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Prediction for the Future: Antisemitism

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posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by dontreally

The idea of anti-Zionism is to re-frame the now defunct and unpopular idea of "anti-Judaism" which prevailed in Christian Europe for 1200 years, and antisemitism, which gripped the minds of both Communist and Capitalists in the 19th and 20th century. The social-architects have cleverly reconstituted this hatred towards this one group, the Jews, under an entirely new context: nationalism, or "Zionism", which through constant propaganda has begun to carry undertones of "apartheid" "genocide" "Nazism", and most of all, "Imperialism"... None of these ideas are valid, yet through repetition, its been firmly rooted in the public psyche.

It's funny how you always word things as if Jews did absolutely nothing to deserve the 'anti-Judaism' or 'anti-semetism' that paint Israel and Jews as total innocents when nothing could be further from the truth!

In Europe, Jews became legendary for their crookedness and their diabolical ingenuity in taking advantage of those with whom they came in contact. As a direct result of their chicanery they were expelled from one nation after another. Jews were evicted from England in 1290 AD, (returned 1655); France 1306 (returned 1682);Hungary 1360 – 1582; Belgium 1370 – 1700; Slovakia 1380 – 1744. They were also thrown out of the Netherlands, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Bavaria and other nations in Europe in the same time frame.

The world today would actually be a far safer place without Israel. It is through Israel's manipulation and provoking that most of the world's problems are caused. Through their ownership of mainstream media they label Islam as the big evil and blame Islam for the troubles in the Middle East when, in fact, it is all caused by Israel's provocation.
(N.B. In 1967, following a war between Israel and the countries of Syria, Jordan and Egypt, Israel military occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. That year the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 242 calling on Isreal to withdraw from the occupied territories. Israel has yet to comply, and has currently violated more than 68 UN resolutions and thanks to America with its vetoes they are yet to have any UN sanctions put on them.)

It would be a far, far nicer world to live in if Palestine was allowed to have it's land back and the illegal Israeli nation removed from the map and it's citizens left to find a new home.......if anyone would have them that is.

Finally, can someone please answer the frequently asked question as to why Iran are not allowed to have nuclear weapons but Israel are? Why is Iran's nuclear program labelled as illegal when they have signed the NPT but Israel haven't?

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 05:39 AM
Now what jevrej will cry anti-semitism as usual.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by dontreally

This is no great challenge to predict since it has been around for quite awhile. I do not think it is justified for the most part. No one should be vilified based on religion alone. People should however be vilified because of their actions as well as their intent.

The Illuminati (not to be confused with the Bavarian Illuminati; more about that later) is a very secretive group of occult practitioners who have been around for thousands and thousands of years and are using the Jewish Cabala as one of their guidelines to oppress the rest of the population. It is not a boys' club or a group of adults trying to get some excitement in life; this is something much bigger and much more sinister. It is an extremely well structured organization consisting of people in very High Places. Those people are the Super Wealthy, who stand above the law. Many of them don't even appear on the list of the wealthiest people in the world - they are that secret. What is driving them is power, money and control over life and death of others and themselves.

There are rumors like this abounding and I am reading the website here now to decide for myself what they are speaking of and if this researcher has the proof to show such an agenda being advanced. I do know that someone or something is stacking the deck. The dealers perhaps?

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 05:16 PM
Oh how right I will be....

Peoples dreams dashed to bits...and who will they blame? who will their hatred fall upon? Naturally, the party deemed responsible: Israel. Israel's "unjustified" attack on Iran will be identified as the ultimate catalyst for everything that happened. This will be the nugget which will engender a new wave of antisemitism in the west. People will be perfectly primed, emotionally that is, to allow their hatred to foment and eventually foster old ideas which now appear to them as valid, since "everything bad always seems to be connected with the Jews". This inference will be natural. People WILL think it, because the economic situation they will be living in will reduce them to that level of animalistic hatred. And if America gets pulled into war BECAUSE of Israel's attack on Iran, that will only further this type of thinking.

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