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Painkillers now more likely to kill you than a car

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posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 04:27 AM
Individual responsibility. Take as prescribed. If you find yourself taking more than prescribed and/or abusing them, discuss it with your Dr. These opiates/oids, are not prescribed without warnings and yes, they are addictive which is why personal responsibility and self discipline are necessary when taking strong medication/s.

There are plenty of other medications either OTC or from big pharma, but many have serious side effects when taken for extended periods, some even cause severe health risks right off the bat. Opiates are safer if taken properly and as prescribed (if one is to be taking pain medication for extended periods).
Be safe, be responsible.

PS. I understand addiction, and a person can become addicted to almost anything. Demonizing opiates because some people make poor choices is not the answer.

edit on 22-6-2012 by RobinB022 because: none

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by Heartbreakerb

Iboga tree or Ibogaine is the answer to addiction.

I saw a doco and it seems as though if you are prepared to go through 3 days of being in a sort of induced coma you will come through with no addictions at all. Not painkillers, not Heroin, not even Nicotene! BUT apparently it is a VERY SCARY experience!

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 06:37 AM
Once again a thread hits close to home I am going through this with someone
I once considered my very best friend.
Way to much to go into details, but it started
with weed then vic oxy perc's valium and a host of other legal prescribed drugs from who
she lovingly calls the candy man and now she has hit rock bottom after 2 years.
We have tried just about everything
to help her she has distanced herself from anyone she has ever had a true relationship with
and now her choice of friends are users abusers shes one step in the coffin.
My heart goes out to anyone who has to watch these drugs destroy someones zest for life then consume their entire being.
So to the person who said this is a form of depopulation I have never thought of that
why would this doctor keep giving her these meds knowning shes dying .... it makes sense
shes a ward of the state the last 2 years maybe she has a red check on her chart???
Very painful.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 09:53 AM
Take them as prescribed and there is no problem.

Car accidents and overdose are two very different things. Car accidents are out of our control. Assuming sobriety of course. Overdose is due to a lack of understanding or abuse.

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posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 01:02 PM
The real crime here is that I haven't heard of anyone attempting to open a dialogue on the degree to which an opiate addiction differs from any other. The difference is significnt. No. It's enormous.

And as the cost of one illicit opioid is decreasing, the incidence of people turning to it once they're cut off from their prescription painkillers, is rising. Almost 40% more of our seniors are addicted to prescription painkillers than just ten years ago.

But to have this conversation, it must first be admitted that there is great variance in the addictive properties of both licit and illicit drugs. And the United States is not prepared to have an honest converstation about that. Once they're ready, it will be possible to draw clear lines of distinction that everyone will be able to understand.

But heck, we aren't even allowed to discuss it here.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 01:22 PM
Reply to post by chasingbrahman

3 pages in and we are still discussing it here

Just saying

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posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by chasingbrahman
The real crime here is that I haven't heard of anyone attempting to open a dialogue on the degree to which an opiate addiction differs from any other. The difference is significnt. No. It's enormous.

And as the cost of one illicit opioid is decreasing, the incidence of people turning to it once they're cut off from their prescription painkillers, is rising. Almost 40% more of our seniors are addicted to prescription painkillers than just ten years ago.

But to have this conversation, it must first be admitted that there is great variance in the addictive properties of both licit and illicit drugs. And the United States is not prepared to have an honest converstation about that. Once they're ready, it will be possible to draw clear lines of distinction that everyone will be able to understand.

But heck, we aren't even allowed to discuss it here.

Kind of seems like we are having a discussion here.

I will only add...Until you have faced chronic pain (I wish that on nobody).

Try to look for a solution without leaving some of us in agony.

I lost my big brother to drugs. I hate taking medicine.

As for the "Elderly". We have the technology to make them feel better.

Why shouldn't they live out their years pain free ?

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Heartbreakerb
This news comes as no surprise as the past couple of years the media has actually began to talk about these facts, probably because of the amount of famous personalities that have died or are in rehab from abusing them.I know someone who went to a psychiatrist for anxiety, and the first visit consisted of 3 prescriptions. One was Klonopin for anxiety, Zoloft for the depression (after coming down from Klonopin), and Xanax as a quick fix for anxiety! This so-called doctor barely looked into this person's medical or personal history! just a quick fix...forget the talk therapy! Although they could not get refills unless they agreed to see a therapist in the same practice, the therapist did not probe deeply enough into this person's psyche, yet would okay the refills to the psychiatrist. This is common practice nowadays, as a trusting person becomes captive to dangerous drugs! Once they begin this hellish journey, it becomes a Catch-22 situation. Very sad, very frightening. The worst part is that most people trust these doctors completely. This year alone I have heard of 4 deaths (in my small town) from combining Xanax with booze and the misuse of oxycontin...and these were all 18-20 year-olds! My neighbor also died this year (didn't wake up due to overuse) at the age of forty-seven...very addicted to painkillers,and xanax for his bad back and social anxiety. There is no easy solution as these prescription drugs are given a physician's stamp of approval. As long as insurance companies control the medical industry, it will be solely about profit and the cheapest way to get a profit. Unfortunately talk therapy is frowned upon by most insurance providers since each session costs much more than a vial of pills...and who knows how many sessions one might require over years and years. Insurance companies don't give a hoot about us...such an understatement.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by chasingbrahman

Pretty sure this whole thread is discussing it

Old people are addicted to opiates because they don't want to be in pain...and have the choice not to be. It's not a bad thing if they actually need the medication. Your body becomes physically addicted to opiates if taken on a regular basis. Stop looking down on people because they choose not to live their life in agony.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Heartbreakerb

That is because big pharmaceuticals are glorified pushers.
The ads on television are out of control. People wonder why the world is changing - everybody is high on something and over medicated. Since rules changed back in the 80's advertising goes to who has the most to spend. TV is over run with drug ads because big pharma can afford the price and program director has no scruples. Do not care to hear about media influence. They are in television for the money. Programming used to involve a sober responsibility to do the right thing by the people, it's audience. It was intended to add quality to their lives. TV is no longer reliable entertainment. It is like a bill board in your living room. TV has been taken over completely by advertising and turned into just another way to sell stuff - mostly drugs.

Welcome to America! Here, have a pill. You're gonna need it.

edit on 22-6-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 11:42 PM
Ihe key words are "abuse of narcotics" these are not being taken for pain.

They are being taken to get high. people with real pain do not get the high.

In 2006 i had a heart attack and CABG x 5 surgery and when i came to from the surgery i hurt so bad i told the nurses that i had to get out of bed and stand up.
They put me on a max dose of Morphine plus Fentanyl. i still was in pain so bad that they finely let me stand up and i was still standing up with the endotracheal tube still in when the doctors came around for morning rounds.(teaching hospital)

I was never "high from the Morphine Fentanyl.

I have Fibromyalgia and Small Fiber Neuropathy that amplifies pain and under some injuries can make normal pain severe.

I was a EMT for 30 years and no longer believe that i people want to kill themselves with illegal drug or legal drugs gotten illegally that anyone should try to stop then . Most crimes are caused by drug users and if we just let them OD it would save lives of Innocent Victims and taxpayer money putting them in prison.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 11:57 PM
Reply to post by ANNED

"Most crimes are caused by drug users" ..... "Let them OD"... Sadly I doubt you are joking.

If you were an EMT for over 30 years then surely you know that addiction is a disease? I suppose we should let all of the people with diabetes die too- or all those old folks who have alzheimers ...etc etc

Your lack of empathy is truly disgusting.

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posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by HandyDandy

Marijuana isn't going to replace opiates. If you're dying and in excruciating pain, weed isn't going to cut it.

Plus most opiates are derived from a plant themselves, the poppy.

They don't give out opiates only if you're "Dying in excruciating pain".

They give you opiates for even the simplest of procedures or ailments. They are over-prescribed. I will not criticize someone for taking narcotic painkillers, but at the same time, I will not turn my cheek and deny what it is.. and that's an abuse of a narcotic substance for profit.

It is extremely addictive, and irresponsibly prescribed. There is no such thing as "don't abuse it and you'll do fine". Do you think when someone intends to take opiate-based painkillers, that they are looking for a life-threatening, soul-crushing narcotic addiction?

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 12:39 AM
I know RealSpoke already took on part of the post I was about to make...but

What if scientists all over the globe had the opportunity to actually test with, extract from, and find combinations of certain currently illegal nonlethal substances to work with either chronic pain OR addiction.

Maybe if the pharmaceutical industry weren't banned from working with certain things (and I'm not just talking about MJ), they could make wonderful advancements.

It's very difficult for a researcher to get funding and approval from the government (in the US at least) to use any of these things that have been used for centuries with fewer deaths than opiates have in the past year.

edit on 6/23/2012 by Anonymous404 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by ANNED

Ihe key words are "abuse of narcotics" these are not being taken for pain.

That isn't true. Abuse can also mean you are prescribed it and take more than directed. Or not taking it as prescribed (snorting, shooting, crushing it up).

people with real pain do not get the high.

Yes they do. The high is a side effect of the opiates re-aacting in your brain, regardless if you have pain or not. Not every considers it pleasant though.

edit on 23-6-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by SyphonX

They don't give out opiates only if you're "Dying in excruciating pain".

Did I say that? No

There is no such thing as "don't abuse it and you'll do fine". Do you think when someone intends to take opiate-based painkillers, that they are looking for a life-threatening, soul-crushing narcotic addiction?

Again, quoting me on something I didn't even say.

No one is looking for an addiction when they do any drug, but they understand the possibilities. Personal responsibility comes with any prescription.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by James1982

Originally posted by swoopaloop
legalize marijuana and these problems go away. Uh oh! This whole post will now be deleted because I said one word.

That's bull.

People who like prescription pain killers, are in the most basic sense, HEROIN users. Don't get me wrong, I would very much like to see what you suggest happen, but it will NOT fix the "problem" of people using oxycodone, hydrocodone, oxymorphone, hydromorphone, morphine, codeine, etc. I honestly don't think there is a opiate user out there that would be like "yeah sure, I'll go ahead and NOT use opiates so that I can consume Cannabis" It doesn't work that way. Besides that, anyone that is using such opiates likely could also easily obtain Cannabis, yet they still choose Opiates, or a combination of the two.

That's not bull at all. Instead of a Doctor Prescribing Opiates, prescribe them cannabis. People who like prescription pain killers are hooked because the doctor makes them take them because of an injury, not because they're heroine users.

People who are already addicted to opiates will not quit them just to smoke cannabis. With Cannabis legalization, less opiates will be prescribed, which would lead to less opiate addiction.

I'm not saying that no opiates would never be prescribed again because as a pain killer they are necessary for pains that Cannabis would not be able to relieve.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by itswhatev
Reply to post by RealSpoke

I understand where you are cominmg fromn whole-heartedly... However I have to disagree to a point. Anyone who is a member of this websites knows how large corporations work.

A comnpany who makes it's money off of selling a pill(s) I'm sure would rather that customer be addicted to the pill than not. Its job security you know? If they had the chance to get rid of pain without the chance of a customer getting addicted I don't think they would move so quickly to change over.

If the tobacco companies had a way to make cigarettes without them being addictive do you think they would do it? No- because the only reason people continue to buy ciggs is BECAUSE they are addicted.

Having crohns disease I know all about being on pain meds consistently - and know how without them my quality of life would be reeaally sh###y- I also know how much these comnpanies make off of me alone and can only imagine the type of profits they see because of narcotic sales. I have no doubt that in the end it all boils down to $... Its good business to have a customner base who is addicted to what you are selling- and if they want to detox they have a pill for that, too much anxieity from being sober? They have a pill for that. Depressed that you are an addict- here is another pill... Pills to get you off of pills that were supposed to get you off other pills...

I do not think that if drug companies had a way of fighting pain as effectively as with narcotics- that they would fast track it. Just my opinion though..

I am sorry to hear you have this disease. My brother has a milder form of it and he uses herbs instead of drugs. I don't know if it will help you but if you're tired of throwing your money at drug companies (I agree they're there to make a profit) it's worth a look:

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posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by Heartbreakerb

i think life eventually takes its toll on folks and the meds r an escape

the big pharma companies r basically drug pushers.

i dnt think there is much we can do. my friends older bro died from ruptured stomach ulcer from pain killer addiction. americans LOVE their drugs. number 1 consumer of coc aine so unfortunately i dont see us progressing much.

my 2 cents

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 02:38 PM
Reminds me of my grandmother's death. Poor woman was dying from cancer--no coming back, just waiting on death. She moved down here, to be with family as she went. The previous nursing home gave her all the morphine she wanted, bu the one she moved in to?That woman was left in agonizing pain, at the end, to which it depended on how quickly the aide could rush in.

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