're cruel and they aren't going anywhere. If this isn't legit, the next one may be. I'm certainly not going to be shocked by much of anything at this point.

I think they've been pulling tricks to keep things afloat for at least 5 years now and the bag is about empty. The fact the day is coming though....Well, the math just doesn't leave any way out anymore. Not economically.

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
Holding Fire—for Now—but Laying Plans

Central Bankers Feel Political Pressure as They Seek Solutions to Slow U.S. Growth, Europe's Debt Crisis

Ben Bernanke and Mario Draghi, with words but not yet actions, demonstrated this week that they are on red alert about the global economy.

Expectations are now high that Mr. Bernanke's Federal Reserve and Mr. Draghi's European Central Bank will act soon to address those worries. But both face immense tactical and political challenges and neither has a handbook to follow.

Personally, I don't think there is a thing they can do about the financial collapse. The FED has interest rates at 0%, most Central Banks have interest rates near that - doesn't do anything except make people take on more debt. So what can they do - print more money...which destroys the value of their currency.

Also, the more they print, the less effective it becomes....not to mention eventually they are going to have to raise those interest rates, people won't keep on buying those bonds in which they make almost nothing on.

What we are witnessing is the result of thieves taking reward that was not earned. Any time a reward is taken and not earned, it creates a debt. Smoke and you get cancer. There's no way around it. The moneychangers have figured a way to take that debt and transfer it to the people. The way it works is with the petrol dollar ponzi scheme. All oil revenue must flow to the Fed. They then take that capital and lend it to corporations in the form of grants that don't need to be paid back. The people are left with the debt and the incoming money covers the free loan. Oil is purchased by the money system for free and then sold back to the people for profit. It all works until the world threatens to stop using the petrol dollar. The debt then begins to multiply by exponential factors.

What are we witnessing?

When Jesus entered the temple at passover, he overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the benches of the ones selling doves. A table is a financial table. They are currently being overturned. A dove is a sign of peace and a bench is for rest. The peacemakers are selling peace. They did it by trading favors in the form of petrol dollars sent to foreign countries as aid for favors. Now that the peace makers have no more money, they have no more rest.

What happened in the first century was a foreshadowing of today, just as all Bible prophecy is. Jesus is entering the temple. Guess who he is coming after?

edit on 4-8-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 11:21 PM

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by BABYBULL24

Awesome video! star and flag for you dude! Too bad Americans are more interested in sports, entertainment and materialism then real news! When TSHTF all the ignorant Americans will want to know why this happened but the truth is that we are the reason why this happened because of a lack of our attention to reality! knowladge is power and ignorance destructive!

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