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ATF Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico

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posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 05:57 AM

(CBS News) WASHINGTON - Federal agent John Dodson says what he was asked to do was beyond belief.

He was intentionally letting guns go to Mexico?

"Yes ma'am," Dodson told CBS News. "The agency was."

An Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms senior agent assigned to the Phoenix office in 2010, Dodson's job is to stop gun trafficking across the border. Instead, he says he was ordered to sit by and watch it happen.

Investigators call the tactic letting guns "walk." In this case, walking into the hands of criminals who would use them in Mexico and the United States.

Could it be that we are giving them weapons in exchange for their drugs?! Wouldn't surprise me in the least.. How or why would our country profit from giving these thugs weapons?! IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!!

edit on 4-3-2011 by monkeySEEmonkeyDO because: oops

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edit on 3/4/2011 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by monkeySEEmonkeyDO
Could it be that we are giving them weapons in exchange for their drugs?! Wouldn't surprise me in the least.. How or why would our country profit from giving these thugs weapons?! IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!!

It makes perfect sense
if you knew how the CIA operated.

And the BS cover story that they were just
trying to find out where the guns were going
is a CYA story.

If they wanted just to see where the guns were going,
a nice lil microchip tracking device inside an AK stock
would serve the same purpose. You don't need 359
AK-47's for that purpose.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by monkeySEEmonkeyDO
Could it be that we are giving them weapons in exchange for their drugs?! Wouldn't surprise me in the least.. How or why would our country profit from giving these thugs weapons?! IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!!

It makes perfect sense
if you knew how the CIA operated.

And the BS cover story that they were just
trying to find out where the guns were going
is a CYA story.

If they wanted just to see where the guns were going,
a nice lil microchip tracking device inside an AK stock
would serve the same purpose. You don't need 359
AK-47's for that purpose.

I know how the CIA has been operated for the past 40 years or so... Some shady dealings... Importing drugs to pay for black operations... Hired terrorism... False flag attacks.... It seems like our Intel Agencies are more interested in assuring JOB security then PUBLIC security.. They'll do whatever it takes to justify their existance.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 06:17 AM
Mmmmm.. I saw a related article a couple of weeks back along similar lines.
What the article did was charge that ATF was deliberately allowing known felons to purchase firearms that they knew were going into the hands of drug runners on both sides of the border. A firearms supplier was even ordered to continue selling the weapons to an individual, even though he informed ATF of his uneasiness in doing so.
Upshot was, a border agent was then murdered with one of the very weapons ATF had allowed to be sold to a known felon.

So, here we have a federal agency, aiding criminals to participate in the very actions they are supposed to be stopping, resulting in the death of a fellow American. Of course, if they did their jobs how they are supposed to, and stopped the flow of firearms and arrested those trying to buy and traffick them, they'd probably see a decrease in work over time and lose some funding dollars. Or, another possibility, they are actively assisting with drug and gun running under orders from people higher up the political food chain. That is not outside the realms of possibility.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by monkeySEEmonkeyDO
I know how the CIA has been operated for the past 40 years or so... Some shady dealings... Importing drugs to pay for black operations... Hired terrorism... False flag attacks.... It seems like our Intel Agencies are more interested in assuring JOB security then PUBLIC security.. They'll do whatever it takes to justify their existence.

If the CIA can get their funding from illegal means,
that means it doesn't have to report it to congress
or justice. no oversight and can use those funds
for other black ops not sanctioned.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Britguy
So, here we have a federal agency, aiding criminals to participate in the very actions they are supposed to be stopping, resulting in the death of a fellow American.

according to the US Gov definition:
that would mean that ATF and the CIA are classified
as a Terrorist entity (by definition).

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by monkeySEEmonkeyDO
I know how the CIA has been operated for the past 40 years or so... Some shady dealings... Importing drugs to pay for black operations... Hired terrorism... False flag attacks.... It seems like our Intel Agencies are more interested in assuring JOB security then PUBLIC security.. They'll do whatever it takes to justify their existence.

If the CIA can get their funding from illegal means,
that means it doesn't have to report it to congress
or justice. no oversight and can use those funds
for other black ops not sanctioned.

exactly!! They have a set budget that is carefully watched, but their money on the side is unaccounted for and therefore they can pay for their black ops. In a way, the CIA has been money laundering... Unreal.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 06:49 AM
Too funny. Put someone in a uniform and have a guy with a fancier uniform tell them to break the law, and we always get the same thing. Corruption. When are people at the bottom going to demonstrate the fortitude to actually uphold the law while wearing these uniforms? How about saying 'no' to an illegal order whether you're in the border patrol or on duty in Iraq?

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 06:52 AM
if you remember a while back the mexican government said that some guns they had confiscated had come from the united states. and our justice department jumped up and down claiming that they didn't give us all the guns that had been confiscated for tracing. and then obama came out and said that 90% of the guns came from here. and how some gun rights activist said this was just a ploy to implement a gun ban.

looks like to me atf dea cia and all of the related alphabet agencies, had a two fold plan.

a sensational drug bust, and to justify banning guns.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:00 AM
how many convictions and arrests to date from allowing 359 ak-47s reach the drug cartels: 0.

whose friggin side is the atf on. they just made the mexican police and the dea's job 100x more dangerous.

this is criminal. there has to have been a crime committed.

smoking an herb that grows wild naturally is morally wrong, allowing hundreds of ak-47's to reach cold-blooded murderers knowing they are going to be used is somehow right in the eyes of the department of justice.

this is new world order sh-t. it's strange to actually see it unravel and have incriminating quotes from the people charged to carry it out.

edit on 4-3-2011 by randomname because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:03 AM
Gee, another proof the ATF are the real terrorists.

ATF... they loved killing people at WACO and Ruby Ridge. They even got promotions for it.

Time to abolish those criminals who have the blood of 35 000 mexicans and god knows how many Americans on their hands.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by randomname
this is criminal. there has to have been a crime committed.

there were lots of crimes committed
but none that the Justice Dept. will pursue
when your boss in DC says, let it slide.
That implicates the White House !!!

I do admire this ATF Agent for having
the balls of steel required to do this.

My hat is off to him.

However, I do foresee him having
an accident in the near future.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:13 AM
The ATF is the closest thing the US has to an SS. They show up when they arent technically supposed to be involved like for tax arrests and drug arrests. They kill indiscriminately, just ask Vicki Weaver and the kids at Waco. You'll need a Ouija board though. And they seem to answer to no one. Even when underfire from Congress the maximum penalty for the ATF is forcing an apology and monetary restitution.

It's the corrupt muscle of a corrupt government and their agents really are cold and dead.

Having broken no laws if local cops knocked on my door I'd be nervous. If state cops knocked on my door I'd get sweaty and nervous. If the ATF knocked on my door I'd fear for my life and start shooting in self defense. If anybody is going to round you up and ship you to a gas chamber it's the ATF.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

speaking of waco, not that i condone any action taken on either side as far as the killing.
but i sure got a kick out of the atf having their asses handed to them in the first raid. if every body stood up like that maybe all the alphabet agencies wouldn't be so cocky.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by hounddoghowlie

No doubt. To see them gimping away from the building like a bunch of amateurs is pretty satisfying. Everybody should see that. See that the beast does indeed bleed and victory is not just possible but readily attainable. The mantra of "what chance do we have against their agents and troops?" is intentionally driven into our minds to gain obedience through fear but as we have when seen push comes to shove they're all just a bunch of candy-assed weekend warriors who would be better utilized in a cubicle pushing papers.

The problem was when they started lying to the people holed up and they made the foolish choice to trust the ATF.

It was the equivalent of a groin kick. The ATF, like all government agencies, has no honor whatsoever. Not only would they steal candy from a baby but they'd go out of their way to trick that baby into turning their back on the ATF and when they went in to grab the candy they'd make sure to stab the baby in the back and shoot the mother for good measure.
edit on 4-3-2011 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
reply to post by hounddoghowlie

No doubt. To see them gimping away from the building like a bunch of amateurs is pretty satisfying. Everybody should see that. See that the beast does indeed bleed and victory is not just possible but readily attainable. The mantra of "what chance do we have against their agents and troops?" is intentionally driven into our minds to gain obedience through fear but as we have when seen push comes to shove they're all just a bunch of candy-assed weekend warriors who would be better utilized in a cubicle pushing papers.

The problem was when they started lying to the people holed up and they made the foolish choice to trust the ATF.

It was the equivalent of a groin kick. The ATF, like all government agencies, has no honor whatsoever. Not only would they steal candy from a baby but they'd go out of their way to trick that baby into turning their back on the ATF and when they went in to grab the candy they'd make sure to stab the baby in the back and shoot the mother for good measure.
edit on 4-3-2011 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

Groin kick, indeed... It's obvious that they are more interested in their job security then anything else.. That explains why they commit these actions which justify their existance.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:11 PM
I am pretty sure that the lower ranks of the POLICe sericices have soome honest people still...
But i believe ti has come about that if you are not connected properly you never progress to command positions, which are all corrupted .
The actions of the various police agencies amack of dorruption in high positions with in those orgs.
The criminal elements fo goverment have entrenched themselves deeply enough bu now to be nearly untouchable through regular methods.
Control of the leos, the courts, and the lawmakiners, has developed into a criminal run state.
Crporate criminality leading the way......Banking especially.
The situation is thus that the illegal profits of criminal enterprises have been turned back itno the legitimate community allowing a whole new rea of corporate criminality with little or no restrictions left as the system has become corrupted beyond fixing.
Th weapons which are of a real military nature that the cartels aquire, are aquired through collusion with goverment, and international arms traffckers.
The US civillian market cannot supply this part of the cartels asenal.
The most lethal type of weapons that they get fron the US are semi auto rifles and shotguns, as well as handguns.
The heavy stuff they carry, like machine guns, rocket launchers, and grenades are from military connections.
The BATF is guilty of collusion with these mexican gangs in augmenting the supply of arms.
Orders to back off the smuggling did not origonate from the border, but were sent down from higher up...thats where the corruption should be investgated.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by monkeySEEmonkeyDO
How or why would our country profit from giving these thugs weapons?! IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!!

Well you tax the dealers who are like area 51 and dont exist for what they are projecting to come in mill or billi made there.

You tell the dealers KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR TERRORIST THAT MAY USE DRUG ROUTS FOR SAY NUKES TRAFFIC. For doing so the dealers who are like area 51 get amnesty as long as they dont get caught.

the dealers then in turn PAY.

Next the non existing dealers are given weapons to arm themselves and their squads not the Mexican squads only the Mexican squads who work hand and hand with the non existant area 51 dealers.

Now you have built a total army in another country or conntries that follow the PRIME agenda CONTROLL WHAT CANNOT BE CONTROLLED LEGIT FROM OUR BORDERS.

Offsetting any future catrels from thriving and making money inside your countries borders. Allowing your country to make ALL THE MONEY observe cartels from afar SHARE INTELLIGENCE OF TERRORIST ACTIVITIES guarding your borders with a dark or black force. totally suffiicating other cartels who how shall 1 say DONT WANNA PLAY BY THE RULES. gAINING COUNTRIES MONEY AND POWER IN OTHER COUNTRIES THAT MAY NOT LIKE YOUR COUNTRY. ALL WHILE CATCHING ANY TERRORIST IN THE MIDST TRYING TO SNEEK THRU BORDER.


Its a dirty dirty game of money power money and the power money and the power..

Now imagin how sick the cartels who dont follow command feel......

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Terrorism and Extremists are manufactured by the same groups running the arms and drugs. It simply doesn't exist in the form waved around to scare the public.

It's all about money and control. The illegal drug trade is worth an estimated $200-$300Billion a year. That money doesn't sit around hidden under the beds of the cartel leaders, it's put i offshore banks and laundered into the economies of many countries. Remember not too long ago when Obama went after the undeclared assets of US citizens and they hammered the Swiss banks to disclose account details? Well, you'd have thought they'd start a bit closer to home, maybe all those big caribbeam banks, so beloved of drug cartels and other nefarious evildoers... but no! They didn't touch them. Ever wonder why?
The big banks, Bank of America and Wachovia were found to be running blatant laundering operations and received fines and it was swept under the rug. That was just the tip of a very big iceberg. See, money and power, to those who seek it, can come from from anywhere. It doesn't matter how dirty it is to those that crave it.
So, back to ATF and the other alphabet agencies. Yes, they have been implicated in drug and arms running many times but are protected. The president isn't privy to what these agencies do, neither is congress. It's the international bankers and the old boy network who run the operation, an exclusive club indeed and world leaders don't get to play. Sure, they likely get financed to some degree from the proceeds but will never do anything to stop it. When so much money is at stake, it counts more than ethics, which of course these people do not have an ounce of. They care nothing of the deaths either from the drug use or from the fighting between the cartels. Only the money and the control it gives them matters.
Sure, they are a sick bunch, but they have a long reach and wield a very big stick, both financially and politically.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by monkeySEEmonkeyDO

and yet, things seem to be worse than ever after 40 years with I say if they have not been part of the solution, THEY must be part of the PROBLEM!!!

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