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Why 'The Professional Left' Hates the Tea Party

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+24 more 
posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 07:30 PM
'The Professional Left' hates the Tea Party for precisely this reason - the Tea Party is against big government.

The professional left LOVES big government, they want nothing more than big government, they get a thrill running up their legs at the idea of a totalitarian police state where every thought you have and every thing you do is controlled, monitored, and dictated by big government. The professional left realize how easily led the no nothings are so they use the age old tool of 'isms' and 'accusations' to attack anybody who is against big government and a totalitarian police state.

As the average person on the left is young, ignorant, and less educated, they quickly suck up the propaganda of the professional left and become the brown shirt foot soldiers on the ground - Hitler's National Socialists. The ultimate irony is that everything the foot soldiers claim to be against - government telling you what to do and how to live your life - is exactly what they and the professional left propose for everyone else.

They make claims of racism and sexism but there own organizations are the most racist and sexist on the planet. The National Organization for Women hates men and is entirely dominated by lesbians, nobody hates men more than lesbians except maybe 'Professional Lesbians'. The Black Panthers, NAACP, and Nation of Islam at their worst hate white people and at their best only seek a course that benefits blacks. Do I need to mention La Raza which literally translates to 'The Race' or any of the various Jewish organizations that consider themselves 'Gods Chosen People' code for 'Race'. All of these organizations are created and maintained by the professional left. Most of them have private affairs all the time for 'members' which means you are black, Hispanic, Jewish, or whatever your racist organization happens to be, and several of them have race based beauty pageants, television, and radio stations. It reminds me of the old saying 'Every time you point a finger at somebody you have three more pointing back at you'.

As I stated earlier their foot soldiers are the young. They go after the young because you can't sell these lies to people who are wiser and wisdom generally comes with age - not always - but generally. You can't tell a wiser person that the reason you are a member of a race based organization is because everyone else is a racist because they will see right through the hypocrisy. And you can't tell a wiser person that the best way to promote a racial or gender neutral society is with race specific and gender specific classes at your local university.

Let me tell you a little story...

When my great grandfather was a young man he wanted to play baseball with the team that was local to his hometown back in Georgia. He was a very talented kid but he wasn't allowed to play because the color of his skin wasn't right. Once when he was a little boy my great great grandmother was taking him to Chicago one day to visit relatives. It was a hot summer day at the train station and he wanted to get a drink of water, but unfortunately he couldn't because the fountain for his color wasn't working and he wasn't allowed to get a drink from the other fountain that did. He used to tell me how things like that made him feel bad and vowed that he would treat all people the same when he grew up without regard for the color of their skin. You see he said, it's not easy being a poor share croppers child growing up on the wrong side of the tracks near Atlanta. The only baseball team within walking distance was in the Negro League and it didn't matter how talented you were if the color of your skin was white.

The professional left are totalitarian hypocrites. They may claim to want peace on Earth but that's just to suck you in, to get the young to carry signs and collect donations. If there were ever really peace on Earth all of their organizations would cease to exist and the only way they really can exist is by sowing the seeds of discontent. By dividing everyone up into different opposing groups based on race and sex the professional left is able to maintain a steady stream of income for themselves. Everyone in their leadership maintain wealthy lifestyles while sucking the money out of the poor, all the while screaming 'look at them' 'that's the reason you are having a hard time' 'Now give me more of your money'.

The professional left will talk of war as if it were a 'right wing' thing but they won't tell you it was the Democrats that started most of the wars, they won't tell you it was the Democrats that put the Japanese, German and Italian Americans into concentration camps, and they definitely won't tell you it was the Democrats that hold the singular distinction of being the only political party in the world that dropped nuclear bombs on innocent people. The powers that be know this game well and Obama wasn't put here to stop the right, Obama was put in place because the left was on the verge of civil war in the second half of the Bush administration - so they put a black face on the New World Order and the left just sat back and got cozy. I guess war is OK now, as long as Obama is the President, and all that stuff about the Wall St. Banksters running Washington, well I guess that's OK too if there's a Democrat in the White House.

You see the big difference between the professional left and the professional right is - drum role - the tactics that they use to control the sheeple - because other then that, there really isn't any difference at all. They all want your money, they all want to rule over you, and they all want to dominate every second of your life. This is called the left/right paradigm, and the left/right paradigm is designed to keep the ignorant masses fighting amongst themselves so that the ruling class can maintain their position of dominance. It is a plan that has worked since the concept of republics replaced feudalism, yet somehow the same people always end up being in charge.

I chose to address the left in this thread primarily because they seem to be the most in need of waking up, and because I already addressed the lies of the right in another thread HERE. The story of 'my grandfather' is a fictional example to illustrate how easily facts can be spun to create an emotional response in any target audience - because this is what they do. If you haven't yet woke up to the false left/right paradigm I hope that you will have a desire to learn, all of the facts can be found right here on ATS and there are countless people ready to help you reach enlightenment.

edit on 15-1-2011 by EssenSieMich because: spelling

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 10:36 PM

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

LOL. Exactly what I was thinking.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by EssenSieMich


The black panther party was so heaviliy infiltrated towards the end of its life that by the late seventies it was seen to be consisting of predominantly the security forces. Also becaus eof its hierachical leadership it is was easy for the security forces to kill of leaders or just buy them off.

The Nation of Islam has never ever been part of the left. It too has been superced and had its heyday in the 80s.

THere is something of the straw man about your post as you have citied examples that are irrelevant to this decade or the last.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------

Kinda Kurious

Starred. You are too funny. Thanks for the laugh
edit on 15-1-2011 by tiger5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:25 PM
First, define professional left! Second, don't just assert, give some evidence. Third - oh, why bother... It's as the poster below you said, hyperbole! (Or, I would go as far as to say, complete bollices....)

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:30 PM
Let's not attack each other and keep it on topic ok?

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:33 PM


posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:40 PM


posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:43 PM
Disagreeing with the topic does not give you license to be rude and derisive or insinuate the member is in league with the Klan.

Stay on topic. This is non-negotiable.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:54 PM

The story of 'my grandfather' is a fictional example to illustrate how easily facts can be spun to create an emotional response in any target audience

It is MY OPINION the entire OP is fraught with fiction. Not a single erudite source, precedent or link.

I am curious as to why the OP is not considered "Political Trolling?" If equal standards apply to all members, it would seem to meet the definition.

As such,In my opinion it is not worthy of a legitimate reply.

edit on 15-1-2011 by kinda kurious because: (no reason given)

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:56 PM
This is a strange op to say the least.

It was the professional left that fought for the rights of factory workers who were made to work over 16 hours a day

It was the professional left that eliminated child labor where children in factories were worked like animals

It was the professional left who fought for social security for the average people in America

It was the professional left that fought for union rights where wages in factories were determined by the employer and had no limits of fairness or decency only the bottom line counted

It was the professional left who makes it so workers in the US aren’t treated like those in China and Mexico

It was the professional left that always calls for free universal health care something that all modern civilized societies have but in America

It was the professional left who fought against the lynching of black people in the south in the Jim-Crow era

It was the professional left who fought against Jim-crow laws in the south that separated races and excluded black people from many public and private facilities.

It was the professional left that fought against southern Jim-crow laws in the south that made black people sit in the back of buses so white people could ride comfortably in the front

It was the professional left that first talked about anti-pollution laws that might assist in saving our ruined rivers and environment

It was the professional left who fought for woman’s rights where our mothers, wives and sisters now may have at least salary parity on the job

I could go on and on and on and on.
Indeed it is and was only the professional left that caused any progress in this country of the development of the human condition of Americans

Imagine if we didn’t have what the professional left did for this country

One might ask what the professional right-wing ever did for America but try to stop progress for ordinary Americans as they always are on the side of the rich and powerful against the interest of the common man.
The professional left is not perfect because progressives are just human beings, who ideally just want peace and justice for all and struggle against the status quo who want to keep for themselves the resources they have often arrogated unjustly to themselves and excludes others.

Granted any organize movements may become ossified and too doctrinaire over time but the essence of its ideals are what drives the engine of human progress and justice for all human beings.

edit on 16-1-2011 by inforeal because: added material

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 12:28 AM
Why do I hate the TEA Party?

When a group assembles en mass with the rhetoric of "Our way, or we start killing you!" I disagree with the message.

When a group's idea of smaller government is at the expense of the middle and lower class, I disagree with the message.

When a group's idea of fighting against what they see as socialism, by wanting to implement extreme fascism, I disagree with the message.

When a group uses their 1st amendment right of free speech to try and suppress the 1st Amendment right of others to worship as they please, I disagree with the message.

When a group wants to pass fascist laws in order to dehumanize and demonize a whole group of people by painting the entire group as illegal whether or not they are actually here legally, I disagree with the message.

That's why I hate the TEA Party movement.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by kinda kurious

I'm with you 100%. It is political trolling and nothing else. This isn't exposing and fighting the left/right paradigm, it's ignorantly embracing it.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by inforeal

All true. And that is the reason why the left is often called progressive! All of these advances have made a better society. It is the Proffessional right that seek to take us back into the dark ages. It was the professional left that made many black people abandon the political madness of Pan Africkanism

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 06:42 AM
The left/right paradigm is suppose to balance out competing view points so some common sense middle of the road direction is found amongst the diverse views of society. What has been happening is the corporate view point is getting its way while the view point of the people is lost. Special interest lobbying, huge incoherent bills that not many people understand but have lots of kickbacks getting passed, deep and serious problems not getting solved but white washed, anyone who tries to show the people what is really going on get labelled a terrorist and locked up, the economy is getting out of control, big business getting funding to crush the little independents, accountability is becoming just smoke and mirrors, the truth about 9/11 is dangerous, reality is dangerous. Not confronting it is even more reckless, more dangerous and more devastating as a few corporations are valued more than the millions of people that support them.

That is why I like the tea party.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by EssenSieMich

I happen to agree with you. The degree of vitriol that has come my way since I joined the Tea Party has been astounding. I just want smaller government. And what is wrong with promoting personal responsibility?
Thanks for your thread.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 07:17 AM

US AZ Shooting Survivor Arrested for Death Threat Against Tea Party Leader

J. Eric Fuller, a survivor of last weekend’s shooting massacre in Tucson, gained national notoriety this week after claiming shooter Jared Lee Loughner got conservatives Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin their “first target.” The Blaze also brought you the story of Trent Humphries, a Tucson-area tea party leader who was warned by police to “stay away from public places” as his organization was being targeted with threats following the shooting.


Funny how conservatives are labeled as haters and as violent people yet Jared wasn't conservative, an this guy is making death threats.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 07:47 AM
WellI have to largely agree with OP - those who have swallowed the leftist paradigm unreservedly, (mostly the young naive and stupid) are unbelievably easy to dupe - they get to feel special, moraly superior, educated etc - by their own self definition their viewpoint is 'moraly right' - there are no valid alternative viewpoints.

This is the same con trick that TPTP have allways used to enlist the services of countless dupes - a sort of mini-pact with the devil, when religion went out of fashion in the West - no problem just devise a whole new array of mental traps for the stupid masses.

I do have a problem with using the term Zionist - if you mean Jews just say so, if you don't then don't use a Jewish term to describe them!

I know that many jews have been placed front and centre of TPTB operations - you need to look see who it is that are pulling the strings at the back of the stage though and why it is that they want the jews to be seen as the villains of the piece.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by beezzer

The problem is, when you have a group of people who are consistently spouting rhetoric, that is violent, bigoted, hate filled, it makes everyone associated with that group look bad.

Take how some want to portray the war on terror as a holy war against Islam for an example. Conservative talk show hosts will say things like, "While not all Muslims are terrorists, all terrorists are Muslim." Which for anyone who understands any history at all will tell you is simply not the truth.

When we have news cycles where the entire point of dialog is to paint every Muslim as a radical hell bent on introducing Sharia Law on the US. To the point of indoctrinating fear into the populace, dehumanizing all Muslims and making it easier for otherwise sane, rational, individuals to start to hate people.

The same propaganda campaign was implemented on illegal immigrants. Inciting fear into an already afraid populace, making it just to easy for draconian laws to be passed in states like Arizona. The unintended consequence of these laws is the degradation of rights for every American.

Furthermore, after these people were elected through a campaign of fear, hate, intolerance, and threats both veiled and overt. They immediately tried to pass a repeal of the 14th Amendment. The weak premise of course was to go after the aforementioned illegals.

Don't forget, these are the same people who wish to implement new laws banning things like homosexual marriage. They fought against the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. These are the same people who if given half a chance, would create laws banning a woman's right to have an abortion.

Some of these same people actually voted against a bill that would deny federal tax dollars to companies that force people into arbitration paid for by taxpayers instead of open court when they are wronged. For example when a woman is repeatedly gang raped and locked in a shipping container. Is this something that you want your federal tax dollars spent on?

Do you not see that the party that is supposed to be for less government and more freedom don't actually want a lot of people to have freedoms?
edit on 1/16/2011 by whatukno because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by beezzer

The problem is, when you have a group of people who are consistently spouting rhetoric, that is violent, bigoted, hate filled, it makes everyone associated with that group look bad.

The Tea Party is made of of a variety of folks. There is no central message or voice. As a Tea Party member, I talk about limited government and personal responsibility.

Take how some want to portray the war on terror as a holy war against Islam for an example. Conservative talk show hosts will say things like, "While not all Muslims are terrorists, all terrorists are Muslim." Which for anyone who understands any history at all will tell you is simply not the truth.

Talk show folks can spout whatever they want whenever they want. I don't take orders from them.

When we have news cycles where the entire point of dialog is to paint every Muslim as a radical hell bent on introducing Sharia Law on the US. To the point of indoctrinating fear into the populace, dehumanizing all Muslims and making it easier for otherwise sane, rational, individuals to start to hate people.

Do you think we should have Sharia Law here?

The same propaganda campaign was implemented on illegal immigrants. Inciting fear into an already afraid populace, making it just to easy for draconian laws to be passed in states like Arizona. The unintended consequence of these laws is the degradation of rights for every American.

Arizona only wanted to enforce federal law.

Furthermore, after these people were elected through a campaign of fear, hate, intolerance, and threats both veiled and overt. They immediately tried to pass a repeal of the 14th Amendment. The weak premise of course was to go after the aforementioned illegals.

Fear, hate, intolerance, threats. . . . . who's using rhetoric now?

Don't forget, these are the same people who wish to implement new laws banning things like homosexual marriage. They fought against the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. These are the same people who if given half a chance, would create laws banning a woman's right to have an abortion.

Read my other thread on those views. Simply not true.

Do you not see that the party that is supposed to be for less government and more freedom don't actually want a lot of people to have freedoms?

How? I just see rhetoric on the other side, I see no new laws. What freedoms would be lost if we had a smaller government?

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