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Ron Paul gets angry...

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posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 01:08 PM
Ron first says he would phase it out.. then changes his tune by saying he would if the people and congress agree..

Sounds like double talk to me and quite possibly someone who only says what others wish to hear. But when seated with power, may in fact show his real colors and back off.

I'm under the impression now that Ron only rocks the boat enough to get supports so as to have some weight in congress and to keep his seat. Keeping the seat allows him to put food on his table and a roof over his head.

I don't see him making any changes if elected. I see him as Obama was in the early stages.. a blow horn with little substance.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Willbert

Not really, he's stating he will act on this if its the will of the people. try not to read to deep into it.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 01:13 PM
I doubt hed ever be able to kill the programs off, but he could at least reform them or phase them into something more efficient (or like he said at least let you opt out of it) . Cutting military spending down a little bit and decreasing useless foreign aid would easily pay the bills for these programs, then concentrate on prosecuting all the people scamming the system and I think we'd be good to go.

we're supposed to have this "obamacare" soon so I dont know what the reason for medicare would exactly be, and social security is a joke, the gov. cant do anything right as is, why should we let them plan our retirement for us when they cant get out of debt themselves.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by CanadianDream420

I just sent TYT a message asking them how it is that I benefit from Medicare, and social security.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Willbert

HE would phase it out. Personal opinion.

HE recognizes the will and right of the people and the legality of the constitutional checks and balances via congress.

In my opinion, I believe the only way any of these "outtings" would happen is people "opting out." He's never said he's going to go in there, guns blazing, vetoing everything he disagrees with. He always makes it clear that these things will take place "in time" and will be determined by the people, not him personally.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 01:49 PM
I hear him saying that things take time and the will of the people.
His first focus would be to quit the foreign aid and military spending overseas, bring the troops back and doing that should allow the medicare system to be protected and THEN if the people WANT it gone, then he'd certainly support it, because he doesn't think it is constitutional anyway. (Not the job of government to provide it according to the constitution.)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:04 PM
Ron Paul supports the beliefs America was built on, and the mainstream news networks attack him for these ideas almost every appearance.

He said it best in the introduction of his newest book, Liberty Defined

When liberty is under attack, everything we hold dear is under attack. Governments, by their very nature, notoriously compete with liberty, even when the stated purpose for establishing a particular government is to protect liberty.

And now my rant on why Paul is our only hope.

The Fathers of the Constitution understood this very idea, that societies need to be governed, but at the same time, governments will not always act in the better interests of the people they are governing. This is the very reason the Constitution was created, to set limits on the Government. As America continues into it's 3rd century of existence it has become very clear that in the last 235 years, the American government has systematically become more powerful; whether it be legislation, executive orders or supreme court rulings. Once a government has this power it only takes a few men (ie Bush, Cheney, Rummy) to realize the power they have been granted. Once a single administration recognizes the Unconstitutional acts it can get away with, every administration after will push the limits of their power (ie Obama & co).

Paul has made it very clear through his voting record and numerous interviews that he intends on instilling laws and policies that are Constitutional. I doubt he can do it in his lifetime, but it is absolutely necessary someone lead the people down the right path. Right now, in my honest opinion, Dr. Paul is the only man in Washington with the support and recognition that can set us down this path.

Thanks for your time, 'Constitution' is an annoying word to type so many times.

Not Will

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:13 PM
Until the average citizen understands that the CONstitution was the document that gave Congress and the President the legal right to do ALL that they have done to this nation via legalese replete throughout and noted deftly by the Anti Federalists in the Anti Federalist Papers...

Until this document is seen as the main tool used to destroy the rights of the free states and the rights of the Sovereign, Until this document is rescinded and a new PROPER document created that clearly restricts the rights of congress, the senate and the office of President along with a new Bill of Rights that clearly lists our rights..... read my lips.... Na na na na NOTHING will change.

I can barely contain myself because you people, the ones who are smart enough to understand that the majority if not all of what Ron Paul is saying is true are the ones who should also understand that what I am saying is also true.

Our rights and the rights of the free states were subverted by the CONstitution yet who is saying it?

Besides maybe some fool on this forum who thinks he can change things by stating Facts.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:24 PM
This interviewer is a left wing hack, so it is hard to watch anything of his and take it seriously. He starts off showing a clip of a lady being removed from Allen Wests town hall meeting. He feels so bad for her that she is being stiffled. He failed to mention that she was a liberal talk show host from the now defunked Air America. SHe was a plant who was bussed in to cause a disturbance. She was also arrested for resisting. Oh yeah you evil Turk, great reporting.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Calmarine

I tend to agree, he's as bad as that idiot Rachel Maddow. talk about a a complete idiot!

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:35 PM
I never understood what was wrong with the Articles of Confederation. In fact, the original charge to the Constitutional Convention was to amend the Articles to correct the perceived weaknesses, instead, we had the Federalists succeed in getting a document that weakened the States.

Read some perceived weaknesses of the Articles, in all, it wasn't that bad and could have been modified.

In regards to our current Constitution, I've read somewhere that there was a different 13th amendment that was ratified and included, but somehow left out of the Constitution now that would have prohibited attorney's from serving in Government, which I think was a GRAND idea. Just goes to show you that they considered lawyers scum even back then.

Originally posted by OverMan
Until the average citizen understands that the CONstitution was the document that gave Congress and the President the legal right to do ALL that they have done to this nation via legalese replete throughout and noted deftly by the Anti Federalists in the Anti Federalist Papers...

Until this document is seen as the main tool used to destroy the rights of the free states and the rights of the Sovereign, Until this document is rescinded and a new PROPER document created that clearly restricts the rights of congress, the senate and the office of President along with a new Bill of Rights that clearly lists our rights..... read my lips.... Na na na na NOTHING will change.

I can barely contain myself because you people, the ones who are smart enough to understand that the majority if not all of what Ron Paul is saying is true are the ones who should also understand that what I am saying is also true.

Our rights and the rights of the free states were subverted by the CONstitution yet who is saying it?

Besides maybe some fool on this forum who thinks he can change things by stating Facts.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Whereweheaded

I tend to agree, he's as bad as that idiot Rachel Maddow. talk about a a complete idiot!

DITTO! I despised that guy so much after some reporting I saw him do on YouTube, that I blasted him in the comment section on their YouTube channel. To my shock, the dude responded back to me talking like he was a whiny little baby....all defensive and making disparaging remarks. He really made an a$$ of himself in the process. He thinks he's got great wit and that he's really sharp, but to me, he's hardly professional and trying to get one over on Ron Paul when you are the caliber of interviewer that he is is nothing more than comic relief to me.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by illuminatitanimulli
He's right.
But if he is ever elected, (he's always had my vote) I wonder what that first presidential intelligence debriefing would do to him. Any takers?

It won't be anything he doesn't already know, or won't be ready for. Consider the abuse the man has taken his entire career. he votes his conscience(and against the republicans) regularly; he's already BEEN threatened multiple times, I'd imagine. also, he's 75. I think that, once you're that old, you stick to your guns no matter what TPTB come at you with. If he were 45, maybe not. But, I think the man is immune to threats and pressure at this point. I hope his son is, cause he's the next natural target.
edit on 28-4-2011 by dragonseeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:10 PM
The entire country is pissed. So far, it hasn't done any good. What we need is somebody to pass themselves off as a moderate, get elected, then clean effing house. Fire every person that even thinks about corruption. Impose massive excise taxes on imports. Prosecute every crooked politician in his sights, disband FEMA, drill the *hit out of the gulf and Alaska, put all of the "hidden" technology on the table, such as cars that run on water. Build massive wind farms and solar farms in appropriate locales, kill the military industrial complex. Pull our troops out of every country around the world and tell them all to take care of their own respective asses. Either that or just nuke Afghanistan to make sure all the "terrorists" are dead. Hold military tribunals for existing terrorists in captivity. If found guilty, execute them, take the rest to California. I'm thinking San Francisco.

Create a task force to investigate every governor in the U.S. for corruption. Disband the unions. Bring auto jobs back to America and make the US the auto capital of the world again. Have ships waiting for people who don't like the "new" America so we can take them to the third-world country of their choice.

And the next month I would...

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:14 PM
What I find refreshing is the very fact that he suggests the " opt out " idea. There are so many things like paying for medicare/medicaid, and social security that should be left up to us. We shouldn't have to pay into a form of extortion if we deem it unnecessary.

If we wish to opt out, that should be our decision, much less more of our money kept to us. Why should someone else benefit from the fruits of our labor? they shouldn't.

But bare in mind, if you opt out, as it should be, you would be required to put away monies for your retirement and or expenditures.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:17 PM
I already watched this video at the DP, but I knew someone would have it posted here! (Star for you) It is time to make this man President. Already others are spinning/outright lying about what he's actually saying/proposing. For instance, the headline (concerning this video) at Raw Story read: Ron Paul: If elected, I'd kill Medicare and Soc. Security
I knew here at ATS there'd be an actual discussion about the video, whereas at Raw Story, it appears many took the headline at face value without viewing the video--their comments prove it.

Along similar lines, this was a terrific read, imo:
Ron Paul: A Lesser Evil?

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:49 PM
It seems that most of you would be perfectly willing to have Ron Paul as a martyr to the cause than your President. I, for one, am sick and tired of people saying he can't or won't win. When I vote for President next year, my conscious will be clear when I vote for Dr. Paul, whether he is on the ballot or I write him in.

I agree with about 90% of what he stands for and that's a lot for any politician.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Finalized

The lost 13th ammendment, also known as the Corwin ammendment was a last ditch effort to stop the Civil War and Lincoln supported it. In essence, it would have forbidden attempts to subsequently amend the Constitution to empower the Congress to "abolish or interfere" with the "domestic institutions" of the states, including "persons held to labor or service" (a reference to slavery).

It was passed by the house and seante and was in the process of being ratified when the war started. The ammendment could still be ratified as there is no time limit.

Corwin Ammendment

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by CanadianDream420

Do love this guy, Ron Paul, he reminds or makes me think of him as the perfect president. His voice, his attitude, his views, the way he controls himself in conversations and shows a sense of real understanding, basically. He is more real a human being then any presidents, politicians ive seen in a long long time....

I hope this man gets the job he deserves, he could save alot of pain for many people with the great ideas he has.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
reply to post by Whereweheaded

I tend to agree, he's as bad as that idiot Rachel Maddow. talk about a a complete idiot!

DITTO! I despised that guy so much after some reporting I saw him do on YouTube, that I blasted him in the comment section on their YouTube channel. To my shock, the dude responded back to me talking like he was a whiny little baby....all defensive and making disparaging remarks. He really made an a$$ of himself in the process. He thinks he's got great wit and that he's really sharp, but to me, he's hardly professional and trying to get one over on Ron Paul when you are the caliber of interviewer that he is is nothing more than comic relief to me.

Really? "That dude" wouldn't repsond to you because he doesn't run the channel. Somebody else does and they RARELY respond to comments. Also "that dude" is the host of the msot viewed online news show in the world. He's probably far more well-versed in politics than you, way more logical, and although I agree tends to be biased sometimes he almost always hits the nail on the head. Lastly, he may be comic relief to you, and I agree in some sense because he's a very humorous guy. He's done alot more for politics and informing the people than you EVER will. Get a grip of reality and don't act like he actually responded to your insignificant troll comment.


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