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Energy sucked after speaking to someone ?

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posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by Matteus

They may have fed off of you or you carried energy they felt you didnt need. Like energy vampyers somewhat the non fluid absorbing kind.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by Mapkar

I am wondering if this isn't cognitive dissonance that could occur when you force yourself talking to someone you don't want to talk to.

or you talk to someone and your inconscious mind which is always processing thing tells you this person is not to be trusted .

IT happens with 2 people and they happen to be both needy by the way .....not saying it has to do with it but who knows...

The content of the conversation are random things

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 04:25 PM
No way to know if you feel same as me ... but for me ... as a non alcohol drinker ... drunk people absolutely drain me ... the term 'drain' is apt ... i very much dislike being in a drunk persons company ... conversation is an effort on my part .. and fun is out the window ...

my point being .. maybe its simply psychological on your part .. i often seem to have some sort of self induced lethargy .. which i can snap out of if something interesting happens

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Matteus

What does it mean when you feel sucked your energy and tired after speaking to someone ?
What does it mean about that person, his/her intention ?

Maybe their intention was just to have a conversation and they are social. I would not assume anything sinister about them.

If you walked a long distance with someone you would not blame them for stealng your energy. You would use common sense and realise that you used it up yourself by walking. The same goes for talking; you are making your brain work and at some point it needs to rest and recharge just like the rest of the body.
edit on 28-4-2012 by riley because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 01:04 AM
I would agree that it is due to psychic vampirism (knowingly or unknowingly) and also due to holes or tears in the energy field of the one drained. But I have also read (Joe Slate) that the energy vampire also suffers from tears in his/her aura and that is why they must habitually top up their supply from others, as their own energy is prone to leak out.

Joe Slate used Kirlian photography to examine the energy flares from the human energy field.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 01:25 AM
deleted content: Worst case of Teal Deer drivel I've ever written.

edit on 28-4-2012 by SheeplFlavoredAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 01:58 AM
Though I concur with the psychic vampirisation descriptions, as a description of the experience of the phenomenon, my thinking on the actual explanations of the experience differ.

I think that a lot goes on in subconscious communications, in subtle body language and such.

A drastic loss of energy in a (seemingly banal) exchange can have a few different causes-
one can be cognitive dissonance, as someone else mentioned- you are doing something you don't want to in talking to them at all, and it causing a sort of tug of war inside you. That causes fatigue.

-But also there is ways that others "vampirize" emotions from others around them. I do not mean in any magical sense- I mean people who are very emotional and expressive about them (often very sensitive empathics) end up causing others to "project" or exteriorize their own emotions onto them. For example, this is what is at work at a funeral where there is someone who is loudly and dramatically weeping- the other suddenly become less emotional and expressive (this is why weepers were hired in ancient Rome!). It is as if just watching someone else express their emotion causes exorcism.
Emotions are Energy- in-Motion in your body... the hormones give you energy... if your body stops producing them, you run lower on energy.

-There is also the very subtle instinctive power plays that are always happening between people without them being aware of it. I work with training animals and have foudn that the same body language they use, humans use too, to determine and establish hierarchy. Like when you move closer to someone, causing them to step back or sideways, you have just established your role as dominant.
Our body gets more energetic (produces hormones) as it picks up power... because power is also responsibility and we are wired to prepare for fulfilling difficult and challenging responsibility when we are empowered.
The submissive role is one of being protected and having less responsibility, so the body adjust it's hormone level accordingly also.

If the person in question has a tendancy to do either of these things (note that they often go together in relationships- one will exert domination, the other will be the "emotional" one pull back energy that way) then that could then lead to the cognitive dissonance as well!!!! If you don't like the way you feel in their presence.
edit on 28-4-2012 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

You mean the one who want to play the dominant one tend to suck up other energy ?
Then, the one who has his energy sucked will tend to play the submissive role, if he drained, tired...

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by Matteus

What does it mean when you feel sucked your energy and tired after speaking to someone ?
What does it mean about that person, his/her intention ?

Thanks everyone.
edit on 27-4-2012 by Matteus because: (no reason given)

This happens to me all the time, but I don't find it mysterious. I'm just not interested in what the people around me are interested in. I have to work hard just to be sociable, meaning I either have to dumb myself way down, or reach deep inside in order to carry on an intelligent conversation with someone more informed than I am. When people come over for a visit, as soon as I open the door I immediately feel as though I have to entertain them, and I'm rarely up for it.

All of the above is excruciatingly exhausting.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by ThoughtIsMadness
reply to post by Darkblade71

I think to claim that they are emotional or needy is going to far. You can't really blame the other person for your inability to manage your own energy. If you look at it with an inside out perspective it will be easier for you alter the way in which you allow your energy to be used both by yourself and the people around you.

Whoa! lol Every day, at least ten times a day, certain people like to talk to me. These people are boring. They are stupid (meaning they don't even TRY to learn new things). But, this isn't the part that drains me.

What sucks out my energy is when these people refuse to cooperate when I try to manage my energy. I make body gestures to these uninteresting, stupid people. I turn sideways to them, to show that I'm not interested in what they're talking about; this is my polite way to say, please shut up now. But, they don't read what my body is telling them! I walk away, they follow. I try to change the subject; they interrupt.

If I managed my energy in a way that would shut them up, I would be the one considered rude. I don't do it, but I want so much to tell them to shut the hell up, to read a freakin' newspaper or a book once in a while, to watch a documentary one in a while.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by jiggerj

This happens everyday, but as an example, this is what happened yesterday.

I get to work a half hour early to read a book. Early mornings are my favorite time to read. There is one worker that, when he sees me reading, his mind says, "Oh look! He's reading, so that must mean he wants me to talk to him (every freakin' morning!).

He said, "I had an interesting dream last night. I dreamt I was searching for my father's dog that died, oh I'd say about 20 years ago. I have no idea why I was searching for it, seeing as I knew it was dead. I looked in the cellar, in the attic -"

This is when I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

Now, this guy is the nicest guy you'd ever want to meet, but JEEZ, give me a break! No matter how many times I tell him how I love to read in the morning, there he is. With such great topics as how his avatar danced and kissed a female avatar in some online game; how his sister's boyfriend's brother just got out of jail.


posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:04 AM
After reading the posts up to this point, I find it interesting some choose mysticism to explain what I interpret as bio-electrical science. Neuron activity poses inertia and new sensory inputs (engaging people) clashes against those kinetic and stored neuron existences. As impacts are taken, there is change and loss. Every time there is conversion or change, there is loss. Whether it is in electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics or anything. Having people in effective range of your sensors causes change, there will be loss in the process.

I view it more from the physics of the real world than wild speculations of unseen mysticisms. I'm just no fun I guess.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Matteus

What does it mean when you feel sucked your energy and tired after speaking to someone ?
What does it mean about that person, his/her intention ?

Thanks everyone.
edit on 27-4-2012 by Matteus because: (no reason given)

I would say it means you just talked with an Energy Vampire. There are many of these in society these days. Most wear a suit and tie.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by BooKrackers

Your post paired with your avatar especially scares the crap out of me. LOL!

As to the question posed int he OP. Yes, this is quite common.

Unfortunately I consider myself to be an empath and I'm particularly susceptible to this type of phenomenon, I have learned who in my environs is most likely to do this and I avoid them or gird myself well if they are around. I've come to be able to manage it.

My impression is that people who do this are not so much aware of it but they do need to do it. It's like a weird katharisis or form of therapy for them or something, a release. They subconsciously seek out the opportunity to unburden the pent up emotions and unresolved feelings they are incapable of dealing with on a subconscious level.

Someone mentioned cognitive dissonance as being a similar feeling. I think it more accurate that if someone is experiencing cognitive dissonance in their lives somehow, they are more likely to unknowingly become a psychic vampire in a desperate effort to resolve the conflict or disconnect they are experiencing.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by tkwasny
After reading the posts up to this point, I find it interesting some choose mysticism to explain what I interpret as bio-electrical science. Neuron activity poses inertia and new sensory inputs (engaging people) clashes against those kinetic and stored neuron existences. As impacts are taken, there is change and loss. Every time there is conversion or change, there is loss. Whether it is in electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics or anything. Having people in effective range of your sensors causes change, there will be loss in the process.

I view it more from the physics of the real world than wild speculations of unseen mysticisms. I'm just no fun I guess.

Apparently you missed mine then.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Matteus
reply to post by Bluesma

You mean the one who want to play the dominant one tend to suck up other energy ?
Then, the one who has his energy sucked will tend to play the submissive role, if he drained, tired...

Eh.... yeah, I guess you could put it that way. But note that I don't refer to any mystical, spiritual, event.
Just a physiological one, that is stimulated through psychological behaviorism.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:27 AM
Was the person being very negative, or complaining about something?

Some people call it "psychic vampirism', but in all reality it's typically just a person being very negative. This literally drains your psyche, and it's contagious. Most people won't recognize because this starts with family members, and you have been drained your entire life.. so you "accept" it. You find yourself becoming fatigued, lethargic and more negative, the more time you spend with this person. Then you too become a vampire. In all likelihood, you start passing it off to someone else. Hence the "vampire" label.

I don't mean to sound as if I'm judging this person without knowing them, but you insisted "it always happens when you're with him". So it's something to consider.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by SyphonX

That's exactly what I was thinking. I had an ex-coworker who was always having problems in her relationship and every night at work she would come in and "dump" her negative emotions on me. In turn I would be just depressed for the rest of the night. This went on for at least 2 years until I finally left that job. Within less then a week I felt 100% better since I stopped talking to her and listening to her problems.

I read an article a few months later explaining that it wasn't something mystical but a mental reaction to dealing with someone who was always so negative.

So now I am just the bad friend who never calls her

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by jenlovesturtles
reply to post by SyphonX

I read an article a few months later explaining that it wasn't something mystical but a mental reaction.....

Heaven forbid. And a mental reaction is not mystical? So you understand what the mind is then? It's reassuring to come across people who know what the human mind actually is.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Golden Rule

hahahah!!! ok you got me! I dont know for sure much of anything after all I am only human!

But I am still a bad friend who never calls LoL!!

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