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Why was it again that God is not helping the ones in need?

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posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:09 PM
a lot of great replies here....

breaking it down into its simplest form, all other things aside (if exists if not exists and in which form or level)

it is at it's core the whole idea of FAITH, if his existence, made an appearance it would no longer be about faith but worshiping an idol instead of an idea, then (i believe this is the whole point about faith) if we knew for sure he existed then we would no longer live in faith and more importantly we would do things out of fear rather than because we feel its right

there is no need for faith with a physical god, and faith is what gives religions of the world power

edit on 21-4-2011 by all answers exist because: spelling

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by zatara

Well He wasn't the one who commited the first sin in the garden of eden. Man with woman did, and its our fault we are in this mess, not his, and he wont be bailing us out every time we have a scratch or a cut. Yahuwah (the real name of God) knows all and understands all, this is part of the plan. People whoe read scripture, and not just get told lies from the pulpit from false teaches and scholars, understand He doesn't leave the ones who sinned against him unpunished.

Our Messiah Yahuwhshuwah(who the wicked men changed to the name jesus) isn't ruling the earth or Yahuwah. But Satan is ruling as of now, with his minions of fallen messengers(angels) and hes in charge. Man also is in charge and this is why we are gonna see His wrath coming soon. We don't understand how we will be judged, cause we are not all knowing, and didn't make everything. But all we know is that our Creator Yahuwah is a righteous and perfect judge, and He has all the authority to judge His Own creation. In fact, we have no authority over our own bodies, or souls, so why do we reject Him who made us and tell Him we own our own soul? Who made your soul hmm? Who made your body? Who made the plants you eat and the animals you eat? Who made the earth your standing on?

I'd say we better shut our mouths and be happy and praise Him who made everything and gives us the chance to make our own choice with our lives He gave us, His Special Creation (Humans). And those who feel they want it done their own way, its a long way down and its gonna burn you.....forever. Thats the rules, we didnt make them, He did. HE WHO MAKES THE UNIVERSE MAKES THE RULES.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by BigJedi
Maybe "experienced" souls, reincarnate into bodies that "suffer" in order to show the rest of us what the "contrast" lesson is.

Starving children in third wolds, people killed, etc...are souls that "agree" to incarnate in those situations so that WE (everything being connected) see it and say, "that is wrong!". To know what LOVE is, we must experience HATE. If my sister did not appreciate life, or didn't know what compassion is, I would incarnate into a body that suffers so that she will see/feel the experience and therefor feel/learn compassion.

It's all about experiencing "everything" and experiencing "contrast" so that we can grow, understand, learn. Creation grows with experience like the individual person grows through experience throughout it's life. You learn, then move on to the next lesson.

Interesting theory.......this will mean that there is something like an unescapable destiny. Whatever you try you will never escape the moment you will be caught by a streetgang, beaten and raped before your throat is cut and you will die....on to the next life?

I know that what I wrote is a bit extreem but these things do happen to people....even worse. Is the meaning that the victim of such an experiance learn not ever to do the same to someone else?

It is a very traumatic experiance which probably will only apply when the victim did something simular to someone in a life before. This way it will also be some kind of punishment for a deed done in a life before. Nobody would 'agree' to under go such an experiance, so to make your theory watertight there must be someone in charge who decides what life to live and probably where.....God?

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by zatara

Hey, thanks for your comments too.

Can it be that we are entering an age of conciousness that will make us understand that everything that is and will be is an act of nature and that the invention of God is something we need to leave behind us if we want to grow as a species here on the planet?

I hope it truly is the age of enlightenment my friend. I really think it's a mere accident though, that we formed such an ideology - I believe Dawkins has expressed similar sentiments.

I can not say that religion has kept us from growing intelectually and technologically but is has kept us from uniting as a race and live in peace.

I'm inclined to agree somewhat. I think religion is in essence against science and knowledge - It can potentially cause a habit of making a belief before having evidence. (Ghosts, Fortune Tellers, Psycics etc.) (Myself, i consider faith to be the most overrated human "virtue")

Although, not to say that individual members of religious groups religion were any less scientific than anyone else. They just have one unscientific belief, and they reason it with "faith". I can't see any justification in this rational (persoanlly)

Like many others I am not here to insult anyone but can there be more peace, less suffering and more understanding on earth if everybody would understand as a fact that there is no such thing as God or any other super, all powerful entity?

I agree - I'm not here to insult but to discuss and share - Not that i'm using this as an argument but I think many people fall victim to "Pascal's Wager" - It's because of the unprovable nature of the claims - It prays on peoples hope and fears (Heaven and Hell) It's wicked to even have suggested they exist in the first place.

If God does excist I hope he will forgive me my sins and doubtfull thoughts but He can not blame me and others to think in this direction.

Again i bring to the table - "Pascal's Wager"

Pascal's Wager (or Pascal's Gambit) is a suggestion posed by the French philosopher, mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal that, even though the existence of God cannot be determined through reason, a person should wager as though God exists, because living life accordingly has everything to gain, and nothing to lose.

This is like a sleasy car saleman's pitch.

Now how about..."The Atheist's Wager"

The Atheist's Wager is an atheistic response to Blaise Pascal's Wager. While Pascal suggested that it is better to take the chance of believing in a god that might not exist rather than to risk losing infinite happiness by disbelieving in a god that does, the Atheist's Wager suggests that:

You should live your life and try to make the world a better place for your being in it, whether or not you believe in god. If there is no god, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent god, he will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in him.[1]

I'll let you decide which is the most rational proposition to take on board. I think i know which one you'd opt for

edit on 21/4/11 by awake_and_aware because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by zatara

Originally posted by BigJedi
Maybe "experienced" souls, reincarnate into bodies that "suffer" in order to show the rest of us what the "contrast" lesson is.

Starving children in third wolds, people killed, etc...are souls that "agree" to incarnate in those situations so that WE (everything being connected) see it and say, "that is wrong!". To know what LOVE is, we must experience HATE. If my sister did not appreciate life, or didn't know what compassion is, I would incarnate into a body that suffers so that she will see/feel the experience and therefor feel/learn compassion.

It's all about experiencing "everything" and experiencing "contrast" so that we can grow, understand, learn. Creation grows with experience like the individual person grows through experience throughout it's life. You learn, then move on to the next lesson.

Interesting theory.......this will mean that there is something like an unescapable destiny. Whatever you try you will never escape the moment you will be caught by a streetgang, beaten and raped before your throat is cut and you will die....on to the next life?

I know that what I wrote is a bit extreem but these things do happen to people....even worse. Is the meaning that the victim of such an experiance learn not ever to do the same to someone else?

It is a very traumatic experiance which probably will only apply when the victim did something simular to someone in a life before. This way it will also be some kind of punishment for a deed done in a life before. Nobody would 'agree' to under go such an experiance, so to make your theory watertight there must be someone in charge who decides what life to live and probably where.....God?

Youtube a guy named "Bashar" and listen to his talks about the, "Higher Mind, Physical Mind, and the Oversoul" He has some great insight on this subject. And our purpose in it all. He has many lectures on things you might be interested in. God, Creation, Self etc....

I find his information very interesting!

Big Jedi

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 05:14 PM
I believe we exist in a Multi-dimensional reality...the MANY "you's" experience all walks of life. The King, the slave, the happy person, the sad, the rich, the poor, the bad, the good etc.... Until all is learned, then we move on to "higher levels" of experience. Bigger lessons.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by zatara

He know certainly helps me when I am in need, of course, I don't treat him like a spare tire either.

I find that most people who ask the kind of question you did in your title ,are also the ones who don't want God to intervene or get envolved in their lives on a day to day basis ,they wish to do as they please,
while,saying "I don't have to answer to God", but they expect God to answer to them when they have a need
and expect God to perform for them.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by BigJedi

Well according to one metaphysical theory, and in accordance with quantam theorem - A multiverse is an idea where by all pertaining possibilities or outcomes exist in separate verses. They exist at the same time.

Someone correct me if i'm wrong in my ignorance ....But it's sort of a schroedinger's cat metaphysical theory?

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by zatara

According to eastern mysticism, God is not unmindful of our suffering, and alleviates our pain and anguish far more often than we realize, but without accepting the law of karma and reincarnation, and understanding the concept of Adi Karma (original desire), it is a challenge to see any sense in the suffering in our world.

God's greatest concern is for the condition of our soul, its spiritual growth and uplift. He knows that once the soul reaches greater awareness, it will come to realize why all this was so necessary, and it will then experience great joy and gratitude. In the meantime, the soul has identified itself with the mind, body, and emotions, it has forgotten its identity as an eternal spark of consciousness, and because of this identification with the mortal human body, the self suffers accordingly.

Once the soul is able to extricate itself from the association of mind and body with the help of spiritual practice, it realizes this is all one Big Play where we each play many parts. Then the soul no longer suffers, even if still in the human body, just as an actor in a movie does not undergo the suffering of the characters he portrays.

edit on 21-4-2011 by mysticnoon because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-4-2011 by mysticnoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 06:52 PM
Well according to one metaphysical theory, and in accordance with quantam theorem - A multiverse is an idea where by all pertaining possibilities or outcomes exist in separate verses. They exist at the same time.

Someone correct me if i'm wrong in my ignorance ....But it's sort of a schroedinger's cat metaphysical theory?

Hello Awake and Aware

Speaker "BASHAR" talks about this subject in detail. And more. I find his information very interesting.


posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by BigJedi

Sorry about that last post...still trying to learn the basics....dang.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by BigJedi

Bashar on YOUTUBE.

Bashar talks about this stuff. I'm having a bad day trying to embed videos.....sorry.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by BigJedi

SO that means if i hunt down and kill somone... they actually wanted me to kill them if i am successfull?

your logic is disgusting.. and i can only hope i someday gain to power to enter your dreams and fix it.
edit on 21-4-2011 by Wertdagf because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 07:05 PM
Cause we aren't helping those in need. Duh.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by zatara

The Universe/God cares as much about You as You care about one atom in a skin cell on your arm. Think about it for a second to see the grain of truth in that statement.

Humans are not the only lifeform on this world or in this universe.. to think otherwise is to be living in Limitations.. we aren't even the most clever of species on this planet! Proof is how we go about living Here compared to other lifeforms.

Your 'God' knows life is about Experience. The Soul you are part of knows this too. Both accept having the Experience of Life and knowing fully well that all experience on this world is Valid experience.

To simplify the above.....

Nothing can happen without the support of God. If God was to take support away from certain things in this world then they simply could not happen at all. Why? Because this world and all life upon it is part of God.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 07:29 PM
I used to ge frustrated at posts like this I just lovingly smile....

You see I know personally that posts like this come from a place of unknowingness.....conceptualizing a God somewhere out there who left us...... I remember when I thought like that once!!! In that case ignorance is not bliss...

You see God is here among us, in us, everywhere at once like a living breathing infinity that everything is a part of like some never ending tapestry where we are all threads of......

There are some of us out there that have spent time mapping out consciousness, investigating the realms within, questioning the limits of the mind...... and have, most importantly, found that there is a God.

Where we are now?...... just simply passing through. And those with the knowledge and direct experience of God help, comfort, and Love others ......with a smile and a knowing Love.

All this here on this realm will come to end, all of us personally leave here eventually and go back home.... this is merely a carnival that many got lost in and can't find the exit. Its a sort of experiment that we all agreed on prior to it all......

It is merely beyond most peoples' comprehension and therefor you get posts like this....

But for those who strive at every molecule of their being to know Truth ....find that there is a God, and infinite Ocean of beingness.

You see God not helping the Ones in need, I see it as all God and those who dont know are putting a stage play (boy was Shakespeare a Genius!!!!) Help is offered in many ways and there multiple paths to a solution for every situation.... you have simply chosen to see it one way

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by zatara
Terrible things happened, are happening and will happen to innocent people. What I make of it is that God have left us in the hands of people with evil intensions and the unpredictable force of nature. Somewhere in the bible there is probably an explanation why He abandoned His most loved creation and gave it all in the care of evil. And this is something I can not comprehend.

Is this a tale by the church so it can rule over the people and give them false hope? One day it will be better and we shouldn't worry because every injustice will be dealt with in the end by God? Even then it is hard to belief that God has the stomach to watch the most horrible done to an innocent person (child/ baby), and not to forget animals and not to interveine. Who does such a thing....better yet......make such a deal or compromise with heartless and psychopatic evil?

Do not understand me wrong....I do belief in God and His power over everything here on earth and in heaven but it makes you think....and doubt. I feel lucky that something realy traumatic and injustice ever happened to me or my family but I can imagine that some less fortunate people would lose their belief in the excistance of God almighty because of that terrible experiance.

What can one say to such a person....and explain to him/ her to keep faith and that the promises made in the bible are not made by some money worshipping, power loving and corrupt institution?

Maybe throughout time the amount of injustice has always been the same but in my experiance it is as if it is increasing. This injustice also include fraud, curruption and the suffering of people because of natural phenomenon like floods and earthquakes.

First I thought the reasons why God is not present to help the ones in desperate need is because it all has to do with seperating the good souls from the evil ones. But that is no reason to turn a blind eye to the ones in need......I give up...


An interesting quote I once heard regarding God:

"If you can tell an audience something about God, to the extent that they understand it, then that will prove conclusively that you don't know Anything... Because any pea-sized, ignorant, ill-informed mind of yours cannot represent the hand of God"...

- J. Maxwell (referencing) Manly P. Hall

edit on 21-4-2011 by rstregooski because: space

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by BigJedi

SO that means if i hunt down and kill somone... they actually wanted me to kill them if i am successfull?

your logic is disgusting.. and i can only hope i someday gain to power to enter your dreams and fix it.
edit on 21-4-2011 by Wertdagf because: (no reason given)

Are you like 12 years old Wertdagf? What kind of response is that? Grow up and and least try to be civilized even if you don't agree.

It's not about's about experiencing ALL kinds of realities, emotions, from Positive to Negative and EVERYTHING in-between and more.

Just like experiencing a RUDE response, in order to learn what it is...realize that's not what you want to be, then NOT be RUDE to others...therefor LEARNING.

Get it?

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by zatara

Wake up....wake up.....wake up......this is the beginning of your awakening! Don't won't feel this way too long! Soon you will have some understanding, as will many's why the world is all upside down right now.......the human race is starting to grow up!

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 08:34 PM
I have a friend ( well married to a friend) who, after her mother died in a lingering death from a horrific car accident, commented on how that was god testing her, and that she stood up to the test her mother's horiffic death quite well......


this is where logic sort of breaks down

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