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Young Nazis in Brittain

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posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 06:26 AM
Okay, I was watching a programme about Teenage Girl Gangs in the UK on BBC2 the other day, I don't know if anyone else watched it.

But the single most disturbing thing about it was the group in london they filmed, that were openly screaming their views on Jews, pulling the "wigs" of Old Women Jews, screaming abuse at Jews, threataning Jews, and assaulting Jews.

But thats not all.

the cream on the sick bastard cake was when they sat outside a SCHOOL, threating to bomb the school, abusing the children, telling them they were all diseased and evil, and saying they would "Kill them all like Hitler".

These girls were 14.

They were then shown with one of the girls parents. When the daughter abused a group of Old Jewish Ladys in fron of her mother, what would you expect the reaction to be?..................I'll tell you, she laughed, and said "Oi, you should ave let me do that! Hahahaha".....

This wasn't fiction, it was real.

We are breeding Nazis, why is nothing beiong done?? Is this what the UK has come to? It's #ing SICK!!

Do any of our other UK members know of things like this in your community? I am thankful that in the welsh valleys I havent seen it........yet.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 07:13 AM

Check out that for some upper class racism, thats where they get it from.. the "good examples" by the ruling classes.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 07:43 AM
A few years back, when I was about 17 or 18, me and a couple of mates were wating for a train at night, when we were approached by this shifty looking bloke. He started asking questions about us, and if we were fed up with the state of the country. He then said he was looking for young lads to recruit for the NF (National Front - a neo nazi organisation), of course we told him to # off, and havent seen him since, but I've seen NF graffiti on shop wall where I live, so people are joining up.

One thing I can say is though, is that the intelligence level of their recruicts must be pretty dire, judging by the latest spate of graffiti. Some idiot has sprayed "HILE HITLER" and attempted to paint a swastika underneath, which has turned out like a 2 year old's doodle. It really is pathetic. Pathetic but worrying though, if that's what people are getting into.

[edit on 3-9-2004 by Paul]

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 07:52 AM
this go's on all the time chebob its nothing new at all been there and seen it check out what started the oldham riots. And now the BNP are in goverment that just add's fule to the fire. At the end he said at least their not like the street gangs of america these kids just seem confused and lost. Me I blame the parentsfor not bringing them up properly and the goverment for not giveing them anything to do.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 08:03 AM
where i live (staffordshire) there is no BNP or NF, racial tensions are non-existent

I agree with SE7EN, its the parents fault,

but remember there isn't any real need to worry, a tiny minority of neo-nazis have existed since WW2, they can shout as much as they want, they'll never get into power

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 08:10 AM
UK Wizard, I live in Staffordshire too. There is a National Front presence - thankfully they exist in numbers too small to have a political voice - but they are there, and they are trying to convert kids.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 08:11 AM
IMO they're not really nazis just pathetic sad cases in the main really. Thankfully the vast majority grow out of it.

They're a bunch of (usually) ill-educated empty headed idiots going no where with empty lives going no where and being left behind as the vast bulk of their nation moves on and ignores them.

Like all grossly attention-seeking people (IMO the root of most, although not all, delinquent behaviour) they are both tragic and annoying and their attempts at attracting attention just get increasingly intrusive and outrageous.

The pity of it is few could really care less (except those directly affected of course) so the attention seeking cycle keeps going sustaining itself.

IMO it's usually either resolved through normal maturing and/or good fortune and the help of other people with sense around them as the grow up and hopefully out of it......

..... or by ever long stints in jail for the crimes they will tend to involve themsleves with.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Paul
UK Wizard, I live in Staffordshire too. There is a National Front presence - thankfully they exist in numbers too small to have a political voice - but they are there, and they are trying to convert kids.

I didn't realise there were any
Thinking back, I have seen a couple of BNP posters on lamp posts around the 2004 Euro elections, the funny thing was that they had been placed really high up so nobody could just rip them down, shows you how much confidence they have

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey
IMO they're not really nazis just pathetic sad cases in the main really. Thankfully the vast majority grow out of it.

They're a bunch of (usually) ill-educated empty headed idiots going no where with empty lives going no where and being left behind as the vast bulk of their nation moves on and ignores them.

Like all grossly attention-seeking people (IMO the root of most, although not all, delinquent behaviour) they are both tragic and annoying and their attempts at attracting attention just get increasingly intrusive and outrageous.

The pity of it is few could really care less (except those directly affected of course) so the attention seeking cycle keeps going sustaining itself.

IMO it's usually either resolved through normal maturing and/or good fortune and the help of other people with sense around them as the grow up and hopefully out of it......

..... or by ever long stints in jail for the crimes they will tend to involve themsleves with.

You made very good points, but I'd have to disagree that most grow out of it. If they are being brought up on it, theres no way they will grow out of it, they will develop into "real" nazis, and thats the scary thing. I agree that most people see it as "It doesnt affect me, turn a blind eye", and thats why it will grow.

In ten years time you will have around a fifth of the population that have no idea about politics, come from racist councuil estate families, know no different, and are having children of their own, bringing them up to be racist. Because they are products of the UK.....this is what is being made, families piled on top of eache other, breeding hate, breeding crime, and in this case breeding nationalism. These kids are brought up to know no different, so they will never grow out of it. I have talked to these type of people, when I was in school. I was lucky enough to have the brains to stay away, but most teenagers in brittain, no matter how bad it sounds, are so thick ( i know) that they will do whatever everyone else is doing. They don't even understand why they should accept other people, it isn't part of their genetic make-up so to speak.

At the tender age of 18, it sounds ridiculous to be saying "Kids today have no morals", but thats what I'm reduced to. I look around at people my age, and older, and all I see is hate, prejudice and disease. The disease is Yob culture, which I can see no way of stopping. No way at all. Which is why, when these Yobs are allowed to go around threatining Jews, it is like an open door for racism and nationalism. In 30 years time, if we are still around, what will the majority of the population be? The thugs and yobs that are being brought up today, like a speeded up evolution, these people have already got much control over the streets, and in 30 years it's disturbing to think how it will have evolved if something isn't done now.

I know it's been going on for ages, but what has been done to stem it? Nothing. It is growing at an ALARMING rate, in 10 years it has gone from mild to evil, in my personal observation. ASBOS and community service have done nothing. The crime is still on the rise, but the government will not accept it.

In this enviroment, "Young Nazis" will not grow out of it, and they will not stay small. These people will grow and grow and grow until the country implodes.


Okay, I ahve spent a long time ranting about the state of brittain, and it's nothing you haven't heard before, but I felt it necessary to put my opinion forward, because the more people that do, the more chance we have

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 12:33 PM
I havent really seen any BNP or NF in Canterbury, but two years ago, BNP were standing in Dover....didnt get electred of course. The reason why NF look for young members cause its easier to corrupt their minds and feel their heads with crap.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 12:44 PM
woulda thought a guy from britain would've spelled it correctly...

Originally posted by chebob
We are breeding Nazis, why is nothing beiong done??

Such as?

Me I blame the parentsfor not bringing them up properly and the goverment for not giveing them anything to do.

Seems the parents are raising them specifically to be that way.

now the BNP are in

'British National Party' right? They are pro-nazi or something? Are they anti-EU (ie nationalist)? Most of europe seems to be having an increase in support for right-wing parties, like LePenn in france, or Haider in Austria. And there was a dutchman a little while ago who was far right no? He was also gay, and was assasinated a little while back I think. Not to mention those 'ultra-nationalists' in the old soviet republics. Is this BNP part of that?

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 12:46 PM
Now, granted the nazis (chortle) that we had here weren't 14, but we beat the crap outta them and they disappeared. I'm afraid that people of that mindset only seem to get it when they are thrashed a good one. Sorry to advocate violence, but there you are.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
'British National Party' right? They are pro-nazi or something? Are they anti-EU (ie nationalist)? Most of europe seems to be having an increase in support for right-wing parties, like LePenn in france, or Haider in Austria. And there was a dutchman a little while ago who was far right no? He was also gay, and was assasinated a little while back I think. Not to mention those 'ultra-nationalists' in the old soviet republics. Is this BNP part of that?

The BNP are sadly a major player on the European far right block. BNP do not have a seat on the EU parliament, thank God, but the secret racists UKIP have a seat though
that will keep the UK racists happy.....

Oh and their against europe, well the EU

[edit on 3-9-2004 by infinite]

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 02:27 AM
It's strange something like that happened in Britain which is the closest ally of the US - the nazism's main enemy and defeater
Britain did a lot to defeat Nazis too

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 02:48 AM
I haven't read the links yet, but will.

Be careful what you ask for (in the way of hate laws). I'm an American and you may be getting laws that you end up not wanting.

These 'hitlerites'- is this new? Is this wide-spread?

I agree the actions are abominations within a society, but be careful of the fixes.

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 04:47 AM
There were Nazis in Sweden earlier but Sweden was neutral during WWII and Britain was Germany's enemy since September 3rd 1939

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 06:57 AM
All I can say is that the 14 year old nazis make me

What asham we cant throw them into a Concentration camp for a few months they would soon change there attitude.

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 07:16 AM
firstly wizard uk your sign about the crocidiles is THE funniest pic ive seen on ats!

about the nazi and racism thing. one of my closest friends who ive known since childhood lives in the UK and went to a redbrick university over there.he was treated like sh-t to put it mildly.he is half caste with a white british father and the level of racism and hatred he experienced at university caused him to drop out of university. suprisingly enough it wasnt skinhead yobs who gave him a hard time was middle and upper class girls (late teens early 20's) at the college. this thing isnt alienated to a small group, its widespread and it has to do with the BRITISH IDENTITY, which is vanishing fast. Britian is now a colony of its ex-colonies. who are the workhorses for the economy over there in London for example??? The Irish,South Africans (over a million in london alone),Australians,Indians and the list goes on. another friend of mine who works in the north of london as a department head and teacher at a school told me recently that he cannot believe what england is like. he is not british but is living and working there with an ansestral visa (through his father who fought the nazis at the battle of El joking for REAL!!) and his thoughts are that his whole life his been looking forward to living in that he is there England is to him exactly what he expected America to be like. He says the kids are just completely lawless..they have all the rights, the mentality is that the rights of the individual surpass the rights of the community at large, which then suffers. 14 yr old girls go to school telling everyone they are tried because they were shagging all night etc etc. my mate put it like this " its like there are no morals anymore in England...they are sliding down into total decay..yet they have NO idea it is happening...TOTALLY DENY IT...and are still proud thinking they are the greatest!"

The whole thing is really sad. I havent lived in England for more than 10 yrs and in that short time it has just gone down UNBELIEVABLY. I still want to live and work in England and would look forward to meeting fellow Brits like yourselves over there but the reality is that you guys are like 1 out of a 100 the average brit now is a yob, even the women (many thanks to that slag Zoe Ball!!!) and they DONT grow out of it either..they go on and teach their kids the same crap over and over again.

its a big joke when your a 14 yr old delinquent to mock Jews and go on a power trip about Nazism....maybe if they had the experience of watching their friends being shot in the back of the head and thrown into make-shift ditches for graves..and then themselves being stripped totally naked..herded like cattle into an old large shower room by some blonde haired blue eyed Nazi female soilder whos busy spitting at you and telling you you cursed and rotten and deserve to fry...then having the iron door slammed shut ...slamming you into total darkness (and you know you will NEVER see the light of day again)..the sound of the gass ..that hissing sound coming through the shower heads...while everyone is screaming pushing against each other......people that was what it was like....its no fkcuing joke !!! those brit nazis should spend some time understanding the depths of hatred and where that leads to....and try and stand in the other persons shoes.

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by infinite
The BNP are sadly a major player on the European far right block. BNP do not have a seat on the EU parliament, thank God,

The far-right of Britain has next to no political power at all (as it should be)

Originally posted by infinite
but the secret racists UKIP have a seat though
that will keep the UK racists happy.....

Oh and their against europe, well the EU

Stopping branding everyone who votes for UKIP as racist (it is a protest vote for getting out of the EU not because people agree with the leaders of the party) All my family voted UKIP for the Euro Elections, none of them will vote UKIP in the general elections though because of their main stream policys

Originally posted by TruthStrgnrThanFiction
firstly wizard uk your sign about the crocidiles is THE funniest pic ive seen on ats!


[edit on 4-9-2004 by UK Wizard]

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 07:52 AM
The current methods of combating racism are a joke, organisations such as the police have formed a huge number of ethnic associations to protect themselves from social discrimination. The problem with this method of combating racism is that those who are members of such groups are seen to be separating themselves from the normal flow of society. The reason why racism exists is that people (White, Black, Asian etc) seek to keep themselves apart from other ethnicities. By forming such groups within groups we only distance each other, causing friction and thus leading onto racial tensions. If people continue to form individual ethnic social groups then things will only get worse. We don't want several police associations each for a different ethnicity we want one association for all, no matter what colour your skin is.

A major cause of racial tensions is that people who immigrate to Britain refuse to integrate into British society, their refuse to say they are British but rather eg Indian or Russian, even if they were born in Britain. People who come to Britain must intergrate into British society or they will only distance themselves from those who already live here. People must learn to share their culture and learn from others rather than distancing themselves from other ethnic groups.
People who live in Britain must live by British law not that of their religion. They must also learn to speak English, that is our nation's language, if everyone was to speak only their ethnic homeland's language, communication would be impossible. I am not saying obliterate all traces of different cultures in Britain, I would never want that. Sharing the ideas and traditions of different cultures only improves our own. Britain has always been a multi-racial society, and hopefully it will continue to be so.

I hope i put across my idea's correctly

I used the police as an example because of crazy stuff like this
racial political correctness gone mad

[edit on 4-9-2004 by UK Wizard]

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