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Government choose not to step in, WHY not?

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posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:13 PM
Ok so in my town diesel just went up to $3.95.

Its ridiculous. I cant see how the government expects people to be able to survive with this BS.

I'm a college student and its impossible just to function in life,most stores, if not all around here are out of walking distance.

My question is WHY doesn't our wonderful government step in and stop this price gouging?
And they really wonder why the economy is so #ty.

Its funny how on the news they say how the prices went up in AnyTown USA this much, bla bla bla,WITH A SMILE ON THEIR FACE. People are so used to hearing the prices going up they don't ever expect the price to go down,and the oil companies know that and use it to their advantage.

The prices will always gradually go up,but they will NEVER go down to what they once where,ALWAYS increasing. But that's ok because if the news doesn't complain or start to ask questions as to why this BS continues neither will its brainwashed viewers.

Sorry this is just my rant, im seriously wondering how im expected to get to school and go to stores for necessities when theres not way in hell I can afford it.

What do you fellow ATS users think?
edit on 5-3-2011 by gpena because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by gpena

buy a moped?

electric bike?

ask the government to lower, tax per gallon, of fuel ??

its almost 2 bucks per gallon just in taxes..!!!!

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:24 PM
Well if you know anything about Peak Oil you'll know WHY the prices are ever increasing.

Peak Oil activists have been screaming for years the by 2010 the age of cheap oil will be over forever.
We are seeing price spikes now from the turmoil in Libya, this is not price gouging or manipulation... We have already hit peak oil I'm certain of that, and so of course oil supply is stretched as it is, so the price is going to spike even for a small oil exporting nation like Libya.

As I said in another thread, Big Oil doesn't deliberately make the price of oil go higher. They only benefit from high oil prices to a certain point before demand is destroyed and nations stop purchasing the oil, then economies shut down. So essentially really high prices hurt them as much as everybody... We seen it happen in 2008 when oil hit $147 a barrel.

If I was you I'd say I'm sorry but get used to it. You and everyone else is very very soon going to be faced with much more dire issues at hand than the price of fuel. More likely there will be a point where you won't know where your next meal is coming from....

I'm sorry it's bleak but it's true.
edit on 5-3-2011 by Nomad451 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:35 PM
Once oil starts going up, what's going to happen to the "average" american...? They are going to grow restless and riots and looting will break out in all states of America, this is when a police state will come into action. Just a thought...

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:39 PM
Peak oil has come and gone, prices will only get higher... Check this video out, its 8 part series, but god dang is it information EVERYONE needs to see! He expains, by simple arithmetic, at 7% increase in use, that means the amount you use is doubled every 10 years... So since that is doubling time, that means every 10 years, we use MORE than the amount that we have ever used in our entire history. Thats at 7% steady increase(which we have been doing pretty steadily the past 50 years).

Give the first video a try, if you can stick with it, go on to the other parts as this is mostly explanation on how to get to doubling time... it gets even crazier!!

EDIT- Try watching "Collapse" by Mike Ruppert - great 90 min documentary(its free on Netflix, its kinda hard to find it on youtube, but its there)
edit on 5-3-2011 by morder1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:45 PM
I have had the same problems as you. I also am a college student.

I fixed the problem by:
1) Buying a bus pass
2) taking said bus all over the place, to do my errands and such
3) use my car only when I need to buy grocery's, or go to areas that the bus does not take me.

In short, I am not wasting gas as much as I use to. There are compromises we all have to take in these times, and the major expense mostly everyone has and don't wanna get rid of it the car situation.

Buy a bus pass, it will save you lots of money in the long run. I believe, i will be saving at least 2 grand a year just on gas. I also, quit smoking cigs (21 days) it will save me at least 250 dollars a month, which is 3k a year. Just on those two cutbacks I have made I will be saving 5k a year.

Cutbacks: the thing we want our government to do, is what we must all do. Will save you in the long run.

edit on 5-3-2011 by morf991 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:56 PM
Just did a quick calculation litres - gallons, and I pay $5.70 a gallon unleaded, diesel is even more expensive. Take a bus/train etc I hear you say? I live in a small town so no buses, taxis, trains of any sort. If you dont have a car, you cant go anywhere, its that simple.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by gpena

I was just thinking about something.... Call me slightly optimistic, but what if this recent hike in gas prices are fuel companies ways of gathering there last bit of riches right before the drop of some sort of new technology that "they" will finally release that makes gas obsolete. Kinda like the exact opposite of a going out of business sale. Instead of discounts you get a proper rimming from oil companies right before they close the doors on their years of vampirism.
They cant keep free energy under the veil for long.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:59 PM
US president Jimmy Carter. D. 1976-1980. Spoke frankly with the American public when he told us that cheap oil was soon going to be a thing of the past. That oil production could not keep up with the increasing number of cars in our country. He suggested that we learn to conserve. And the conservatives went absolutely nuts. The Republicans drove him into the ground as UnAmerican. How dare he. They manipulated the Iranian hostage situation and ran a pretty faced Hollywood star and well known soap huckster against him and Carter lost.

Carter was correct and the American public bought the elites lies once again. And here we are now with the younger half of the population knowing nothing about how we have known about the coming of this time for decades.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 11:16 PM
Figure I would chime back in, I found Collapse on youtube, heres the first part, you can find the other parts by opening it up in youtube.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 11:20 PM
Your govenment is out to get you seriously guy!!fight back as muck as you can, simply change the rules around

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by morder1

Even better you should go and purchase the DVD or on itunes..

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by Nomad451

You do know that we are nowhere near peak oil yet? There is still a ton of easy to access cheap oil, just eco-terrorist's and leftwingers placed it out of reach.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by korathin

We have already hit peak oil and you have a lot of waking up to do.

Better learn to grow your own food

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by morf991

hey smart one,

are you aware that most towns in america HAVE NO BUS SYSTEM?

ARE YOU AWARE that rural communities have NO BUS SYSTEM?

ahhhh there we have it. you chose to assume (making an ass out of u and me) and the OP.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by Nomad451
Well if you know anything about Peak Oil you'll know WHY the prices are ever increasing.

Peak Oil activists have been screaming for years the by 2010 the age of cheap oil will be over forever.
We are seeing price spikes now from the turmoil in Libya, this is not price gouging or manipulation... We have already hit peak oil I'm certain of that, and so of course oil supply is stretched as it is, so the price is going to spike even for a small oil exporting nation like Libya.

As I said in another thread, Big Oil doesn't deliberately make the price of oil go higher. They only benefit from high oil prices to a certain point before demand is destroyed and nations stop purchasing the oil, then economies shut down. So essentially really high prices hurt them as much as everybody... We seen it happen in 2008 when oil hit $147 a barrel.

If I was you I'd say I'm sorry but get used to it. You and everyone else is very very soon going to be faced with much more dire issues at hand than the price of fuel. More likely there will be a point where you won't know where your next meal is coming from....

I'm sorry it's bleak but it's true.
edit on 5-3-2011 by Nomad451 because: spelling

This is the reason why our governments aren't doing anything. They are run by zealots like above, who ignore all the facts in favor of what they think is "right". Anti-humanism is their game, seeing as many people suffer and die is their aim!
We have TONS of oil available, and a lot of it is easy to get at but eco-terrorist's have worked to get them put off limits to advance their genocidal ambitions. + we have even more coal and natural gas.

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 07:22 PM
And the alien presence was targeting them. There was a lot going on in the dream. I don’t remember most of it. The churches that I saw were both red like the red velvet on the Bishop’s bible on this show. The one church the church that was for everyone being “one” was red. The church was ugly. A very large church. Kind of a corporate structure looking church. Similar to that ugly high school I saw in Forney. The other church was a cathedral and it was much more nicer looking. It actually looked just like the old abandoned carnival building in carnival of souls. Or like the trip to the moon ride back in the 1940s. Except with domes like you would see on a cathedral. And that cathedral was on a hill but on a flat part of the hill right in front of the ugly corporate church. And I remember the black guy on a bicycle who seemed like a TD jakes wannabee saying that we are all one. And come to my church meaning the ugly corporate church. I think the black guy said his name was Cunningham. And I said no. And I thought that the catholics had it more right. They don’t say that we are all one. I know they don’t believe that. That would be like the Ceo of Chlorox company saying that all of his trash bags are the same quality all trash bags are one. Or that all trash bags are one the same quality then what is the point of having companies like his selling them. The future being torn apart..Being cheap. lol

The wheels on Ezekial’s machine are falling off. Kind of stucco. Or is it bad?? So.
Then in the dream I was talking to someone about Pluto TV. It was a guy
Later on I saw an Asian guy like the Asian that I saw at the Chester Fritz library.
edit on 1-12-2016 by maintenenceEMO032 because: (no reason given)

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