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The Conspiracy No One is Talking About

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posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 08:52 AM
I wasn’t going to say anything about this, figuring people can read and will happen upon research and discover the truth as I have over the past decade, but it seems we are actually devolving into a two class society mirroring the Dark Ages even faster than expected.

While the majority is consumed with monetary wealth as the indicator that the classes are dividing, the actual division is, as always, Who Has the Knowledge? One class is customizing microbial Nano-tech, searching for the ‘god’- particle, and encoding information on photons…while the other actively seeks for ‘portents’ in the sky, listens as the Pope regurgitates support for demonic possession and archaic rituals, and struggles to comprehend even the most basic scientific article. A large majority of human behavior on this planet is becoming absolutely uncivilized.

How did this happen?

It began with a prevarication, of course, told for expedience, to motivate particular groups of people into certain behaviors to benefit a select group. Told frequently enough, it became a truth in itself, and the sheer genius of the result led to multiple spin-offs and many minority factions all vying for a piece of the pie.

Steps are taken to reign in the degeneration, but the truth is never completely clarified…there is too much money to lose; too many beliefs to fight; too many deceptions to reveal. It is all damage control, at this point.

Everyone has a theory, a personal truth. This is my personal theory- and a part of my truth. It is not the only truth, but it is A truth.

What does it mean to be human? What is a human being? Why does the definition matter so much? You have no free will if you do not make it so. Your free will resides in the ability to discern choices and choose. Unconscious or habitual choices are not expressions of free will. They are rote or learned behavior. Your free will resides- not in your limbic system- but in your forebrain. Reaction to stimuli is a lower level consciousness. However much of your day is spent unconsciously, habitually, or in reaction to stimuli- that is the percent of time you are operating from a sub-human level.

Why should you care?

The entirety of creation presents itself to me as a vast query. ((If x = y, then…)). This query has been running since ‘the beginning’, in every DNA combination possible.

Everything is a form of energy. Each energy ‘packet’ is identified by its own information. This information determines the form. Various forms combine to express levels of consciousness. In our human world, we mirror our inner truths in our outer worlds. Where we are as individuals reflects our inner states. Can you see the chaotic truth of our inner states in the outer world we exist within?

Our DNA is a result. It is the continuing hard copy of every relevant query faced by our ancestors, and is ours to complete. Possibilities, probabilities, and tendencies lie along its path. But DNA is a result, not the catalyst.

There are no ‘pure humans’ alive today. Human DNA is a result of complex queries becoming more complex, diversifying, branching off and mutating.

An example given of the most recent human evolution involves the human species developing a DNA result allowing vast majorities to tolerate lactose. This development completely altered human evolution, growth, civilization, movement, economy, development and even lifestyles.

To break this down, the human’s ability to accommodate the bacteria that process lactose and pass along those altered genes to their offspring changed the course of human history.

Bacteria determined the course of human evolution.

There are trillions of ‘human cells’ in a human body. There are more than 10x that number of bacteria. While the world continues to react to color, nationality, accent, religious beliefs or appearance, the truth is ignored consistently.

We are not Barbie dolls of different colors and height. We must begin to train our eyes to see with clarity. Energy exists. It is defined by its information. That information takes a form. The forms combine to develop levels of consciousness.

DNA is the result of the receptors your ancestor’s enabled; whether by breeding, diet, location, habits, illness or lifestyle…you are the result. Your choices unlock the potentials encoded, or complete the queries not established. Every single life on this planet is absolutely essential for the completion of the query.

If you were able to see with the vision of a microscope- every human you came into contact with would present a landscape of microbial community. You would perceive the bacterial influence in the sand in the pineal gland, the magnetite deposits in the brain, the colonies in the mouth, nose, the ears and the billions on the skin communicating to like in the air they move through, their ‘favorite chair’ or the areas they avoid. You could see what majority inhabited their ‘little gut’ with its direct link to the hippo-campus and the limbic system: Perhaps the parasites with their direct line to the emotional center.

You might give pause, you might consider- Are they a tool? Am I?

The human is a perfected organic radio, capable of immense storage and retrieval abilities as well as an inbuilt processor. The design is incredible, without a doubt. The problems arise because this is obvious an exploitable resource to whomever perfects the ideal ‘control’. The limbic system is the archaic method of directing human behavior. WE EVOLVED BEYOND THAT STATE!

We have the forebrain. A defense against the hi-jacking of the hippo-campus by the’ little gut’, and the lower levels of consciousness created in an action/reaction environment. We can decide by LOGIC the correct path.

The insistence on emotional ‘feel good’ chemicals in today’s society is little more than a Band-Aid attempt to wrestle control of the human psyche away from one master to another: By-passing the inherent free will of the individual. We medicate and kill the microbial manipulating the chemical releases and then medicate with synthetic versions of the chemical releases, hoping to not mess up too much in the process or repair what has been damaged.

Humility should be the initial state of every stage of development. Our entire reality is based on the perceptions we have observed to be true. Each time we develop a new ‘vision’- microscopic, telescopic, infra-red, etc… we have a quantum leap in understanding, because we have developed a new perception and unlocked more pieces of the puzzle, thereby enlarging our understanding of truth. But with each new vision we unlock, many revert to the security and safety of darkness, afraid of all the choices, all the confusion and possible venues of rejection.

I have included a few enlightening links for your perusal, understanding that the implications inherent in each of these links are both terrifying and revealing. It is not my intention to create more dissonance in anyone’s life, but rather, to empower each person to discover and maximize their potential.

Evolution, enlightenment, ascension: all these things require one thing of you- that you be relevant. Our society is geared to making the majority of the population redundant, irrelevant, NPC’s of the virtual world, while the elite, the bloodlines, the special ones carve out their own niche in everything they do.

Are you relevant?

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:30 AM
I just have one question, but before I get to it, I will say that I do agree 2 class divide is and HAS been around for a long time.

Hell, Marx was on the right track when he said there is the ruling class and everyone but the ruling class. It hardly matters though whether it is money or knowledge as, with enough money you can BUY all the knowledge you want.

Now for the question, how is it a conspiracy though? Who are the conspirators? I don't see it as a conspiracy but as it just having happened.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:43 AM
Knowledge gives us self empowerment, and hidden (suppressed) knowledge gives them power over us.
Very well written OP, you've done your homework and have a clear perception of the situation I think.

Have you heard or seen the phantom DNA experiments? (FFW to 2:34)

My question is a personal one, I am not wanting to have children of my own brought into this insane asylum world, but I also want to pass on my DNA to offspring because it's fairly undamaged compared to many others.
Is it possible to carry DNA into the next lifetime via the soul as was shown in the phantom DNA experiments? Does the soul have a copy of the physical DNA after death?
edit on 24-4-2011 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by alphabetaone
this is very true i agree with everything he said as far as the consperators i beleve we need to look in side
our self you might be a bit surprised to find out that its all of us( if i misspelled some words sorry in a hurry grandkids over)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by alphabetaone

The conspiracy was not the fact there is a two class system divide.

I realized when I made the post that it would inevitably be a TL
R case, but I simply could not compress the information into any smaller of a packet.

The conspiracy is the teaching that the total sum of parts is what determines the actions of the construct- rather than the truth, which is- it is the parts that produce the end result behavior of the total sum.

The best example I can give you is included in one of the links. They're telling you they can give you a new personality by changing the bacteria in your gut.

Isn't your personality what makes you YOU?

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:51 AM
It sounds like you are getting into the alien agenda with evolution, development, control, will, social structure and what it all means. This is why no one is talking about it, we are just sheep for our advanced cousins to play games and torment us. To keep us under their control as part of their collective. Abductions, missing people, mad science, false flags all wrapped up and stamped with top secret. Because if we knew things would be different, way different.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:51 AM
I wish I had more to say about this , but I believe you have discovered a great truth.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Ev0lveUp

Ok and I can accept that. And by the way, I agree in principle, that, by changing it you ARE no longer you.

What I can't see though are the conspirators.....or is the suggestion that the research itself and the researchers performing it are the conspirators? If that's the case, I'm not sure if I think it's a conspiracy or not, or at least not one to force the change.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 11:03 AM

It began with a prevarication, of course, told for expedience, to motivate particular groups of people into certain behaviors to benefit a select group. Told frequently enough, it became a truth in itself, and the sheer genius of the result led to multiple spin-offs and many minority factions all vying for a piece of the pie.

Steps are taken to reign in the degeneration, but the truth is never completely clarified…there is too much money to lose; too many beliefs to fight; too many deceptions to reveal. It is all damage control, at this point.

Here it is. Above is the conspiracy which you state so well near the front end of the op.

I marvel at some here who are under the impression that they are awake, that they have woken up and now see the "truth" while at the same time bashing psychology for instance.

As we talk about this two class informational society we are developing, we can flip to other threads and find others who scoff at and ridicule those who have and are developing the very tools of their enslavement.

My only quarrel with your op was where you chose to use the word " motivate". You already know what I'm about to say here. I find too large a field of information to stick with calling it innocent motivation rather than it's "evil cousin" manipulation.

So thanks for the study here. If you don't mind I'm going to add you to my friend list so I can check out other of you thoughts as time and memory permit.


posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire

It began with a prevarication, of course, told for expedience, to motivate particular groups of people into certain behaviors to benefit a select group. Told frequently enough, it became a truth in itself, and the sheer genius of the result led to multiple spin-offs and many minority factions all vying for a piece of the pie.

Here it is. Above is the conspiracy which you state so well near the front end of the op.

Again, I would like to ask, where is the conspiracy? You're confirming his assertion that there is a conspiracy, by regurgitating his opening line... but that doesn't SHOW conspiracy, it merely shows you can read well.

What I would just like to know (to ascertain for myself that there is a conspiracy) from what I have bolded and underlined in his quote....who IS the select group that define the conspirators? Until I could actually hear who they are, I can't understand that there even is a conspiracy, that's all I was hoping for.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 11:28 AM
I agree with your post especially about the matter of making a choice and reacting to stimuli. However one problem we face today in a society at large is what choices can we make since we are trapped by those who wish to keep us blind and deluded. We are limited in what we can achieve as today you cannot leave a country to another without having permission which in most cases is denied. Unless the system of Government is reorganized we cannot move on. And if we try to move against them we get labelled as crazy or terrorists. Today a conspiracy theorist is someone who isn't given any serious thought and is brushed away by the masses.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 11:47 AM
I am have overcome both then. I am both scientific and religious, so I must be an elite member of society.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Ev0lveUp

I wasn’t going to say anything about this, figuring people can read and will happen upon research and discover the truth as I have over the past decade, but it seems we are actually devolving into a two class society mirroring the Dark Ages even faster than expected.

We have always been a two class society. The middle class is nothing more than an illusory level of the lower caste. I don't think a devolving was necessary except to further the oppressive nature of a caste system to begin with.

While the majority is consumed with monetary wealth as the indicator that the classes are dividing, the actual division is, as always, Who Has the Knowledge? One class is customizing microbial Nano-tech, searching for the ‘god’- particle, and encoding information on photons…while the other actively seeks for ‘portents’ in the sky, listens as the Pope regurgitates support for demonic possession and archaic rituals, and struggles to comprehend even the most basic scientific article. A large majority of human behavior on this planet is becoming absolutely uncivilized.

The key statement or question here is the age old, "Who has the knowledge?". The hiding or disguising of knowledge, history, and truth are near as old as man himself. But I think a key point here is what they are hiding. Much of what they are hiding will never see the light of day. Meaning what has and is being disseminated to the public in the way of science and history, let alone truth, is nothing more than a focal point to keep us from looking deeper. To keep the illusion alive that we are a society in a linear march to new heights of knowledge never before achieved by our ancestors. Hogwash!!!

It began with a prevarication, of course, told for expedience, to motivate particular groups of people into certain behaviors to benefit a select group. Told frequently enough, it became a truth in itself, and the sheer genius of the result led to multiple spin-offs and many minority factions all vying for a piece of the pie.

A prevarication? How about a well thought out plan with a beginning, middle, and end. And as another poster has stated, manipulation would be a better word.

Steps are taken to reign in the degeneration, but the truth is never completely clarified…there is too much money to lose; too many beliefs to fight; too many deceptions to reveal. It is all damage control, at this point.

This is not now, nor has it ever been about money, except to the point it can be used to manipulate the masses. Something that has been proven repeatedly throughout what history we do know. I see what you're saying in regards to damage control though.

The insistence on emotional ‘feel good’ chemicals in today’s society is little more than a Band-Aid attempt to wrestle control of the human psyche away from one master to another: By-passing the inherent free will of the individual. We medicate and kill the microbial manipulating the chemical releases and then medicate with synthetic versions of the chemical releases, hoping to not mess up too much in the process or repair what has been damaged.

I think they are very much hoping to "mess up" even more than what has been damaged. There is no desire to repair anything except what is necessary to keep the illusion intact. The wrestle control part of this statement is spot on!

Our entire reality is based on the perceptions we have observed to be true.

This only holds true when the observations are our own, and not observed for us by proxy.

Evolution, enlightenment, ascension: all these things require one thing of you- that you be relevant. Our society is geared to making the majority of the population redundant, irrelevant, NPC’s of the virtual world, while the elite, the bloodlines, the special ones carve out their own niche in everything they do.

Special indeed. They are legends in their own minds. Anyone can be special by doing the same things they have done for a very long time. Rape, Rob, and Plunder the masses continually.

A well deserved S&F OP. I'm going to be keeping an eye on that dangerous mind of yours.

edit on 24-4-2011 by Klassified because: Grammar police

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Ev0lveUp

do you think the fact that most humans have at least a trace amount of Neanderthal DNA has anything to do with the Human aggressiveness ?

yes we see aggressiveness in other species, but with the unique traits and advancements of Humans not found in any other species makes one wonder why the hostilities still exist at all.

could this DNA or any other leftover rouge DNA have rendered a mutation that can't be overcome ?

and what is the source of such rouge DNA ? or is rouge DNA a mutation itself ?

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by alphabetaone

OH. I thought you WERE the OP. Sorry

I suppose that the concept of conspiracy used here is in relation to the word "select" rather than the more specific term "secret".

As I have come to understand conspiracy, there is the conspiracy which is perpetrated by a few people from behind closed doors. Where they sit and plan out a course of action which by necessity, needs to remain a secret. It is this image of conspiracy which is most portrayed and belittled by the MSM. In these cases of conspiracy, the conspirators KNOW they are conspiring.

The larger conspiracy cannot be defined in these terms exclusively. In this case most of the conspirators do NOT know they are conspiring as such. For them they are just taking advantage of those aspects of the systems of human interaction. I think them select because they have in many cases risen to the top of these systems, be they financial or political or religious or what ever. They are the victors in this race to prosperity and fortune.

Do they conspire? Certainly some do. Most however do not conspire so much as to promote the continuance of the systems they have found to their advantage.

To the OPs thoughts. The "select" class use the information which is being found by our scientists to continue the advancement of human development. For everyone only to the extent that they can profit from it but for the most part only for themselves. My example of psychology is a prime example

Freud and his contempories began to understand the workings of human emotions and thought patterns and behavior. The select, with enough information already to point to the advantages of this new science began to use it to manipulate the rest of the populace which had no idea what was happening to them. Study the history of advertising and you will see how this science has ended up not so much as a tool to help people live happier lives so much as it has been turned into a tool of repression and enslavement.

This is how I understand conspiracy. If you wish to offer clarification for me and others please do.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

Oh, no doubt there are talk in circles.

I guess maybe, I should have more appropriately asked the question "who are the benefactors here"?

That really more who I am curious about. I guess If I can't clearly see benefactors to a conspiracy, I can't necessarily see the conspiracy in general. But, I imagine you're right, in some cases, the conspirators may not even realize they themselves are.

There is NO need to apologize, I wasn't offended by what you had said, or by you responding to me

edit on 24-4-2011 by alphabetaone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Ev0lveUp

So, have you figured out what's the point of all this evolution thingy by the human species? What is precisely the end goal of this human evolution?

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:34 PM
Thanks for the read.
I believe that ever person individually is a microcosm. A smaller model of the universe.
Therefore, the growing population and governance of the human population is part of an expanding entity as a whole.
It's how a microscopic organism can change the entire fabric of everything as a whole. What happens within affects the exterior and vise versa. People that realize this and learn how to manipulate it steer things into the direction they think is best for whatever reason. But at the same time, they have no control whatsoever because the natural system functions to balance everything out. All these mood altering drugs will in fact create a surge of whatever these drugs are here to prevent.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:38 PM
The Biological journey that life on this planet is taking is one trajectory - a super complicated single 4D organism - of which we as human spirits are just passengers - we are not biology!

As for your division of relevance that is indeed how the bloodlines may see things.

But as for Ascension, Harvest or whatever - I suspect that is going to be an automatic process caused by the relative strength of focus that a soul has on either the astral or mental planes.

Those focussed on the mental planes - have already, largely transcended their biological imperatives

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:36 PM
First, a thank you for the quality replies on this thread. One feels alone, at times, chasing down elusive thoughts and loose ends. A few specific replies, then:

JibbyJedi- concerning the phantom DNA-, was this arrangement disturbed and capable of self-re-orientation? I am curious, but I must admit to you that there is no legitimate way I can claim to know what occurs after ascension, my friend, as I have yet to ascend- and experience it for myself. Nor have I been given relevant knowledge by any who have.

I have witnessed and experienced an absolute rush in regards to available information and impetus, almost an excitement, to expand my personal knowledge base. Do keep me posted on any knowledge you gain concerning this phenomena, if it proves reliable after vetting.

Lonegurkha, thank you.

Kwakkakev- One thing is on our side, and a truth beyond their control… Once a thing is known, it can be known. We were not the first to store information on photons. “It came to me out of thin air” is not just a saying. The secret, as you probably well know, is to build receptors. Allow for everything, but sift with care. It is no random chance that so many institutions begin by restricting exposure to other cultures, teachings, experiences or beliefs.

TerryMcGuire- Thanks and an honor. As for the motive/manipulation, I would like to believe most systems begin with a desire to do well- to facilitate change or growth. Idealism is the prerogative of youth, even young beliefs. Cynicism and greed usually mark the ‘mature’ mind, or the ‘broken’ heart. I will allow there can be exceptions.

Adurna- You touch on the truth closest to my heart. In fact, my days revolve within the overlays of the inner world, the human world and the universe. It does seem to stack the odds against us- until you realize you are your query: A precious one, at that. There is no other like you in the entire universe. No one can complete the possibilities, potentials, or probabilities encoded in your unique being, but you. As you unlock, complete (perfect) your purpose- you will have done exactly correctly what you were meant to do all along, and be poised for whatever comes next.

547000- One day I have hope we will move past all compartmentalized standards and will all be scientific as well as spiritual…to the point where we find it odd that it ever seemed a conflict.

Klassified- I have added a few more links if further research is of interest to you. We are being introduced to the ‘new reality’ a bit at a time, but it is usually offset by flashy ads on the right side column. I do not know how many actually pay attention.

Xuenchen- I believe Cro-Magnum ended Neanderthals, if not by attrition, competition or appetite- than by deception. Language that is not used to convey concepts is by design, deceptive. Neanderthals were language weak. I believe they were also less receptive to chemical dosing, which is the primary mode used to control humans.

Violence, by its very existence is a denial of perceived powerlessness. Cruelty is altogether another matter which I have yet to understand.

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