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Mugged at the Cash Registar... Staggering UK Price rises

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posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:17 PM
As the government craves more and more money, they dream up ever more ways to tax us. The same with the big corporations running the supermarket chains, for whom there is never enough profit.

I read an article fairly recently stating that fuel consumtion in the UK was down almost a Billion litres in the first quarter of this year. Of course, that also meant that the treasury intake was down around £657Million (if I remember correctly). Now, where do you think they are going to recoup that sort of money? On the one hand they tell us all to be greener and take the bus or train, but the flipside is lower tax intake to the treasury... but not driving everywhere is good... isn't it?

It also makes a mockery of the claim that we are seeing high fuel prices due to supply and demand. But, if the demand is lower, then surely we'd have seen a price drop? But no, prices climbed and have stayed high, despite the drop in demand, which was artificially jacked up anyway by the speculators.

In the end, we are all just slaves to the governments and big corporate interests. They won't be happy until we are all poor and in debt up to our eyeballs, as long as they get to stay in their mansions and get a bigger yacht than the CEO in the mansion down the road.

edit on 21-7-2011 by Britguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:22 PM
C'mon, you guys, I have it from several different governments that there is absolutely no inflation to speak of.

Why, when you factor in cost per byte of storage and increased cpu speeds, my goodness, you're getting far more value for your dollar or euro or whatever now than ever before.

Prices on airplanes have dropped, and it's criminal what you can get a yacht for these days.

So what if food and energy prices are up?

There's hardly any inflation of the real stuff, the stuff that matters.

Quit whining and just decide if you want to eat today or get to work tomorrow, we all have painful choices to make.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:34 PM
If you visit this forum often, then this is not a shock to see. A thread was started last year warning us of this. They said that we would see the hikes in food, fuel etc. My wife didn't listen to me then. But she is listening to me know. We grow some food in the garden which reduces the bills slightly. A lot of people i talk to are growing their own. We now plan our meals and only buy what we are going to eat. You will save a lot of money this way.

The vicious circle is that the price of food will go so high that people won't buy it. It then gets thrown away by the supermarkets. We are hearing about businesses closing daily. Just today we heard about alot of the police that going to lose their jobs. 690 people have just lost their jobs at the place were i work. There are more planned around October. The future looks bleak for a lot of people.

The advice i would give anybody is.

Plan your meals and buy only what is required.
Use the money you save and buy seeds or pots etc to grow your own fruit and veg.
Use the seeds from existing fruit and veg.
Learn to be self sufficient is the key.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:50 PM
I'm not particulary religious but somewhere the Bible states that "A days wages will only buy a handful of grain".

I wonder how far into the future this prediction will come true? (not long at the current rate)


posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Surreptitious
I'm not particulary religious but somewhere the Bible states that "A days wages will only buy a handful of grain".

I wonder how far into the future this prediction will come true? (not long at the current rate)


Thats in the book of Revelation and it does indeed seem to be comming to pass.

As for those growing your own food, my cousin who has his own veggy plot in his backyard was recently contacted by the council who have raised his council tax because they view his veggy plot as a home business/urban farm!

Suffice to say he is refusing to pay the extra!

To be honest a part of me thinks that this situation was done on purpose but maybe my tinfoil hat has been on too long!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Sinny

They have a lower rate for under 21s so that you can actually get a job, after all if you were an employer would you take on someone with experience or a school leaver if there was no financial advantage of taking one over the other?

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 04:23 PM
Another problem I see a lot of is banks irresponsably in the recent past giving people mortgages for properties 10-20 times the customers yearly wage..

A lot of people are now being forced to try and sell their homes for cheaper properties however if the house cannot be sold in the current market they end up being repossesed.

Yet another example of the banks criminal behaviour

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Sinny

Not to mention last winter we had to feed the gas meter £10 every 2 days :/

my god you get cheap gas. winter last year on christmas week and before it we had to put in 70 pounds each week or freeze to death.

they can charge whatever they want and do, it seems to me. where gas and electric is concerned the cost has never made any sense. some weeks we use next to nothing and have to put in 60 pounds other weeks we use loads and are expecting it to run out any moment, so we check the meter and there is still 15 pounds left and we only put in 30 at the start of the week.

but when the cold weather hits they charge over the top amounts and know if you do not pay it then you will freeze.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by AngelAurora
My usual weekly food shop has went up £20 in the last year at least, not including fuel or tobacco increases. School dinner prices, for my area, are also increasing next term. Parking permit for my vehicle obtained from my local council, increased by 50% in a single year. The car I have worked hard for is fast becoming a luxury.

I work full-time for the NHS live with my 5 yr old son. I pay childcare in order for me to do this. Only to find out, a colleague who works part-time, get governments supplements to increase their income to the same as mine. What's the point?

I feel despondent, disillusioned and generally fed up.


I really feel for you

The system seems to reward those who do not want to worj or will work when they feel like it.

Ironically your taxes are topping up that persons wages

How wrong is that!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 04:36 PM
You need to check out the facts to understand what's going on the world.

Rising prices:

The Baltic Dry Index is a measure of worldwide shipping dry bulk capacity.... (Check the 5 year graph out)

Just before the financial crash of 2008 the index stood at 11,600 on June 2008, today it's at 1328. That's nearly a factor of 10 down !

The index indirectly measures global supply and demand for the commodities shipped aboard dry bulk carriers, such as building materials, coal, metallic ores, and grains.

Because dry bulk primarily consists of materials that function as raw material inputs to the production of intermediate or finished goods, such as concrete, electricity, steel, and food, the index is also seen as an efficient economic indicator of future economic growth and production.

Now looking at a series of copper, iron ore, grain, coal.... prices have increased yet demand for shipping space for such things have collapsed. This is illogical in the extreme.

'' border=0>

' lme&type=L&weight=LB&days=36&size=M&bg=&cs=1011&cid=0' border=0>

Wheat,+US,+(Hard+Red+Wheat)++price+chart&chts=000000,12&chs=700x420&chf=bg,s,ffffff|c,s,ffffff&chxt=x,y&chxl=0 :||2000|2001|2002|2003|2004|2005|2006|2007|2008|2009|2010|2011|1:||1:|84.1|105.1|188.8|272.4|356.1|439.7&cht=lc&chd=t:24,25,24,24,26,26,25,25,27,29,29 ,29,30,29,30,29,31,29,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,30,34,37,43,43,40,37,34,34,32,32,32,30,30,34,33,34,37,38,38,37,38,38,37,35,34,32,34,34,36,35,35 ,34,34,32,33,32,33,34,36,38,37,37,38,41,40,41,44,44,46,43,45,48,48,46,45,45,45,45,45,51,54,59,74,76,73,84,84,97,100,82,75,79,75,75,67,54,52,50,54,51,5 3,53,60,58,51,48,43,45,48,47,46,44,43,44,41,36,45,56,62,61,62,70,74,79,72,76,81,74&chdl=($/mt)&chco=000099&chls=3,1,0

The best part is that the banks and hedge funds have taken the taxpayers bailout money (under the threat of too big to fail) from us to double screw us all in driving prices up (while depressing wages and laying staff off and bankrupting governments who saved them)

Then there is the observation that the rest of the world are paying higher prices than those in the US for food and

Petro seigniorage is what it is, due to oil being priced in dollars the US get a free lunch on the rest of the world due to the fact they can't buy oil with their local currency, only dollars. The US raising it's debt ceiling means the rest of the world will shoulder the burden in much higher prices, which will be reflected in higher oil/commodity prices.

International Seigniorage

Seigniorage as a concept originated in medieval times. Monarchs used their monopoly in coining precious metals as a major source of revenue. Periodically an issue of gold or silver coins would be recalled, recoined with a lesser precious-metal content. The difference in value, between the face value and value of actual gold or silver content, was the seigniorage gain. When modern states expand their monetary base, they do so by sending more money into circulation, which pays for some of their expenditures. Since money is largely credit today, the seigniorage gain is almost equal to the face value.

Countries whose money functions as international reserve currencies, benefit from seigniorage, on an international scale. They can, as a nation, pay for imports with the seigniorage gain accruing from the expansion of international reserve holdings of their currency.

Ultimately, Bretton Woods allowed the US to reap international seigniorage by providing the world with much needed reserves. As a result, the US was able to impose many of its internal problems onto other nations. This key outcome of Bretton Woods continues to be an integral part of the global economic order.

USA and the grain monopoly: (go down this rabbit hole and you'll never donate to charities again)

Impact of US grain subsidies

Farm subsidies have the direct effect of transferring income from the general tax payers to farm owners. The justification for this transfer and its effects are complex and often controversial.

I'll let you do you own research on grain dumping and why all the sacks delivered to drought zones in Africa say USAID and aren't Russia sacks or Australian sacks ??? (Hint: Australia provides approximately 150,000 tonnes of food aid every year— At least half of this tonnage comes from Australian farmers and suppliers.... where does the other half come from?? ) food being used as a weapon by the US.

More on dirty practices by the US

Therefore the food and goods price inflation you are seeing is due to commodity speculation and price gouging
by banks, agribusiness etc all protected by the US government

They are using your own savings (eroded through inflation) and your tax returns to destroy you. They never use their own money, its leveraged armageddon.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Unknown Perpetrator


If this is true then the remedy or part of it would be to stop using the dollar standard in oil purchases.

I read that Iran are already doing that to an extent.

That or war which is out of the question.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 06:53 AM
Mate, it's ridiculous. I was raised on mince and bean stew and cornbeef hash... Even thats expensive in 2011!

The only thing affordable is dried beans and massive bags of plain couscous. I feel sorry most of all for people with families to feed. Living by yourself, even though it's hard, is easy in comparison

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by michaelmcclen

Lol i dont know what your taking about herb son, i've been paying 10/g for a few years now, of course the quality justifies the price, generally. But its shocking !

On topic, everyone needs to start getting more self sufficient, if youre taxed job isnt paying enough, do something more outside of the box, untaxed for cash, What they dont see on paper, you dont have, just dont get silly with any of your endevours !

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:06 AM
About 2 years back when I first started feeling the pinch I switched to shopping in the dreaded lidle to save some money. Fast forward 2 years and now I'm struggling to even keep up with their prices.
I don't think I can go any more down market before I start going through the bins for half eaten burgers

Having said that though, as another thread pointed out, I have a car and a home and an xbox and all types of luxuries so I think we are a fair way from the "hand full of grain" thing yet
edit on 22-7-2011 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by davespanners
About 2 years back when I first started feeling the pinch I switched to shopping in the dreaded lidle to save some money. Fast forward 2 years and now I'm struggling to even keep up with their prices.
I don't think I can go any more down market before I start going through the bins for half eaten burgers

Having said that though, as another thread pointed out, I have a car and a home and all types of luxuries so I think we are a fair way from the "hand full of grain" thing yet

Jack Fultons >>>>>>>>

They might just be a Northern thing. They're cheaper than Aldi and Lidl though

It's tragic as well because these supermarkets throw out so much good quality product that's perfectly edible. But it's illegal to take it from their bins

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:08 AM
I went to a local fruit and veg shop the other day and they charged me £1.70 for a friggin little cabbage, the old biddy's behind me gasped in horror and immediately went into war rationing mode.

Rule Britannia

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by CrankyPantsUK

I know exactly what youre talking about on this situation being deliberate, i too believe we are all put into this situation deliberately & its only going to get worse, throughout my relatively short life (18y/o) i've come to realise that, The system is designed to oppress you, its like that image on the recent posts page on this site that states ; Americans - Stress of working to live, or something along those lines, the young people of today, can do nothing, you can either go to college, waste a few years getting A-levels that wont guarenteee you anything, besides possibly a place at your 1st 2nd or 3rd choice of university, then you can go to uni, get in an insane amount of debt you wont be able to pay off anytime soon, wasting another few years for pointless qualifications that again, guarentee you nothing, Then you come out of Uni, your still unemployed, you wont find anything in your chosen field, so you're not in any better position to when you went into uni, infact you are in a worse position, still unemployed, if you find some work, it wont be anything much above minimum wage & you've gone through an extra 4/5 years of education to get exactly the same job as that 'dropout kid' who dropped out of college or uni possibly, except now hes in a better situation than you because hes not in £40k + debt !

Life looks extremely bleek for the world, let alone just my generation.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by Vanishr
reply to post by CrankyPantsUK

I know exactly what youre talking about on this situation being deliberate, i too believe we are all put into this situation deliberately & its only going to get worse, throughout my relatively short life (18y/o) i've come to realise that, The system is designed to oppress you, its like that image on the recent posts page on this site that states ; Americans - Stress of working to live, or something along those lines, the young people of today, can do nothing, you can either go to college, waste a few years getting A-levels that wont guarenteee you anything, besides possibly a place at your 1st 2nd or 3rd choice of university, then you can go to uni, get in an insane amount of debt you wont be able to pay off anytime soon, wasting another few years for pointless qualifications that again, guarentee you nothing, Then you come out of Uni, your still unemployed, you wont find anything in your chosen field, so you're not in any better position to when you went into uni, infact you are in a worse position, still unemployed, if you find some work, it wont be anything much above minimum wage & you've gone through an extra 4/5 years of education to get exactly the same job as that 'dropout kid' who dropped out of college or uni possibly, except now hes in a better situation than you because hes not in £40k + debt !

Life looks extremely bleek for the world, let alone just my generation.

It's done on purpose mate. That's why we have a welfare system! Not because the government give a flying fig about the poor, but to pacify the poor and keep them content enough to not rise up.

It sounds elitist and backwards but the best thing that could happen to this country would be for welfare to be stopped, the working class majority to rise up and for real positive social and political change to happen. The government keep people just steadily above breaking point on purpose. It's a co-optation on behalf of the establishment.

Ditto for America. Why else do you think Capitalist big business and industry support the welfare system? It secures their position and dissuades people from doing something about their position

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:28 AM
Humm, please, to put things into perspective for me. I have not lived in UK for about 11 years now. When I was a young snotty nosed kid, we would pay 2d for a mars bar. How much are they there now? Here on the continent, we pay about 70c for one.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by TheLoneArcher
Humm, please, to put things into perspective for me. I have not lived in UK for about 11 years now. When I was a young snotty nosed kid, we would pay 2d for a mars bar. How much are they there now? Here on the continent, we pay about 70c for one.

A mars will set you back 84p, which is a joke as they have been halved in size.

Even spuds are nearly 2 quid a pound! I remember paying that for a big bag just a few years ago!

Everything has gone up, and there does not seem to be an end to it.

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