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Multisensory Personality

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posted on Apr, 2 2003 @ 08:11 AM
Does anyone ever think about karma and how you are dealing with it in this incarnation? Do we reincarnate into each lifetime to learn a lesson we were not able to learn in a past life? Or do we reincarnate to learn something we have yet to learn in any lifetime before this one? Let's say that we haven't settled our karma ever and this is what we need in order for the soul to rest, otherwise we will continue to relive the same type of karma in each lifetime that our soul carries out, how can we possibly know what lesson there is to learn? Maybe there are many small lessons or just one big lesson?
I would love to know your thoughts on this. And also if you do believe in past lives, which life do you think you are in? Is this your first, last, or do you think you are somewhere inbetween? In other words do you feel that your soul is very old or young?

posted on Apr, 2 2003 @ 08:32 AM
I don't think we're meant to know what the lesson is.
The way you live this life determines wither you go up one level or down one in the next. I do think you can see who has got an old or a young soul, as young ones are still brought into this world every day. The young one's are easy to spot, It's like a mini evolution. They start off with a mindset of violence and intimidation as the way to acheive your goals, a preoccuption with their own wants, and a general disregard and ridicule for intelligent thought. You work your way up from there each time until you get to the point where you are ready for the purpose God has chosen for us, and you need come back no more. Or you keep falling so far you cannot return. I think most of us fall back a level or two a few times in our lives, as we did not learn enough or the right lesson, but it's the ability to bounce back and progress that marks us out from those who fall behind.

posted on Apr, 2 2003 @ 02:28 PM
Good point! Is this your own personal theory? And which are you old or young? Or I should really rephrase that by saying ; which do you think you are? Do you think we ever dream about our past lives? Sometimes it seems that certain dreams do not pertain to anything I've encountered in this lifetime therefore it leads me to believe they are very brief shots of a lifetime or other lifetimes before.
Also I'm sure there are many souls that we meet during our lifetime that we knew in past ones, so would this explain why we are drawn to certain people even after only knowing them for a short time? Or reasons why we sometimes pick up a certain vibe from people we barely know?

posted on Apr, 4 2003 @ 06:07 PM
Ok, here's my belief.... for what it's worth

I believe we are all spiritual on different levels.. for instance, 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest. I believe we need to be a 9 or 10 to pass on to the next level of spiritualism (and no.. you don't get 70 virgins! LOL).

So for instance, a child may be born a level 7.. now that child may be abused and murdered by someone thats a level 3. The adult learns a lesson hopefully and the child returns in another form. This is one way I can rationalize such horrific acts and somewhat deal with tragedy.

On the other hand, we develop relationships with others that help us, or in some cases we help others... always keep your eyes open for others.

I also believe that the higher the level, the greater the awareness of the individual which translates to perceived psychic powers.. but in actuality.. they are just in touch with a single conciousness...

I could talk for hours on this.. but thank God I won't LOL!

Bottom line.. everyone is here for a purpose... whether they know it or not. Our choices we make either hinder or advance our development.

posted on Apr, 5 2003 @ 01:05 AM
I'M Not saying I believe This, But have you ever Thought about it, It makes sense to me, It shouldn't be thrown out of The Equation of Life.

I believe that when we Die, we decompose, we basically become "Detritus" when we Decay our Remains Become Nutrients for The Soil, Thats the End of Our Physical State of Existance.

Our Soul......doesn't Exist. Our soul is Made up of Billons and Billios Of Cells with Addition of Bodily Chemical Reactions, and Energy. When we Die The Cells Die Chemical Reactions Stop and Energy is restored back into the Soil and used by others.

Sir Newton said it himself. "Energy Can't Be Created Nor Destroyed, It can only Change Form." Thats exactly what happens to Our Body. Physically We Dissapear and "Soul Wise" We are returned To The Earth to keep The Cycle Going.

Religion Back in the Day was Very Powerfull, EveryBody Feared God, Therfore any Unique Character who Introduced Himself as a Messanger, or Priest, or whatever was doing it for the Power. Everybody wanted to start Religions, because Religions were Like Groups and The Way of Life Back Then. How come there are No Messangers or Angels Now, and there Have Not been since we Moderatley kept Track of the world from The 16th and 17th Centuries, shouldn't God Make Changes and Improvements To Religion, why isn't he, why hasen't he done anything to decrease Religious Wars That have caused so Many Lives. I simply don't Understand it.

Previously I asked Why are there No Angels or Messangers Now, like there were Back Then. Because Religion isn't as Powerfull Now, We have Guns, Money, Power That Scare us More Than Religion, so people seeking Power look in these Areas not in Religion anymore.

I Believe Very Much In Evolution, and sometimes Find it Hard to believe That Anything Happens to us after we Die, which Brings me to your Point Magestica, We have to Go Way back in History Learn about it, then Discuss if Karma and Things of the Such even Exist.

I do believe in Something, and I certanly fear God, which is why The Name God is Great. Existant or Non-Existant he Brings Fear into People, fear of Disobeying him, Fear of Hell. all This makes Us Better people.

I believe when we die something Happens to Us, or we go somewhere. But I have always been Open-Minded and I don't Dismiss anything, so why would I dismiss this. Its a possibility. And I just wanted to see what you guys thought about this.

posted on Apr, 28 2003 @ 01:06 AM
Very good way of looking at it...
And the best thing you said was: "Bottom line.. everyone is here for a purpose... whether they know it or not. Our choices we make either hinder or advance our development

That's really all that matters right? We were all chosen in THIS life for a reason-small or large and sometimes the small things are far more important and impactable then those which are large..It's also those things which can become repetitious and therefore we overlook them and their importance


posted on Apr, 29 2003 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by magestica

Also I'm sure there are many souls that we meet during our lifetime that we knew in past ones, so would this explain why we are drawn to certain people even after only knowing them for a short time? Or reasons why we sometimes pick up a certain vibe from people we barely know?

i believe this, too.. and it makes me so happy to think that i spend eternity w/ friends.

posted on Apr, 29 2003 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by kegs
I don't think we're meant to know what the lesson is.
The way you live this life determines wither you go up one level or down one in the next. I do think you can see who has got an old or a young soul, as young ones are still brought into this world every day. The young one's are easy to spot, It's like a mini evolution. They start off with a mindset of violence and intimidation as the way to acheive your goals, a preoccuption with their own wants, and a general disregard and ridicule for intelligent thought. You work your way up from there each time until you get to the point where you are ready for the purpose God has chosen for us, and you need come back no more. Or you keep falling so far you cannot return. I think most of us fall back a level or two a few times in our lives, as we did not learn enough or the right lesson, but it's the ability to bounce back and progress that marks us out from those who fall behind.

Although this makes much sense, the only problem i have with it, is that it implies a beginning and an end - a highest and lowest level.
I think there's always a higher level to get to and always a lower level to sink to - so basically progress can't really be charted... that is, movement up or down can't be seen - if infinity extends both ways, and you're in the middle, you'll always be in the middle.

Also, although I, personally, like to think that the goal of life is to attain higher levels of being (think being good, open, loving, etc. etc.) I don't find it likely that there is one place everyone is working to get to.. or even if there is, but the universe is eternal, what's the point of getting there right away??? Expirience everything. Explore the darkness.. or don't ... whatever.

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by magestica
Does anyone ever think about karma and how you are dealing with it in this incarnation? Do we reincarnate into each lifetime to learn a lesson we were not able to learn in a past life? Or do we reincarnate to learn something we have yet to learn in any lifetime before this one? Let's say that we haven't settled our karma ever and this is what we need in order for the soul to rest, otherwise we will continue to relive the same type of karma in each lifetime that our soul carries out, how can we possibly know what lesson there is to learn? Maybe there are many small lessons or just one big lesson?
I would love to know your thoughts on this. And also if you do believe in past lives, which life do you think you are in? Is this your first, last, or do you think you are somewhere inbetween? In other words do you feel that your soul is very old or young?

Yeah only you do not "re incarnate" from past life

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 02:03 AM
What's so
about it? You seems to have very little to "defend" what YOU believe..would it hurt to elaborate? And also THIS is the second thread I've asked you to do so...the other was about killing souls. I'm definately interested to hear something of your opinion other then less then 10 words that leave me wondering...

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 07:00 AM
...okay...heres a few of my thoughts on this:

I do believe in multiple lives...well, maybe multiple 'segments' in a single life is a better way of describing I believe it is all ONE life, for we are but one spirit...and the spirit IS the life... when you watch a play...and it has different acts, different characters, different events...but its all still one play...yes...not really the much different (if at all) than what most people mean when they say multiple forgive the being pedantic about it

Do we live to learn? Yes. I do believe we do. To learn what? I guess to answer that would in a way be like a graduation from the learning know it would negate having to learn it and thus complete any learning journey we may be on. Kinda like a spiritual catch-22 of sorts.

Karma?? a way I see that as quite a double-edged sword. While I do essentially believe the saying "What goes around comes around", in that what we put out into the world generally comes back upon us...where I find difficulty reconciling that belief is when you consider those people who were innocent, and got treated badly, or tortured, or brutally murdered...what did THEY do to bring about those events upon themselves??

That said...I do believe we must pay our debts...that we must balance out any and all negativity we project with positivity later on. I strongly believe we need to 'put right' our wrongs in whatever way we can. Is that about Karma? Maybe. Is that about perhaps being raised Catholic and having the concept of penance etc drummed into me? Maybe. Or maybe its just a simple concept of humanity to want to make amends for any wrongs we do.

What life/segment do I feel I am in? Am I a young or an old soul? Well...young or old...concepts of age, time etc...which when you consider the soul to be outside the constraints of the concept of that the soul is forever...then young or old are just loose terms of relativity. But, many people have said I have an old soul...that I seem more *gasp* mature *gags* for my physical age than they would expect.

Those people I know who have the ability to see and sense such things also confirm my own inner feelings/beliefs/dreams etc that I have 'lived' or 'played out' many many the majority of them I get the sense (as do they) that I was a warrior...a protector...of some sort or another. They, as do I, see me as some form of warrior/protector right from ancient times of fighting with staffs/spears, to bows and arrows, to swords, to rudimentary firearms and most recently possibly up to early Viet Nam. I also appear to be a warrior/protector of an ethnic culture...from African, to possibly Asian, to Native my own people the Maori. There are dreams...even day dreams which very closely resemble 'flash-backs' almost of things which don't fit within my life as it is now. Images...sights...people...languages...dreams where I am someone who looks completely different in places I have never been before...and so incredibly lucid.

This does fit with what I feel inside, how I choose to live life and even the career I am well as events in my life which indicate a willingness to risk safety/life for others...or to take the side of others and stand up for those who are otherwise less able to defend themselves.

Is this my first or last or inbetween?? Well...I don't completely know...but I do sense that I am nearing the end of this journey...or maybe its merely the end of a leg in the journey...and perhaps a new one just lays around the corner.


[Edited on 2-5-2003 by alien]

posted on May, 3 2003 @ 01:53 AM
Kind of eeerie in way about your thoughts ~Infact I got a little speechless while reading this particular reply from you.
For even less evident reasons you and I think alot alike if not the same, but you always have a way of saying it.. describing it so much better..

I agree that we do have one "life" in segmants as you put it...for we are one soul continually living in many different physical forms and this is the "karmic" connection I'm talking about as well. You are so right to say that there are many, if not even all of us who do nothing to deserve some of the terrible things that happen to us, especially at the hand of another. Here is my opinion as to why this is though... We may not "do" anything in this life time to deserve what we have to deal with, but if you look more so at it as a "spiritual" deserving then maybe we could go so far as to say that, in a past life somewhere we did something that we are paying for here in this one. This seems very unfair if you think about it really, but looking much closer and deeper you will see that maybe it can be justified...through dreams, visions or whatever..of a past life...also God in way represents karma because by reading the bible, I find that, many bloodlines in the bible had to endure a type of suffering due to a close or even distant relative or even anyone connected to that person that did wrong by God. Now I'm not trying to throw religion in this thread, as I wouldn't really consider myself religious enough to quote verses and all, unless I had the bible right here..also though not saying that I'm not a "believer", I am...I just have my own personal beliefs about God that doesn't constitute under any religion out there, infact I would say that there are "beliefs" under many different religions that I've formed as my own...I guess you could say then that I have bits and pieces of different religions all rolled into one to form my beliefs..but getting back on the topic now..
Would any of this make sense to you as to why we do suffer and yet seem undeserving? And to be quite honest here, I don't share everything about my life-though it seems I do-there are many things that I've seen, done or been through that I keep to myself,not to share with anyone include us with this I can safely say, through experience that alot of short comings or evil things we must endure, can and DO make us stronger...if we look at it in the sense that I have and we learn from it and don't hold onto the bitterness...then yes we can only become stronger as I have done, in my opinion...but others would say the complete opposite..weird. But this about you, here so I'll try not to go me meing all over, as I have a tendancy to do

I would definately say, that you've carried your soul through many lifetimes and this is what I meant by new or old...I can also see you as infact some type of warrior/protecter...but remember not all warriors are considered great...some are playing great for the "other" side, the dark side, and this may be why you've had to suffer some karma here in this's just a thought thou..I can sense you've endured a great deal of pain and conflict within your soul in the here and now...but you are righting yourself as you so well put it, this is why perhaps you deal with alot of things on a more spiritual level then most. It's just as you and (others) have seen.. you carry the soul of a warrior/protector and I even believe you are living out that role in your life today, just minus the swords and crossbows and you did so in the past. Now though it has become closer then ever to your very soul, you may not know it yet...or maybe you do...but you are a protector spiritually...I can bet that your mere presence alone can be "felt" by many...especially those souls you knew and were very closely bound the past...maybe it's in way...a way to right your wrongs and balance out your own soul while perhaps protecting someone or helping someone else with deep spiritual "issues"...meaning by you caring enough to listen and add what you "know" deep inside are not only helping the one on the receiving end, but you are inturn and perhaps unknowingly helping yourself...spiritually.
I could really just go on and on here...but for reasons of my own, I won't..You do however carry a great burdon within your soul Alien and this I know you can't deny...
Now that will be $500.00 please
I'll send you my account number in u2u...hehehe!! I'm's all free and straight from my soul...

posted on May, 3 2003 @ 08:36 PM
Hi Magestica,

As I replied in the are correct with your reply...and no doubt we'll talk more about it all sometime...

...thought I'd just leave a little reply here...just so people didn't think I hadn't read it or was ignoring it... definitely have a gift Magestica...hope it brings peace to you and those blessed to be aided by you...


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