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Homo Celestial - The Star Man.

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posted on May, 30 2011 @ 06:35 AM
Mankind needs a new religion - the religion of The Star Man.

These are some notes I have been making concerning genetic engineering and the problem of religion and science.

The meaning of Life is that Man may transcend the animal in himself, transcend disease and sickness and even death via genetic engineering so that we can transcend our confinement on the Earth and thereby colonise the universe.

Yet at the moment we are trapped at the evolutionary level of the Animal in an era when mans intellect has been perverted by false values in order to wage war against each other and the planet itself.

The only way mankind can escape is via mankind transcending man himself.

Unless we transcend our present evolutionary level, as insane apes armed with nuclear weapons, then we will either destroy ourselves as a species in some insane war or we will ensure our collapse as a species via disease, famine or climate collapse.

Religion offers us no escape from the level of the Animal - whoever we pray too cannot liberate us from ourselves.

Only mankind can offer mankind liberation and salvation from the level of the Animal.

Religions preach submission and obedience, not liberty and self evolution.

Any religion that allows children to suffer due to adherence to its dogma - is not a religion, it is a cult of evil.

Any religion that demands the sexual mutilation of young men by circumscision or that regards female genital mutilation as acceptable, is a religion of sin and sickness - not of the Spirit.

No child should suffer mutilation due to the sick cult beliefs of their insane parents in the name of an insane god.

Any person who would deliberatly ignore science and marry their cousin due to cultural, economic or religious reasons, should be forced to be sterilised before they are allowed to do so.

To bring children into this world corrupted and crippled with the genetic legacy of incest is the actions of madmen and women.

Man must start to use his intellect to control his evolution.

Yet even science is corrupted and serves the Animal in man.

We have religious lunatics armed with weapons of mass destruction - fundamentalists with nuclear bombs.

The intellect of man has been used to empower the Animal in man.

Science pours forth the poisons and profanities of weapons of war instead of providing mankind with the technologies and tools to enable our liberation from the level of the Animal.

Mans intelligence is enslaved to his baser nature.

Science serves the insanity of the Animal and the doctrines of those that want man to remain as an Animal.

I believe that human beings were given by God / Nature our intelligence to enable us to self evolve - to use our intelligence and creative self evolution to cleanse the human genome of all inherited diseases and defects via genetic engineering so that no more children have to be born into this world crippled and suffering due to inherited birth defects.

With Creative Self Evolution mankind can cure all diseases, heal the sick and perhaps even conquer death itself so that one day in the future, mankind can leave Earth and head out into the stars as a new species - not as Homo Sapiens but as Homo Celestial - as The Star Man capable of colonising the universe.

Homo Celestial would be a mankind whose genome has been fixed via genetic engineering so that no sickness, diseases of cancers occur due to DNA defects.

Homo Celestial would be genetically engineered to survive the long journey between the stars as we search for new worlds to colonise.

Homo Celestial would be engineered for enhanced intelligence and for extended life spans, with the ability of the body to self repair in the event of injury.

Homo Celestial would be a human species engineered to spread life throughout the universe and to allow mankind to colonise the exo-planets we find amidst the vastness of space.

Humanity is at a transition point, for at the same time aswe have developed nuclear weapons of mass destruction which can destroy the whole planet in minutes we have also developed the technology of genetic engineering to liberate all mankind from sickness and disease.

Instead of focusing our technologies and resources on waging war against each other - mankind should be waging a war on disease and sickness via genetic engineering - but instead of thinking of the future we are squandering our resources on developing weapons of war.

Death reigns instead of Life.

The animal in man, conquers the Divine in Man.

Man must turn his attention inwards and direct his intelligence and technologies to conquering death and sickness within himself and in developing the creed of creative self evolution.

Instead of waging war on others, we must wage war on the sickess and diseases that resides within us all human beings - and this is a war against the inherited genetic defects of a defective species of animal.

That defective animal is man.

This is not Eugenics, with its doctrine of racial and of individual superiority - this is the reality that no individual is superior and nor is any race, as we are all as equally defective as each other.

Every human being carries within their genes thousands of inherited diseases.

The intellect of every human being is caged in the body of a defective animal.

The greatest sportsman and the greatest scientist are as equally defective as the other, for each is merely a product of their defective inherited genes.

Regardless of race or religion, each human being is as defective as the other.

Until every human is engineered so that every inherited disease is removed from their genes, then all of humanity is capable of being corrupted by those genes.

Man must transcend his animal nature and transcend the inherited genetic defects of an animal.

That means we all leave the level of the Animal, together as a species.

Only when all of mankind have removed all those genetic defects from themselves - do we as indiviiduals and as a species transcend the level of the animal and become masters of our own evolution and destiny - and become The Star Man.

Mankind must evolve as a species so that we can leave Earth and colonise the stars.

Failure to do that will result in the eventual destruction of the planet and the extinction of all humanity, either by a nuclear war or by the slow suicide of human over population and new diseases as Nature strikes back against the human plague that will threaten the ecology of the planet.

Mans destiny is to allow man to evolve to a higher post-human species.

Laws that allow people to marry their cousins are laws that disgrace humanity and deny us our path to the stars.

The Star Man is a higher species of human being.

The Star Man is our salvation,

edit on 30-5-2011 by leejohnbarnes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by leejohnbarnes

The Star Man is our salvation

Probably not going to happen because he is "Waiting in the sky" "He'd like to come and meet us but he thinks he'll blow our minds" lol!

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 06:43 AM

Mankind needs a new religion

Yeah, i think scientology got off on the wrong foot....

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 06:44 AM
I love that song.

Listen to the album its on, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust - its a classic album. Every track is good.

As for The Star man - he awaits us within.

I used the name as its a phrase we already know.

It is an image we already possess inside our own heads.

It exists as an image of what we could be, if we fought for it together.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by awake_and_aware

Mankind needs a new religion

Yeah, i think scientology got off on the wrong foot....


It rejected logic and evolution for profit and dogma.

The New Religion must be a religion of higher evolution - both spiritually and as a species.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 06:53 AM
Here is the image of The Star Man as a representation of the awakened mankind.

It is symbolic of the moment when Mankind transcends the level of the animal ;

This is William Blakes image of Albion Awakening, the Glad Day of mans spiritual and self liberation.

Each individual would be awakened and set free.
edit on 30-5-2011 by leejohnbarnes because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-5-2011 by leejohnbarnes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 07:29 AM
Religion is the oldest form of control. It is useless. Even your "star man" religion is useless.

You can't marry your cousin (at least not in my state). (2nd cousin maybe....but not 1st :puz

Exactly what was the point of this thread other than to ramble on about genetic purity? Adolf Hitler thought that at well.....genetic purity that is....blond hair blue eyes....master race.....blah blah blah.

Mankind through dogged determination is slowing finding the cures for its ills. It does not happen overnight.

We are a war-like species. We have fought and fought and fought our way to the top of the food chain. What makes you think we will limit our fighting to the planet Earth? You can't unteach our war-like nature. It defines us. It is who we are. You can temper it. You can try and control it. You just can't stop it. When we do venture forth to the stars....if we meet opposition...we will take what we want by force. George Washington didn't sit down and use his persuasive powers of speech to defeat the British....He shot them.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 07:32 AM
Transcendence as a society can only be a valid argument if it is taken for granted that our purpose as homo sapiens is a collective one. It could also be argued that we are not all part of a collective and that each of our destiny's are individualized and hence free will is the gift that allows us to choose our own personal path to enlightenment.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by wdkirk
Religion is the oldest form of control. It is useless. Even your "star man" religion is useless.

You can't marry your cousin (at least not in my state). (2nd cousin maybe....but not 1st :puz

Exactly what was the point of this thread other than to ramble on about genetic purity? Adolf Hitler thought that at well.....genetic purity that is....blond hair blue eyes....master race.....blah blah blah.

Mankind through dogged determination is slowing finding the cures for its ills. It does not happen overnight.

We are a war-like species. We have fought and fought and fought our way to the top of the food chain. What makes you think we will limit our fighting to the planet Earth? You can't unteach our war-like nature. It defines us. It is who we are. You can temper it. You can try and control it. You just can't stop it. When we do venture forth to the stars....if we meet opposition...we will take what we want by force. George Washington didn't sit down and use his persuasive powers of speech to defeat the British....He shot them.

You can marry your cousin in Britain.

Thats why we have so many disabled kids being born, especially if they are from Muslim religious communities where 73 % of marriages in some communities are amongst first cousins.

If you bothered to read the thread and understand it, you will see that it states all races are equally genetically defective - which is the exact opposite of what Hitler said which was that the Aryan race is superior.

No race is superior - as I stated - as all races are comprised of individuals who are all genetically defective.

That is also scientifically correct.

Mankind is finding cures for its ill, IN SPITE OF ITSELF.

As I have stated - the only way man can save himself is by transcending the Animal level which causes us to go to war, exploit, ravage and destroy our own planet.

As I stated our intelligence is enslaved to our basest desires, instead of our basest desires being enslaved by our intelligence.

Geroge Washington was an ape, like we all are.

The point of creative self evolution is to evolve mankind past the level of the ape and to the level of the Homo Celestial, as we once evolved past the level of the single celled organism.

Once we do that when we evolve past our animal war like nature - and become a higher species.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by Utopian
Transcendence as a society can only be a valid argument if it is taken for granted that our purpose as homo sapiens is a collective one. It could also be argued that we are not all part of a collective and that each of our destiny's are individualized and hence free will is the gift that allows us to choose our own personal path to enlightenment.

Our collective goal as a species is to become Homo Celestial.

We are part of a series of collectives not just one ;

we all live in planet earth

we all depend on the echo-sphere for our lives and if the eco-sphere is destroyed, then we die as well as Earth

we would all die in the event of a global nuclear war

human over population and climate change due to over population threatens all human life on the planet

we are all humans and therefore all at risk from other humans who are stuck at the animal level of evolution

We are all as genetically inferior and defective as each other

They are just a few of the collectives are all part of.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 08:24 AM
Please no more religions, no need. I believe we are in the path to realize we all have a personal connection with the Divinity, The Father. Like Jesus or Siddhartha showed us (just an example). I am christian but I don't go to any church, priests and pastors are just the "middle men".

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by wdkirk
Religion is the oldest form of control. It is useless. Even your "star man" religion is useless.

You can't marry your cousin (at least not in my state). (2nd cousin maybe....but not 1st :puz

Exactly what was the point of this thread other than to ramble on about genetic purity? Adolf Hitler thought that at well.....genetic purity that is....blond hair blue eyes....master race.....blah blah blah.

Mankind through dogged determination is slowing finding the cures for its ills. It does not happen overnight.

We are a war-like species. We have fought and fought and fought our way to the top of the food chain. What makes you think we will limit our fighting to the planet Earth? You can't unteach our war-like nature. It defines us. It is who we are. You can temper it. You can try and control it. You just can't stop it. When we do venture forth to the stars....if we meet opposition...we will take what we want by force. George Washington didn't sit down and use his persuasive powers of speech to defeat the British....He shot them.

Hmm, I don't fully agree. But i believe change starts with the individual. I just think the universe is a little more complex than just having rampant ignorance running around killing things.

That's just my 2 cents

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 08:45 AM
we are animal,but better than other animal on the earth,it is difficult for most ppl to transcend you can not require a cat to learn some skill like account.even you advertise your call to all the world.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Trueman
Please no more religions, no need. I believe we are in the path to realize we all have a personal connection with the Divinity, The Father. Like Jesus or Siddhartha showed us (just an example). I am christian but I don't go to any church, priests and pastors are just the "middle men".

I use the word religion to describe a fusion of spirituality and science.

Not a religion as a collective body of rules imposing a theological dogma - but a religion offering a blueprint for mans future spiritual and self evolution.

A merging of the spirit and science.

edit on 30-5-2011 by leejohnbarnes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by eXia7

Originally posted by wdkirk
Religion is the oldest form of control. It is useless. Even your "star man" religion is useless.

You can't marry your cousin (at least not in my state). (2nd cousin maybe....but not 1st :puz

Exactly what was the point of this thread other than to ramble on about genetic purity? Adolf Hitler thought that at well.....genetic purity that is....blond hair blue eyes....master race.....blah blah blah.

Mankind through dogged determination is slowing finding the cures for its ills. It does not happen overnight.

We are a war-like species. We have fought and fought and fought our way to the top of the food chain. What makes you think we will limit our fighting to the planet Earth? You can't unteach our war-like nature. It defines us. It is who we are. You can temper it. You can try and control it. You just can't stop it. When we do venture forth to the stars....if we meet opposition...we will take what we want by force. George Washington didn't sit down and use his persuasive powers of speech to defeat the British....He shot them.

Hmm, I don't fully agree. But i believe change starts with the individual. I just think the universe is a little more complex than just having rampant ignorance running around killing things.

That's just my 2 cents

I agree - we were given our intelligence to think.

The problem is that our intelligence is enslaved to our animal nature.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by numberhere
we are animal,but better than other animal on the earth,it is difficult for most ppl to transcend you can not require a cat to learn some skill like account.even you advertise your call to all the world.

Man can be such more than what he is.

It is time to think of what we can be, not what we are or where we came from.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:35 AM

The next step in disease elimination is to attempt to refine a process know as Human Germline Engineering. Whereas PGD affects only the immediate offspring germline engineering seeks to affect the genes that are carried in the ova and sperm and thus eliminate the disease or disorder from all future generations making it no longer inheritable. The possibilities for germline engineering and gene therapy go beyond the elimination of disease and move us into the other spheres of influence we identified earlier; longevity, capacity, adaptability and fashion.

Once genetic engineering technology has matured and is safe, then we will have the knowledge to begin changing our own DNA to make future generations stronger, smarter, and more resistant to disease. Human evolution is now entering a new phase where genetic engineering will allow parents to design their own children.

Should the genetic engineering of humans be banned? That depends on whether the emergence of a life form capable of engineering itself was simply an accident of nature, or whether the process of evolution is much more purposeful than we previously imagined.

Some evolutionary experts say that the only proper way to understand evolution is to think that it has no purpose or direction, but these people are expressing an opinion rather than stating a fact. They argue that random mutations made the evolution of intelligent life accidental, but it can also be argued that the tendency of natural selection to favor sharper senses and other beneficial traits made the outcome inevitable

Science cannot prove whether or not there is any purpose behind evolution. The question of purpose is a philosophical one, not a scientific one. The prevailing view will depend more on persuasive arguments than on scientific evidence.

There is a general trend in evolution. Animals continue to evolve to become more competitive and resourceful than their ancestors, giving them a better chance of eating more, surviving longer, and outbreeding the competition. Charles Darwin wrote about this trend in the last line of his classic book on the theory of evolution ...
As natural selection works solely by and for the good of each being, all physical and mental endowments will tend to progress towards perfection.

After billions of years of evolution, the outcome of this trend on earth has been the rise of humankind and the discovery of advanced technology. Now it seems that the process of evolution is on the verge of accelerating as technology allows natural evolution to be overtaken by ‘consciously controlled evolution’.

Perhaps the evolution of a humanlike consciousness was inevitable. Perhaps the discovery of advanced technology was also inevitable. And perhaps the inevitable use of technology to allow natural evolution to be overtaken by ‘consciously controlled evolution’ is part of some mysterious cosmic plan. Whether it was planned or not, it is happening now.

Because we are the first animals on this planet to build a civilization and discover technology, it is easy to think that we are the end product of evolution. Although we represent the first appearance of intelligent life, we are unlikely to be the last stage in its progression. From our understanding of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence, we can already predict the arrival of more advanced forms. And like countless generations before us, we seem helpless to stop ourselves giving birth to the next generation.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by leejohnbarnes

Mankind needs a new religion

Really? I seem to do just fine with NO religion. Though I am spiritual, I have no need to "worship" anything.

Instead of focusing our technologies and resources on waging war against each other - mankind should be waging a war on disease and sickness via genetic engineering - but instead of thinking of the future we are squandering our resources on developing weapons of war.

You are aware that wars are created to profit the war suppliers, right? That most Humans have no desire for war? That We are manipulated with false flags and false information into warring? It is not Us, per se, who choose war; it is the war suppliers who cannot profit unless there is war. Still, Humans struggle against such efforts to suppress cures (so that the ill can pay over years for "medicines" that cover symptoms but do not cure - and frequently cause greater damage...requiring more "medicine" what They can sell), and other evil done for the love of money.

Death reigns instead of Life.

Only because death is profitable.

The animal in man, conquers the Divine in Man.

More, the greed in Humans conquers the Human capacity to strive for betterment.

Man must turn his attention inwards and direct his intelligence and technologies to conquering death and sickness within himself and in developing the creed of creative self evolution.

Well I think We have been trying to move in that direction - thwarted by the profiteers.

Instead of waging war on others, we must wage war on the sickess and diseases that resides within us all human beings - and this is a war against the inherited genetic defects of a defective species of animal[/
That defective animal is man.

Consciousness is not defective. And should the choice of changing the vehicle It resides in becomes available, Consciousness should have those choices available. As to Conscious Beings, it is not a sin either way for a parent to choose good structure or allow nature its course. No such mandate should be made nor judgement be placed. If the choice is made available, most (98%ish) will choose wisely enough.

This is not Eugenics, with its doctrine of racial and of individual superiority - this is the reality that no individual is superior and nor is any race, as we are all as equally defective as each other.

Defective? Maybe, as We might perceive, in Our individual structure, but Humans are NOT defective in Consciousness.

The intellect of every human being is caged in the body of a defective animal.

I wouldn't put it quite like that... We inhabit vehicles We perceive in a range that runs the gamut between defective and perfect - as Each might define those terms subjectively.

Until every human is engineered so that every inherited disease is removed from their genes, then all of humanity is capable of being corrupted by those genes.

Man must transcend his animal nature and transcend the inherited genetic defects of an animal.

That means we all leave the level of the Animal, together as a species.

I am unclear... Do You discount the Consciousness of Those presently alive based on Their perceived "defects?" Does this mean that All who are alive now are unfit for something? What might that something be?

Only when all of mankind have removed all those genetic defects from themselves - do we as indiviiduals and as a species transcend the level of the animal and become masters of our own evolution and destiny - and become The Star Man.

How do You define "perfect?" I know a guy who has a fetish for amputees - does His definition of "perfect" hold any sway? If not, why not?

Mankind must evolve as a species so that we can leave Earth and colonise the stars.

I am unclear why some evolution is necessary to leave Earth and colonize the stars, and why colonizing the stars is an imperative...

Failure to do that will result in the eventual destruction of the planet and the extinction of all humanity, either by a nuclear war or by the slow suicide of human over population and new diseases as Nature strikes back against the human plague that will threaten the ecology of the planet.

Oh. Ok. But if We eliminate the need for money, war becomes pointless, and We can organically run the planet...

(Please see My threads here on ATS on how We could do it:

The End of Entropy - the foundation - read first

The Ethical Planetarian Party Platform - the structure

Here's a simple schematic for drawing on the plenum ("dark"/Zero Point/Radiant/Orgone/...) energy: )

Mans destiny is to allow man to evolve to a higher post-human species.

Well if it is destiny, I won't worry. Nothing I can do even if I wanted to, eh? And if it's destiny, I guess You shouldn't worry either...

The Star Man is our salvation,

While I agree that becoming a space-faring species is an awesome thing to contemplate and strive for, I think We could accomplish that as We are - IF We eliminate the need for money (removing the soil in which the root of all evil - the love of money - grows in).

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by wdkirk
We are a war-like species.

No... Not really. However... Greed can motivate some to create problems, issuing propaganda to control reaction, to move Us to war as a "solution" (which profits the war suppliers).

We have fought and fought and fought our way to the top of the food chain.

I suspect We actually didn't. There is much evidence that We were genetically manipulated into existence by Others...

What makes you think we will limit our fighting to the planet Earth?

If We retain the need for money and there is a profit to be had from war elsewhere - there will be Those who create problems, steer reactions into war solutions. If, on the other hand, We eliminate the need for money - via tech to draw energy from the plenum (money/power/energy being three forms of the same thing...) - We will venture forth in the noblest of manners.

You can't unteach our war-like nature. It defines us. It is who we are. You can temper it. You can try and control it. You just can't stop it.

Only because it does not exist. Humans are quite loving and peaceful; however, We are twisted by the money yoke, tempted to put money over Humanity, and easily led by propaganda.

When we do venture forth to the stars....if we meet opposition...we will take what we want by force.

Except... If We have eliminated the need for money, there will be nothing We will want except social interaction and sharing of knowledge - neither of which force is conducive to.

George Washington didn't sit down and use his persuasive powers of speech to defeat the British....He shot them.

And He had to do something to begin with over issues of...? Money.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by leejohnbarnes
human over population and climate change due to over population threatens all human life on the planet

Humans are nowhere near "overpopulated." The issue is that necessities are distributed by profit and not need. Every month, supermarkets throw out hundreds of thousands of tons of food - it didn't sell before it went bad - while Others starve. If You gave 1/4 acre to every Human alive - Man, woman and child - in Australia (4% of the land mass EXcluding Antarctica), You would still have a good chunk of Australia left over. And the whole rest of the planet. If You took the volume of all Humans on this planet, that volume wouldn't even fill a side canyon off the Grand Canyon.

We could easily produce enough food to feed all of Us three times over - IF We could distribute it by need.

Climate changes are far more a product of the behavior of the sun than the piddly bit of matter We represent on this planet.

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