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10 signs of spiritual awakening and understanding who we really are.

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+47 more 
posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 09:59 PM
1. Your sleep patterns change. You feel restless but seem to have more energy.

2. Activity at the crown of your head, shivers, crawling sensations and tingles on your scalp. Feelings like someone is applying pressure on the top of your head. Flashes of great inspiration creativity and thoughts feeling vibrations around the head and ears. this is the opening of the crown chakra and define energy flowing in

3. Sudden waves of emotion. You feel like crying, lonely, angry, happy for seemingly no reason. This is a release of blocked emotions from the heart chakra.

4. Old issues keep coming back and at times you feel very lost.

5. Your physical body begins to changes. Weight loss and a desire to eat healthy.

6. Your senses have increased sensitivity. you may hear your name called more often voices and sounds that you never heard before you may also begin to see sparkles of light, shadows, different types of movements and auras around objects. This is your sixth sense opening up.

7. You begin to view the whole world and all that it supports in a new way, with a new understanding and a new reality that may look fake to you. Keep in the flow. Be compassionate and loving as best you can and don't be hard on yourself when you're having a bad day. Be gentle with yourself as your awareness expands.

8. Your intuition becomes heightened, you feel more compassion and loving to all things and you start to feel what truly "is".

9. You desire to break free from old habits and restrictive patterns and try new things that you never once tried before.

10. Synchronicity. Events begin to flow faster as you are being shown that you're on the right path including number sequences, meetings with others of like mind, pictures and visions start flowing in your direction. These coincidence have great meaning and they tie in with your thoughts and speak directly to you on a very profound level that only you may understand.

If any other examples and finds are known, please add to this list and examples.

edit on 24/6/12 by sirric because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:04 PM
man all those things happen to me

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:09 PM
Periods of spiritual awakening come like the tide. I try to anticipate them and fast during them. Begin a fast at the onset. Fasting really helps. Juice fasts and brown rice fasts. And as you are settling into bed, meditate and ponder and reach out.

edit on 24-6-2012 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by sirric

S&F, Sirric, and I have every single one of the symptoms you mention in the post. I too believe a Great Awakening is coming, and coming fast. Along with it come something sinister, and unknown. There are many theories, many prophecies, but no human know what it is yet. We shall all find out on the same day, in the same hour. I can feel it coming, whatever it is, and anyone who doesn't feel it, is well, asleep.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:17 PM
Vigilance must continue to be a prime ingredient of our every attitude, practice, and prayer.
When things go well, we must never fall into the error of believing that no great ill
can possibly befall us.
Nor should we accuse ourselves of "negative thinking" when we insist on facing
the destructive forces in and around us, both realistically and effectively.
Vigilance will always be the price of survival.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:17 PM
Well,as according to the "entity",as the parallel universes come together,you will notice changes.
An increase in "ghost" sightings and missing persons.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:21 PM
It is important to note that all of these symptoms do not always happen, i have not had a desire to eat more healthy as it does not matter this body is a temporary vessel.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by sirric

A pretty good awakening list.

For those who continue the along the path, many more gifts and "symptoms" develop, albeit IMO uniquely timed to each individual. Some of these can include physical buzzing sensations at energy entry and exit points and the chakras, increasing development of various "extrasensory" perceptions such as telepathy and empathy, the five "normal" senses expanding, and the list goes on.

We are becoming who we truly are.

edit on 24-6-2012 by luminosity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

The tides are a great metaphor. Just remember, the low tides have much to teach us as well.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:31 PM
Actually,I must share this,a profound statement that you must read.

Don't worry to much, Awakening is an ongoing process/journey and remember that Perfection only comes at the End of the Journey As mentioned before what concerns me the most is that we are all getting so distracted by the ascension timeline and symptoms that we forget about the awakening. I said in the game over thread that there will be many more awakenings, the cardinal awakening was actually the easiest because the ascension process was than just beginning. Now it's in full momentum and serves as a Major Distraction. Only by focusing on the inner during all these physical changes and events can you keep to your goal of bypassing all the lower astral and etheric planes and go directly to the higher soulplanes, thereby stopping any further physical incarnations here. There is indeed an "esoteric agenda" behind all this, so please use discernment and follow the guidance from your OWN higher self to escape from this incarnation. EVEN after ascension. Ascension is the awaking of your light body Awakening is the "ascension" of soul ***** I read, see and here many talking about "Ascension". To keep things in context I perceive it necessary to address the difference between "Ascension" and "Awakening" for they are not the same. I do not want to offend anyone but that perception is your choice. Forgive me, I will try to explain it in the best way I can. Ascension is the outer awareness of a new reality. Awakening is the inner realization of Soul Ascension is a Physical vibrational shift on the Outer. Awakening is a Dimensional shift on the Inner Ascension relates to this physical dimension. The vibration level of this physical dimension is indeed increasing. and will effect everything/one here. Ascension is a physical vibrational shift on the Outer while Awakening is a dimensional shift on the Inner. All beings here and especially the ones you call "Alien" are aware of this ascension cycle. The physical dimension wont cease to exist it will only be in different resonance. To keep control and to remain in power these advanced races and their representatives here, are using whatever technology they have in preparing and educating the "human" vessel to be ready and to except the process. Their purpose is to keep you focused on the physical outer reality. It will be a better and easier reality but still a physical reality all the same.The forces controlling the physical and lower astral do NOT want you to awaken on the inner. They know the cycle and they also know that they have had many opportunities in the past to make a choice between Ascension and Awakening, but because of their technology and freewill they felt/feel more comfortable to maintain their reign here on the physical and to create a "Heaven on Earth" for themselves here. Relinquishing control for a higher density is not easy for those who have already found heaven here. Technology has become their God. Awakening on the other is the realization of soul, first through self-realization then through god-realization. Awakening of the soul is the most direct path back to home(god) it bypasses all the lower etheric,astral and causal planes and put you in contact with the higher mental an soulplanes. If you don't Awaken Time will be reset and your physical experience and all its incarnations will start all over again. It will be a better reality, less misery and hardship in the beginning but will deteriorate, as it has always done on this timeline. Alas it will still be physical experience nevertheless.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by kdog1982
Well,as according to the "entity",as the parallel universes come together,you will notice changes.
An increase in "ghost" sightings and missing persons.

I have heard something like this, but I'm not sure what you mean by 'entity.' Anybody have a source for this claim/theory?

Thank you.

And I S+F this thread, because I have for quite sometime felt teased by some of these symptoms, but over the past few weeks I've actually started to feel the sensations near the top of my head, and have begun to just go with my body when it doesn't want to go back to sleep early in the morning. This happened just a couple days ago and I had to work a double-shift that day.. made it through and then some. I thought I would be dead tired.

Oh, for the past week I've been hearing a weird frequency here and there out of nowhere like the sound of a UFO when one appeared in old movies or the Sims game? Like it was right around me.. And no, I haven't really been doing anything with UFO's in it for it to just be a subconscious leak or anything..

I also agree that these symptoms will appear differently to everyone according to experience, acceptance, and other factors that make your awakening unique and personal to you.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:35 PM
It needs paragraphs.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by 4KAAN

I have heard something like this, but I'm not sure what you mean by 'entity.' Anybody have a source for this claim/theory? Thank you.

I only have this........

During the years 1994 to 1999, a group of researchers from an organisation/corporation, which I will call RAND and Associates, or RA, had access to an underground CERN-like collider facility in Africa (the location is still classified). A contingent of AFRICOM security personnel was tasked with securing the base and, of course, keeping its location secret. The AFRICOM station commander made and supervised all the travel and accommodation arrangements for the team of researchers. They were closely watched 24/7.

Between those years, the researchers started receiving communications from an Entity who claimed to be from a parallel universe/dimension/timeline. A remarkable and groundbreaking interaction ensued. For a period of five years, researchers asked the Entity a series of over 20,000 questions and received answers to more than 95 per cent of questions asked.

There were other active projects running concurrently, like Space Time Fabricating, Simulation by Atom Replacement and Removal, Holographic Programming of Dark Matter, Manifestation of Quantum Energies and Associated String Programming with Ether/Etheric Interaction and a few more, but for the purpose of this article I will keep to the CHANI project only. (CHANI is an acronym for Channelled Holographic Access Network Interface.)

And with that I will leave as it may for you to decide on what it means.

edit on 24-6-2012 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

It was posted as is,read it.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:06 PM
Welcome to my world

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by Ben81
Welcome to my world

But,you manage to get through the mundane tasks of living as we do,right?
Like a big secret,can't share it,but only a few understand.
To me,it's like walking in mud,every step is harder.

+4 more 
posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:52 PM
Not trying to be confrontational or disruptive, but it sounds a lot more like menopause/mid-life-crisis than an awakening

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by kdog1982

Originally posted by Ben81
Welcome to my world

But,you manage to get through the mundane tasks of living as we do,right?
Like a big secret,can't share it,but only a few understand.
To me,it's like walking in mud,every step is harder.

You cant go say all your personal secrets to everyone you know
not a good idea lol ,,, people tend to have quick prejudices
even your own familly you need to choose your words carefully and be substle

Dont get me wrong .. im no better or any worst then anyone else on this planet
just know i have a different mindset then others in general
i realised that before highschool i think ..
not shy anymore to speak about it more freely . had a long time to think about it
a reason why a joined ATS .. to share and debate my deep thoughs about life
and spirituality and of course leanr more to
im not perfect for that im sure lol

Once you start to wake up to the real life you will see thing and care for things
normal people wouldnt even think for a moment in their life

Im sure you already starting to see things differently lately yourself
this is the wake up call before the 21 december
everything is related and point this date .. dont know why

edit on 6/25/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by sirric

This list presupposes that you yourself, as the author of this list, has reached spiritual awakening and understanding of who we really are. So might we push aside your list for a moment and ask: what is spiritual awakening? and what are we really?

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by sirric

S&F, Sirric, and I have every single one of the symptoms you mention in the post. I too believe a Great Awakening is coming, and coming fast. Along with it come something sinister, and unknown. There are many theories, many prophecies, but no human know what it is yet. We shall all find out on the same day, in the same hour. I can feel it coming, whatever it is, and anyone who doesn't feel it, is well, asleep.

I don't think yearning for something to happen is being awake. That sounds like faith, hope, optimism, religiosity, conviction and belief—something everyone is capable of. You're no more awake than anyone else.

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