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UK Children As Young As 12 Allowed Puberty Blocking Drugs

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by meeneecat

What! What kind of conspiracy is this! I though water was fuzzy! LoL
I'm glad you came back!

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 01:02 AM
Truth be told, I love all the ATSers, even the ones I moan about.
Ok, sorry for short posts.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by Arles Morningside

Haha, it is fuzzy! and dry!

Well about the meds. I understand people being wary about things like overmedication of children. I share the same concern since I have been on many psychiatric medications myself, and hormone treatments (not for GID, something else). But from my understanding, it's only to be used as a last resort type of thing. That is if the child is suicidal and they are becoming worse and worse and are totally horrified by their body changes during puberty AND every other options have already been tried and were unsuccessful...then I think the benefits would outweigh the risk. But for some reason, people in the thread have been making it seem like these meds are being "forced" on kids (or it's part of some medical conspiracy to chop off kids wee-wees and "feminize" boys or something
), which is totally not true. I know the screening process for this type of thing is really strict. At least in the U.S. doctors will not treat a person willy nilly unless they are 99.99% sure, and there are standards of care set in place so that mistakes are not made. I'm sure there do exist some people who change their mind (though probably very rare), in the paper I linked to with the study, not one person regretted it, and all were much happier with their lives after transition (except for 2, which the paper noted was because of employment issues, not from transitioning)...and as you said, for trans people this is a dream come true (something I think cis people can just not even begin to understand what it's like). Also, from what I read it seems like the meds are completely reversible, that is, if the child decides that he/she wants to stop, than they can, and puberty will continue as normal, no harm done. In the literature also seems to point to the fact that delaying puberty for children who are really strong cases of GID can really help improve their lives...the meds also seem to be a benefit in that they will need less surgery in the future (i.e. removal of breasts for example). So overall I think it's a good thing and like any medical decision you need to weigh the pros and cons. If your child has literally tried to chop off his body parts himself or is wanting to die/kill himself, than some serious intervention is needed and perhaps something like this is warranted, at least if it were my child, I would rather he be happy, than feel he has to die. Ultimately I think it should be left to the individual person and the doctor to make a decision that's best for them. No one here, not me, not anyone else, knows what's best for someone else's mind and's totally up to them.

And yes, ATSers are just representative of a wide range of people in general, sometimes they make me laugh, cry, think, bang my head on the desk, and scratch my's just how things are, but in all the things I've seen here nothing has ever made me want to quit...if anything it makes me want to stay more. I guess I'm an arguer by nature!

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by meeneecat

You're right, there are those cases which are on the brink if they don't get the process going in some way asap, even children. It's a difficult issue to adresse I think, because on one hand, you don't want to do something out of desperation and really mess yourself up, you want to do the process right yet on the other hand, you have cases where suicide will be the end result if they don't atleast get some part of the process in action. With that in mind I re-examine this and think to myself, if it is a life and death situation, maybe this kind of early intervention may be far better than the alternative consequinces. So I think you are right on this.

Yeah, I don't know what all this hysteria is all about. The hysteria is part of why I posted, I know getting into one of these debates can be iffy but I felt a need to shed some light on the transgender experience and maybe de-mystify it a little because this subject belongs to trans issues. I hope others will post as well and help me out.
I think once people realize the reality of transgenderism, they'll realize it's not as skeery as it looks and sounds and that no, we're not out to convert people and turn them into transfrankensteins, we're not going to eat the children and tern Paul Bunyon into a drag queen *laughs*, that we're not a bunch of sick perverts and die hard family destroyers. We're perdy normal, we have families, jobs, hobbies, you name it and like everyone else we stem from all walks of life.
There were many cultures that at one time accepted the view that there was more than two genders and that gender could be more fluid than we give credit and in many of those cultures, people like transpeople were often respected individuals of their community that had a sacred and important role to play. They were seen as having a unique perspective because they were often viewed as walking in both worlds of male and female. This double perspective was also seen as important in shamanic type practice as well. This is not to say this was the case all around but it was the case in many ancient cultures.
Imagine how radicaly this would change the transgender experience, especially for children, if the message they got were "you're an important part of our community, you have a place to, and there are others like you who can help instruct you along the path,". That would save lives and alleviate so much suffering.
edit on 19-4-2011 by Arles Morningside because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Arles Morningside

I think you'll find that a vast majority of people ARE aware of transgenda or transexuals.......

but their concerns are no different to's the underage CHILDREN that are being enabled in all of this, and that, we find rather disturbing. I wonder if any of these parents tried hypnotherapy on their kids by the best in their field.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:18 AM
I think it is a good idea, especially with all the hormones in our food which starts puberty for our children at a much younger age than would normally happen.

Though I would much rather we stop putting growth hormones in the foods we eat, that way we would not have to give out other drugs to counteract the previous drug.

Harm None

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Aware yes, informed no.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by Arles Morningside

I am fully aware and informed on transgenders or transexuals

Just because I am not one of you and I don't agree with you? The gay community play those tricks too. Does'nt work with me. Nice try but weak at best.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Unfortunately, with typing, one does not always come across well, and i'm not always the best at conveying what I mean so I think there may be some misunderstandings here as i'm not implying that. So I do apologize if I seem to be coming off that way or in a hostile manner.

Edit: For example, what I meant in response with "Aware yes, but informed no" is that many people are aware of these issues but are not always informed, that is not to say that most of them are ignorant, I think quite the contrary but there are a descent amount who are not so informed as well.This dosn't mean they are stupid and ignorant, just simply mis-informed or not informed. After contemplating my remark, I can see how it could easily be mistaken as an insult, which I did not intend. I myself am aware of diverse things but not always informed for example.
edit on 20-4-2011 by Arles Morningside because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Arles Morningside

No need to apologise but thank's common place around ATS to be misunderstood......

I'm incrediably patient with my transgender customers at work and will continue to do so; I know what your community is up against in mainstream society; if everyone looked upon each other as human beings in a more humane manner with simple common courtesy and dignity, we'd all get along so much better.

and I still watch Little Britain from time to time; I am still a lady (sometimes)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Agreed, and a Lady i've much enjoyed having this conversation with. :-)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:20 PM
Do you know why this is being made available to kids so young? I'll tell you. Before the body goes through puberty, it's basically asexual, it can develop male or female sexual characteristics with no problem. If you wait too long and the male goes through puberty and now has the physical shape and form of a man, well, it's too late and that person will be the "man in a dress" without tens of thousands invested into surgeries.

If you give a kid blockers before puberty, let them decide, and then start them on the hormone therapy, they will develop into a beautiful man or woman and live happily every after in the body that they should have been born with.

Nothing sinister here folks.

Oh and to the person who said transsexuals are pedophiles, you are sick, and probably a latent pedophile yourself, sicko.
edit on 20-4-2011 by Lurk1234 because: (no reason given)

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