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Proof of chemtrail/geo-engineering May 11

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posted on May, 16 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

The difference being that one site (Contrail Science) has facts and the other has nonsense (Chemtrail Central). But go ahead, go with the nonsense.

You can see the drogue assembly in the picture you posted.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by flyswatter

Another thing that just occurred to me; why is there a science for 'contrails' ? What's so complex about them that there are publications to keep one abreast as to whats going on?

I thought contrails have been around since the Wright Brothers? Well....maybe a little later but ....isn't a contrail just a contrail? And fuel just fuel? What's there to keep up with?

I can see an aviation science. Or even a weather science....but contrails?
That's like having a science for fire with weekly updates.
Fire is just fire. It doesn't change. (well, except on 9-11 but that's another topic for another thread)

Seems they (contrail science) came along around the same time chemtrails came to our attention.

edit on 16-5-2012 by Human_Alien because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien

Originally posted by flyswatter

Do you have any idea about the picture that you linked there?

And did YOU know I knew you would say something like that?

You look to contrail science for information?
I look to chemtrail central for mine.

So we can go around this mulberry bush for hours but I think I've had enough.
Again, good luck!

edit on 16-5-2012 by Human_Alien because: grammar

I could absolutely understand that argument if it only showed the same cropped picture that you had in your post. Your picture was cropped, blown up, and labeled with descriptions of what someone was assuming this was.

The link I provided not only showed a complete picture, but it also gave technical information about what the unit was, the plane that it was on, when and where that picture was taken, and also showed a picture of the refueling unit in use (I'm assuming you went to the link and saw that picture, anyway). Your picture was cropped, blown up, and labeled with descriptions of what someone was assuming this was.

We could both sit here and complain about where we each get these pictures, so there's no use in either of us screaming about that. Regardless of what other information is on the site that you got that picture from, and regardless of what other information is on the site where I got mine from, the fact is that the one that was shown in your post is mis-interpreted, and I provided a link to the full picture and explanation of exactly what it was.

This same kind of back and forth went down with the pictures of the plane with seats ripped out and tanks installed inside. You're convinced of what you're seeing and reading, and I am stating only the fact about what you posted.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Human_Alien

The difference being that one site (Contrail Science) has facts and the other has nonsense (Chemtrail Central). But go ahead, go with the nonsense.

You can see the drogue assembly in the picture you posted.

What do you need to keep updated on 'facts' for?

All contrails consist of the same ingredients (carbon dioxide and water vapor) and depending on the relative humidity, they all form at a minimum altitude (28,000 ft asl) with a specific air temperature (-40 degrees) and are seen behind airplanes.

What more is there to learn? Well...except how to turn all chemtrails into contrails. But that's more of a magic act than a science!

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

All contrails consist of the same ingredients (carbon dioxide and water vapor) and depending on the relative humidity, they all form at a minimum altitude (28,000 ft asl) with a specific air temperature (-40 degrees) and are seen behind airplanes.

Sort of but not exactly. You could stand to learn a few things.

Contrail Science would be a good place to start. I think quite a few people have learned a few things from the site. Things like the lies that the "chemtrail" crowd spouts (see above). You have a problem with learning? Like you do with reading thick books?

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Human_Alien

All contrails consist of the same ingredients (carbon dioxide and water vapor) and depending on the relative humidity, they all form at a minimum altitude (28,000 ft asl) with a specific air temperature (-40 degrees) and are seen behind airplanes.

Sort of but not exactly. You could stand to learn a few things.

Contrail Science would be a good place to start. I think quite a few people have learned a few things from the site. Things like the lies that the "chemtrail" crowd spouts (see above). You have a problem with learning? Like you do with reading thick books?

Here's my bullet-point reply:

Well, just thick De Seuss books. Don't start fictitious rumors.

I've learned enough to know not to go around thinking you know enough!

I prefer to read books of interest. Like ancient cultures etc. Not science (that guesses at best and keeps people from evolving)

I know all I want to know about contrails. My energy is on chemtrails.

Thanks for your suggestions though. Sure beats being chastised
Funny thing though, there's seems to be this superior role you take on regardless......and if I were you, I'd come down a few rungs.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I know all I want to know about contrails. My energy is on chemtrails.

You don't seem to know enough about contrails to know when you are looking at them.
Your energy on chemtrails seems to be wasted on those who have to lie in order to provide "evidence".

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Human_Alien

I know all I want to know about contrails. My energy is on chemtrails.

You don't seem to know enough about contrails to know when you are looking at them.
Your energy on chemtrails seems to be wasted on those who have to lie in order to provide "evidence".

Why don't you build yourself an enormous megaphone and announce this to the millions of us ....all at the same time?

But, I s'pose if you value your life and don't want to be stampeded, you'll keep your anonymous redundant opinions safe guarded here in the safe haven that ATS provides for you.
Because for some reason, I can't picture you, Chad or especially Proud (banned again) Weed standing up in front of a mad mob (like on Long Island late last year) and re-edifying what it is we're simply not understanding like you do here!

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Hey, I just wanted to say i'm with you man. I live 8 mile north of downtown chicago (where nato summit will be held may 20-21st). There has been massive spraying which started on may 11th and i notice all the spraying is being done right underneath the sun. Also i noticed that the spraying is being done towards my south which is directly above downtown Chicago.

Just to add a liitle to my post, I am knowledgable about aviation and contrails. I have my commercial license in single engine planes. I notice that the chemtrails begin at a certain spot in the sky and all end near the same spot. The chemtrail does not follow the plane in it's whole path from left to right, or right to left. It's as if they begin spraying in a certain spot and end in another. A contrail follows a plane in its entirety of travel, not just certain lenghts of distance. Also Contrails dissipate after a few moments or min at most. chemtrails last for anywhere between 10-45 mins, and spread into a wide cloud like formation.
edit on 16-5-2012 by omegafire because: add

edit on 16-5-2012 by omegafire because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by omegafire
reply to post by Human_Alien

Hey, I just wanted to say i'm with you man. I live 8 mile north of downtown chicago (where nato summit will be held may 20-21st). There has been massive spraying which started on may 11th and i notice all the spraying is being done right underneath the sun. Also i noticed that the spraying is being done towards my south which is directly above downtown Chicago.

Ah, don't worry man. It's probably just some form of preemptive pest control in light of the guests showing up!

But I know, you know and millions of others know that our skies have changed drastically.
You're not alone my friend with your concerns.
Thanks for posting

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:33 PM
I think they are spraying a chemical to calm any protesters. My father told me he was feeling very tired and woozy the past couple days, especialy today.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by omegafire
reply to post by Human_Alien

Hey, I just wanted to say i'm with you man. I live 8 mile north of downtown chicago (where nato summit will be held may 20-21st). There has been massive spraying which started on may 11th and i notice all the spraying is being done right underneath the sun. Also i noticed that the spraying is being done towards my south which is directly above downtown Chicago.

Just to add a liitle to my post, I am knowledgable about aviation and contrails. I have my commercial license in single engine planes. I notice that the chemtrails begin at a certain spot in the sky and all end near the same spot. The chemtrail does not follow the plane in it's whole path from left to right, or right to left. It's as if they begin spraying in a certain spot and end in another. A contrail follows a plane in its entirety of travel, not just certain lenghts of distance. Also Contrails dissipate after a few moments or min at most. chemtrails last for anywhere between 10-45 mins, and spread into a wide cloud like formation.
edit on 16-5-2012 by omegafire because: add

edit on 16-5-2012 by omegafire because: (no reason given)

I cant question any knowledge that you may have of aviation, but you apparently dont know much about contrails.

Contrails can (and do) begin and end at differing points. How many times does it have to be stated that it is dependant on the atmospheric conditions where the plane is flying at any given time? Some will span a field of view, some will not.

Contrails can (and do) sometimes last quite a long time. Feel free to do research on persistent contrails. There is enough information about then just on ATS that would choke a horse. If you dont want to rely on the information here, go elsewhere on the internet. There's plenty to see.

A contrail most certainly does NOT have to follow a plane for the entirety of its travel. Do you understand how incredibly ridiculous your statement is here? I'm facepalming over how you could actually believe this. Do you seem to think that atmospheric conditions are ALWAYS appropriate for contrail formation?

I'm not even getting into the whole issue of your local area. Just speaking about contrails in general, you've got a lot of learning to do, sir. Take a clue from Phage ... go read a book. Or tape it to your face and learn by osmosis. Might be more effective.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien

And did YOU know I knew you would say something like that?

You look to contrail science for information?
I look to chemtrail central for mine.

So we can go around this mulberry bush for hours but I think I've had enough.
Again, good luck!

edit on 16-5-2012 by Human_Alien because: grammar

I was posting something on another thread and make a quick stop-by to see what Human_Alien was posting as 'evidence'.

The 'analysis' on the pod is simply something out of a comic strip. Clearly with your interpretation of aviation, Human_Alien you fell for it. Correct?

Ohh a 'chemtrail aircraft' caught on the ground. Seriously? You can tell straight away from the write up that the compiler of the piece is spinning a story. 'Recently, a pilot sent several images of a plane'

The same aircraft photographed by aircraft enthusiasts during 2003 and 2005. Think about it a 'chemtrail aircraft' where aircraft enthusiasts are allowed to take high resolution images of it and the pod?

Coded 93-CC

Photo taken on 2003-5-25 in Canada


The reality of what the Mk-32 pods are actually for.

Walkround of a French Air Force C-135FR. So yet again the French Air Force are allowing enthusiasts full access to this 'secret chemtrail sprayer' that got 'caught out' in Canada?

Even the Chinese use copies of the Mk-32 pod.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by flyswatter

I'm not saying I have a masters in contrails, all I'm saying is that I do have some knowledge of aviation and aviation weather. Listen, I look for chemtrails on an everyday basis. Why is it that I saw nothing for the past couple months until just the past few days? The spraying literaly begain less then a week before the Nato sumit, why? I also fly every week and am always looking to the skies, and noticed non of this the past few weeks even. Its blatant, the whole sky is covered, and right over downtown chicago, not to the east, not to the west not to the north but to the south. Right over chicago. I dont imagine that the whole city of chicago has a differen't weather pattern then the rest of the 200 mile diameter sky around me to only have these "chemetrails" above it and not anywhere else in the sky away from chicago. Please bless me with more of your denial.
edit on 16-5-2012 by omegafire because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
If they were experimenting with 'something' nearly 70 years ago can you imagine how they perfected and are utilizing the dispersant by now?

the technical aspects of aerial dispersal have indeed bveen developed for 80 years or more - and they are used every day in agricultural and insect spraying, firefighting and the like.

So freakin' what???

In what world does that prove the existence of chemtrails??

there has never been any doubt that the ability to "spray stuff from aircraft" exists - the technical aspects of aerial dispersal have indeed been developed for 80 years or more - and they are used every day in agricultural and insect spraying, firefighting and the like.

Do you really think this is some sort of revelation? Are you really so desperate to try to construct something from nothing????

We still don't know their intent(s) but to deny this is doing a disservice to anyone's' conscious because you're making it battle it out with your subconscious that knows better!

we know EXACTLY their intent - their intent is to make money by moving people and goods at high speed in little aluminium and carbon-fibre tubes at high altitude.

It's okay...we're all suffering from truth-aches lately.

you aren't - you are suffering from a delusion.

Fascinating little clip!!!!

Amazing Footage of WWII Chemtrail Experiments


It is not WW2 - it is 1923. The big biplane bombers are a dead giveaway that it isn't WW2 if nothing else!!

Here's the original footage -

And it is not about weather modification, or anything similar, it is about trying to hide aircraft attacking ships behind a smoke screen.

Smoke screens have been a military tactic for at least 2000 years. Aerial laid smoke screens were used in WW2 at D-Day and also in the only aerial operation in New Guinea in WW2 - the landing at Nazdab

the M-10 smoke tank was the method most commonly used AFAIK.

so yet again you are presenting disinfo!
edit on 16-5-2012 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-5-2012 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by omegafire
reply to post by flyswatter

I'm not saying I have a masters in contrails, all I'm saying is that I do have some knowledge of aviation and aviation weather. Listen, I look for chemtrails on an everyday basis. Why is it that I saw nothing for the past couple months until just the past few days?

Because atmospheric conditions were not right for contrails?

The spraying literaly begain less then a week before the Nato sumit, why?

to kill off all the NATO leadership??

Alternatively you still haven't actually established that anything is being "sprayed" in the first case - you have leapt to a conclusion based on nothing - and what is going on is weather conditions and aviation.

edit on 16-5-2012 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by Phage

I used sulfate as an example for you.

I understand that the correct term is "scattering" instead of "reflecting"

And now we leave each other at the same argument. Whether or not persistent contrails are manipulated forms of geo-engineering or just ice crystals.

Our argument has got us both no where, and I feel that you take too much pleasure in conflict which may impair your ability to understand that we are on the same side.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

reply to post by omegafire

Firstly, who cares if the date is wrong. It wasn't last week, okay?
Second I never said it was a demonstration of weather modification. Stop putting your words into my mouth!
It's an insight to technology and a mindset that preceded this current phenomenon. And if they were doing that then, then WTF are they doing now?

It's all negative.
Whether it's to 'smoke out the enemy' (that we don't even have) or chemtrailing at 30,000 feet for...who knows what?.....leaves me feeling it's all no good.

I simply don't trust the very people out to protect me. It's as simple as that.

FEMA camp anyone?

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Pepeluacho

Our argument has got us both no where, and I feel that you take too much pleasure in conflict which may impair your ability to understand that we are on the same side.

What I am trying to understand is why you said persistent contrails have anything to do with geoengineering. It is a claim often made but it flies in the face of studies which show that persistent contrails have a positive forcing effect. I'm am not seeking conflict I am seeking clarification. The existence of persistent contrails is not any indication that geoengineering is being undertaken. In fact, if the dispersal of aerosols were taking place it would be unlikely that there would be any evidence of it visible from the ground.

edit on 5/16/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by tommyjo

Thanks for thinking of me whilst meandering about... but no need to really. I honestly find your posts too long and quite boring.
But regardless....I s'pose in your quirky long winded way you are helping to keep this on the front page for others to see so, I guess a 'thank you' is in store.
Thank you Tommyjo.
Now, get lost!

('re welcomed here anytime)

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