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Flying metallic discs, why do they emit light?

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posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:35 PM
First off, sometimes you cant explain UFO's with the theory I'm about to share with you, but keep an open mind!

I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but there we go.

The main speculation around the world and within ufology is that UFO's emit yellow, blue, orange and red light and what not. After watching some videos and looking at some pictures, high altitude UFO's can be explained differently. I have no doubt in my mind that some low flying UFO's probably do have their own lights, navigational, propulsion, or maybe even for us to see, but how are these lights so bright when they appear to be miles up in the sky?

We'll start this concept with the qualities they seem to have. They are shiny, discs of metal floating around and what not. Some UFO's have been reported to be massive, miles long in some cases. So these discs, cigars, balls are made of a highly reflective metallic material? This for some reason made me think of this:

Archimedes Burning Mirrors. Discs of metal reflecting enough of the sun light to set fire to things, and cause a massive amount of light energy. This being said, imagine a high flying UFO, of large scale, orbiting the earth, if this metallic object catches the sun, it wont show a distinct shape, yet a large glow of light will be seen from earth. Satellites reflect light at night, so imagine how much light a large UFO could reflect at night, or even in the day.

If you watch that video, you will notice the glare and reflection from some of the objects they have photographed. Although they don't really fit the actual criteria of the common UFO, they still reflect a large amount of light despite the fact that they don't seem to have been made out of metallic, shiny, reflective surfaces.

Possibly, ufo's that appear to be balls of light in low altitude are using the glare and light as cover in order to disguise there real design, perhaps they are even military projects taking doing the same thing?

Sorry if this has been on here before, I just thought I'd share my theory on my first thread on ATS!

Cheers for reading!

edit on 7-7-2011 by VraxUK because: Video Link.

edit on 7-7-2011 by VraxUK because: Layout

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:43 PM
If UFO’s are actually craft, the light you see is most likely a byproduct of their propulsion system, different colors may represent differences in magnitude of power: i.e. left right up down speed and so on. Perhaps in space there is no light produced because there is no atmosphere to interact with. Or if there is light produces in space maybe it would only be one color.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Paul47

They probably need less power to propel themselves in space too, due to friction etc.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:30 PM
A very very good book is Unconventional Flying Objects by Paul R. Hill. It is some of the best "scientific" evidence behind UFOs. Here is an exerpt from the book:

There is really no secret as to what this illuminated and illuminating sheath of atmosphere around the UFO is. It is a sheath of ionized and excited air molecules often called a PLASMA. It has all the many characteristics of ionized and excited air molecules, and has no characteristics not attributable to ionized and excited air molecules with expected contaminants; thus the illumination is tied to an AIR PLASMA. I am not suggesting anything original, as it has been suggested by many that such is the case. Indeed, any physicist who has made a study of UFOs must know they are characteristically surrounded by an air plasma. The terms "ionized" and "excited" will be explained shortly.

The phenomenon of ionized and excited atmospheric molecules around a UFO also ties together a number of related mysteries about the UFO. It accounts for the general nighttime appearance of the UFO: the many observed colors, the fiery, neon-like look, the self-illuminating character, the fuzzy, indefinite or even indiscernible outline, yet an appearance of solidity behind the light. It also accounts for the general lack of heat radiation despite the fact that they sometimes look fiery or even like a flaming ball of fire, and even the ultraviolet burns sometimes received by close viewers of UFOs with a blue plasma.

In the daytime the same plasma is present, but usually invisible. Morning and evening, it is partly visible. Giant cigars and dirigibles are exceptions, for they can lay down a plasma wake or cloud visible in the daytime. The ion sheath also accounts for some daytime UFO characteristics such as a shimmering haze, nebulosity of the atmosphere or even smoke-like effects sometimes observed when high contaminant concentrations and chemical actions may be presumed to be present.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:58 PM
My speculation- Is that the colored light phases are power related fusion plasma phases. The must use different kinds of fuel for the fusion phases; but the main base of the is probably seawater mixed in with different kinds of atoms; for each power phase.

The fuel, can be heated up, by some kind of power generator or beam, to start the fusion process. The plasma reaction is partially sustained, by the flows and eddy currents of the plasma itself.

The electrically charged plasma is contained by the magnetic field surrounding the starship. The high power, white or blue plasma, is mainly used to negate the G forces on planets, produced by extremely high speeds; and protection from the speed of light barrier and beyond.

The fiery green, or orange-red plasma phase, is an offensive, or defensive power weapon; mainly used for clearing out landing areas.


edit on 7-7-2011 by Erno86 because: typo

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Erno86

For some reason I doubt their lights are colour coded, why would they want us to know what they are doing, and why would they have any need for colour coding?

Does the blue light of plasma change with more intense energy?

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by VraxUK
reply to post by Erno86

For some reason I doubt their lights are colour coded, why would they want us to know what they are doing, and why would they have any need for colour coding?

Does the blue light of plasma change with more intense energy?

Perhaps, they just might just be showing off there starships too us. Or, it could just be a form of visual communication, that begs to say that we [ET's,] have harnessed fusion power; which is the path to clean energy, and a chance to travel to other star system's as well.

Using the blue light plasma phase for landings, would be blindly terrifying to the local populace; instead of the easy to look at [orange- red plasma phase.] Besides, the white plasma is produced in small quantities, so as to make the starship, more manuverable in tight situations.

The red-orange plasma phase, is produced in huge quantities, so as to make the Starship appear enormous [1,000 feet in diameter.]

Their ability to produce vast quantities of red orange fusion plasma, signifies the vast offensive destructive capabilities of a Foofighter.



edit on 7-7-2011 by Erno86 because: typo

edit on 7-7-2011 by Erno86 because: added a few words

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by VraxUK

Yes your right about them using the orbs(light) as a protective armor & disguise. I believe it is plasma also that is pulsing in a vortex formation to give it incredible speed & agilty. Also since 1955's to 60's UFO sightings have went from under 100 to 300 in a year I believe that is because the US has been building spaceships since they have discovered crashed UFO's & have blended in the sighting to make them seem natural & normal.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by BasedGod

I've seen how plasma can be used as a force field, I've in fact seen how scientists are developing this tech, but as propulsion I'm not so sure!

Another reason, if they were using a lot of heat and light to disguise their craft, then they wouldn't show up on thermal and night vision imaging. I dont think they want us to know what powers it, and I dont think they want us to know the designs of various crafts.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by VraxUK

I heard a story of policer officer in the late 50's that chased a ufo in his car old boat huge police car & the ufo made impact with his car while flying over I seen the damage in a video documentary. He was immediatly blinded by the light given off my the craft which is why I believe it to be some sort of plasma. Also the vortex propulsion system works in a anti-gravity uhm whats called zero point energy field & I would also like to state that the windsheild was cracked but showed that it had been flexed towards the officer by some energy field. uhm also if ufos travel through the sun, and volcanos aka vortex's they would need some sort of protection lol anyway hope this helps in some way

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 07:01 PM
Did any of you read the above external text I provided about plasma? Sounds like you guys may have skipped over it.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

Yeah I did

Though I still believe my "Archimedes Effect" may have something to do with such intense light in space.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

I did actually lol thanks for the reminder! very informative. Thanks I also have heard ufos use an element that has yet to be discovered or does not exist on our planet & without this the craft is useless
edit on 7-7-2011 by BasedGod because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2011 by BasedGod because: more data

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 07:42 PM
A theory is that the propulsion of an ufo involves spinning liquid mercury and electrifying it and that would create the ufo like glow seen on youtube vids.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by VraxUK

I read an article some time ago were NASA experimented with a magnetic tup drive system that worked in zero gravity and the magnetism was increased and decreased according to different color lasers being introduced into the magnetic field. I felt this was odd given the fact it described it was. For use in zero gravity and I also felt it was reversed engineered alien technology they were describing.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by VraxUK
Does the blue light of plasma change with more intense energy?

Lower energy levels give off different colors than higher energy levels... based on frequency... If you study years of the older UFO sightings you will see a pattern

A UFO hovering or moving slow... dull red to orange
A UFO moving high speed... bright blue white to white

It doesn't take long by looking at reputable sightings where approx speeds are include to see the pattern of speed/energy level in relation to color of light... most likely the light is 'leakage'

This applies to the crafts... not the plasma critters
I haven't yet don a study on them in regards to energy output other than they glow brighter after 'feeding'

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Godsontoo
I read an article some time ago were NASA experimented with a magnetic tup drive system that worked in zero gravity and the magnetism was increased and decreased according to different color lasers being introduced into the magnetic field.

Several experimental fusion and plasma engines in the works

High Power Helicon (HPH) Plasma Thruster

The high power helicon is a state of the art electrodeless plasma thruster. This mean that issues associated with erosion of electrode by the plasma is eliminated. The plasma itself is generated by high power radio frequency waves that allow substantial felixbility in operational characteristics. it is also very much small than other plasma thruster, which adds to to versatility.

Magnetized Beamed Plasma Propulsion (MagBeam)

The major push in advanced electric propulsion at this time is for the deployment of large plasma thrusters, with ever increasing power units and cost. Imagine instead a system where large power units are placed permanently in orbit around critical regions of a planet. With a beamed plasma system, spacecraft can be pushed or pulled to perform orbital transfers around the planet or accelerated to other planets at essentially the cost of a sub-orbital mission.

Mini-Magnetospheric Plasma Propulsion (M2P2)

Mini-Magnetospheric Plasma Propulsion (M2P2) is an advanced plasma propulsion system that will enable spacecraft to attain unprecedented speeds, with minimal energy and mass requirements. It will create a large scale magnetic bubble around the spacecraft to ride the solar winds, and accelerate the spacecraft to unprecedented speeds.

Plasma Magnet Rocket

Plasma magnet uses phased antennas operating in the radio frequency range to produce a rapidly rotati ng magnetic field. This rotating magnetic field preferentially accelerates electrons within a plasma to produce a DC current that can lead to the generation of a steady state magnetic field in space very much larger than can be possibly sustained by electromagnets. In the image at left, the two circular magnetic field coils located inside the blue plasma are driving ro ughly 1000 Amp currents in the blue plasma. This �Plasma Magnet� has come into equilibrium with an externally applied magnetic field.

Not NASA projects but these and others are being worked on in University Fusion labs

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:15 PM
I am convinced that the lighst satisfy intergalactic colregs

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by spyder550

Sci-Fi is truly becoming a reality! Crazy to think 40 years ago they didn't have mobile phones.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

We are using plasma fields on our stealth aircraft as well... for deflecting radar, for eliminating sonic boom and even for steering the plane without the need of ailerons

Revolutionary Hypersonic Aerospace Vehicles
With Plasma Actuators That Require No Moving Parts

Oh yeah forgot to mention that they are triangles

Warning for the squeamish... .MIL Air Force site ahead...

AFRL Develops Plasma Actuator Computational Model

5/1/2006 - EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- Controlling subsonic aerodynamic flow by means of plasma actuators is an active area of research in both the Air Force (AF) and the general scientific community. A typical plasma actuator consists of two offset electrodes separated by a dielectric material. Plasma forms as the voltage difference between the electrodes ionizes the surrounding gas. The electric field can then direct the charged particles in the plasma to transfer their momentum to the surrounding, neutral (i.e., nonionized) air. Most of this momentum transfer occurs as a result of particle collisions. The use of plasma actuators for flow control on AF weapon systems may offer several advantages over traditional flow control devices.

AFRL Proves Feasibility of Plasma Actuators

6/6/2006 - WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- AFRL is laying the groundwork to develop revolutionary hypersonic aerospace vehicles. Researchers are examining the feasibility of replacing traditional mechanical actuators, which move like wing flaps to control an air vehicle's flight control surfaces, with plasma actuators that require no moving parts and are more reliable.

As part of its Boundary Layers and Hypersonics program, AFRL conducted a wind tunnel test to evaluate the feasibility of using plasma actuators for airframe flight control. The Boundary Layers and Hypersonics program is developing the knowledge of fluid physics to facilitate future revolutionary aerospace vehicle designs.

And this is what is publicly available

edit on 7-7-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

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