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The Truth About Nibiru

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posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

If all ZS's work is BS, what do we know about the sumarians and annunaki? What's the next best theory I mean? I like to take all into consideration, then if anything does happen I can say, I knew that
not, I can't believe it, it's impossible.
I don't think all his work is hoax, but simply a missintupretation of the truth. What that is i dont know. How did those that came from heaven get here if not niburu? Or do the annunaki not come here as this is debunk. Would we need to disregard all Zachary's research? After all he did study and interpret texts none of us on ats could read.
Where does the 3600 yr cycle come from? If its not the "visit". Astronomical I'd guess, could be something to do with a procession. Something made him put the words with the planets and gods, during his translations.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Kantzveldt
The earliest it appears is in the Akkadian lexicon. For them it meant a point of crossing, specifically like a river crossing. It had no astronomical meaning behind it. It was then later used by the Babylonians to mean the highest point of the ecliptic. This is the location the Sun is in at its zenith on the summer solstice. Occasionally it would also refer to a planet in this position.

Sorry but Wikli isn't quite right on any of that...

Please elaborate or link info

edit on 29-6-2012 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

The seal does not show Earth. The seal takes place on Earth. Why would they then depict Earth also in the sky? I can't say why the other dots don't have points. Perhaps the star in the middle is particularly bright like Polaris, or maybe it's Venus, or some other bright spot in the sky. Perhaps they ran out of space. There are plenty of rational answers that don't involve aliens. I have already provided you one place where the difference between these symbols are illustrated. If you want you can ask the researcher where I got some of this information from and report back with the results. Here's his email address:

[email protected]

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:50 AM
This is the main problem I have with this whole topic...It originated with Sitchin, and a careful study of his work shows that he just plain made stuff up, not to mention the lack of any real scholarly work. All scholars in the field denounce not only his translations, but his interpretations as well. They have the Sumerian texts online now, and much of what he did can be refuted by someone without specialized knowledge. But, for those who want a breakdown, Google sitchiniswrong and it is the first result...Here is an excerpt, and a little about the presentation:

My name is Mike Heiser. Who am I? The short answer is that I'm a scholar of biblical and ancient Near Eastern languages, cultures, and religions. Why do I bother with this stuff? Because I don't like ancient texts manipulated to promote false claims. If I were a lawyer I'd feel professionally obligated to tell you if someone was giving you bad legal advice. If I was a medical doctor, I'd owe you the truth if I knew the medicine you were taking was bogus or could kill you. If I was an accountant, I'd let you know if a neighbor's tax advice could put you in jail. I'm none of those things, but I'm trying to provide the same service in my areas of expertise. I can tell you--and show you--that what Sitchin has written about Nibiru, the Anunnaki, the book of Genesis, the Nephilim, and a host of other things has absolutely no basis in the real data of the ancient world. I don't doubt that Zecharia Sitchin is a nice guy; he's just wrong. Nothing personal.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

Would you care to provide evidence to the contrary. I have supplied links to both an Akkadian dictionary and a Babylonian dictionary and they both support the claims I made in my OP. I can also try to turn up a translated copy of the MUL.APIN or at least some scholarly articles on it that will also support my claims.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

The next time we enter the galactic plane is actually about 27 million to 37 million years from now. It takes the solar system 30 to 40 million years to move away from the galactic plane and return. The last time we were in the galactic plane was 3 million years ago.

Actually, it appears the estimation you are referencing has a margin of error which is larger than 3 million years. We could in fact be about the enter the galactic plane. One entire cycle takes anywhere from 60 to 64 million years. If the next time is "about 27 million to 37 million" from now then it's impossible to say which side we are on, the actual position of our solar system relative to the galactic plane is not known with enough precision to claim we passed through it 3 million years ago. We could still be on the other side and pass through it in 3 million years from now. Or we could be smack in the middle right now, we don't know. Clearly we can't say with any true precision that it will happen in 2012, but there's no legitimate reason it couldn't.

If you’re heard that the Solar System is supposed to cross the galactic equator in 2012, don’t worry, that’s a myth. It takes 64 million years to complete that cycle, so there’s no way to know exactly when it will actually cross the galactic equator.

And also, some simulations claim we are about to enter the galactic plane:

Researchers at the Cardiff Centre of Astrobiology have built a computer model of the Solar System’s journey around the Milky Way. Instead of making a perfectly flat orbit around the galaxy’s centre, it actually bounces up and down. At times it can rise right up out of the galactic plane – getting 100 light years above – and then dip down below it. They calculated that we pass through the plane every 35 to 40 million years.

And this time period seems to match dangerous periods of impacts on Earth. According to the number and age of craters on Earth, we seem to suffer increased impacts every 36 million years. Uh oh, that’s a match.

In fact, one of these high points of comet activity would have been 65 million years – the same time that an asteroid strike wiped out the dinosaurs.

And here’s the bad news. According to their calculations, the Solar System will be passing through the galactic plane in the near future, and should see an increased risk of impact. Our risk of impact could increase 10-fold.

Anyone who tries to claim they know exactly when we have/will pass through the galactic plane is talking nonsense, because no one really knows with a great enough precision - not even you. These are all just estimations using the best data we have. None of them are really better than any other estimation.
edit on 29/6/2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by Wifibrains

We know a lot about the Sumerians. There's a whole field dedicated to studying them and other Mesopotamian cultures known as Assyriology. That's also how we know that Sitchin was completely full of BS. [url=]Here is a whole list of scholarly journals that publish articles related to Assyriology. So if you're interested maybe you should check a few of them out. You should be able to at least get abstracts for free.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 08:57 AM
Its as clear as day Excalibur is a paid government shill/troll trying to dissuade people from the truth. I will not reply to any of you soul-sellers trying to twist my words either. I have seen PlanetX clear as day and it is very close as we speak. The problem Mr. XCalibur has is people like ME.

The ultimate proof is here:

more proof here -

Lastly, here are two videos of mine that show PX/winged disk with a infra red filter. Youll see the winged disk which resembles the white bird on soho images, this is our creator here -

and this one is my favorite as it shows the cross(planetx) that the sun dies on.. this is as clear as day people dont listen to these evil-doers trying to covberup what is now exposed -

ask yourself, who am I going to believe? The ancients, or our modern day scientists who all signed a secret oath to keep the truth hidden and pledged their soul to Lucifer?

and if what ive shown hasnt convinced you yet.. maybe this video which shows nibiru in almost every major corporate logo will -

So Mr Xcalibur Ive challenged your lies and exposed your agenda.. and Im sure that makes your blood boil

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

The seal does not show Earth. The seal takes place on Earth. Why would they then depict Earth also in the sky? I can't say why the other dots don't have points.

I don't know why they would depict that, I was asking you if that's what you think it was depicting or if you just think they are all stars. The reason why the star in the center is so large could be because they are depicting Earth surrounded by stars (if you want to assume they used the same "planet" symbol for Earth).

Upon reading through some of that PDF you linked to, there is nothing in it which conclusively shows how they were intending to use those symbols. The rather limited analysis conducted is entirely subjective and based on a great deal of guess work, like most of the archeological interpretations conducted these days when people are trying to make sense of how ancient people behaved. In fact his final conclusion (below) is lacking any real substance. Constellations are generally depicted by drawing the pattern of the constellation, not by drawing the correct numbers of dots in random order. He even fails to name a constellation which contains 11 stars. This is nothing but a ridiculous attempt to debunk something which is genuinely remarkable.

As I asked in the introduction to this paper, if Sitchin’s “sun” is not a sun, then what are the dots? The most apparent answer, based on the examples above, is that they too are stars. We have already seen that dots were used to depict the stars of the Pleiades, and showed that the seven dots = the seven star symbols elsewhere used for the same constellation. We also saw above in the seal of Frankfort Plate XXXIII-d that a single pointed star can be associated with dots which are also stars. It is almost that the “star + seven dots” symbology is saying, “constellation = Pleiades.”

There is therefore abundant precedent for asserting that these dots in VA243 are stars. It could be that this seal is “saying”: “Constellation = the one with 11 stars”. Since I don’t know astronomy well, I’ll let the reader ponder that one.

edit on 29/6/2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:09 AM
People believe what they want to regardless of what "evidence" you present. I really don't think you're going to single-handedly stop any Nibiru folks from posting threads OP. Or change any of the believers minds. Why is it so important to you that you change peoples minds about things that you yourself dont believe? Live and let live and if the Nibiru threads bother you that much, simply don't click on them and keep on moving along. Problem solved.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

The problem is that report relies entirely on a model. If we go with actual observation it corroborates the original article I posted. For example in 2002 there was an article published that used data from the FILM aboard IRTS to determine our position in relation to the galactic plane based on line emissions from the galactic center. Their findings supported previous findings that we are above the galactic plane and moving away from it.

Makiuti, S., Shibai, H., Nakagawa, T., Okuda, H., Okumura, K., Matsuhara, H. ... Doi, Y. (2002). "Diffuse far-infrared [CII] line emission from high Galactic latitude." Astronomy & Astrophysics. 382 (2), 600-609.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:19 AM
Very nice job OP. I'm not a believer nor a denier as I like to hear both sides of the story. This whole thing just truly intrigues me.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

The belief in Nibiru can be dangerous. In 2003 before the supposed arrival of Planet X Nancy Lieder went on the radio and told people they should kill their pets. Considering the following she has gained over the years I'm sure there were at least a few people that followed he "advice." This time around she has an even larger following thanks to her jumping on the 2012 bandwagon. What if this time around she tells her followers that they should kill their children or themselves? Then there are the people who have become depressed over this nonsense. NASA alone has gotten countless numbers of letters, many from children, saying they're contemplating suicide because of Nibiru. If I can help save even one of these lives then all the work and ridicule will have been worth it.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:23 AM
I agree with the OP. I did my own homework on "Nibiru" myself and came to the same conclusion. I got sucked into Sitchin's rabbit hole a few years ago when i was agnostic.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

Yes well the problem with your first source was that it was from 1985... the one you just provided was from 2002, which is more reasonable, but the study I referenced was still much more recent than both of those. Either way there's no certain way of knowing... and either way it's clear we are ridiculously close to the plane when you consider the vast length of the cycle.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

The belief in Nibiru can be dangerous. In 2003 before the supposed arrival of Planet X Nancy Lieder went on the radio and told people they should kill their pets. Considering the following she has gained over the years I'm sure there were at least a few people that followed he "advice." This time around she has an even larger following thanks to her jumping on the 2012 bandwagon. What if this time around she tells her followers that they should kill their children or themselves? Then there are the people who have become depressed over this nonsense. NASA alone has gotten countless numbers of letters, many from children, saying they're contemplating suicide because of Nibiru. If I can help save even one of these lives then all the work and ridicule will have been worth it.

Well, just look at what people did when Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" aired on his radioshow. People thought it was real and alot did commit suicide. This whole mayan b.s. is detrimental to society because people distort what the Mayan's said, which was nothing about the world ending just that their calendar was ending and a change was due to happen. When the Mayan calendar ends it starts over at 1 all over again.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:35 AM

That is the most important part of the VA243 PDF actually. Note the number of points on the stars. Most of the stars he talks about have 7 or 8 points. Now take a look at our so called VA243 "star". It has 6 points, and the design of it is notably different from all other examples he points to. It has a solid center with an outline of the points, which is not how any of the others are depicted. So... according to him, a star can be anything with 6,7 or 8 points, and it can have a circle around it or no circle around it. But when ever the Sun is depicted it MUST have only 4 or 8 points, possibly wavy lines, and always a circle around it... but wait, a star, according to his definition, could have 8 points and a circle around it. Therefore the only difference we are left with is the wavy lines... that is way too open ended.
edit on 29/6/2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:39 AM

If a planet is a mere 6 months away then where are the gravitational effects? Where are the tidal waves,earthquakes,eruptions etc etc...

The date comes closer and already we are seeing people hinting / adjusting that planet X is not a planet but it is some other event, sure...

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

meanwhile on Nibiru on there ats like threads there saying earth doesn't exist
Lawl LOL

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by The GameKeeper

This isnt even worth challenging, your so called evidence only shows how intelligent you really are......

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