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A challenge -The reality of UFOs and tomorrow

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posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:51 PM
If you believe that UFOs are something more than swamp gas, temperature inversions, planes, helicopters, space junk, poor eyesight, Venus, Mars, Jupiter or a 1991 Saturn 2-door hardtop, then you also know pretty much for sure that someday… maybe in our own lifetimes, the doubters, the naysayers, the skeptics, the hecklers, the bunkers and all those who have created an industry out of dedicated denial, are going to wake one day and fine out they were dead wrong.

Yeah, I know this sounds like an anger/revenge rant because that is what we all wish on those who take the time to make us miserable in our beliefs. But the Christians have survived this exact thing for centuries so… I think we’ll be fine.

Anyway, to give you something to do on this hot-ass day in June of 2011… please feel free to detail how the first REAL day of contact will go.

NOTES: For those aforementioned doubters, naysayers, skeptoids, hecklepods and bunkies… please feel free to join in and tell us how it won’t happen.

I’ll wager a single US Dollar (let's not make this a gambling thing) that by the end of 2012, there will have been a UFO event that takes the world by storm.

Your call from here.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:56 PM
it will be several ships, lowered into our atmosphere and everyone in offices will look on in awe, children and teachers will come out of the schools and it will be this overwhelming feeling of "what the hell?"

some people will cry, some will be afraid some will just soak in the most epic moment of humanity

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by redoubt

Anyway, to give you something to do on this hot-ass day in June of 2011… please feel free to detail how the first REAL day of contact will go.

Well see you've got to clarify.

are you making a distinction between :

everyone who suggests that all the videos and photos we've seen so far are explainable and that "UFOS" might not be alien ships (still leaving the chance for intelligent life out there)


everyone who disagrees with you into the category "no life exists outside of earth" because this constantly happens.

i'm the former, I'm 100% sure life exists out there somewhere, and with the age of the universe, could possibly be intelligent and much more advanced than us. I don't, personally, believe they are visiting here as I haven't seen much evidence to support that. (I am currently reading a great book called "UFOs" which is all government and military personnel documenting their experiences, with some photos as well)

I'm not going to tell you it won't happen, it totally might, I just don't think it has happened YET.

But here's a question for you, as I've just explained I'm on the fence and am willing to be wrong (see, that's science, we suppose something until it is PROVEN otherwise, then we revise our stance, as per the scientific method).

Are you, as a believer, willing to be wrong?

No, I'm not being a dick, I honestly want to know, most people who share my mentality relating to alien visitation, are only saying it hasn't happened, most aren't saying it will NEVER happen, that's just putting words in their mouths.

If aliens land tomorrow, and it's documented and verified, I'll be the first to buy you a beer.


If those same aliens come down and explain they are the only other intelligent life in the area, and have NEVER visited earth before, what will you have to say about that?

It's retarded to deny the possibility, but possibility doesn't always equal reality
edit on 2-6-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

oops forgot to actually respond to the challenge! :

tomorrow, a massive formation of alien ships makes itself know, enters orbit, attempts communication via our satellite networks using the universal language of math. Explaining they are peaceful, exploring, and are willing to help us break out of the "dark ages" we live in compared to them.

Our response? Immediate attacks by one or more of the nuclear powers. A global cataclysm ensues.
edit on 2-6-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:07 PM
I also have a feeling that a large UFO event will happen before the end of 2012. But ....sometimes I do a lot of wishful thinking.

If anyone is going to believe we made contact they will want to see it for themselves.

There would have to be several motherships that show themselves and allowed them to be recorded and put on TV for everyone to watch.

It will be one of those days where you won't leave the TV for a second (unless you can see a ship with your own eyes)

Once people see they are there ... the next step will be to see an actual "Alien" to ensure we aren't being fooled some how.

After all that ...the next day .... I might have to go tell a few people ... "I told you so!"

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:12 PM
Peaceful hypothetical contact scenario:

Much of the world will probably be in shambles, from natural disaster or war. They'll land in various populated areas all around the world, and not the White House lawn like in films... The people will gather but not feel totally frightened - they will be overwhelmed with bewilderment and wonder. Then the doors will open from their craft, figures will walk out and raise their hands as a sign of peace. They will probably speak to us in our minds and recite a maxim of sorts to further ease us. One thing will lead to another. There will be an exchange of ideas, thoughts, history, and so on, but ultimately they will end up as our guides and teachers to usher in a new chapter of civilization, and they'll help us to remold almost all of our institutions. They will be an undeniable truth. People will eventually learn to unify and we will explore space. It will be the greatest moment in our history.

Harmful hypothetical contact scenario:

They'll come and blow us up. The end.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:21 PM
Ok. I'll take your dollar - my counter bet: there won't be anything whatsoever unusual about 2012 that isn't an extension of what's happening right now. More unemployment, brush-fire wars in the Middle East, a few outbreaks of disease, Fukushima will let go and a lot of people in northern Japan will take one for the Emperor.

No Mayan apocalypse, no alien UFO deux ex machinae descending on strings to save the faithful (ever notice the nearly point-for-point correspondence between Christian Rapturists and the UFO apocalyptics?).

I will lay you small but finite odds that you will find out something really weird from my stomping ground - the dreaded Military-Industrial Complex. That will fall into maybe one of four areas - you may find out that there has been a group of closely related antibiotics that not only will kill pretty much any bacterial or parasitic infection that ails you, but that no resistance can be built up for. You may find out that we had fusion power starting about five years back but it went into submarine prototypes. You might discover that we've had something a bit more aggressive than a nuke (it's been sixty years, after all) for the last decade. Or you might discover that McKinnon was right. Heh. For the purposes of our dollar bet, it's not a loss if the UFOs are manned by people.

eta: these four things also don't count. For the dollar, it's got to be UFOs with little space buddies in them, and blatant, unmistakable, over the top. None of yer "the Phoenix MUFON saw a UFO on the highway but no one got pictures or has any proof" TDAMH stuff.
edit on 2-6-2011 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:22 PM
I don't know that I agree with you ..

I believe in UFO's and Alien life but I'm also a big debunker on the topic because I think that 9 times out of 10 ( and that is being a conservative estimate ) it's rationally explained.. it's human tendency to see what you want to see .. we also live in a world where special effects software is easy to come by and people get a kick out of creating a hoax to see how many hits they can get on their youtube video ..

So yes I'm one of those believers who's also a debunker .. I won't just accept anything posted here as genuine unless I can't come up with a viable alternative for what I'm seeing..

I am only a believer because I've had two experiences of my own that I can't explain in any rational way, experiences I don't discuss because I have no evidence so I see no reason to bring it up in most situations.
edit on 2-6-2011 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-6-2011 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:47 PM
"I’ll wager a single US Dollar (let's not make this a gambling thing) that by the end of 2012, there will have been a UFO event that takes the world by storm."

You sir have a bet! I don't consider this gambling. But I would like to get paid in silver please.

(Whatever the going rate is at end of next year.)

I don't think we'll have disclosure even though I'm a believer and here's why:

We have some old art work that depicts UFO in some paintings. Could be just great imaginations for the times.
Look at Da Vinci's imagination of how helicopters might fly..and he NEVER saw one.(Or did he?)

If we've already been in contact..Which we might have been..they've done a pretty good job of keeping it a secret so far..Why bother changing that Mode Of Ops? To what gain? Scare us into the FEMA Camps?

Nah.. And I don't think any source of intelligence from another world would even know who to go to here on Earth. Each country would do ANYTHING to control that knowlege and power.
Don't would be power for GAIN. Not for humanity.

Like each country considers each other brothers now..rightttt..that seems to be going well.

Who are the Aliens going to pick? Russia? Brazil? New Zealand? US?
Flip a coin or spin the Earth and point where it stops and contact THEM..

No better yet..... Major sightings everywhere at once and then just disappear.

Odds say that after what 10,000 years and no real world wide sightings at the same time,'s not going to happen.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:09 PM
I don't understand how debunked UFO sightings are people somehow being in denial.

Surely if all the proof of a hoax is there its laid to rest as a debunked hoax buy debunkers. Shouldn't those people be applauded and thanked?

Very rarely have I seen apologies from people defending an unexplained thread come back and apologies once the hoax has been proved beyond all doubt.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:32 PM
12/21/2012 will come and go like any other day. Except for the fact that some members of society will panic for no reason, others will quietly contemplate their fate before resuming their miserable, meaningless lives, while still others will look for 'the next big thing' with which to fleece and hoodwink as much of humanity as possible.

The "History" channel will jump onto a new gig to sell more advertising, a bunch of doomsday-circuit speakers and booksellers will look for anther fear-mongering future event to parrot to the masses, and the rest of us will be here at ATS seeking the truth of it all.

UFO's and tomorrow? My (relatively and increasingly worthless) $1 wager is that when it happens, IF it happens, it will NOT be a huge public display or even very conspicuous at all. Rather, I'd guess that the EBE's are more subtle and refined sentient beings that would prefer NOT to be on CNN et al.

The M.O.? Individual telepathic introductions until a sufficient quantity of humanity is comfortable with their "presence". These humans will then facilitate the gradual absorption of such awareness to the rest of the global community through interpersonal, quiet, contemplative discussion, perhaps lubricated through the use of social networking sites and similar methods of intimate communication.

My belief is that this technique is what TPTB fear the most since it removes them from control of the populace and provides individual humans and Aliens to interact without them in the equation whatsoever.

When will this happen? For some it may have already begun. But it won't be widespread until "we are ready". And we're not ready.

What will it take to "be ready". We must be deserving as a species. Stop killing each other over religion. Eliminate nuclear weaponry. Desist from poisoning the planet. In short, we must respect each other and respect our home world. We do not. We have not. And we show no inclination, as a group, to do so.

We will be contacted when we deserve the attention. Right now they are just observing us (and likely shaking their heads in disgust, if such a gesture means the same thing as it does to us...)

They are in no hurry. It is only human beings that seem to be in a hurry (to self-destruct). We will never be invited to join the galactic community in our current, primitive, malevolent state of devolution. We need to grow up.

In the meantime, just relax: go back to your "jack-ass" reality shows, violent video games, petty misplaced value systems, warfare, genocide, planet-killing ways, etc. ad nausea. *sigh*

>>>>>>>> rant over >>>>>>>>>

Thank you for your time...

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Outrageo

The M.O.? Individual telepathic introductions until a sufficient quantity of humanity is comfortable with their "presence". These humans will then facilitate the gradual absorption of such awareness to the rest of the global community through interpersonal, quiet, contemplative discussion, perhaps lubricated through the use of social networking sites and similar methods of intimate communication.

My belief is that this technique is what TPTB fear the most since it removes them from control of the populace and provides individual humans and Aliens to interact without them in the equation whatsoever.

When will this happen? For some it may have already begun. But it won't be widespread until "we are ready". And we're not ready.

What will it take to "be ready". We must be deserving as a species. Stop killing each other over religion. Eliminate nuclear weaponry. Desist from poisoning the planet. In short, we must respect each other and respect our home world. We do not. We have not. And we show no inclination, as a group, to do so.

We will be contacted when we deserve the attention. Right now they are just observing us (and likely shaking their heads in disgust, if such a gesture means the same thing as it does to us...)

They are in no hurry. It is only human beings that seem to be in a hurry (to self-destruct). We will never be invited to join the galactic community in our current, primitive, malevolent state of devolution. We need to grow up.

In the meantime, just relax: go back to your "jack-ass" reality shows, violent video games, petty misplaced value systems, warfare, genocide, planet-killing ways, etc. ad nausea. *sigh*

Well said. I'm not sure why the world/regional leaders don't make more personal sacrifices at this point to lead by example... They are themselves a reflection of the general population... in other words, they don't really care.

It's funny how people get so into their lives and stack their plate so heavy that they don't have time to really think about what's happening to our planet, to our values, and to our spirit. This is a planet of free will and we are blowing it. What's going on is obvious. There is a good possibility of our extinction soon and they will try to minimize the damage and save what they can.

They are obviously trying to wake us up though.... so we remember who we really are and the eternal place we come from. They understand exactly "who they are, where they come from, and why they're here."

The problem with humanity is people get so weirded out by that. It's like they immediately "claim the victim" and "feel jealousy" (and fear) of the aliens' powers/knowledge. Typical human negative outlook. What about a positive outlook like "even though they can go to the moon in 15 seconds, we have strong attibutes too. Perhaps our senses of touch and taste our enhanced over theirs. They could never enjoy a nice privatenight out with a good steak, wine, and significant other. So I'm guessing their are strengths and weaknesses to all of God's creatures in the universe. There is nothing right or wrong about it. It's humanity that always views the universe through the eyes of "can I dominate it, or should I run." What about stopping the dominant-submissive act and become a co-participant in the game of life!

I think that would suit mankind much better in his current state of evolution. I do believe that if we act friendly and show we can care for our planet....... we will definitely have a relationship with aliens. You'd probably see huge advances in science... and just how we view things and how we educate our young. It's a priceless gift.. but I think mankind is still too concerned about "who's right and who's wrong."

I think you are right about them using humans to slowly spread the word of their existence. However, somewhere I think there is a higher power they get their orders from. They are bound from directly interfering because this is a plaent of freewill. However, if the prospect of a large scale war escalates or our carbon polluting machines are destroying the atmosphere/ecosystem too quickly, they might have to step it up and startle us. I don't know, but I think like quantum physics... it's uncertain. It rides on our decisions here in the present.

I think there are a lot of "beings" or "intelligences" out there watching us intently. Do they cue the 2001 Space Odyssey music....? Or are they going to play Taps lol. Must be like watching the Superbowl. Hope they know how to make popcorn.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by dplum517
I also have a feeling that a large UFO event will happen before the end of 2012. But ....sometimes I do a lot of wishful thinking.

If anyone is going to believe we made contact they will want to see it for themselves.

There would have to be several motherships that show themselves and allowed them to be recorded and put on TV for everyone to watch.

It will be one of those days where you won't leave the TV for a second (unless you can see a ship with your own eyes)

Personally i think they'll use some sort of over-ride for all our electronics and media systems (just like on the films
). Instead of our media actually showing them to us, they will show themselves and they will have a leader/speaker who will tell us why they are here and how long they have known we're here on earth. However if by some chance they started attacking us, you know full well all the real conspirators will be hiding undergound because if they really did attack, it will have been the plan from the start.

But despite what we all want so bad, i think we still know it will never happen, not in our lifetime.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by redoubt
If you believe that UFOs are something more than swamp gas, temperature inversions, planes, helicopters, space junk, poor eyesight, Venus, Mars, Jupiter or a 1991 Saturn 2-door hardtop, then you also know pretty much for sure that someday… maybe in our own lifetimes, the doubters, the naysayers, the skeptics, the hecklers, the bunkers and all those who have created an industry out of dedicated denial, are going to wake one day and fine out they were dead wrong.

You are frustrated, and that frustration has dulled your most important sense. The common one. Take a look at history my friend. All it EVER does is repeat itself. If UFOs and their occupants have been here since the beginning of our time here on Earth, what in the name of common sense makes you think we are somehow now going to experience something different with respect to them?

Yeah, I know this sounds like an anger/revenge rant because that is what we all wish on those who take the time to make us miserable in our beliefs. But the Christians have survived this exact thing for centuries so… I think we’ll be fine.

This is the clearest post depicting absolute delusion I have ever read concerning a UFO "fan". I realize it's just angry and fearful emotions, but it is delusional nonetheless.

Anyway, to give you something to do on this hot-ass day in June of 2011… please feel free to detail how the first REAL day of contact will go.

NOTES: For those aforementioned doubters, naysayers, skeptoids, hecklepods and bunkies… please feel free to join in and tell us how it won’t happen.

I personally would not waste my time fantasizing about such a display, but that does not mean that I know it won't happen. That's because I use "common sense". Certainly UFOs are REAL, but what are they, and what do they represent, you don;t have a clue and neither do I. If you want to progressively "help" and forward the REAL UFO research, I suggest you adopt such an understanding and attitude because all you are doing here is making it clear how very young you are and how little REAL interest you possess.

I’ll wager a single US Dollar (let's not make this a gambling thing) that by the end of 2012, there will have been a UFO event that takes the world by storm. Your call from here.

Whether you are wagering a single dollar, or more, you are still gambling. That's more of that "common sense" type thinking. Sometimes we are just way too much our own worst enemy.
edit on 3-6-2011 by MasterOfSparkz because: (no reason given)

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