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Mexican Earthquake Mega-Simulation Drill Coincided With Earthquake; Was it HAARP?

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posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by LennyDaRetard

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst

There are only only about 30 different problems regarding anything related to GW/Climate Change [CC] here on Earth as being a "settled science"... and number one on my list... we are not the only victims of massive energy upheavals!

It's SETTLED as in; not something I'm going to debate with bloggers -- and the scientists are discussing WHAT WE CAN DO now -- they probably are ignoring you and all the Denialist websites.

Venus is getting hotter.

Last year it was Mars. Venus is another planet with a different orbit -- I pointed this out last year about Mars as well.

Earth is getting more 'erratic'.

The 'erratic' climate is due to more energy in the system. More heat means normal patterns are going to change and more extreme weather patterns.

Ice caps on Mars... disappearing.

That was on one pole. They do this all the time in fact -- and now they are growing back.

Jupiter = New weather patterns to include a shrinking giant spot.

The giant spot is a giant storm. It inevitably fades out and gets created anew. This one has had a long run. But it isn't a permanent feature.

Saturn = new electromagnetic storm activity and a new ring of charged particles (new because of formation or ability for us to detect?).

Probably the latter. We had no way of detecting this until very recently.

Uranus = same as Saturn minus the new ring.

See previous comment.

Neptune = massive increases in planetary winds.

See previous comment.

Though I would agree that GW/CC are real... I have my doubts about iut all being due to the CO2 coming from my tailpipe!

If it were JUST your tailpipe -- I'd have problems as well. Also CO2 is invisible. However, if we add ALL HUMAN activity, we have to also include factories, destruction of swamps and trees, and about 3 million square miles of black asphalt. In a closed system -- any consistent change is going to change the system. Since human changes don't immediately respond to climate and the ecology, there aren't "natural responses" that counteract the change.

The notion of the solar system warming up has been looked into - and it's NOT happening. The sun is also monitored for it's thermal output -- and after a lull due to a lack of sunspot activity, it's making up for lost time -- so YES, this year, it's going to be a bit hotter than the last 12.

For instance, the Sun does actually fluctuate in temperature by a few degrees. Increases in output mean increases in particles which increases lighting on earth which increases the creation of Ozone in the upper atmosphere. The Sun naturally regulates, because when it gets hotter, it expands, which then reduces fusion and causes energy output to decrease -- if it fluctuated too wildly, nobody would be around to speculate about that.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by JeffreyCH
This is very creepy indeed. I read through the whole thread and think most everything is covered except one small point of coincidence. Doesn't anyone find it odd that the president just signed a very intrusive executive order granting the government the authority to seize everything during natural disasters? Just another coincidence...maybe? Then take into account all the other "martial law" type things that have been going on in the states this year. Someone knows something

I find no COINCIDENCE here. Since 9/11/2001, the folks in Washington have done nothing BUT sign intrusive, anti-constitutional laws that take away things for flimsy excuses.

The chances of one coinciding eventually with a natural disaster or UFO sighting are probably at least 98%.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by thorfourwinds

Do a search on ATS ( russian earthquake machine ) some pretty good info going back to 1995, it was around that time i first heard of the existance of the machine, if my memory serves me correct there was a rumour of it being tested around the time of a couple of Earthquakes.

I will do a little research and see if i can dig up a picture of the equipment, if I can find any thing i will send you a post.


posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 08:43 PM

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by dreamstalker

Found this on Google.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 09:16 PM
Dear VitriolandAngst,

Though I do not take lightly anyone one of your point-by-point replies, I still REFUSE to believe that:

1. The changes on Earth are entirely due to human activity... which seems to be your premise. Please note I said "erratic"... weather, tectonic and electromagnetic activity, the axis of the Earth shifting a few inches with so many larger, more frequently powerful earthquakes. The Sun rising earlier than it should above the Arctic Circle.

2. That the other 'anomalies' occurring in our solar system are somehow entire related to "cycles" and "regularly scheduled and/or cyclic solar based events".

Too many odd occurrences at once across the solar system, many of them 'explained away' by cyclic or naturally occurring events... but the changes earth see are due solely to human affairs?

I am sorry, but though I can and will agree with the science of GW/CC.... and it may surely be aggravating conditions... I cannot discount so many other occurrences being observed on other planets - and many moons with atmospheres - as being part and parcel of existence in our solar system whilst buying into any theory that blames humans alone for anomalies within our own planet. I am not a denialistt, no... I am keeping a very open mind... one I refuse to close off due to what someone who was paid to say the things they say on television or in a briefing room... or conduct the study that allowed for them to keep their job in academia by getting published.

Your counter points were short and lacked any real beef to them. I know nothing about you or the research you may have done. But I don't get my info from youboob vids, I get it from published reports out of NASA, RSA, ESA and Japan. Yes, I go to the quasi expert sites for explanations of the data and to read the theories of others, but I wouldn't call a "denialist website".

To me, your mindset... though entirely logical... it is like being a horse voluntarily wearing blinders. Sure you can see fine whatever is put in front of you, but you're forced to discount everything on the peripheral as mere "background noise" in no way related to what you can easily observe, and as such, must not mean much.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:13 AM
A couple possibilities, don't know if they've been touched on yet... Someone is either pissed at Obama and trying to send a message, or someone is trying to get Obama pissed off at someone else. Iraq had its wmds, maybe they will really step it up this time and say that Iran has got an earthquake machine and must be stopped... To prove this, just after the invasion has begun, quakes will go off all over and they will say "look, they're trying to use it as much as they can before we take it away from them." Oh, and I almost forgot... They had to strike in Mexico because without the chemtrails, Mexico is unprotected from the eq machine. In USA, the populated areas and major faultlines are covered. That's about it from my conspiratorial side of my brain...

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 08:20 AM
So, everyone agrees that it wasn't a "coincidence" the fact that the quake happened at the same time of the drill?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by GLontra

I can't speak for everybody, but I do agree this can't be a coincidence.

The questions remain:

- is there a pattern in earthquakes somebody in the know decoded, like the 188 day pattern, or even more sophisticated
- was the quake produced artificially by some tech (haarp or others)
- was the quake predictable because it was caused by natural factors (planet alignement, solar eruption or so)

Definetely this mexico quake with a drill at the exact same time, place and magnitude raises a lot of questions, that should be asked and preferably answered by people in the know.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by svetlana84

I think that this thread should be our NUMBER ONE priority right now in the search for answers. It's too batlant, it's too obvious, it was not coincidence.

It would be good if ATS members from Mexico did their own investigation about this drill, and who planned it...

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:37 PM

Just WOW!!!!!

Can you read Spanish? I can read Spanish, and I can't believe my eyes!!!

You need to see this, people!!!

Go to this link from the Spanish version of Yahoo Answers:

Look at the date it was posted!!!

"hace 5 días" means "5 days ago"!!!!

Today is March 23, so this was posted on March 18!!!!

Can you understand the question made by user "Valeri" ??? I can read this, and I can't believe my eyes!

Also, go to the profile of this user "Valeri". Look at the JOIN DATE:"Miembro desde: 18 marzo 2012"

The profile was created on March 18th and has only ONE question made on Yahoo Answers! The profile was created ONLY to post that question!

edit on 23-3-2012 by GLontra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 11:06 PM
I still dont get how haarp is supposed to cause an earthquake.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:23 AM
Long time lurker, First time poster. And what a great way to jump in the thick of things.

I study HAARP and weather modification. There is plenty of compiled data available with regards to HAARP/weather modification. One group has monitoring stations across the country that take readings from HAARP, and are able to alert any targeted region well in advance of conventional methods of severe weather i.e., tornadoes. This information has saved lives, even publically acknowledged, but censored in the media. The HAARP rings, scalar squares, stair-step patterns. People have a fairly good grasp on what intensity and where HAARP is going to hit weather-wise. Earthquakes on the otherhand, not so much yet.

If you don't believe HAARP is real and capable of being a weapon system, you will think differently momentarily. HAARP is the sexiest energy weapon system in the world. 15 minutes before the quake, several people were in a discussion with a guy in Greece who wanted to understand what he was witnessing in regards to HAARPs readings. He was concerned that a quake was going to hit in his region. He did not understand the science behind it, or what he was looking at and wanted people to help him understand in laymans terms. Yes, HAARP was fired up. Just after the quake, the flyer about the disaster drill was posted online. This flyer had been distributed over a month prior to the earthquake. Think about it. The exact day, hour, minute, country, magnitude... Now, I cannot say the reasons why this was chosen to occur. But it did.

Now, for those that do not believe, those that believe but do not understand the reasons why, and those that just believe - here is the "group" responsible: Sanford University. I am incuding a "title" to Stanfords six-page PDF that illustrates everything I have stated and then some (I am not totally sure on all the posting rules with regards to links, so I hope you will google this, or someone can link it, if okay).

>>>> GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 35, L12101, doi:10.1029/2008GL034061, 2008

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by LennyDaRetard

I'm not going to say that there MIGHT not be something else going on. I just want to say that "observation leads to coincidence." I just came up with that quote -- so give me credit. I'm saying that; BECAUSE we've got new, more advanced techniques to observe the rings of Neptune, and the ice caps of Mars, we are going to notice more "strange coincidences."

Believe me; the spot on Jupiter comes and goes -- it's been recorded through history.

The Sun spots have an 11 years cycle, though recently, we've gone about 17 years without any.

Mars also has ice caps that grow and recede.

>> NOTE: that the "heating" you've witnessed was during a low sunspot period and LOW solar output period -- so the sun is going to be a bit hotter in the coming decade.

These coincidences are NOT indicative of warm periods on earth. Global warming is about to get serious, and earth's erratic behavior is about to get more erratic.

>> However, the Magnetic fluctuations of the earth might be coincidence -- or we might have a pole reversal any day now -- no way HUMANS had any influence on that. However, we are WAY overdue for a pole reversal. We get them every 200,000 to 300,000 years;

if our Poles do reverse -- expect Lightning and our magnetosphere to diminish, and MUCH MORE solar particles to reach earth -- NOT a good time for sunbathing. It will also play havoc on satellites. The end of life -- not really.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:15 AM
I remember reading the US army was doing drills in Haiti a day before their big quake. I can't find a link right now though.

I always thought it was strange the weather channel did their first "it could happen" episode about New Orleans a few months before it really happened. Also a few months before 9/11, the History channel (I think) did a doc on the World Trade Center. The weather channel I can understand, the doc on the World Trade Center was strange.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Daughter2
I remember reading the US army was doing drills in Haiti a day before their big quake. I can't find a link right now though.

I always thought it was strange the weather channel did their first "it could happen" episode about New Orleans a few months before it really happened. Also a few months before 9/11, the History channel (I think) did a doc on the World Trade Center. The weather channel I can understand, the doc on the World Trade Center was strange.

There were earthquake drills going on in Florida in the day of the quake in Haiti.

There are many evidence that some people knew about the quake in Haiti before it happened...

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by GuyFoxx
Long time lurker, First time poster. And what a great way to jump in the thick of things.

I study HAARP and weather modification. There is plenty of compiled data available with regards to HAARP/weather modification. One group has monitoring stations across the country that take readings from HAARP, and are able to alert any targeted region well in advance of conventional methods of severe weather i.e., tornadoes. This information has saved lives, even publically acknowledged, but censored in the media. The HAARP rings, scalar squares, stair-step patterns. People have a fairly good grasp on what intensity and where HAARP is going to hit weather-wise. Earthquakes on the otherhand, not so much yet.

If you don't believe HAARP is real and capable of being a weapon system, you will think differently momentarily. HAARP is the sexiest energy weapon system in the world. 15 minutes before the quake, several people were in a discussion with a guy in Greece who wanted to understand what he was witnessing in regards to HAARPs readings. He was concerned that a quake was going to hit in his region. He did not understand the science behind it, or what he was looking at and wanted people to help him understand in laymans terms. Yes, HAARP was fired up. Just after the quake, the flyer about the disaster drill was posted online. This flyer had been distributed over a month prior to the earthquake. Think about it. The exact day, hour, minute, country, magnitude... Now, I cannot say the reasons why this was chosen to occur. But it did.
For even further information, you can google 'Stanford HAARP PDF' and several other reports detailing specifics are available. .

Ionospheric modification and ELF/VLF
wave generation by HAARP

Hmmmm instead of war-paranoia I wonder if HAARP might have just saved the whole Cascadia fault from ripping open. California lives for a bit more californication!

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
I still dont get how haarp is supposed to cause an earthquake.

Well effecting the Schumann_resonance aughta do it. Especially with multiple transmitters to resonate into a localized maxima (spike wave) in the desired location.

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