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The end of modern medicine as we know it

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posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 07:12 PM

Margaret Chan, director general of the WHO, warned that bacteria were starting to become so resistant to common antibiotics that it could bring about “the end of modern medicine as we know it.” As a result, she claimed, every antibiotic ever developed is at risk of becoming useless, making once-routine operations impossible.

Very interesting statement as it appears to come from WHO. Not sure if they really are up to something and they prepare the "we told you so" tape. On the other side, I agree that antibiotics forced the bacteria to adapt or die, therefore we directed an artificial selection process along the ages. Hopefully we will be able to find alternatives soon, maybe some nano-bots running in our blood and hunting for the bad bacterias?

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 07:25 PM
we'll have to go back to ancient medicinal practices like using charcoal to get rid of infection. An activated charcoal poultice can even be used to stop diabetics from losing their feet (but western medicine won't tell you this because they make a lot more money amputating)

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Romanian

This is basic biology and cause and effect. We have only ourselves to blame.

I know this is going to sound callous but I say good. Our population is growing exponentially with modern medicine, anything that thins out our ranks is a blessing.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 07:39 PM
Essential oils, herbs, spices, vitamin c, niacin...

I'm good to go!

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 07:40 PM
Nature's pharmacy has plenty of things to kill even intractable infections. Colloidal silver. Samento. Banderol. Cumanda. The acetic acid in vinegar. Even, as an earlier poster pointed out, natural charcoal to suck out infections. The problem is, those things cannot be patented.

What this signals is the end of Big Pharma as the only source of assistance against microbes, and a return to more natural cures that have a great deal less in the way of side effects.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 08:07 PM
I remember reading an article not too long ago by an Australian microbiologist that said similar things. He feels that within 100 years bacteria will be the only life left on the planet. If I can find that article I will come back and post it. But bacteria are adapting and evolving faster than antibiotics, so the point would be to support and evolve our good bacteria to kill the bad bacteria. That would mean balancing the flora and fauna in our guts for starters. And laying off all the antimicrobials.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 08:47 PM

Or Phage therapy, put another way is the next weapon in the armoury against bacteria.

Using viruses and viral systems against the bacteria.

Russia has had decades of study and research on these things, i saw a documentary a while ago, can't remember where or when.

A scientist took in people with antibiotic resistant infections, exposed them to sources such as sewer systems or drains, and the biological viral contents of these sources, attacks the bacteria and kills them and so cures the 'incurable' infections.

Phage therapy takes advantage of this particular group of viruses in a relatively simple way; it aims to treat bacterial infections through the application of such phages. Though for some time people did not consider this use of bacteriophages feasible, since the emergence of many antibiotic-resistant pathogens, the field is again on the rise (Inal 2003).

Recent WHO figures suggest that 14,000 people die in the US alone every year due to multidrug-resistant bacteria acquired in hospitals. Luckily, bacteriophages are found in all bacteria so there is at least a theoretical possibility that therapies can be developed for all species of bacteria (Inal 2003).

Because humans are unlikely to be able to come up with novel antibiotics forever and bacteria will probably continue to evolve resistances, from the human perspective it is important that new ways of thwarting infection are discovered.

Something a WHO expert claiming the near end of modern medicine would have been aware of i would have thought...and too the other 'expert' claiming we're all doomed in 100 years (not 80 or 120, but 100).

Propelyene Glycol is a handy stopgap too.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 11:16 PM
This seems slightly sensationalized. How many kids with a "scrapped knee" even use antibiotics of some kind, let alone rubbing alcohol.

"The end of modern medicine" seems like a bold claim for someone who isn't really near the center of modern medicine. A degree in public health isn't on par with a medical doctor its fair to say, much better though than home economics.

It seems she wants governments to preemptively invest in new drugs, explains things a bit.
edit on 19-3-2012 by Turq1 because: (no reason given)

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