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Fukushima on Steroids: "Japan is in the Process of Contaminating the Entire Pacific Ocean"

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posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by wantsome
I use to eat a lot of sockeye chinook, pink, coho salmon from the Pacific. I haven't touched the stuff in 6 months because of Japan. I've had to change my eating habbits.

With a fishing industry worth billions I doubt the government is gonna warn us of anything wrong until it's to odvious to hide.

I would like to add also that your talking possibly half the worlds seafood could be contaminated. Everything from king crab to fish sandwiches at McDonalds.

edit on 1-5-2012 by wantsome because: (no reason given)

something tells me the fish sandwiches at mcdonalds would contain trace amounts of actual seafood. I've never had one before... but let's call it a hunch.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by WielderOfTheSwordOfTruth
This is so surreal.. sitting here talking about this, people just chillin.. If reactor #4 collapses or explodes.. we're looking at some pretty intense and grim outcomes.

The world as we know it will be changed forever. I feel like I'm in a dream, like right when the explosion is about to hit you and you wake up.....

Everyone said the same exact thing about Deepwater Horizon. Funny thing is I live in Tampa, FL and nothing has changed.

You should even see the choice primo liverock for my reef tank I got recently has more life on it than any rock I've seen in almost 15 years in the hobby. This is Florida aquacultured rock that is licenced and grown off shore in the gulf off the Tampa parallel coastline. One even came with a rare species of protected brain coral which you cannot buy except if one happens to decide to grow on the dead rock that gets dumped in for these purposes. The 'farmers' own the rock so anything that hitchikes on them they can raise up, but if he tried to chip the coral off the rock and sell it for what it is (in this partiucular case) that would be illegal. This rock is breathtaking! There are these huge mullusk creatures the size of my fist, and that coral, and several other speies of coral, which simply cannot be less than a year old. They survived the BP spill / corexist, and are still here today. Ahem, they even survived out there in the wild until a couple months ago despite Fukushima.

Everyone said the world oceans would die and ground plant life along with it. My entire yard is a botanical gardan / plant propagation facility (I'm not joking). Believe me I would have noticed if the oil / VOC's / corexit affected anything
edit on 2-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by wantsome

I would like to add also that your talking possibly half the worlds seafood could be contaminated. Everything from king crab to fish sandwiches at McDonalds.

Not to downplay the importance of the topic of this thread, but radiation is the very least of your concerns when it comes to McDonalds fish sandwiches...


posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
No one knew the out come of the oil well leak that occured because there was no data. Just guesstemation . We have data on nuclear power that goes back before the bomb to go by . This is totally a different event.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:09 AM
We worry about this NOW? hahahah Mankind certainly is matter how smart, he thinks he is. Someone...PLEASE EXPLAIN why were these things built, in the 1st place? I guess they could only see green, during the process. Now, we'll be glowing green.

As i was maintaining mother earth today, by cutting her grass....i said to her.....please spare me from your wrath! I'm doing my part to keep you clean. Don't blame me for the IDIOTS polluting you. Then, i got on my knees and kissed her dirt.

Imagine what she would look like....if we actually took care of her. Now, she'll have to take care of us...and repair herself. Pfft!

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by rockinground

Correction, we had numerous examples one almost identical as a amtter of fact right in the Gulf busted underwater well head spewed for months on end. Nobody remembered that event, but when people like me found out and tried to show what history has taught us we were shouted down as oil industry shills.

OILPOCALYPSE!? (lets get real)

My array of images I assembled for the presentation are broken and theres nothing I can do about it, but if you follow the links you should be able to see them all. I had several other threads around then dealing with the specifics of what oil spills really do if you're interested. Nobody wanted to hear any of that noise tho it was more fun driving people to suicide.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:16 AM
Should we start retreating to, or building our radiation proof bunkers? Damn I was 8 when Chernobyl happened... I remember getting some sort of shots, with hundreds of other kids my age, and adults. I lived about 1000 km from Chernobyl.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:21 AM
The ocean is pretty big though, so wont the radiation just become so diluted that the effects will be minimal if none at all?

has anyone actually worked out the dilution ratio?

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by nahahh
We worry about this NOW? hahahah Mankind certainly is matter how smart, he thinks he is. Someone...PLEASE EXPLAIN why were these things built, in the 1st place? I guess they could only see green, during the process. Now, we'll be glowing green.

As i was maintaining mother earth today, by cutting her grass....i said to her.....please spare me from your wrath! I'm doing my part to keep you clean. Don't blame me for the IDIOTS polluting you. Then, i got on my knees and kissed her dirt.

What are you doing using all this electricity on here with that computer youre typing on?

If you could explain to us what to do then about global energy problems without using any nuclear power I'd love to hear it. Especially what should have been done all this time: solar technologies are only more recently becoming anywhere near cost effective to the EVIL energy sources. Should we damn up all the rivers and cut off their outflows? Oh, wait we already are! Go read about where the Colorado River used to flow into the Pacific.

And if you really want to help instead of grow a lawn that requires you to cut it with a gasoline fired lawnmower why not grow a garden instead and not drive your gasoline fired automobile to the store to buy refridegerated vegetables keppt cold by coal / nuclear fired powerplants to take home and store in your fridge? Then you might be able to call everyone else idiots and not sound like a jerk.
edit on 2-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

You're just very undereducated about everything you've said in this thread. You've watched two documentaries (both which I have seen) and now you think you understand the affect of increased unnatural radiation on lifeforms?

Dramatically increased rates of Thyroid cancer is correlates with nuclear meltdowns/bomb tests and nuclear power-plants.

Most thyroid cancers don’t develop for 10-30 years after radiation exposure, but the monstrous spike in thyroid cancer from 1980-2012 is only partly the result of Pennsylvania’s Three Mile Island nuclear accident in 1979 (TMI).

TMI also can’t explain why the thyroid cancer rate for the four counties flanking Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant in New York was 66% above the national rate in 2001-2005. Other, more subtle sources may also be contributing to hiked thyroid cancer rates, like leaking nuclear power plants and hydraulic fracturing, both of which contaminate air, soil and groundwater with radiation and other nasty chemicals.

Operating Nuclear Power Reactors (by Location or Name)

Rates of Thyroid Cancer per County

Following the explosion and meltdown of the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl in 1986, follow-up health studies showed a significant increase in thyroid cancer in the area around Chernobyl, especially among children who were under 10 years old at the time of the explosion and those in utero. Youths may be most affected by iodine-131 because their thyroid glands are still growing and developing. Fortunately, as cancers go, thyroid cancer is one of the least deadly. In the United States, only about 5% of people who develop thyroid cancer die of the disease. (Researchers aren’t yet sure if this applies to radiation-induced thyroid cancer.)

And that's only ONE form of cancer...

For you to sit here and say that radiation is not a problem for humans because there are some mice living in the forests of Chernobyl is rather ridiculous. You sound like Anne Coulter.

edit on 2-5-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

For you to say that the Horizon oil spill didn't affect anything because YOU haven't seen it is incredibly short sighted and just flat out wrong.

It's almost two years since BP's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Now, scientists say they have found deformities among seafood and a great decline in the numbers of marine life. Dahr Jamail reports from New Orleans.

Tracy Kuhns and her husband Mike Roberts, commercial fishers from Barataria, Louisiana, are finding eyeless shrimp. "At the height of the last white shrimp season, in September, one of our friends caught 400 pounds of these," Kuhns told Al Jazeera while showing a sample of the eyeless shrimp. "Some shrimpers are catching these out in the open Gulf [of Mexico]," she added, "They are also catching them in Alabama and Mississippi. We are also finding eyeless crabs, crabs with their shells soft instead of hard, full grown crabs that are one-fifth their normal size, clawless crabs, and crabs with shells that don't have their usual spikes … they look like they've been burned off by chemicals."
edit on 2-5-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

Hey nice broad sweeeping statement opener there.

I never said everything is perfect, and theres no threat or consequences, or anything like that. I'm merely pointing out that the world isn't going to end and life goes on.

You might note that some thyroid cancers are actually cured by using radioactive iodine-131.

You might also note that your own sources point out that people with diets poor in iodine (an esssential element) are the ones at risk. I've already pointed out some other reasons for living healthy lives / diets.

But can you deny that those endangered species in the Exclusion Zone are better off because of it, as opposed to humans occupying EVERYWHERE?

Note theres a flaw in your data there that the global warming crowd would never let slip: What are all those huge red blots in the center of your 2nd map there? No nuke plants there.

Dont twist my words around if you want to be taken seriously.

Meanwhile I've asked twice now what humans should have been doing about global energy demands all these decades. Nobody seems to want to acknowledge that request. Let me put it this way: Without nukes there'd still be radiation ejected into the atmosphere by burning coal, vastly more greenhouse gases from burning oil / gas / coal.

Everything has consequences and the diverse energy platforms we use have us living the lives we have today and keep things in some balance.

The real elephant in the world is environmentalists prevent newer more efficient and safer power plants from being built, forcing the old obsolete vastly less safe plants to keep running which increases risks. For how many plants there are its pretty remarkable that these several decades old dinosaurs dont have more problems for everyone to run down the street about.

I can say this enough: Don't scream about things unless you have solutions.

And I'd bet it all that the same people whom go nuts wouldn't give up their life the way it is, because for starters that nice fast CPU computer and its nice LCD monitor you're using wouldn't even exist right now. Economic and therefore technological progress would have crawled without the exact energy platforms we've been using. It's possible 486SX CPU's might not be out yet, and if we were lucky dial up BBS boards that can handle a couple 1200buad connections at a time would be how we communicated with our pc's. Cell phones, Nintendo, Playstation, CD's, DVD's, MP3's the Internet surely wouldn't exist, and therefore we wouldn't have this awesome platform that we can use to try to figure how to make a better world, evolve our technologies beyond the dirty ones that got us here, and survive a lot longer. Of course most people would rather bitch and scream with this technology instead, but I try to make solutions the best I can with it.
edit on 2-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

So I shouldn't complain about nuclear meltdowns because I don't have an energy solution?
Great idea. I should just roll around get cancer and be happy about it. Just ignore that meltdowns can destroy whole economies, lives and cities, but who cares... humans need that energy! Thyroid cancer is only one form of the hundreds of cancers that radiation can cause.

Everything isn't fine in the exclusion zone from Chernobyl. But I guess since you watched one documentary on the subject it means everything is fine.

Top Biology Professor: Incredibly high frequency of very, very large abdominal tumors observed on latest trip to Chernobyl — Also high percentage of smaller brains (VIDEO)

Watch the BBC interview with Mousseau. In this interview, Dr. Mousseau discusses his research team’s continued findings of major abnormalities in birds and other wildlife in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, the effects of radiation on genes, and the prognosis for human, animal and plant life in the areas affected by the Fukushima disaster. [...]

edit on 2-5-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
For you to say that the Horizon oil spill didn't affect anything because YOU haven't seen it is incredibly short sighted and just flat out wrong.

I didn't say it wouldnt affect anything. Not now or then. Stop twisting my words or you'll be ignored.

I said the world didn't end, as masses of people on ATS were screaming about BP, and now about Fukushima right in this very thread. Our beaches here were supposed to be slicked over. All life in the gulf was going to die, and then the rest of the worlds oceans. Didn't happen. I've heard that sport fishing has been great since so many people were afraid to go out a lot of species actually had a grace period to strengthen their numbers.

And what would people expect the year after the incident? The animals directly physically impacted from the event are reproducing. But nature has a way of weeding out defects, and mutant seafood is probably pretty easy targets for predators. Eventually they go away, otherwise we should have been seeing those same exact reports every year for the past 20+ years since the Ixtoc spew into the Gulf in 79'.

And another thing, if you cut the siamese head off some funky shrimp, fry it up and drench it in scampi sauce, when that thing hit your stomach acid do you think you would actually get sick? Seriously?

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Yeah, you could get sick, years down the road though. Scampi sauce doesn't get rid of benzene/ multiple other carcinogenic/deadly chemicals the shrimp could contain.

The defects aren't the issue for the predators that are eating the shrimp/fish/lobster, it is the chemicals that are within them making their way further through the food chain and environment.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
So I shouldn't complain about nuclear meltdowns because I don't have an energy solution?

Instead of spend endless time and emotional energy freaking out and contributing to mass hysteria instead get rational and spend time trying to help out on solutions to the problems and the victims. Yes thats what I mean.

What I dont mean is complain about electricity and what we've had to do to get it, while doing so on an electrical device. At least get a solar panel and grow a garden before you do, then you're not a hypocrite.

I should just roll around get cancer and be happy about it.

Live healthy and you'll probably die of something else. If you do get cancer some would say I'm an ideal person to talk to to maybe boost your odds of survival.

Just ignore that meltdowns can destroy whole economies, lives and cities, but who cares... humans need that energy!

How about the economic hit the gulf states took to tourism and everything else because people were on sites like ATS screaming that we were wiped out down here. People who had no clue, probably 100,000's of which have never even seen an ocean screwing up our economies.

We do need our energy, or go live out in the woods in a cabin. Without electricty and technological progress hlaf the worlds population at least wouldn't be alive and our lifespans would be halved. Try doing a cost vs. benefit analysis before you get all hell bent on a notion of how something ought to be.

Thyroid cancer is only one form of the hundreds of cancers that radiation can cause.

Technicallly there aren't 100's of cancers as there aren't hundreds of organs. But each organ has many 'cell lines' (kind of like species) of cancers they can get, each of which are very complex things that it takes scores of just the right sets of variables for them to occur. There's no one single thing that causes all kinds of cancers just like theres no one single silver bullet cure that will ever cure every kind of cancer.

Everything isn't fine in the exclusion zone from Chernobyl. But I guess since you watched one documentary on the subject it means everything is fine.

Answer the question: Would the endangered species populations (including some bird species) that live there be better off if Chernobyl didn't happen and people were still occupying the area?
edit on 2-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
reply to post by RealSpoke

I can say this enough: Don't scream about things unless you have solutions.

editby]edit on 2-5-2012 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

Weren't you screaming about the coal power plants earlier in this thread? So, what's your solution?
Lemme guess.. more nuclear plants?

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
Yeah, you could get sick, years down the road though. Scampi sauce doesn't get rid of benzene/ multiple other carcinogenic/deadly chemicals the shrimp could contain.

The defects aren't the issue for the predators that are eating the shrimp/fish/lobster, it is the chemicals that are within them making their way further through the food chain and environment.

You'd get more benzene exposure pumping gas or cleaning a paintbrush with paint thinner than you ever could from a 2 headed shrimp.

BTW: benzenes are all well evaporated out into the atmosphere by now. A long time ago now. You might go read about all the crude oil that "seeps" into the gulf and every other ocean everyday for all of history. Its a real eye opener. You might realize that crude oil is ORGANIC. What isn't organic is the oil that drips from your engine and goes into the water systems. Motor oil is always at least part synthetic, and then the processes in teh engine make it some of the nastiest stuff on earth literally 1000 times more carcinogenic than raw crude. Yet the frrogs and the lizards seems to keep on keeping on. They should be dead by now. Every last one of them, if we were to extrapolate the claims people like to make about what crude oil in the gulf is supposed to mean.

You should be more concerned about mercury levels. Seriously.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:46 AM
200 Yards.... Thats the only number that really matters here for Fukushima and the Pacific Ocean in my opinion. It's a nice round number and is accurate almost to the foot.

200 Yards is the distance from the center of the Reactor building with all the nice pools of used fuel rods above the reactor to the open, unprotected waters of the Pacific Ocean. Quite a large portion of which would appear to be missing. I'm not talking about the water inside their artificial harbor. That is within the breakwater and contained to some degree.

Look at the plant, the layout of the reactor buildings and then look directly south-east where the breakwater meets the beach. Everything past that is 100% open waters starting at the distance of a mid range shot during Deer season.

The videos of the larger blasts show how far UP the entire mess was blown. It'd be foolish to think it didn't blow OUT quite a distance. Open water......and it was only a couple months ago I heard the FIRST idea out of TEPCO for how to address the issue. A form of sticky-glue-mud type goop to spread over the ocean floor out for a distance to at least trap and hold what could be pieces of actual FUEL RODS in open water.

Just thought I'd add my little nickel of doom to the Fuku nightmare. It's the gift that'll be giving after a fair % of us all are gone....quite literally. How many generations for the damage to fully come out, is my only real question.

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