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Is the USA being set up for a taste of their own medicine ?

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posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 10:57 PM
I don't know where to put this, but it's sort of a prediction/observation. I figure I will run with it, and if it's in the wrong place please mods feel free to move it, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

So It seems, for many years the USA has played world police, and done as much internal propaganda as possible to keep it's people feeling they only ever go to war, to protect the freedom of it's civilians or it's allies. How ever, The US also seems to take great pleasure in bringing " freedom " to those it deems in need.

For instance each time the US has gone to Iraq for instance it has been for the greater good of the United States as well as The world. A huge part of the US campaign in Iraq boasted the ideology of bringing freedom and peace to the Iraqi people. I'm not trying to say it was the only reason, nor do I feel the US had any right to decide what freedom was for Iraq, but with the way things are playing out in The US I can't help but see some similarities to many campaigns the US has so proudly been involved with. It seems every day more and more Americans are unhappy with their economy, and those in power. I'm an outsider looking in, but the growing numbers of civilians who are claiming their government is biased and self serving rather than serving the people is starting to sound rather similar to many of the so called Terrors they have gone to war to over throw. With the protests showing public displays of disgusting police brutality, and watching both sides spew propaganda about the other I really can't help but start to wonder which of the worlds other super powers isn't starting to brew their own " Operation Freedom. "

Now, I for one do not wish to see any country in war, not with each other nor with themselves, but it seems the tensions are certainly rising and it just doesn't feel like anything is going to be done about it. It's been an endless loop of hollow promises and deceit since well... Ever. It seems the people grow increasingly upset, and tensions continue to rise, and along comes elections and another savior comes along, only to become equally disappointing and lack luster. As well more and more civilians are becoming aware of the fact, it doesn't matter who the president is the power obviously lays somewhere else. It seems many are calling for a complete overhaul, and the rest are unhappy but unwilling to believe something can be done about it.

I'm trying to outline the basics here but I just don't have the words. The bottom line is Americans are upset. They are upset with their leaders, and they are upset with each other. It's only a matter of time before the people in charge say, screw you this is how it is openly for all to see. The only difference is, the US doesn't realize the very same excuses they use to go to war with other countries could be used to go to war with them.

The US has spread terror all through out Afghanistan and Iraq, and although I don't see either of these countries Riling up their civilians and launching an occupation on the US I really don't see why Russia, China, or even Iran couldn't. I mean, Take the OWS movements going on as we speak. I'm not saying that I think the OWS is a good thing, or that I agree with anything they are about but an outsider can take a look at the Peaceful protesters being mistreated by it's country. Now it doesn't take a genius to understand acting violently towards unarmed civilians who aren't really doing anything other than causing a mild inconvenience is very wrong, and truly disgusting at times. The US has expressed great distaste towards the Chinese, the Iraqis and the Egyptians for the way they have treated their civilians why they have protested. I also can't help but think of the economic motives behind both the Iraq, and afghan campaigns. Oil and Opium are huge assets and will be for the modern world until a more valuable alternative comes about. I know I'm rambling, but I haven't slept much and this is kind of what came to mind so I'm trying to get it out as it comes together.

The picture I'm so horribly finger painting with snot here is, what is stopping a power like China or Russia from pulling off an operation American Freedom type scenario? It can not be their military, I really just don't see how it would be. Russia and China both out man the US, china by a truly ridiculous amount. It can't be their military technology, because China is on the cutting edge and Russia always seems to surprise the world when they least expect it. Personally I think it's a matter of time. Many will say China won't do it, because as far as everyone else is concerned China pretty much owns the US with all the debt they have. Really, I think they are very slowly letting the US fall apart just a little bit more before they start up with their campaign. It wouldn't take much to convince the chinese or russian public that they are doing it for the American people themselves. That they need China's help. Seriously think about it. It's obvious people are upset, and I really don't understand why people don't think someone else would use that as a perfect excuse to attack the US over. The more upset the people of the country are the less likely UN or the US's allies would be to intervene. It's been the number two excuse for the US to attack any other country in every war they have been in.

Now, it's been said on many threads of ATS, as well as even on some alternative news websites and even mainstream news in some cases that there does appear to be people simply out to " Pump up " the violence at events like OWS. There's always that one douchebag to throw the first stone, followed by the first molotov. How do you know there aren't key people placed with in the US trying to promote complete and utter chaos so that someone can step in and Stick it to the US once and for all. I have seen a few threads about Foreign cyber attacks on the US, as well as threads of " Anonymous "and their shenanigans. Isn't it entirely possible that China is trying to get the US to erupt into civil war so they can come overthrow the government and implant a more palatable system ? It doesn't have to be China, it could be Russia. Hell, is it any less ridiculous than the zionist 911 conspiracies?

Another important piece to this puzzle is the fact the US is currently occupying Iraq, and afghanistan. They just sent a bunch of marines to Australia, and there is the ever looming threat of more war breaking out in the middle east. The US is eventually going to have it's forces spread out in significant conflict in more than 2 foreign countries. I can't help but think of WW2 and Nazi Germany here. How far can the US spread it's forces and still fend off a serious threat like China or Russia. Seriously...Things are really starting to get scary, and I really do hope and pray for you all many nights.

Thanks for reading guys. Tell me what you think. I know it's a mess, but my mind is really actually kind of stunned at this very obvious possibility.
edit on 11/24/2011 by Ilyich because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:29 PM
Interesting theory, but easier said than done, fortunately. Most of the American people wouldn't even want to be liberated, they'd prefer to stick with the devil they know instead of the devil they don't know, you know? The majority of people are out of tune and eat the garbage their own government tells them these days, how can you wake someone up who won't open their own eyes?

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Ilyich

You have obviously put a lot of thought into this, I follow and agree with most of what you have said. Being an American I have to say that it would be a very, very bad idea for any country or coalition of countries to attempt an attack against the U.S.A. Even though we may have different view points one thing that will unite Americans is an attack against America. Our country will never be occupied by a foreign army. Love us or hate us that my friend is a simple fact.
edit on 24-11-2011 by kellerphoenix because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-11-2011 by kellerphoenix because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-11-2011 by kellerphoenix because: addition

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:39 PM
good theory, but as one of my first Officers told me, a long time ago, if the soil of the united states was to be invaded, we would NUKE em...

That would end it all...

see all this positioning with the united states the last decade or so, has just been really the deployment of troops in countries, that do not have nukes, just small little dictator gangster type regime's, with rag tag armies, that surrender at the site of tanks...

If The USA, decided to try that on RUSSIA, or CHINA they would nuke us...

they would probably say something like if you invade us we are going to nuke you..

THAT is why Russia, is so pissed off right now you see...

The missile defense, takes their nuke ability away if invaded.. You see...

Now don't be working yourself up over this crap,
their is nothing we can do about it..

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:41 PM
I've spoke of this many times, and most people can see the irony. I always made the case of what the USA does in these situations in which they see people in need of freedom and democracy. you see clips in the news of protesters being beaten and arrested and the USA wants to bring democracy and freedom to them. i.e. Libya. What would happen if the OWS mishaps were the perfect excuse a multi-nation coalition i.e. Russia and China (the two examples I used) decided to invade to overthrow our government. granted I can't think of many civilians that would stand by and watch our country be occupied by a foreign military. I imagine the majority of all able bodied Americans would pick up a weapon....
However, perhaps it's exactly what our country needs. For our government to be completely disbanded and the power given back to the people to put a government in place that will act in the best interest of it's people as it was supposed to do in the first place.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by concernedcitizen519
Interesting theory, but easier said than done, fortunately. Most of the American people wouldn't even want to be liberated, they'd prefer to stick with the devil they know instead of the devil they don't know, you know? The majority of people are out of tune and eat the garbage their own government tells them these days, how can you wake someone up who won't open their own eyes?

You can Argue the same point about Iraq, Lybia, Syria etc. etc.

to the post below this one.... i have know doubt Americans would fight back on ther eown soil, doesnt stop the country from being war ravaged. look at various eastern europeans countries, of Vietnam, Germany after there wars, infastructure and political/financial rebuilding can take a long time,

the countries in question havnt always been known for there love of human rights and respect for human rights, if you could fight a relativley big war on foriegn soil, when there forces are spread across the world, you can dent the country in a way that would be very hard to come back from, if you loose a few hundered thousand soldiers and you dont care about human life you could succeed at your end game.. pushing America over the edge and make it too difficult for a decent recovery.

And i know Missiles/retaliation attacks etc. thats a mindset of an attacker though, not a defender, your priority is too keep home turf safe first... then you have the time and ability to attack. America have never needed to worry about a land war on its own land before, it could certainley go bad for them if cards were played right.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by kellerphoenix

I am Australian, and I agree with what you say. Having spent quite a bit of time in the USA I think it would be a very brave, or very stupid country who would try and put boots on the ground there. Nearly everyone owns a firearm and most people (despite the crappy government parties) remain very patriotic to their country, but not necessarily to the elected government of the day.

I am not saying it is not a possibility, but I think the American people would certainly have the will and the way to quickly ensure that anyone who tried it on, would be quickly defeated and ousted from the USA shores, either by the USA military or the US citizens themselves.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by Ilyich

Isn't it entirely possible that China is trying to get the US to erupt into civil war so they can come overthrow the government and implant a more palatable system ? It doesn't have to be China, it could be Russia.

You know, people underestimate how plausible that actually is. If you really want to stay on the topic of prophecies and predictions, there was a Romanian preacher by the name of Dimitru Duduman who spoke in the mid-90s about visions he was shown of America before he came over here.

He prophesied about large-scale civil war and unrest plaguing the country in conjunction with a huge earthquake cracking the country down the middle. Obviously the New Madrid fault line has the ability to draw a substantial line in US sand smack dab in the middle. He said the division wouldn't be just physical however but also politically and socially. For whatever reason, there would be unrest within our own borders, evidently similar to what we're seeing now. Keep in mind this was nearly 20 years ago this was prophesied.

But most importantly, Duduman talked about Russia and China invading US. Russia on the East and China on the West. With America preoccupied with chaos and economically broken due to natural disaster, it would be the perfect and really only time to attack. China holds vast amounts of our debt and taking physical real estate would be one way to regain some ground. The Midwest is said to be not only our breadbasket but one for the world and China envies that with their dense population. Russia, with us out of the way, can obviously continue binging on their power hungry rampage of wanting to rule the world which has always been their prerogative.

Both countries have had submarines spotted off of our coasts, relations with both appear good at face value but in no way strong enough to withstand the temptation of overtaking a weak USA, the economy teetering is causing a civil uproar, and the New Madrid has had increasingly more activity in the last year. I'd say its a strong possibility...

I won't put a date on that however. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

God bless

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Bicent76
good theory, but as one of my first Officers told me, a long time ago, if the soil of the united states was to be invaded, we would NUKE em...

That would end it all...

see all this positioning with the united states the last decade or so, has just been really the deployment of troops in countries, that do not have nukes, just small little dictator gangster type regime's, with rag tag armies, that surrender at the site of tanks...

If The USA, decided to try that on RUSSIA, or CHINA they would nuke us...

they would probably say something like if you invade us we are going to nuke you..

THAT is why Russia, is so pissed off right now you see...

The missile defense, takes their nuke ability away if invaded.. You see...

Now don't be working yourself up over this crap,
their is nothing we can do about it..

i absolutley dissagree... no country (or similar) with nukes that would be deamed a super power will use them in my lifetime.... USA, mainland Europe, China and Russia will not fire a nuke because they dont want to die! Mutal assurance, the same reason none were ever fired in the cold war with the intent of murdering people, there was even a dead switch i russia that would fire missiles if it wasnt reset to retaliate if America nuked them... one person having nukes is a weapon, lots of people is a stalemate

no matter how corrupt a coutry is, how much power the leaders have, absolute disregard for human life, the folk at the top dont want to die, dont want to live in a nuclear wasteland or a bunker, dont want to adapt.

in human nature almost always the drive is to survive, if you fire a nuke chances are you will not survive as there will be retaliation with nukes always....

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by Ilyich

Valid concerns….all of them. We have been playing “world police” for far too long. I’ve served in the US military with NATO forces on these politically motivated peace keeping type missions. Obviously there are deeper motives that we can only speculate about. I assume we will continue to learn more over time.

What you might not realize about the conditions in America today is that, even though people are getting fed up, the actual number of people ready to roll onto the streets in protest is very small right now. Economically, I suspect things are much worse than the American public has been led to believe. If we experience a serious economic collapse, which I think is a real possibility, things will devolve very quickly and everything I said above will be a fond memory of the good old days.

I’ve always been concerned with the overwhelming numbers in the Red Armies. For those who study biblical prophecy, Gog and Magog comes to mind. Things do appear to be escalating and the outcome seems dire.

However, I think the thought of mutually assured destruction weighs heavily on everyone’s mind. After all, no matter how thin we are stretched, it only takes a few people to launch a nuclear missile that would turn any country into glass. That’s one hell of a deterrent.

You’re right though! Scary times!!

edit on 25-11-2011 by seabag because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-11-2011 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 12:06 AM
I'm so happy about the thought of trading in my bad western lifestyle for the superior lifestyle of a commoner in a socialist country like China or Russia that tomorrow I think I will run out and pick up some more ammo for the guns. Just in case.
And I've already picked out the blade of grass I'm going to hide behind!

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:11 AM
I think once China or Russia shuts down the US networks through cyber attack

Maybe plant a virus to go off at the same time all over the country.

That is your weakness, everything is connected to computers running on networks.

Your country is all ready being attacked right now as I type this.

It is only a matter of time.

They may shut down the power grid, disable your tactical missiles and communication networks etc.

Your military is already infested with counterfit parts from China

A probe into counterfeit electronic parts in the military supply chain has led investigators to a familiar suspect: China.

[url=]Link[/u rl]

It has begun
edit on 25-11-2011 by weirdguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:30 AM
If Chuck Norris was a country he would be the USA. Only America can destroy America

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 09:59 AM
My thoughts exactly, my friend. As for a nuke retaliation, that may be part of "the plan", or it could be stopped by an emp burst, or since our own gov may be "in on it" they will simply not give the orders to launch, pretending they were too quickly overrun or incapacitated. Nuclear armed subs? A coordinated attack using Chinese sunburst type missiles could take out the whole navy possibly. We are being set up to be the bad guy jist like Nazi Germany in a way. I'm sure there's money to be made in it. Jumping ship at just the right moment...

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 12:07 AM
I think most countries already know that trying to invade another country is a stupid idea and waste of time and resources. Why bother with that if you know it will be just waste of time? Just see what happened to US

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by concernedcitizen519
Interesting theory, but easier said than done, fortunately. Most of the American people wouldn't even want to be liberated, they'd prefer to stick with the devil they know instead of the devil they don't know, you know? The majority of people are out of tune and eat the garbage their own government tells them these days, how can you wake someone up who won't open their own eyes?

Do you really think it would be any different ? So it's okay for the US to " Free " Iraq, and save the world from the weapons of mass destruction that were never found ? Whats stopping Russia, China, Germany, Britain or India from pulling the same # on the US ? Think about it. Before the US told us, Iraq was a bad guy, who else did ? They were worried Iraq's quiet, poorly armed military was trying to build weapons to destroy the whole world !!! But then their soldiers who were hardly equipped at all were suddenly overrun by a far superior military, in fact they surrendered and no weapons were found. Hweeewwww, everything is all better. OH NO SADAAM Went missing. The millitary occupies for several months and when the public starts to no longer care. OMG WE FOUND THE BASTARD IN A HOLE !!! Woo the nation rejoices and he's executed and the body is quickly disposed of... Hmmm would it be any different ?

The US also did it in afghanistan. This sovreign nation is minding it's business suddenly the us is attacked by 7 guys who came to the US, learned to fly jumbo jets... were so good in fact, when they hijacked the planes with their plastic knives they all hit their targets flying jets that even experienced pilots accidently screw up and miss landing strips. Not to mention the Gs involved in pulling off that sharp winding corkscrew to hit their targets on the first try.Even knowing their is a plane full of pissed off americans that know they are going to die anyways, but don't try to overpower them, not to mention the terrorist worried that would happen still doing it... So, amazingly a pasport is found on the top of the wreckage of the most devastating event in history linking it to Afghanistan AND osama bin laden said alqaida is to blame !!1

So We go to Afghanistan to hunt the bastard. Who's from pakistan but no body seems to notice we will fall for antything and over many years just like the Iraq war, when people start to lose interest more people die, and eventually they find him IN PAKISTAN !! Raid his house in the middle of the night, shoot his face off then dump the body at see with out proving it to us besides Showing important politicians the money i mean pictures so that they can tell us too. Oh yeah and that team of guys who found him and did it... Yeah they all died in a helicopter fight... Alquaida did it again.. yeah...

So still think it's so ridiculous one of the Other super powers of the world take advantage of the US in it's most delicate of states ? Perhaps they could piss in her cheerios, and send her into a hissy fit making the world see how ridiculous and in need of their help they are ? Its pretty much how we do it to all the third world countries, the US just doesn't realize how quickly they ARE becoming a third world country, they just try to make everyone look the other way and pretend it isn't.... Again, I'm just an outsider looking in....

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by GorillaP

Yes, exactly I'm so happy you can see this too. I know that sounds twisted.. I just can't believe how many people just don't see it.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:20 PM
I'm having a mega orgasm right now. I thought it would be out of my life time when the king of war, propaganda and in general bad energy would be tasting their own bag of vomit.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:23 PM
if you're all patient I will reply to rest.. Gotta open another window.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:32 PM
The USA has been set up, no doubt. The people here bleed red, just like all of the warm blooded mammals.
When will people get it?
Yes, the Americans have had it easy for a while. The land of milk and honey was very rewarding once we killed the natives. Set up?
Yes, the Americans had it easy once we killed most of our youth in the Civil War. Over what? No one really know, but the blood ran in rivers, and on both sides it was RED.
Yes, we had it easy in the first Great Depression. And WW II was a dandy.
The Seventies were great also, when we had to wait in lines for fuel, and food prices were going up so fast that I actually changed the price on a canned good more than twice. And the people wanted to lynch my white ass for doing so.
Yes, WE will get a taste of "our" own medicine, but it is not OUR medicine. It is just what "we the people" ultimately get in a system that is always designed to fail for "we the people".
When will people get it?

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