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The West last's frontier in the Middle East: Eastern Christians are with Syria!

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posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 04:24 AM
The West last's frontier in the Middle East: Eastern Christians are with Syria!

Most of you know I'm a French journalist currently living & working in Beirut-Lebanon. What I'm about to write is the translation of an article that caught my attention in a Lebanese newspaper, written by another Lebanese journalist described as a great thinker and one of the last defenders of true virtues. (However, I hope you'll excuse me in advance for any gaps in translation)

Quick intro: "Throughout History it has been known that in order to preserve themselves, the Christians of the Levant and mainly in Lebanon & Syria had always a sort of alliance with the West since the Middle-ages in order to preserve themselves: Venice, France, the Vatican, Brazil, France again, etc... Recently they were fooled by their alliance with the US being a huge geopolitical mistake in the favor of Zionist in the East, a system that crushes everything and everyone regardless...and only for self interests. The recent discovery of huge untapped petrol and gas reserves in the Lebanese sea hasn't gone unnoticed by Israel & allies a few year s ago before the Arab spring (or shall I say the Arab Hell). Everything that follows is related, and the fall of the Syrian regime as it is now will break the West lasts' frontier in the Middle-East represented by the Lebanese & Syrian Christians paving the way for a huge fundamentalist Sunni controlled state in the Levant, that will even actually be more dangerous for Israel!"

Full text Translation: When the Syrian crisis erupted in 2011, this journalist wrote an article on a Lebanese Christian party website, addressing the readers with the following title "With all humility, I am with Bashar al-Assad," and "why Bashar al-Assad?"
Now, after a year and a half of almost constant pro-Western media against the Syrian regime, he returned to the Lebanese Christian front pages with a new article, and with no doubts to prove, he wrote a new article:

"With all humility, and with the recognition of all differences of political values, I'm still with Syria and with President Bashar al-Assad."

I am with him at first, because the United States and Israel against him, and whenever I read in an American newspaper or on a Hebrew website an opinion calling for the overthrow, to replace its "dictatorial" regime another "democratic" one, I remember immediately what the American did with the intervention in Iraq, and my memory recalls most of the scenes of Israeli criminality against the Lebanese and Palestinian peoples.
I am with him secondly, because Abdul-Halim Khaddam is against him, and I do not want to replace the regime which has withdrawn its army from Lebanon as a fait accompli by another headed by the engineer of guardianship previously who jumped over on the national independence, since the seventies of the last century until the beginning of the present century.
I am with him thirdly, because I am convinced that Syria is in Syria and Lebanon is in Lebanon, and because all the talks about Syrian intervention that continues in Lebanese affairs is to trigger and justify at same time the intervention of dozens of other countries in the world.
Fourthly I am with him, because I do not see that an opposition from Syrians in Syria, but a few groups and individuals and most of them with civilian good faith, only a few with extremist backgrounds which raised slogans in Daraa saying: "Send Aalawites to the coffin, and send the Christians to Beirut."

Fifthly I am with him, because Syria is not Egypt nor Tunisia where religiously homogeneous communities, or where large majorities of one doctrine live together. Their revolutions might be valid, even with slight security developments. In Syria just as in Lebanon and Iraq, revolution becomes a sectarian war, and when war starts it never ends, and it becomes a national way of life with spaces of time intervals between a war and another war.
Sixthly I am with him, because Syria is not Germany in 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell fulfilling the unity of one community, and because Syria is not South Africa where the apartheid regime fell thanks to historical leaders such as Nelson Mandela. Syria is like Yugoslavia, where the fall of the unity regime means only war.
Seventh, I am with him for I am with Lebanon, and with the modest understanding that I have, the following slogan is true "the security of Lebanon depends on Syria's security, and the security of Syria depends on Lebanon's security," so that the collapse of the Syrian regime could mean a sentence of death in the transformation of Lebanon "Naher-el Bared war 2" with a whole country substantial war fighting against Extremist and Fundamentalist , and again the Lebanese army not getting any support from the West to overthrow them, just as it did not even have ammunition to annihilate them in the last "Naher-el Bared" small war in 2007. The West backing up the fundamentalists and terrorists that took refuge in a Palestinian camp to destroy the Lebanese army representing unity of the People, claiming that these ammunitions might reach Hizbullah, while actually Hizbullah fighters fought secretly along the army to destroy the fundamentalists.
Eighth I am with him, because I visited Syria many times in recent years, and I know that the religious freedom in it is amazing just as Lebanon, and the building of churches which is not forbidden, such as in Saudi Arabia, and I saw the modern way of life that was growing further and on the way to more development.
Ninth I am with him, because I feel that its "dictatorial" regime is more freedom than some of the systems defended by the West with all their strength, and to which they allow all their dirty works just as they did in Bahrain, and that they always do in Saudi Arabia. I do not know why the Syrian regime has to fall, while the Saudi regime and the other Gulf regimes supported by Americans have to stand-up.

Tenth I am with him, because I was against the Syrian regime before and particularly before 2005, when he was occupying Lebanon, I was one among the thousands who refused to cancel Lebanon from the political map, and I was with the resolution 520 in 1982 and the law of the "Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act" in 2003 , before the adoption of resolution 1559 in 2004, before the assassination of Rafik Hariri in 2005. So now I am with him also, because I always was "free sovereign and independent" from the beginning, before all the "Lebanese" liars who claimed that they have become as well after the end of the occupation.
Finally I am with him, because I know that all the Lebanese files in relationship with the Syrian regime, including the demarcation of the borders and the Missing-People is the responsibility of the Lebanese government before becoming the one of Syria, I am fully aware that the request to replace the term "relations parity" with "fraternal relations" in the ministerial statement (to the Government of National Unity ), and I am not even Saad Hariri "...

So after a year and a half as a Christian Lebanese writer, do you think I was wrong?

Thank you all for reading the translation I did for his article....
I will be the first to answer his question: I think he was right, this is the last frontier and the West is making a huge mistake.
Your opinions matters, try to keep it diplomatic & aggression free!
edit on 28/10/2008 by RedAmnesia because: please move my post to the right forum, I did a mistake here.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 04:30 AM
please Mods move my post to the right forum, I did a mistake here.

(thanks, cheers...)
edit on 28/10/2008 by RedAmnesia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 05:04 AM
Lebanon has some interesting history with its christian population in general.

But honestly, Americas action have long ago stopped being that of a "christian" nation.

I would think the ultimate goal of a christian nation would be to ensure the sanctity of life, protecting the innocents and such.

Just look at the republican party to see the biggest Group of christian hypocrisy...

Christ would of been the biggest liberal socialist out there... Sell all your goods and give to the poor?

Yea, Christians need to separate themselves from the countries they inhabit.

The kingdom is not on the earth...

Thats one of the things I feel the Jehovas Witness may have got right, the removal of all aspects of defense and politics from their practices.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 05:13 AM
Great post! Something ive been suspecting more and more.......The wests media is now the MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA........just like Goebbels Nazi lie machine.....
I believe it is time...we go soon or we go down......

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by RedAmnesia

While I think that we should know the opinion of all Syrian people about Syria and Asad , I think the outcomes of revolution may not be good.

And with old plan of great Israel , it will be the most vulnerable target for divide and conquer.

But you know how minorities are fighting and massacring majorities with the help from outside.

How is that those rebels are so stupid ?

They are making a revolution for independence and they are being helped from outside and they should pay back.

That is where the big paradox comes in.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by mideast

Thank you for your reply, but in the latest arrests on the Lebanese-Syrians borders; most of the nationalities of the Syrian rebels are not Syrians. They are mostly mercenaries from Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North African nations and funded by Gulf countries such as Qatar and others... I've been following neutral news here in Lebanon since already the opinion of the people here is divided by 2, some with Syria and some against so I have no option as a foreigner but to read neutral news that mainly focus on facts and ground-realities.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 10:00 AM
And here's the link in Arabic:

Link in Arabic

The original author is Jad Abou Jaoudeh

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by benrl
Lebanon has some interesting history with its christian population in general.

But honestly, Americas action have long ago stopped being that of a "christian" nation.

I would think the ultimate goal of a christian nation would be to ensure the sanctity of life, protecting the innocents and such.

Just look at the republican party to see the biggest Group of christian hypocrisy...

Christ would of been the biggest liberal socialist out there... Sell all your goods and give to the poor?

Yea, Christians need to separate themselves from the countries they inhabit.

The kingdom is not on the earth...

Thats one of the things I feel the Jehovas Witness may have got right, the removal of all aspects of defense and politics from their practices.

I've already pretty much seperated myself. Pointless leaving the country, this mess is everywhere and there's nowhere to run unless you plan on hiding in caves underground. I wouldn't say JW got anything right, if you get one thing wrong it's all wrong. Always going to have someone trying to put you under their thumb no matter where you go. Run to the middle east you get islam's thumb on you and you will always be wondering whose going to deliver an explosive package to your door step.

Socialism would work if it was under Yeshua, but it will not work under men because men are corruptable and they buckle as soon as the temptation hits them, no resistanc eat all.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

And today the western Media claims that chemical weapons will be used by the regime against Syrian rebels. However, the Syrian regime has declared that it will not use them on Syrian people but on external aggression from other countries or groups if any. I'm not defending anyone here, I'm just remembering the same alibis that were used against Iraq back in the days while no one ever found the WMDs of Saddam! Now another threat is entitled "Syria's Chemical Weapons Came From Saddam's Iraq" Link at ATS
So here I can smell an ugly thing being prepared... I have been living in Beirut for almost 3 years now, and now I understand big time how the West manipulates the media, and even create Big Hits Hollywood news to promote for its own benefits...

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by RedAmnesia

Thank you for this wonderful translation. I have been telling people this same thing, The Christians do NOT want what the Brotherhood is promising in Syria, and seemingly many people are blind to these facts.

S&F! Great article!

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by OpinionatedB
reply to post by RedAmnesia

Thank you for this wonderful translation. I have been telling people this same thing, The Christians do NOT want what the Brotherhood is promising in Syria, and seemingly many people are blind to these facts.

S&F! Great article!

I'm not blind to whats going on, but the MB will gain control of Syria. Thats already been put into play, the other christians need to start vacating the region as soon as possible. I'm pretty sure Assad is not doing the things he is being accused of, but if the MB are going to restore the Caliphate Assad has to go down. Assad isn't pushing the Jihad and any islamic leader that does not push Jihad must be replaced under Sharia Law. Thats why Ghaddafi was assasinated. The Beast that as mortally wounded is about to be resurrected.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

I wish I can translate this one right, but my Lebanese colleage is not here today.

However, this link claims that China knows about the Metro Golden Mayer studios that are preparing a reality-movie showing that the regime has fallen, while the West would have cut down all Satellite TV Channels from Syria and allies to show their Fabricated movie, here's a translation, but this time directly from Google Translate:

Original link: Link in Arabic

And translation from Google:

Representatives participated Aalmeon photography. Chinese intelligence reveal the details of the fake film of the fall of Syria and finance $ 36 billion
Chinese intelligence agency revealed on Thursday that the largest operation carried out by the film company MGM in Hollywood in the United States to serve political agendas. A spokesman for the Federal Intelligence Service of China "Zonko Kingpau" that the project aims to portray the process of film showing scenes look really fake to the process of a "fall of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad." A spokesman for the agency Col. "Ishma Songa" in an interview with Channel Russian second is that the Chinese intelligence information leaked from her clients from within the project that the company "Asa Des Duck Riley", based in Philadelphia, Nevada in the United States is the main product of the scenes called in confidence by the name "Risawnding bean" or "falling resounding regime" and is intended to ultimately weaken the morale of members of the Syrian Arab Army and pro-Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The broadcast by saying scenes of models sizes real representing the Republican Palace and Mount Kassioun and Damascus International Airport and a playground Abbasids and building national leadership and squares of the Umayyads and the Abbasids and the seven Bahrat and a library-Assad and President bridge in Damascus as well as airport conscience of the military and one of the farm belonging to a senior officer, and the aim is to draw scenes of a real scenario, "the fall of the regime." Songa said the channel that the project includes the depiction of scenes of "split" for senior officers and politicians who were inside the country and renowned representatives have participated in the filming of some of those scenes as producers seek to design the scenes of some of the officers by a three-dimensional design techniques. He added that the financing of Songa Alemczura a $ 36 billion paid by Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Oman, Egypt and Tunisia in addition to contributions from both Iraq and Morocco.
The broadcast schedule will coincide with the cut scenes all satellite channels broadcast pro-Syrian regime in Syria, Lebanon and the Islamic Republic of Iran, within the political scheme - an accelerated time frame is expected to mature before the middle of the month of August next. Songa commented by saying that what is happening confirms the occurrence of a cosmic plot to the Syrian Arab Republic for the friendly Republic of China. He added that his country would not leave the Syrian regime faces a cosmic conspiracy alone, but will be a huge moral support in order to fend off the effects of the plot.

edit on 28/10/2008 by RedAmnesia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Can I say something, seriously?

The Brotherhood is doing this with the support of your government. Should the people of America not be in support of such actions then it is the Americans who need to speak out to put an end to this madness!

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by RedAmnesia

The West doesn't manipulate media, it fabricates news using actors to fake news. I watched a video on youtube where a fellow used a facial recognition program to spot these same actors that are always used when faking news. The so called "Danny the activist" CNN was busted for using to fake massacres in Syria proved they lie. I suspect people on both sides of the fence use actors to promote propaganda.
edit on 24-7-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by RedAmnesia

lol.... while some of that translation is simply funny (google translate is often a source of comedic relief!) I think people will get the point.

Here is one of my posts from elsewhere on the forum discussing disinformation by the Pentagon, so the Chinese saying the know of such a project going on is not shocking.

Originally posted by OpinionatedB

Thought this might be helpful for those who do not believe in disinformation.

"The Pentagon is developing plans to provide news items, possibly even false ones, to foreign media organizations as part of a new effort to influence public sentiment and policy makers in both friendly and unfriendly countries, military officials said.

Little information is available about the Office of Strategic Influence, and even many senior Pentagon officials and Congressional military aides say they know almost nothing about its purpose and plans. Its multimillion dollar budget, drawn from a $10 billion emergency supplement to the Pentagon budget authorized by Congress in October, has not been disclosed.

Headed by Brig. Gen. Simon P. Worden of the Air Force, the new office has begun circulating classified proposals calling for aggressive campaigns that use not only the foreign media and the Internet, but also covert operations."

-The public outcry against this was so strong the pentagon publicly stated this office was shutting down. However, Donald Rumsfeld is on record stating;


"And then there was the office of strategic influence. You may recall that. And "oh my goodness gracious isn't that terrible, Henny Penny the sky is going to fall." I went down that next day and said fine, if you want to savage this thing fine I'll give you the corpse. There's the name. You can have the name, but I'm gonna keep doing every single thing that needs to be done and I have."

-the DOD website has since removed this transcript from their site, the transcript in the above link was copied directly from their site before it was taken down... If you go to this link you can see that the article is in the archives section of the official DOD website but if you click the link it comes up as a removed page

The article (link above) was written by an LA Times military affairs analyst after the shut down of the office of strategic influence and subsequent comments made by Rumsfeld. The author of this article is not stupid, he knew about the closing of the office of strategic influence and exactly what Rumsfeld said, this is the LA Times, not some fly by night newspaper, this proves that the comments were in fact made by Rumsfeld, and serious military analysts believed this was still an ongoing operation.

The Military's New War of Words

"In a policy shift that reaches across all the armed services, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and his senior aides are revising missions and creating new agencies to make "information warfare" a central element of any U.S. war. Some hope it will eventually rank with bombs and artillery shells as an instrument of destruction."

-Since 2002 mainstream media is absolutely silent about these programs. Since that time however, we have found disinformation throughout mainstream media reports, all siding with US government agenda. We are also finding more and more journalists loosing their employment for speaking against government policy.

Everything we are getting about the Situation in Syria is disinformation because the mainstream media stopped being actual journalists to being copy pasters without checking sources or caring in the least for truth.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by OpinionatedB
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Can I say something, seriously?

The Brotherhood is doing this with the support of your government. Should the people of America not be in support of such actions then it is the Americans who need to speak out to put an end to this madness!

Do you think we do not? We don't have the power anymore. We're not a republic anymore, we're under a dictatorship called Big Government. Trust me if our Government was required to take a vote for any actions they wanted to take versus foreign policy, Saddam would still be the leader of Iraq and we never would have gotten involved in Afghanistan. I didn't want any part of any of that. I'm of the opinion it's not my country's responsibility to play world police force.

If we protest outside the Whitehouse they send riot police in with water cannons, they even outlawed protesting outside Congress in Washington D.C., we're on a runaway rollarcoaster and the devil is at the controls laughing his ass off.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Time to stop the devil. It became runaway government when the people allowed it. Should all the people decide to rise against it there would be actual changes made.


posted on May, 24 2016 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: RedAmnesia

I insist on what I posted 4 years ago.
Proof: 2 years ago the refugees crisis - long term taking over of Europe.
Proof: Syria defended all minorities.
Proof: Russia understood the game and went it.
Result: my statement was correct and accurate.

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