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Tram thugs stamped on head of woman 'because she was dressed as a Goth'

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posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by VonDoomen
And yea if people dont come into these threads, and push for better content on this website, then this sight will continue to go downhill as people post every goddamn stoey they can find on any damn topic on ats for a few measly stars and flags. So yea, if your content to watch this website continue to go downhill, and grt flooded with worthless threads, be my guest. I, however, am not. I am the 99%

Behave yourself.

According to the site statistics, ATS has had 762,572 threads created. I'm sure that one thread which you dislike won't alter the overall content of the site.

What's wrong with personally discerning between the topics which you are, and aren't, interested in ?

I'd rather bypass threads which contain a subject matter which I'm not interested in, than having a rigid set of topics and subject matter which we've got to stick to.

How about letting the mods and other members decide what's ''ATS worthy'', rather than assuming that your single voice speaks for everyone else's views on ATS content.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:42 AM

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by gougitousakusha

I agree with domo, slightly.

From my personal experience of every goth person ive met, they seem to hate society, and just want to be an annoyance on other people and be so anti-social-cool. Mainly by being very visually ugly to look at. Its like their only way of standing up to society.

Personally, i think anyone who has to dress a certain way to convey who they are is retarded. That is what shallow people do.put that effort into something useful for yourself or society.

Of course this doesnt mean they deserve to be attacked.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by VonDoomen

if i wanted to read these types of stories, i wouldnt be browsing a CONSPIRACY website.

OMG! I hate these threads SO MUCH. THey are SOOOO PoOpy girlfRIend! I hate them but I read them and post horribly long comments AboUt HoW MucH I Haet dem!!!

On topic... Dress like an idiot, get your ass beat. I don't agree with it, but that's how it goes. I'm too old to give a rats ass about a persons style of dress, but damn son, grow up. You dress like an idiot clown, you are doing it for a reaction. Well, you got one. Fake boobs attract pervy guys, fast cars attract loose women, dumbass 'goths' attract scorn and honestly not a single F is given when a goth gets beat up. They are asking for it more than a girl with sweatpants that say PINK on the behind.

Hell, the guy I was going to make fun of is right. This story is RETARDED and should be binned.

edit on 18-11-2011 by Domo1 because: (no reason given)

Move to China... now... commie

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by gougitousakusha

You advocate accepting people, yet in the same breath advocate murdering people for committing a basic assault. FUBU and ECKO are beneath me. I buy grown up clothes.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

I dont suppose my voice speaks for everyone here. And i never claimed that. So dont put words in my mouth. Kthx. I do however know that quite a few people, including mods, do agree with me on this. Btw the 99% thing was, what i thought, a RELEVANT joke concerning todays current events.

And i must see atleast one of these threads a day on here. No substance. Just a quick blurb and sentiments of violence. How intellectual.

But yes, some people actively go against the grain and try and push people into creating more worthwhile threads. And others are content to just watch this website continue to go downhill.
We both know which camp we belong too

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Domo1

no assault should be considered basic. i dont care what color anyone was, this was a hate crime and people with that low of an intelligence should be exterminated before they teach those around them to act the same.
edit on 18-11-2011 by gougitousakusha because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by VonDoomen

Actually that was what I was going for. In no way would I advocate or endorse beating someone up for the (tragic) clothing choices they make. At the same time, people who dress 'goth' have a tendency (in my experience) to try and start problems. They never seem to be able to save themselves from the problems they start.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
but I will say if you want to stir poo, expect a crappy time.

Not really.

People who dress like Goths may be trying to garner attention, but most of them are teenagers or young adults, and attention-seeking and insecurities thrive around that age - so it's quite understandable for them to adopt a different style of dress or persona.

Any blame shouldn't be placed on the victim, who is not causing anyone else any harm. If the actions of the attackers are attempted to be rationalised, and the blame is perniciously shifted from culprit to victim, then that lessens the seriousness of the crime.

99% of people won't randomly attack someone who's dressed as a Goth, so why should we treat the 1% who do, any differently to other brutal attackers ?

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:53 AM
most of the goths i know dress that way because they look silly in plain cloths. not attention just trying to find a style that isnt played out by the ghetto kids and their parents.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by Domo1

Yea, sweet grammar nazi post!! Lol you are so smart, ive never thought of critiquing someones spelling over their argument. Oh thats because you dont have an arguement of value.

Also if you must know. I just woke up, am typing this from an ipad(chubby fingers), and in my haste i dont always make sure i have 100% perfect grammar, especially considering taking the time to do that to appease a few grammar nazis just doesnt seem like a good use of my time.

So yea, go ahead and take a jab at my grammar, it pleases me to know that my arguement is solid enough that you have to resort to grammar in an attempt to save face

edit on 11/18/2011 by VonDoomen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by gougitousakusha

I was unaware that 'color' had anything to do with it. Are we now going to claim the people who assaulted the 'goths' are/were racists?

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Domo1

L2Read, i said color dosnt matter, this was a hate crime. they didnt know the people they attacked and didnt gain anything from it other then being hatefull.

edit on 18-11-2011 by gougitousakusha because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by gougitousakusha

You advocate accepting people, yet in the same breath advocate murdering people for committing a basic assault. FUBU and ECKO are beneath me. I buy grown up clothes.

you mean you buy clothes that FIT? And ACTUALLY spend LESS a month in clothes than your.... Kicks? Oh...My...God! How anti fashion of you!!

I don't see any reason to attack people for race,creed,etc... Oh wait, isn't that in the constitution? no WONDER I'm against it. And the story is from the UK so their laws most likely read different, but similar, yes?


I understand how you feel, and I respect your opinion about it. I'll put more thought into postings next time. Honestly, when I post something, I don't concern myself with s&f. I've had some applause from 1 mod for my input in a thread. I thanked the mod because I felt they deserved the thanks. But honestly, I don't care about the points/stars/flags. I'm here to read stories about things (I generally come HERE for the news) and once in a while, I'll post a topic. Heck, until recently, you wouldn't have known that I've been registered on this site for as long as I have. because most times, I don't post if I see someone has already posted a like-minded comment. I just give them a star and flag the thread.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by VonDoomen

Easy now!
edit on 18-11-2011 by Domo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:02 AM
i dont mind girlfriend has goth style big deal....hell i wear mostly black..not because i think i'm gothic but because it's easy to match..what i think is tragic is not that the two people got beat up..but that they were "goths" and not juggalos...wanna talk about useless semi retarded trash..look no further...juggalos are a waste of space..and ecko really isnt "bad" clothing..they actually make some pretty comfortable clothes...i prefer jnco's cause the way i'm built they fit better and are more comfortable than the nut crusher wranglers that are so popular in my area..sometimes clothes are just clothes and people wear em for comfort y'all...and also..von doomen...i saw your article in the huffington post about not a conspiracy either dude lol
edit on 18-11-2011 by johnnygamble because: cause

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by pyrael

you mean you buy clothes that FIT? And ACTUALLY spend LESS a month in clothes than your.... Kicks? Oh...My...God! How anti fashion of you!!

STOP IT! Stop mocking my fashion! I'm fancy damn't. The clothes do fit though. Just think of me as a young Arnold Last name I cant spell but the Governator-You know who with Brad Pitt's face. Yeah. Like that. It's hard to keep buying clothes every time I flex...

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by gougitousakusha

I was unaware that 'color' had anything to do with it. Are we now going to claim the people who assaulted the 'goths' are/were racists?

Didnt you know? Everyone is special. And everyone is a minority. And every criminal act is motivated by disliking what makes everyone special.

On Sesame Street anyway.

Who these people are, how they were dressed, how they smelled, what language they speak, their respective melatonin levels, etc... all completely irrelevant. Simple assault is simple. "Hate crimes" are manufactured nonsense designed to make idiots throw all their emotion into such productive endeavors as "eye for an eye" revenge.

Readers want a conspiracy in this thread? How about the root cause of such violent and ignorant posted responses as "let their family alone with them for 15 minutes" and "an eye for an eye"?

Does it matter why I'm kicking you in the face? Does it matter why one country rolls over another with tanks and troops? Is there any justification or excuse I can give for my boot in your face that would have you saying "oh, well that makes sense"? Of course not.

I can dress as a Klansman in black face and stroll through Harlem and I'm certain my ass will be kicked. Reverse hate crime? Do I deserve the assault? Of course not. The excuse or motivation for assaulting another human being in any way is absolutely irrelevant. Unless, that is, if we are to believe that thinking human beings are incapable of measuring their responses and controlling their behavior. If we go so far then we have to all walk as if on broken glass and thin ice less we incite the wrath of one of the fragile-minded imbeciles among us. Is that who we are? Are you all just fragile-minded imbeciles?

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by pyrael

im not here for the stars and flags either. I come here for the news just like you. this is probably my most visited website. But I also like to create threads and the s/f from the community is a good form of appreciation. It also helps determine how much validity and weight you should put behind people on here. There are tons of really great researchers and writers on here, as you can tell by their Wats value. I just want to see people put more time, effort, and substance into their threads. I escaped the mainstream media for its lack of real reporting and substance (gone are the days of 60 minutes style reporting
). This place filled that void. but as off late, we've seen an increase of buffoons here and tons of crap posts to wade through to find the real interesting articles here. And thats not a personal attack. I just want to see the quality of this site to increase.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:14 AM
and no one has brought this up, but-

What the hell is a hate crime and why is there a distinction for it?

Isnt every act of violence, wether its initiated by race, dress style, social/economic factors, or just for no reason, a hate crime?

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