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How do you view the People's Republic of China?

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:14 PM
This is somewhat a political chit-chat. Nothing about a conspiracy or current event. I'm just curious about what other users think of the People's Republic of China. From the government to the people. I would like to see how people view this rising country. I would like to keep this is the Political issues forum since it deals with politics and economics. Pretty much anything.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:20 PM
Efficient as a machine; good for the nation, but bad for personal freedom.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:23 PM
It's just a big factory really, heaven for corporations who want to get their products made as cheaply as possible. I feel sorry for the people who live there, my only hope is that given Chinas rapidly developing economy they all experience a rapid increase in living standards or a move away from their state dominated culture.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:27 PM
China is in a very unique position. One that I don't recall a country ever being in. They have maintained communism yet have become more and more democratic with their economic policies. More economic prosperity is usually accompanied by increased desires for more freedom individually but the Chinese have somehow managed to keep their populace relatively at ease.

Another thing is that their industrial machine is not regulated by the strict policies of western nations meaning their ability to produce goods cannot be matched by any country in the world currently. They are suffering environmentally for this policy and it will continue to degrade but right now they are number 1 with their ability right now.

They also seem to be investing more and more into infrastructure and handling their economy fairly well which is why they will more than likely shy away from any military action in the future. The best way to protect something is to give the enemy a vested interest in it.

If these policies they are implementing continue and they manage to keep their citizens reasonably content, China will become the top superpower of the world.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:28 PM
It is basically to me a corporation's heaven where they can work by using slave labor without interference

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:31 PM
how many have been to china. probably less than 1% if you're not original from there. there are entire villages of people of over a million living in literally a giant garbage dump.

their source of water is a dirty stream, polluted with so much bacteria, chemicals and human sewage that the smell alone would make you vomit for days.

it's a massive forced labor camp, were nike, reebok and every other greedy corp. turns a blind eye to slave labor were condition include regular beatings, 30 sec washroom breaks every 8 hours, 16 hrs shifts and wages so low and inadequate, that it's a modern miracle that they can support up to 16 family members with it.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:43 PM
You do realize ole chap that the Li Bloodline of China
is one of the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines. All of them
utilize slave labor.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by FeraVerto

Like I view the others they have good and bad who manage their financial systems, energy pollution output regulations, public relations that are sensitive ect... Part of global species development ALL. Far out

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:56 PM
Personally I love China, it's probably the greatest nation in the world, I do however despise communism with a burning passion.

I hope they can throw away their chains someday.. I hope we all can.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:47 PM
The people are very nice and terribly smart... I do not like nor trust the Chinese government. They are the enemy....oppressive, manipulative, ruthless, and a horrible human rights record.

They are winning the war as taught by Sun Tzu in the Art of War.... not even firing a shot. Economically treating the US like a back street coke whore.... and we are eating it up, but our drug is debt.

One day soon, they will retake Taiwan, exert control over the vast west Pacific... and may even have UN peace keepers here in a third world US... and I will be one of those fringe, Constitutional extremists fighting my own guerilla war.... ironically based on Mao's guerilla warfare handbook....

Right Back At'cha Ya Bunch of Commie Facists.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by randomname
how many have been to china. probably less than 1% if you're not original from there. there are entire villages of people of over a million living in literally a giant garbage dump.

their source of water is a dirty stream, polluted with so much bacteria, chemicals and human sewage that the smell alone would make you vomit for days.

it's a massive forced labor camp, were nike, reebok and every other greedy corp. turns a blind eye to slave labor were condition include regular beatings, 30 sec washroom breaks every 8 hours, 16 hrs shifts and wages so low and inadequate, that it's a modern miracle that they can support up to 16 family members with it.

I Really, Really, would like to see some links to prove your above statement.
Because,,, I'm Chinese, Yes, from main land China. I worked in China until our Visa for myself and our daughter came in 2004, My husband had all ready returned to America.
I lived a very comfortable middle class life in China and I made as little as $350.00 Dollars in American a month, that was about 700 to 800 yuan a month. I was a Acupuncturist and Herbal Medicine Doctor at a Hospital in Harbin China.
All the Dollars my husband sent to me, I saved and used for our trip to America and put back in the bank here.
It is cheap to live in China, even today you can live a very comfortable life making only $300 or $400 dollars a month.
As a matter of fact, I'm giving you a link or two:

Some 1,500 miles northeast, in the city of Suzhou, Emerson Climate Technologies Co. is facing similar woes. The maker of air conditioner compressors has seen turnover for some jobs hit 20% annually, and Emerson General Manager David Warth says it's all he can do to keep his 800 employees from jumping ship to Samsung, Siemens (SI ), Nokia (NOK ), and other multinationals that are now operating in the tech manufacturing hub. "It has gotten to the point that we are just swapping folks and raising salaries," says Warth.

Wait a minute. Doesn't China have an inexhaustible supply of cheap labor? Not any longer. From the textile and toy factories of the south to the corporate headquarters and research labs in Beijing and Shanghai, the No. 1 challenge today is finding and keeping good workers. Turnover in some low-tech industries approaches 50%, according to the Institute of Contemporary Observation, a Shenzhen labor research group. Guangdong Province says it has 2.5 million jobs that remain unfilled, while Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shandong provinces say they, too, face shortages of qualified workers. "Before, people talked about China's unlimited labor supply," says Zhang Juwei, deputy director of the Institute of Population & Labor Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing. "We should revise that: China is facing a limited supply of labor."

YES, Exactly,,, Wait A Minute,,,, Does That Mean, I Can Get a Job In China, you may be asking yourself.
The answer is YES!
The Chinese want English teachers very badly,, you don't really need a teaching license or even speak Chinese, they give you, Transportation, a place to live and most importantly, you get an Interpretor and you get PAYED!

But more on that totally Bogus Claim from above Poster.
Another link:
This paragraph will explain why labor cost are so much cheaper in China.

Banister concluded China has about 38 million city manufacturing workers. The 30 million on whom she found data earn an average $1.06 an hour. Another roughly 71 million suburban and rural manufacturing workers earn an average 45 cents an hour, for a blended 64 cents. In the current BLS survey, Mexico's $2.48 hourly compensation is the lowest.

Because China's living costs are low, that 64 cents buys as much as $2.96 in the U.S. Banister estimates inflation-adjusted pay in cities doubled from 1990 to 2002.

Here are more links for you to read, and I'm still waiting for your links and I don't want Blogs, I want real links to real articles. This is my EX-Home Land and I know these people.
edit on 19-4-2011 by guohua because: Spelling

edit on 19-4-2011 by guohua because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:52 PM

How do you view the People's Republic of China?,

From about 8000 miles, thank God!

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:53 PM
I think they are traitors to the cause of communism!!!! I bet in a couple generations they will be as messed up as Americans.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:27 PM
You also have to remember, from 1965 when the first publication was sent out, to 1976, Mao's Little Red Book was the Chinese Bible and taught in schools and taught in factories and taught in the fields, All the people of China had a copy and read it and study it every day.
Myself and our daughter, we still have our Mao Little Red Book.
An excerpt from the Red Book on: "Running a Co-operative Diligently and Frugally"

Diligence and frugality should be practised in running factories and shops and all state-owned, co-operative and other enterprises. The principle of diligence and frugality should be observed in everything. This principle of economy is one of the basic principles of socialist economics. China is a big country, but she is still very poor. It will take several decades to make China prosperous. Even then we will still have to observe the principle of diligence and frugality. But it is in the coming few decades, during the present series of five-year plans, that we must sparticularly advocate diligence and frugality, that we must pay special attention to economy.

Did you catch that? Economy and being Patient.
Here is another Excerpt from the Little Red book:

Wherever we happen to be, we must treasure our manpower and material resources, and must not take a short view and indulge in wastefulness and extravagance. Wherever we are, from the very first year of our work we must bear in mind the many years to come, the protracted war that must be maintained, the counter-offensive, and the work of reconstruction after the enemy's expulsion. On the one hand, never be wasteful or extravagant; on the other, actively expand production. Previously, in some places people suffered a great deal because they did not take the long view and neglected economy in manpower and material resources and the expansion of production. The lesson is there and attention must be called to it.

Can anyone here,,,,, understand what he's saying?
edit on 19-4-2011 by guohua because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by AdamsMurmur
Efficient as a machine; good for the nation, but bad for personal freedom.

yep a new neighbour of ours is from there he says no freedom at all no talk of revolution no one would dare. Crazy bad if your poor and even if your well educated and in the upper middle class like he was its still hell.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:52 PM
well,that "being efficient" also gets in their brains.

They only think about making money,they worship it,it's like they care more about it than anything in the world.
They dont care how immoral it is,or how shady it is, as long as they make profit,it's good.
I don't hate them but they got some stuff to learn about being....human.
We all want and love money but calm down buddy, i've got other things to live for.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 11:33 PM
China is nothing more than a regular country.
They have only one strong characteristic. Size.
They will be, within this decade, usurped as largest nation (by population) by India.
They are relying on an economic structure that is un-sustainable. That an export-based economy. All economies go threw stages, but I'll focus on the last two (as of yet, more may become possible as technology and the world changes). That is developing (export-based) and matured (service-based).
The issue with having an export-based economy, what China has by, is that as they /depend/ on being more competitive than other economics as exporting easier goods. This is best achieved by a devalued currency (something that China has maintained artificially [2]) that means that foreigners can by more of your country's goods for less, as compared to an appreciated currency, such as the American dollar (or perhaps the pound would be more fitting for the conservatives here). Second is that your workforce is willing to work for less, even at comparatively similar levels of valued currency. There are two problems that make this kind of economy unsustainable. One, the workers. Which, as profits for firms increase, will demand higher wages [1], this will eat away at profits until the country is no longer competitive, in the world inferior export market. (I acquiesce that this can take decades, but it is an eventuality, every developed nation has gone threw it) Second is the currency, as inflation increases central banks (in China's case, the People's Bank of China) will be forced to buy up securities/bonds/effectively cash in open market operations and increase the re-discount rate (the rate at which the loan to other banks), or in extreme cases increase the reserve ratio (which affects the money multiplication capabilities of banks, which is inverse to the amount of reserve they keep. 50% reserve = 2 multiplier, 20% = 5 multiplier, 10% = 10 multiplier, and so on.). What this does is p.(pretty) much increases the interest rate in the entire country. This attracts foreign investment, which appreciates (or increases the value of) the currency. This occurs until it is no longer competitive.
China is a authoritarian state. In my opinion they are Fascist [3]. They /were/ Communist at one point, but they've made so many Capitalist reforms I deign to call them that.
Currently China is feeling pressure and risk of inflation. This will likely cause higher interest rates, which is going to appreciate their currency. I believe this is why they don't want to enact higher interest rates, because it will damage their global competitiveness.
They are not Service oriented, and until they make the concessions to do (and since they are Authoritarian I feel this won't be hard once they realize it) their fate will be tied to how long they can maintain their ability to export inferior goods at cheaper prices than India, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), along with other smaller nations.

[2] (for lack of a better article)
[3] My personal and probably incorrect (though technically there is no economic definition for the Fascist system) definition of economic model of Fascism:
• What should the economy produce? The Gov't makes demands of the private industry to produce goods, but the remainder is decided by the firms.
• How should goods/services be produced? As long as the gov't gets what it demands of the private industry they leave the remaining decisions up the firms (which are usually state-made Monopolies or Oligopolies), in effect the private firms largely control the means of production.
• Who should receive the goods/services produced? Gov't demands first, then the private.
edit on 28-4-2011 by BuddhaC because: extra stuffs

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:34 AM
Having lived, studied and worked in china in past - along with making annual visits to china.. I find it a beautiful country, friendly people and its changed much over the years for the better.. China has not reached its full potential yet but will in future.. Yes it has people living in poverty as do your western countries - even with your social programs you spend more on illegal / immoral wars than on caring for your own citizens. China has no social programs and even the poorest work hard to improve themselves and their country. In times of disaster have seen them help each other out not stab each other in the back as westerners do in such situations.
Also being japanese find that am accepted better by chinese than ever was by westerners when I was in western countries..
Overall I rate china much higher than I rate any western country .. Though do rate oz and nz very high as beautiful countries with good people in them.

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