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Obamacare! Please explain in layman terms.

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posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:37 AM
When reading about the the subject of Obamacare, you may be like me and not understand all the political nomenclature. What does Obama care mean? What will it do for me and my family? What are the pro's and con's?

I have read many threads pertaining to this and I struggle with understanding many aspects of it.
So I was hoping that any knowledgeable ATS'ers could "dumb it down" a little for any of us who cannot wrap our heads around the accurate definition of Obamacare.

The political language is drawn out and so wordy, that I start loosing its main points. Thank you to all who can assist us common folks in gaining accurate knowledge to something that may effect all of our lives.

(mods please move to the proper forum if this one is wrong)

Thank you.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:48 AM

Obamacare! Please explain in layman terms

Some notes -

1 - Largest TAX increase in American history.

2 - Obama said it wasn't a tax and to relax. He lied. SCOTUS says it is.

3 - It is UNSUSTAINABLE. It can't be paid for.

4 - It forces young healthy people who normally wouldn't pay their money out to insurance .. to do so. The whole system is based on the young healthy people paying for the healthcare of the older unhealthy people. It won't work unless EVERYONE participates who is needed. This is costing people money who normally wouldn't be spending it.

5 - More power to the US government. Less freedom for Americans.

6 - Obama has already given political favor waivers to groups to get out of having to do this.
Waivergate. This makes it even more unsustainable. (Waivers for McDonalds and the NEA etc)

7 - Small business' will either go out of business, hire less people, or drop insurance totally and pay the 'lesser' fine.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:50 AM

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:52 AM
Get ready to be even more confused. You will have some posters telling you it's the worst thing since the devil, and other posters telling you how wonderful your life will be. The truth is somewhere in between. Good luck figuring it out.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Obamacare! Please explain in layman terms

Some notes -

1 - Largest TAX increase in American history.

2 - Obama said it wasn't a tax and to relax. He lied. SCOTUS says it is.

3 - It is UNSUSTAINABLE. It can't be paid for.

4 - It forces young healthy people who normally wouldn't pay their money out to insurance .. to do so. The whole system is based on the young healthy people paying for the healthcare of the older unhealthy people. It won't work unless EVERYONE participates who is needed. This is costing people money who normally wouldn't be spending it.

5 - More power to the US government. Less freedom for Americans.

6 - Obama has already given political favor waivers to groups to get out of having to do this.
Waivergate. This makes it even more unsustainable. (Waivers for McDonalds and the NEA etc)

7 - Small business' will either go out of business, hire less people, or drop insurance totally and pay the 'lesser' fine.

Okay, how about someone with less bias? He wants to know it will effect him and his family, not one party's view of an as of yet unproven track record.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv


posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:54 AM
Obamacare = third world rate medicine and hospitals.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:54 AM
You know those 47 million people on "food stamps"? They will now have free health insurance paid for by the ever-dwindling number of net tax payers.

The IRS will now hound people for "not having insurance" including numbers of those who do have it (which is why the old strawman "if you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about" is facile. These agencies make mistakes and once you empower them, you open yourself up to harassment).

That is only the beginning, inviting the Government in to your healthcare business is a colossal mistake.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Thunderheart
Obamacare = third world rate medicine and hospitals.
Again, unproven biased statements on something that hasn't even been fully implemented yet. Chances are we won't know if Obamacare is a good or bad thing for another 5 years!

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:57 AM

Q: What happens to any benefits I already get because of the law?

A: They will stay in place for now. Parents will still be able to keep their children on their insurance plans up to age 26, and Medicare recipients will keep getting discounts on prescription drugs to close a gap in coverage known as the “doughnut hole.” New levies under the law, such as the 10% tax on tanning services, also stay put.

Q: When will I see the big changes from the law?

A: Most of the mandates don’t start until 2014. That is when most Americans will be required to carry insurance or pay the penalty at issue in the Supreme Court case. The penalty will start at $95 a year or up to 1% of a person’s income, whichever is greater.
Tens of millions of Americans are expected to get insurance coverage under the system that starts in 2014. Some of the poorest Americans will become newly qualified to enroll in the federal-state Medicaid program—although the court appeared to make some changes to how that program will work. Another batch of people who earn more but still have low incomes will get tax credits to offset their insurance costs. Consumers will be able to comparison shop for policies in newly created exchanges that will operate like popular online travel websites.

Q: What if I already have insurance?

A: You may see changes to your plan. Unless your employer has “grandfathered” your insurance benefits’ structure, your plan will have to meet new regulations under the law, such as covering more preventive services without out-of-pocket costs. There has been speculation that some employers will stop offering coverage and funnel workers toward exchanges once they open, but most companies say they have no immediate plans to do that.

Q: What will happen to my insurance premiums?

A: Most consumers can expect to keep seeing increases in premiums and co-payments because the underlying cost of health care is expected to rise. The law contains a few mechanisms to curb premiums, but it also requires that many insurance providers make their benefits more generous, which will raise their cost. Older people could see their premiums go down because of the new age rating rules insurers will face. People who buy policies without the help of an employer could get a better deal by being able to shop on the exchanges, where comparing plans will be easier than before.

**from the WSJ's Lousie Radofsky at ZeroHedge
edit on 29-6-2012 by capod2t because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Wooster
how about someone with less bias?

Not bias. FACTS. Those are the facts. Deal with it.

Originally posted by Thunderheart
Obamacare = third world rate medicine and hospitals.

Maybe not third world ... but more like Canada. And considering the flow of Canadians coming across the border to America for better medical care, I'd say that is significant enough.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by Wooster

Originally posted by Thunderheart
Obamacare = third world rate medicine and hospitals.
Again, unproven biased statements on something that hasn't even been fully implemented yet. Chances are we won't know if Obamacare is a good or bad thing for another 5 years!

Yes, surprising how the bad stuff doesn't begin until 2014 right? AFTER Obama "wins" the campaign.

I saw this coming, mark my words, Obama has another four years to continue to destroy this economy.

The GOP is no different, Bush had the food stamp offices advertising for more customers since 2004, now Obama is also spending millions in advertising, now ask yourself, why would they want more and more people on welfare?
Dependent on the government for subsistence?

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Wooster
how about someone with less bias?

Not bias. FACTS. Those are the facts. Deal with it.

Originally posted by Thunderheart
Obamacare = third world rate medicine and hospitals.

Maybe not third world ... but more like Canada. And considering the flow of Canadians coming across the border to America for better medical care, I'd say that is significant enough.
Almost everything you posted about was pure speculation. I'm not even saying that these things won't come to fruitation. But he asked for facts and you presented him with speculation.

It's like saying "Give me some UFO facts!"
"Well here is the facts: I know a guy who was abducted!"

You just did the same thing.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Thunderheart

Originally posted by Wooster

Originally posted by Thunderheart
Obamacare = third world rate medicine and hospitals.
Again, unproven biased statements on something that hasn't even been fully implemented yet. Chances are we won't know if Obamacare is a good or bad thing for another 5 years!

Yes, surprising how the bad stuff doesn't begin until 2014 right? AFTER Obama "wins" the campaign.

I saw this coming, mark my words, Obama has another four years to continue to destroy this economy.

The GOP is no different, Bush had the food stamp offices advertising for more customers since 2004, now Obama is also spending millions in advertising, now ask yourself, why would they want more and more people on welfare?
Dependent on the government for subsistence?
Destroying the economy? For once we are increasing taxes and spending government funds on investment rather than a consumer good such as the military. Obama didn't destroy the economy, corporation CEOs did. They cared more about their own bottom line profits rather than providing their employees with a reasonable salary and comprehensive benefit packages. Or worse- they turned to low quality cheap foreign labor. Foreign labor that destroyed the quality of their products, made the unemployment rate sky rocket, and aid to the massive amount of poverty in the nation because their employee salaries were large percentage less than even the inflation rate.
edit on 29-6-2012 by Wooster because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-6-2012 by Wooster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Wooster

Originally posted by Thunderheart
Obamacare = third world rate medicine and hospitals.
Again, unproven biased statements on something that hasn't even been fully implemented yet. Chances are we won't know if Obamacare is a good or bad thing for another 5 years!

Unproven? All true from an numerical, statistical, scientific analysis. However, predictions of action - reaction based on self-evident facts of human nature have been stable for thousands of years. We will always seek the path of least resistance even if it means single swipe executing thousands of squaking, complaining voices. We will always seek to dwell in quiet even if it means put everyone in an actual physical, or virtual (laws and govts.) prison. Noisey, squauking voices must be silenced as they appear to certain individuals as ignorant, undeveloped, lower levels of animals all because of your own ego where we place ourselves atop everyone else.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:13 AM
Well, many good points here. I dont mind the debate, thats what I appreciate about our country.
Currently Im paying just over $200.00 a week for a health partners coverage for my family. Will this god foresaken fee go down? All of those in my comapny pay such a premium for family coverage, although I do appreciate health coverage it does take a healthy junk out of my check for other expenses. Our whole family are young and still healthy and we never need to go to the doctor.

I still remember the days, when I payed way less and had better coverage. I am all for paying my dues, dont get me wrong. But I need a livable wage, and when premiums go up, up and up; it takes away from that!

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Wooster

So his historic spending frenzy had nothing to do with this mess we're in?

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:15 AM
Obamacare in a nutshell:

Insurance and pharmaceutical corporations get rich by working in tandem to keep people ill. Now they will get even more wealthy because they won legislation to require you to participate in their scheme.


posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Thunderheart
reply to post by Wooster

So his historic spending frenzy had nothing to do with this mess we're in?

Good question! So how does the middle class fare in this whole situation? Seems to me like it is forced control at it finest. Lets force the masses to pay us, if they dont we will penalize them! I see a huge debacle coming.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by The Old American
Obamacare in a nutshell:

Insurance and pharmaceutical corporations get rich by working in tandem to keep people ill. Now they will get even more wealthy because they won legislation to require you to participate in their scheme.


That is what I was afraid of..........dang!
Whats next? Im I going to be forced to buy insurance for my groceries now?!

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