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No Space and No Time

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posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by smithjustinb

Just making sure where you are coming from-when you speak of protons and electrons showing duality, are you referring to their 'positive and negative'?


posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:48 AM
It is like there are levels of ' being'...of what 'one can see'.

On the surface, we see separation, we see the differences in the forms of being. We see a 'many'. This does have its own purpose. We do have the senses that picks up the 'separation' and we ourselves have the ego that holds onto the individualism that we think we are and seem to be. Just as so, we see dark and light as different, separate. We see positive and negative as separate things, as different. We see waves and particles as different, separate.

Then we have all these spiritual people, religions, that reach this other level of sight, of seeing interconnectedness, a 'one flow', a 'one dance', a all in 1 and 1 in all. It seems awareness and experience of such a 'sight or knowing' takes people to a deeper understanding of being, they seem to reach a place of no return in their nature of being, they seem to 'live' a harmony with their life amongst all other life.

What I am getting at is instead of seeing 'infinity/nothing' maybe you can see 'infinity/one'. There is always, 'one'. That 'one' is infinitely being. As it is being, it expresses...and the many, becomes. Like a breath maybe, or like a heartbeat.

As the artists expresses itself onto the seems as if the artists and its art is two separate things. It also seems as if the picture if full of many separate things...colors, shapes, designs. There is knowledge to gain by just seeing the art. There is knowledge to gain by studying the different expressions of being in the art. There is knowledge to gain by seeing how each expression within the 'one' expression have their place to make the 'one art piece'. There is knowledge to gain of understanding the art as a form of expression that was pushed outwardly by the artists. There is knowledge to gain to understand, the artists and the art piece, are one. One can not be, without the other. One emanated, from the other.

The duality I believe you are speaking of....occurs not from infinity/nothingness but yet true self and illusion of self....true self and expression of self. There is infinity/one. The 'one' that is, the IAM.

I guess I get more out of finding the interconnectedness of all things, more so then noticing the separations.

My best to you

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Infinity/nothing are one. Infinity/nothing are dualistic. This is the paradox. Duality is an inescapable fact, but so is oneness thus the paradox continues on infinitely.

All is one. You are free to observe the dualistic universe however you want. You can see the light, or you can see the darkness. Or you can see both. If you see one and never the other, for you, the other never existed.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:37 AM

Time is just the observation of change in space.
reply to post by smithjustinb
in that sentence the subject is hidden ... right OP? Like pointed discreetly there as is it as one with the Time.. and then again, as one with the space and in ITt is t he- change Now..that -change may also be named/called - money .. seems as your freedom of choice made some para (see wiktionary in) d o x
Have you seen the movie - The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie - (1974) by Luis Buñuel
Le fantôme de la liberté
the curren(T)cy
its in the space so that space is
a place //the forms
all that 1 per forms

tau-pi ..
perform Also found in: Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia 0.01 sec.
per·form (pr-fôrm)

v. per·formed, per·form·ing, per·forms
1. To begin and carry through to completion; do: The surgeon performed the operation.
2. To take action in accordance with the requirements of; fulfill: perform one's contractual obligations.
a. To enact (a feat or role) before an audience.
b. To give a public presentation of; present: My theater group performed a three-act play.
1. To carry on; function: a car that performs well on curves.
2. To fulfill an obligation or requirement; accomplish something as promised or expected.
3. To portray a role or demonstrate a skill before an audience: The juggler performed atop a unicycle.
4. To present a dramatic or musical work or other entertainment before an audience.


[Middle English performen, from Anglo-Norman performer, from Old French parfornir : par-, intensive pref. (from Latin per-, per-) + fournir, to furnish; see furnish.]


per·forma·ble adj.
per·former n.
Synonyms: perform, execute, accomplish, achieve, effect, fulfill, discharge
These verbs signify to carry through to completion. To perform is to carry out an action, undertaking, or procedure, often with great skill or care. The ship's captain performed the wedding ceremony. Laser experiments are performed regularly in the laboratory.
Execute implies performing a task or putting something into effect in accordance with a plan or design: "To execute laws is a royal office; to execute orders is not to be a king" (Edmund Burke).
Accomplish connotes the successful completion of something, often of something that requires tenacity or talent: "Make one brave push and see what can be accomplished in a week" (Robert Louis Stevenson).
To achieve is to accomplish something, often something significant, especially despite difficulty: "Some are born great . . . Some achieve greatness . . . And some have greatness thrust upon them" (Shakespeare).
Effect suggests the power of an agent to bring about a desired result: The prescribed antibiotics didn't effect a complete cure.
To fulfill is to live up to expectations or satisfy demands, wishes, or requirements: All their desires could not be fulfilled.

To discharge an obligation or duty is to perform all the steps necessary for its fulfillment
: "I have found it impossible . . .
to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do" (Edward VIII).

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by nii900

I don't really see what you're saying. Something is wrong with your video.

All I know for sure is, ultimately there is no space or time because we all come from infinity/nothing and we will all return to infinity/nothing.

Space and time are finite concepts.

As an expression of infinity, we currently have the power to observe no space and/or no time. But until we actually get to nothing/infinity, we will be bound by space and time.

Nothing expands towards something as infinity collapses towards something. Thus we are stuck in the middle expanding outwards in both directions. As we expand, infinity manifests as infinity more and more. Thus we grow more and more closer to no space and no time. Some beings exist at higher levels than we do and deal with infinity concepts more in depth as they have more of it. These beings likely have the abilities of longevity and teleportation by the nature of their being.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

What $100 Million Dollars Looks Like

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

If all is one...then any separation is an illusion. Thus, duality, would be an illusion.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by smithjustinb

If all is one...then any separation is an illusion. Thus, duality, would be an illusion.

Infinity and nothing are one. Separation from that is the illusion of finity. Separation from infinity/nothing is the illusion. The illusion is governed by awareness.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 03:04 AM

by Nagarjuna
___________________(150? - 250?) Timeline

English version by
Stephen Batchelor

Original Language

2nd Century

I have no body apart
From parts which form it.
I know no parts
Apart from a "body."

A body with no parts
Would be unformed,
A part of my body apart from my body
Would be absurd.

Were the body here or not,
It would need no parts.
Partless bodies are pointless.
Do not get stuck in the "body."

I cannot say,
"My body is like its parts."
I cannot say,
"It's something else."

Feelings, perceptions,
Drives, minds, things
Are like this body
In every way.

Conflict with emptiness
Is no conflict;
Objections to emptiness,
No objections.

_________________by Nagarjuna
(150? - 250?) Timeline

English version by
Stephen Batchelor

Original Language

2nd Century

If something has an essence--
How can it ever change
Into anything else?

A thing doesn't change into something else--
Youth does not age,
Age does not age.

If something changed into something else--
Milk would be butter
Or butter would not be milk.

Were there a trace of something,
There would be a trace of emptiness.
Were there no trace of anything,
There would be no trace of emptiness.

Buddhas say emptiness
Is relinquishing opinions.
Believers in emptiness
Are incurable.

Poetry Chaikhana
Sacred Poetry from Around the World
Nagarjuna’s Seventy Verses on Emptiness

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 03:21 AM

Department of Psychology


What is it?

The T-test is used to determine whether there’s a significant difference between two group means. It helps to answer the underlying question:

What Is a Projective Test?

The Rorschach Inkblot Test is
one type of projective test.

Question: What Is a Projective Test?

In psychology, a projective test is a type of personality test in which the individual offers responses to ambiguous scenes, words or images. This type of test emerged from the psychoanalytic school of thought, which suggested that people have unconscious thoughts or urges. These projective tests were intended to uncover such unconscious desires that are hidden from conscious awareness.

How Do Projective Test Work?

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:04 AM
There's a lot of verbiage in here. Experience will tell you that there's no such thing as nothingness or emptiness. In fact, it's the exact opposite. These words are aberrant, absurd and misleading.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

The earth would spin around the sun and you would call it a day, but what if you weren't on earth? What would you call a day then? I'm saying that it is all relative. You are occupying your space, but the question is, are you big or small or both? It all relative to perspective.

It would still be called a day. An Earth-day, a Martian-day, a Venusian-day, etc, if you would like to get technical. The term "day" does not necessarily refer to Earth's orbital period. It refers to any mass's periodic rotation. Assuming, of course, that said mass rotates in such a way as to receive sunlight for X-amount of time a day.

I agree, to some extent, on the relativity of most measurements. The Earth-day is relative to Earth's orbit. The Martian-day is relative to Mars' orbit. So-on and so-forth to the last planet in our solar system. What is not relative, is the concept of time itself. Whether we measure a Martian-day, an Earth-day, or a Moon-day, time itself continues to exist. You cannot do away with time, because it is a completely neutral force in the universe. It marches on, whether we take heed to it's presence, or not.

When it comes to space, there is no concept of "size" with something to compare it to. If I compare myself to nothing—IE: I sit in a completely darkened room without perception of anything else—then I am the largest thing in my observable universe. If I sit in a forest of Red Wood Trees, then I am comparably tiny in the scope of universal comparison.

Everything is relative. But being relative does not mean the concept is erroneous. Only that it will require some amount of critical thinking, and philosophic reasoning to arrive at a mutually acceptable conclusion. There are definite measurements though: I am 5'9" tall. Whether I am next to a 300' tree, or a 6" collectible figurine, my height is objective.

See how this works?

~ Scribe

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by smithjustinb

What we are is the dualistic expression of infinity/nothingness. From the perspective of infinity, there is no size. Everything is simultaneously big AND small. It is all here AND there. There is no time. Everything is simultaneously now. There is no differentiation. It is infinite and it is nothing. Pure potential.

It is the perfect paradox of the oneness of the Alpha and Omega.

I just knew you were going to mention infinity and get this thread shut down.


You sure have this thing for nothing. It's like tourette's or something.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:35 PM
In the platforum of Infinity that we are all in, which isn't just infinite void, its infinite energies infinite person/place/thing, infinite energies/universes/intelligence, and in progression by default. On an infinite line, as with infinite fractals in all directions, you cannot take a measurement. Anywhere you place a dot, you cannot take a percentage of infinity, call something center, for every placement has the same endlessness = in volume in all directions around it. There is no up/down, past/present/future, bigger/smaller, except as perceptions by intellect, and programs. And its all at once, for there is no time. There are infinite you's on a metaphorical infinite roll of film.

The universe also has an entanglement of energies. The spacial we see, everything we see, hear, touch, is interpreted from energy waves by the brain and the pictorial erected on a screen on the back of our minds. We're in a codensed energy arrangement, there is something here, however, its truly a matrix/womb.

Deep thinking on infinity, and the opposition in nature, holograms, and the light sources that erect them ,ie. stars, and infinities within and without, ie. the potential infinity within a grain of sand is the same endlessness as without it, leads to some logical conclusions, ie. Consciousness is important, infintie intelligences, and as the goals are Love, evidenced in small children and what makes everyone healthy and whole, and brings true happiness, and advanced conscousness this implies we're in a school, learning Love, Equality, learning to grow and improve ourselves, that we're in a system of Infinite Progression, though shrinking awareness and feeling or regression is possible for a time.

But with an infinite number of tries, someone is bound to get it sooner or later, don't you think. At this moment you're being born, living your life, and passing over.

The thread in my signature, the Holographic Universe and Space-Time was written discussing with my 19 year old son, Infinity, when he was 18, and how certain things could be logically deduced if you thought deeply enough on this. Well, during the conversation, we both experienced the same vision of a Guide, an old man, that stepped out of the sky, laughing with delight on students mulling over something as interesting as infinity. When I saw and heard this, he shot up startled looking, and I knew he had also experienced it, so I quickly said in a test like say, "he laughed......" and he nodded in shock.

There is No Time, and Space is something that is an energy, something that always existed, that is utlized for the school, and can be reshaped or reformed in cycles, too. And everything hangs forever, in time and can be revisited. like a clip in a roll of film, or like a DVD on the shelf, metaphorically speaking.

Its a matrix in that our perception creates what we see or experience in the school, including time, and our bodies are like computers, that fine tune, out of infinite channels and frequencies, a limited range of what we can perceive, though its all at once around us, in entanglement probably.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

The dualism is the proof of the school, that we hang in the balance between the moment of light and darkness, metaphors, where choice is possible. The system of opposition is the structure of the school, and the polarity or frequency that we are at, has to do with the vibratory level of our awareness/love and consciousness, and birds of a feather flock together So in grading there will be a match, and its either progression, more awareness, more colors, sights, sounds, more flavors of coffee
or less, regression.

Here we are tested every day, do we overcome the 50/50, black and white squares, do we strive for patience and understanding others, instead of quick reactiveness and retaliation for example. Do we think as those striving to become adults, children serve us on bended knee or as slaves, because we're so worth, social darwanism, or do we serve the children like Yeshua did? All around is are lessons we can choose from, from both lanes, in the highway. The regressionists look at the dog eat dog in nature and pressume all should be ruthless like this. The progressionists, see cooperation as the way to survival, and its also evidenced in nature, even to microbe level.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by NorEaster

The dualism is the proof of the school, that we hang in the balance between the moment of light and darkness, metaphors, where choice is possible. The system of opposition is the structure of the school, and the polarity or frequency that we are at, has to do with the vibratory level of our awareness/love and consciousness, and birds of a feather flock together So in grading there will be a match, and its either progression, more awareness, more colors, sights, sounds, more flavors of coffee
or less, regression.

Proof? Proof of what?

What we have proof of is that when THIS occurs, it has the potential to affect THAT which has yet to occur. The choice you speak of is whether we wish to affect the forward trajectory of causation that will link what did occur wit what will occur, or whether we'll let that trajectory alone and affect another trajectory.

The human mind has the inimitable capacity to anticipate and plan for future change, and this was the ultimate game changer within both the corporeal and the informational realms. We call it conscious choice, and we don't really spend a lot of time on how absolutely unique this survival tool actually is. But it is a survival tool, and our brains developed it to be a survival tool. That we can employ it - the brilliantly flexible device that it is - to imagine what can and simply cannot possibly exist as real, is sort of like how TANG (the orange powder drink mix crap that kids went for in the 60's) migrated from the NASA missions to suburban breakfast tables. No kid ever really needed it to survive, but they drank more of it than all the astronauts combined could've ever choked down in a thousand missions.

We have forgotten that reality is based on addressing the needs of the simplest bits of identifiable existence, and that those needs scale throughout every level of increasing structural development, even as they become less and less identifiable (these needs) as the organizational whole becomes more and more sophisticated. They don't change. It may appear that they do, but that's just a failure of perception.

Here we are tested every day, do we overcome the 50/50, black and white squares, do we strive for patience and understanding others, instead of quick reactiveness and retaliation for example. Do we think as those striving to become adults, children serve us on bended knee or as slaves, because we're so worth, social darwanism, or do we serve the children like Yeshua did? All around is are lessons we can choose from, from both lanes, in the highway. The regressionists look at the dog eat dog in nature and pressume all should be ruthless like this. The progressionists, see cooperation as the way to survival, and its also evidenced in nature, even to microbe level.

Survival is the main driver, and while the variety of expressions can range from hyper-masculine (competition) to hyper-feminine (association), beneath it all, the survival imperative is the sole engine that moves all of existence to be what it is. Only within the informational realm is this mitigated, and even then, only to the degree that true existential oblivion isn't the iminent threat that it is within the corporeal realm. Still, the symbiotic nature of these two realms does require a full devotion to the emergence and the survival of that which does emerge.

I don't know. You can jazz it all up with a variety of dramas if you wish, but in the end, drama is a human invention.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:23 PM
The future is the unfolding of infinite possibilities from a range of finite probabilities.

Not sure if that's relevant or not.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Deep thinking on the structure, in fact, deep thinking on Infinity, Time, Holograms, the Sun, can bring some really interesting answers. When I did this, was given a video on infinity.

Beyond our Universe - Infinity Zoom [HD]

I'd never contemplated the infinity within, and being psi, impulsively reached in quickly to catch the flow, as I do when I read energy, before a thought came, or conscious overlay. I was in direct contact with HS/IS. And for a month or more, started having experiences with HS, miraculous ones, even healed of a flu, and download after download. I even realized we have to come to this school, for we're becoming. Matrix is womb. From being an experiencer of ufology and mysteries, to being a truth seeker, and using my inner guidance and energy recognition to find those who my soul recognized as the next the step of study, to learning about mystery school thought to some degree, I knew there was a White Matrix, the shool or womb, we were become born with growth, love and awareness/equality, to the hacked job on the matrix by the negatives, including the moon, for it retranslates photons.

We had to come, for this is the clip that holds the entire infintie roll of flim of the soul, what we become, the light body, into being. This makes it real, and we have to freely chose to invert that pyramid to Family/Equality/Unconditional Love.

Three of the experiences, two with IS/Infinite Self, and the third with Family/Guides, aside from the Old Man, that were external feeling. For the other guidance is more internal feeling, from that time period where.

1. walking down the stairs, in a kind of down bland mood, and each step brightened up enormously, expanded into this joyful higher frequency, and she was there, both within and without. She, who was light, love, humor, something like goldie hawn, came to mind, in a purified wonderful way, said, "Where do you think you are anyway? Can you ever truly leave home?"

That entanglement issue or even if you contemplate that with infinite frequencies, that everything is here, the realms and space, the universes, and Beyonds/Home, are all around us, at once, as well. Its all perception. though there is energies and spaces, used within and without infinite energies that are like everything eternal, and can be used to create constructs that also hang in place forever, each moment is eternal, always exists, somewhere in "time", like a recording that can't be wiped, each thought, each word is eternal, we are still NOT separate from our Source and Family.

So, at that moment I saw a series of scenes, first I it was like lying on gurney, with a semi sheer curtain around, so I could see other family members near me, then second, a window, with a cafe curtain, like a kitchen window with light streaming in, then it turned to a huge movie screen, then third, I was in a movie theatre with an old fashioned red curtain that pulled back suddenly and a movie was playing, forever, recording every scene here, and I knew that possibly we would wish to be the hero of these dvd's and not allow too many bloopers there.

2.. While sick and feeling really low energy with my chronic fatigue, I opened the door of the fridge and the jam, I think, leapt out and spilled everywhere. There was no way I could clean it up and was upset, cranky, and was just saying to the kids, "who did this?" When suddenly She was within and without me, and the entire room flooded with sunlight.

She said, "You are the sunlight, be a warm and loving ray!" At that moment I was healed and cleaned up with happiness and joy, just beaming kind of, and hugged all the kids.

3. While feeling very down for days over family situations and kids not getting along, the two youngest always fighting, and blaming myself, the sky was overcast, and was at the glass sliding doors, when suddenly they were there, at the door, I could sense and even see them and it was like telepathic contact. The sun at that moment, for the only time in days, came to the surface of the clouds and shone brightly, momentarily, and the message was: Have Humor, Relax, Enjoy, Stream Love, Be Love, Gentle, Don't worrry about not having the energy with my chronic fatigue to be a disciplinarian or the kind of sports coach this team of boys needed, be yourself, and stream gentle understanding and love, and turn things around whenever you can with HUMOR. I was just about in tears of joy, such a high frequency , it was so wonderful, day after day, did this feeling stay.

All the while download after download with more information coming, what infinity implies and means in terms of this school, the need to come and make it real our goodness and choices, to continue on in infinite learning and love, with the kind of service to others, and growth in understanding where everything we have belongs to all, and yet everyone is infinitely prospered for there is only highest technology and abundance for all, and all are gifts to self and others.

Imagine passing the tests and growing to the next stage, taking the suns place, being the Guides and serving the children, being 100 % or nearly on service to other mode, though able to take a million year perceptional vacation, with family, with a simple, "be back in a second" for its not about "time", but its a recording hanging in space. We accomplish other things, then find that exact moment in the recording and are "back in a sec!"

Understand how, ET, or higher ups, with remotes to the body suit brain, can pause time, fast forward, reverse, even interject another program in to our sensory system and give us implanted memories and altered states during abductions, and return us to that same moment.

Also how, the potential infintiy within and without means, a 20 foot craft, can contain a world, a galaxy sized space inside, it all depends on how they've utlized that potential. Metaphorically, like hardrives can be formatted into many different parcels on an infinte drive, with partitions between them.
This post is very good on the sun.
My thread on sungazing safely.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by NorEaster

Deep thinking on the structure, in fact, deep thinking on Infinity, Time, Holograms, the Sun, can bring some really interesting answers. When I did this, was given a video on infinity.

Beyond our Universe - Infinity Zoom [HD]

All that - everything that video clip suggests - is contained within one full contextual environment. In fact, likely a lot more, since that clip doesn't deal with dimensions or with the whole of the informational realm at all. If any part of anything can be physically associated with any part of anything else, they both exist within the same full contextual environment.

And there are any number of full contextual environments that exist, with the primordial Truth (featuring its comparative standard Reality, and determination protocol Logic) woven tightly within and throughout all of them, establishing the barest physical substructure from which all that exists as physical (both dynamic and informational) can then emerge via dynamic repercussion. Each environment is unique in overall expression, but none is truly unaffected by the original developmental recipe that emerged as a result of reality's first run at progressive development. The driver - Survival - is both carrot and stick regardless of how the broad specifics play out, and intelligent, self-aware consciousness is how each race is ultimately won. An accomplishment, the emergence of dynamic intellect is never a driver in its own right. It's the epitome of permanent victory over oblivion, and the fullest manifestation of existential expression.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Dimensions, are just channels. In a hologram, the 2d pigments, dot matrix blue print, or photograph, is erected into 3d by the Light/lasers.

In our universe, there is energy waves, there is energy. But its not what we see. That is erected by the strange pixels they found when they were studying gravity in the space fabric, in Germany, they kept getting pixel interference. Its like the blueprint is all around us.

Dimensioins aren't what we think. We're in akin to two things: it can likened to a holographic computerized television set, only take this very far into the future advanced tech.

It can also be likened unto a radio station with infintie frequencies, and our body suits like the computers that limit the range of sight, sound, touch, smell, or the UV lightwaves, we see. All the channels are around us, but we don't see them.

Those channels could be likened to 3d as well, erected by Light or sun, as well into the worlds they inhabit, though our concepts of physics laws, which are distorted, don't necessarily exist, in all the sections of space or every realm. Different areas have their own "laws" as such.

Also the video has the point in its simplicity, and catchy tune too
of not answering the questions so much as engaging our curiosity. And if we're psi, and can reach into our infinity then in zenmind, we can get answers. That is what happened to me, met HS and spent over a month in experiences and downloads.
edit on 2-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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