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Pros and Cons : UFO/Alien contact Full Disclosure.

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:37 AM
We all go nuts around here trying too either prove UFO's are real or not. Same with Aliens in subject matter as well.
I propose we try it from another angle.
What would be the benefits and negatives too the govt,religon,corporate society if in fact they did admit either A: Aliens and Ufo's are and have been here and are other worldly(maybe). B: Ufos are adv govt projects C: Ufos are Alien and Home Grown..
Please keep this civil folks and honestly its a chance too write a paragraph or 2 explaining youre rationale on the subject.

Ill go first:
I think Aliens have always been coming here since before our human kind.
I also believe that the numbers alone support millions if not trillions of adv societies and cultures throughout the vastness of time and space in the Universe.
I also think the govt can do very little and it has been proven many times. But the aliens being of a much higher intellect do not intercede the way we do.
I also believe our govt has been working with certain entities as well as other govts when it benefits both societies in their opinions.
Somehow the govt,religous and corporate powers have convinced the ET's that Full disclosure isnt beneficial as a whole as our societies would destroy themselves.
and ET would be too blame by the survivors....

All conjecture but a gist of how things look to me these days regarding the subject...

edit on 17-2-2011 by VType because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by VType

Pros - we can finally put this topic to bed and move forward.

Cons - The elite will have nothing to gain, the people will want alien tech back engineered and released, or the people will figure it out on their own once they actually see it in action, causing major headaches for big oil & utility companies.

"Real" Disclosure won't happen until it absolutely has to.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:12 PM
I, for one, have concretely established my believe in extraterestial contact from the begining of time. I accept that there are extreemly advanced civcilizations in our own solar system, with factories around the Sun and in the rings of Satturn. Governments here on earth are working with other civilizations to advance "the great work."

Of course I am curious and feel left out. But, alas, I'm too old to back to school and learn new tech's or to join the Airforce, so that I can, maybe, be a part of this great change on our planet. It is happening with or without us.

My daughter, an athiest, has several degrees and a PHD in medical science. She works for a Nobel Peace Prize winner and has a vey open mind. She has read Stitchen 's work and watched the History's Channel's "Alien" series with me. She thinks maybe, in the past, it could be.......

When I showed my daughter the "Tether Incident" (of course she had to go to NASA's website to be sure it wasn't tampered with), Then I showed her various Appollo astronaughts talking about disclosure, SOHO shots, the photos of the "Ring of Saturn", etc, etc. I gotta say that I somewhat convinced her that "they" are here now.

The "horror" on her face and the sense of panic that my evidence invoked, was more than I could take. To see my eduacted and rational daughter's ashen face and total fear of this prospect, made me sad, and as a mother I wanted to calm her. This reality cannot be forced.

Now, for the Government to inflict that kind of irrational or rational fear into the populace would be very irresponsible, and cruel. Disclosure is the not coming any time soon. Let those who eyes see. Disclosure will be as slow as evolution, very slow, not a drastic revelation. Maybe our grandchildren will be a part of this new world, but sadly, not my daughter's.

For me, I am blessed to be able to live my life in peace, eating, drinking and being merry. I do my art and talk to you guys. Their pressence has nothing to do with the way I live my life, and there is no reason to upset society

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:13 PM
the pro is knowing weather to stock on ammo or put up signs in greeting, and the cons are we're still waiting for the US govt. to release their files.

we released ours, where are yours?

ps: ufo's don't fly around the internet they are in the sky, go get some air and you may just realise they do infact exist, weather you believe it or not.
edit on 17-2-2011 by madscientistintraining because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:50 PM
As much as I would like to see full disclosure happen, I have to admit that the cons of that happening would probably far outweigh the pros.

- We'd finally know the full truth of who has visited us, and hopefully even why.
- We'd know whether any alien race were a threat, and hopefully be able to better prepare for if/when that threat materialized. (Not that we'd necessarily be able to do much in any sort of major attack, but I'd still rather be more prepared than less so.)
- If any of our visitors were considered friendly, or maybe even allies, we may be able to learn a whole lot from them. This could start with space travel technology and really go anywhere. (Very Stargate-ish I know, but meh, you never know.)

- Possible mass panic. I mean if Edgar the Grey showed up with the President for a press conference tomorrow, I can't see the entire world taking it as "Oh hey, that's cool man." There's a good chance people would freak out and go mad from shock, anger, fear, or any other number of emotions.
- We'd know whether any alien race were a threat. I believe this is both a con and a pro depending on how you look at it. Something like this would be a lot different than being worried about an attack from another nation on our own planet. We're not talking tanks, missiles, or even nukes here; we're potentially talking a race so advanced that they can cross entire solar systems to come after us. If a race can do something like that, it's not unreasonable to expect their weapons would make ours look like pellet guns and slingshots.
- No more mystery. Think about it, why do so many people enjoy reading about aliens and UFOs so much? A big part of it (at least for me) is the mystery, the unknown, the potential of what could be. People get a kick out of this sort of thing, the entertainment value alone is huge. If that mystery element dissolved due to full disclosure, it might eventually become just another news story tossed in between sports and movie ratings.

I'm sure there are plenty more points on both sides, but these are what come to mind for me at the moment.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by windword
I, for one, have concretely established my believe in extraterestial contact from the begining of time. I accept that there are extreemly advanced civcilizations in our own solar system, with factories around the Sun and in the rings of Satturn. Governments here on earth are working with other civilizations to advance "the great work."

Of course I am curious and feel left out. But, alas, I'm too old to back to school and learn new tech's or to join the Airforce, so that I can, maybe, be a part of this great change on our planet. It is happening with or without us.

My daughter, an athiest, has several degrees and a PHD in medical science. She works for a Nobel Peace Prize winner and has a vey open mind. She has read Stitchen 's work and watched the History's Channel's "Alien" series with me. She thinks maybe, in the past, it could be.......

When I showed my daughter the "Tether Incident" (of course she had to go to NASA's website to be sure it wasn't tampered with), Then I showed her various Appollo astronaughts talking about disclosure, SOHO shots, the photos of the "Ring of Saturn", etc, etc. I gotta say that I somewhat convinced her that "they" are here now.

The "horror" on her face and the sense of panic that my evidence invoked, was more than I could take. To see my eduacted and rational daughter's ashen face and total fear of this prospect, made me sad, and as a mother I wanted to calm her. This reality cannot be forced.

Now, for the Government to inflict that kind of irrational or rational fear into the populace would be very irresponsible, and cruel. Disclosure is the not coming any time soon. Let those who eyes see. Disclosure will be as slow as evolution, very slow, not a drastic revelation. Maybe our grandchildren will be a part of this new world, but sadly, not my daughter's.

For me, I am blessed to be able to live my life in peace, eating, drinking and being merry. I do my art and talk to you guys. Their pressence has nothing to do with the way I live my life, and there is no reason to upset society

If i may ask you, how do you know about factories around saturn and advanced civilizations in our solar system? I would like to know your sources so i an look into this my self

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by thedeadwalkk

There is a beautiful book loaded with photos of the rings of Saturn that show activity, huge machines, and anomalies in the rings. I am looking for it now. Will come back to post it when I find it. Also, there are similar huge machine like objects in orbit around our sun.

When I was a child, I had dreams, and complained to my mom. "I went to Saturn last night and my ears are still ringing becasue those rings are so loud." I told everybdy that Saturn was the ear of the solar system.

I believed I was taken to many places in our solar system by little grey people, who were fun to be with. They took me to the moon and Pluto too. Don't call the men in white coats, my daughter already did!

I can only speak of my "truth" and conviction. I cannot convince others.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by thedeadwalkk

The book is called "The Ringmakers of Saturn" by Norman Bergrun, and their is a youtube video.

Ok, bear with me. There is a thread here on ATS by WatchZEITGEISTnow, called NASA Ringmakers of Saturn, UFO2010 *VIDEO*. Sorry I don't know how to do a link to it. But everything is there, including photos and youtube link.

Also, forgive me because I can't do links yet. Just do a search on " giant machines orbiting our sun."

Peace out:

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:43 AM
One of the major reasons I do not believe (making the assumption there is something to disclose) disclosure will ever happen on any sort of official level is because it will instill a sense of distrust in governments, far above and beyond the levels of distrust there are now. In addition, the admission of perhaps the largest conspiracy theory ever having been "real," it would instantly give credit to all other kinds of conspiracy theories that the US government and other governments would not want to be associated with.

"Yeah uhh, ok guys aliens are real. BUT NONE OF THAT OTHER STUFF

It just opens the doors for too much backlash. The government (any government) IMO would never risk it.

If there is anything to disclose, some day, some how, an individual that was able to procure a piece of incontrovertible evidence will come forward and risk his life for the truth.

I also believe if there was anything even remotely intriguing in top secret files right now about E.T, something would have come out through wikileaks.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by VType

The Pros and Cons depend on exactly what is or could be revealed about the phenomenon surrounding UFO and Aliens. Until some firm information can be gained on the subject, speculation only serves to muddy the waters as far as actual investigation goes in my opinion.
The simple fact of the matter is this, without either contact or disclosure we have no idea, and no way to speculate in an informed manner about this subject. We have no solid data to make predictions about the outcome of contact, we have no idea what the intent of the Alien might be which would be a major factor in terms of predicting the reactions of the people, and we have no real idea yet of what reasons would be bought forward for the secrecy that surrounds the suspected centres of government research into this area.
However, I belive that until our planets population learns to operate as a species instead of as disperate nations and cultures, that we will NEVER gain the data which would make any predictions or hypothesis sound enough to actualy state in public. Being a person who respects logic and science more than heresay and rumour, I cannot possibly begin to make suggestions of the Pros and Cons, because I know full well that the best thought out ideas of man can often fall down on the simplest details. Im sure when man thought that the sun moved round the Earth, that he had many fine reasons for his assumption, all of which collapsed when faced with simple truths, discovered by an inquiring mind.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:45 AM
I don't think there are cons to Disclosure. Handled properly and done slowly will minimize panic. As far as oil and the economy is concerned, we are running out, that is inevitable. There will be far greater panic when this happens if we haven't developed a means of getting alternate fuel sources to the world.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by VType


Hu-mans will finally start to unite as a collectiveness and not think as themselves as individual to earth
Hu-man will finally wake up and see that life exists further than our planet
Learning from an advance race (assuming they are advance as they have made contact)
Having the elites on their knees knowing that they cannot continue to defraud the general public.
We will all be able to agree on this site (a momentous occasion if you ask me)
Gaining technological help in order to create safe clean energy which can be passed on to all living souls at an affordable price.
The toppling of the banks and the lifting of the net that we are all in since birth.

Fear instlled in to hu-mans, people are naturally afraid of uncertainty.
Possible chance of being ruled by ET i.e instead of sharing they take and control, even worst than TPTB
Hu-mans automatically feel threatened by something different i.e religion, colour of skin e.t.c, this can cause conflict which in turn could spiral out of control and cause war between certain factions.
Unnecessary death caused by either ET
Unnecessary hardship i.e curfews,forced change in ethics and religion like what the spanish did to the africans, however now we are the 'africans'
Life would change considerably overnight without any guidance
waking up to the truth, we are not alone and never have been and indeed we are not as important as we thought.

edit on 18-2-2011 by franspeakfree because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 10:28 AM
pros: could unite the human race. Current earthly struggles would seem petty

- could have serious religious implications. The truth could turn religion into fairy tales. The past would have to be totally rewritten and there could be a connection with UFOs and our origins. The masses may not be ready to handle that and they may not ever be able to handle that.

- could have serious economic implications. Bringing out technology eons an eons more advanced too quickly would have a negative affect on the world economy and structure. Millions of people around the globe would lose jobs if oil and coal based energy phased out over night. We would see the domino effect and the world economy would collapse. These new advance technologies are not real money makers. Oil and coal would be replaced with free energy. Will it affect who the world's greatest super power will be? Could such technology be turned into weapons a hundred times more devastating that a nuclear bomb?

- also mass panic and anger at governments for withholding this knowledge.....You thought what we saw in Egypt was something. The people would no longer trust their government. People died in the challenger and columbia shuttle disasters when we had much safer and advanced technologies to go to space. A lot of questions would have to be answered. People would be afraid of these aliens and religious people who will cling to their faith no matter what would be hostile to them thinking they are Satan's demons coming down to earth to deceive us all. Also what if these beings were indeed randomly abducting people? Don't think the public would be able to handle that if they knew.

- disclosing the truth could lead to disclosing information about the government's possible involvement in assassinations to keep this quiet (JFK?) not to mention disclosing the truth could alter the legacies of past prominent leaders.

The reasons above is why the government(s) are going through such great lengths to never reveal the ET presence. As much as we all want the truth to come out, it may be better for all of us if it doesn't. There may be some things we don't want to know. Ignorance is bliss. It has been said that grown men have cried after ALL of the truth has been revealed to them.
edit on 18-2-2011 by Greensboro1978 because: edit text

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