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Scientists suggest that cancer is purely man-made

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posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:15 PM
Man made developments, processes and actions are responsible for a large portion of modern day cancers in society. There shouldn't be any question about that. Is it possible for it to occur without human intervention like in the case of now extinct animals and earlier forms of life? Of course it is, but it's a lot rarer than our current cesspool of cancer ridden, industrial populations.

When it comes down to it the vast majority of cancers, (especially our high human-cancer rates), have to with toxicity and deficiency of the individual. Whether the toxicity is environmental or dietary based; both are the result of man made conditions. However in any case, you could be protected from the world and live in a bubble and eat nothing but organic potatoes but you will still be very likely to eventually develop cancer as a result of the massive nutrient deficiencies that you would be faced with.

Now take note of the large portion of a population who waddles through the grocery store, carts filled with nutritionally useless, chemically laced, boxed foods. Is it any wonder cancer rates are increasing? Foods are getting worse and more toxic, people are becoming more apathetic and nutritional ignorance is growing. All bad recipes for cancer. But we don't want to think about that. We want to believe it's all about a genetic lottery. And we're sorrily mistaken for that.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:17 PM
Cancer is very frightening with new figures in the UK released they say that 1 in 3 will be affected, mind blowing I believe the NWO know how to agitate the body into growing various cancers via food, pollutiion, stress etc etc none of the gas we use is pure, for example SHELL petrol stations use different additives in there fuel than BP so who knows what your exhaust is pumping out ,and so on and so on.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:26 PM
Absolutely! The United States government is spraying depleted uranium all over the planet that causes Cancer, but you won't hear about that on our CIA news. Our government has put Fluoride in our water to dumb down our citizens and this causes bone cancers also. Who knows what their chemtrails, vaccines and GMO are doing to us, but you know it's bad!

If any of you ATSers want my book I wrote with several cures to Cancer and other diseases you can pick it up by just searching on Google for "Suppressed Health Secrets". Give it to anybody that has any disease or doesn't want to get colds anymore. Keep spreading the word about the new world order to somebody new every day and don't waste time with disinfo agents!


posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:39 PM
A fascinating topic, and a complicated one. Here is a link to a New Scientist story that actually takes to task the claim of cancer being man made. it certainly does not dismiss the contribution of man made causes, but it shows how much more complex the subject is, how popular science reporting can be uncritical, and how, even with the best of intentions, we can jump to conclusions:

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by OnceReturned

"Did we construct the modern world so hastily that we forgot to check if we were making it out of poison?"
-----What a great question, OP. Very good observation in the form of a question.

A truly fantastic book about cancer is: THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WAR ON CANCER by Devra Lee Davis.

It directly addresses this very issue. The scary part is that the people behind the poisoning of our world have known about it for quite some time (i.e. for almost a hundred years or more). Don't read it if you would like to maintain faith in your government, your leaders and the good nature of wealthy businessmen.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 04:24 PM
I have not read all of this thread but i am deeply upset about this. I lost my Mother to cancer in 2002. I know that cancer is caused by a genetic fault. It is also inherited through family members as well. I fear i will also wind up with it. Sure pollution and environment play a contributory role but it is not the underlying cause. For that you need to unlock the genes and study things at a molecular level.

Lets hope we at least find a vaccine for this insideous disease soon and put an end to the suffering of so many not just in getting the disease itself but for family, friends and loved ones who are left behind. I would not wish anyone else to go through the awfulness of seeing one you love so much die in front of you and then living with the pain of that loss for the rest of your life.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 05:13 PM
I recommend "Dr. Mary's Monkey" by Edward Haslam. The book goes into detail about how SV-40, a monkey virus that caused cancer, was put into the Polio vaccines of the 50's. This vaccine was was widely distributed to baby boomers in the US and Canada. The recent swine flu vaccine had cancer virus in it as well. This sentenced many to a future date with cancer. Sodium Fluoride in water supplies increases cancer risk as well as consumption of GMO foods. On top of this there are a host of environmental factors ranging from pollution, plastics, smoking, alcohol, food additives etc. In the past 50 years cancer cases have grown exponentially.
This is a boom to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry who grow wealthy offering treatments that offer few benefits. Cancer is big business and it is unlikely a cure will ever be found.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Mahasamadhi
I understand that most here may not have the access to read the article, but if you can’t read it then you should beware of drawing any conclusions.

Originally posted by OnceReturned

She concluded: “Yet again extensive ancient Egyptian data, along with other data from across the millennia, has given modern society a clear message – cancer is man-made and something that we can and should address.”

I believe the author was misquoted because nowhere in the article does she suggest cancer being man-made. Instead the authors clearly point out the evidence of cancer in ancient remains.

It's not a misquote. She is a faculty member at the University of Manchester, and the same quote can be found on the university's website, here. It's the last paragraph on that page.
edit on 10/15/10 by OnceReturned because: Formatting

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 05:25 PM
Cancer is almost certainly caused by modern factors. Think of all the carcinogenic pesticides and herbicides that are used to produce food. A major factor could also be radiowaves. Between all of the different types of wireless technology that use radiation a cancer link there isn't implausable. AM/FM, HDTV broadcast, Cellphone signals, Satellites beaming waves down from space, cordless phones and internet in homes, emergency band radio. All of these technologies have a cumulative effect that could cause the mutations that cause cancer. I remember reading somewhere that a village that is located near the vatican's radio transmission tower reported an increased incidence of cancer. Countries that don't have a great amount of wireless technology constantly in use have lower cancer rates than America.
edit on 15-10-2010 by slopeofyourmind because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 06:01 PM
There was a study done by Cranton et. al. (I believe?) and it was to determine whether chelation was of any use against heart disease. (CVD)
What was astonishing is that in the follow up the cancer mortality was reduced 90%

Could it be that heavy metals which would be removed by the chelation are the culprits?

I'm not sure if this study was randomised to reduce bias or whether the people taking the chelation took over their
own health and ate better? Many factors could be in play..

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 06:33 PM
Long time reader, first time poster here; this is the first topic that has made me want to start getting into discussions with the people on ATS as it is something I feel quite strongly about.

I completely agree with the hypothesis that cancer is a man made disease; I have absolutely no scientific evidence to back this up but for me the continual addition of new technologies that use wireless technology, everything from the earliest radio signals, analogue TV to current day WiFi and digital TV, is a contributing factor to the rise in cancer in built up areas of society.

I'm not saying that these signals broadcast are dangerous in small doses but next time you're in a heavily built up area, in a city centre for example, think to yourself how many mobile phone signals are being given out, how many WiFi access points there are broadcasting etc, you'd be surrounded by it and while scientists and businesses will tell you that using mobile phones etc are safe, in that sort of environment when you're completely exposed to them are they safe? Or are they a contributing factor?

Just my two cents.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 06:35 PM
People do some research into what you're actually eating and drinking. The Sodium Flouride, which is in the majority of the tap water in the United States, has been proven by many University tests to cause cancer. Dont drink tap water? The Bisphenol A which is in most plastics leaks into your bottled water... From the bottle itself. Then again the majority of these bottled waters have Flouride added to them anyway. Aspartame, which is in almost every gum/candy or diet soft drink has also been proven to cause cancer. I dont need to link anything to this because a simple google search will bring you to the reports.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 06:45 PM
prior to 1945 there was no such element as strontium 90, but after the governments of the world continued detonating uranium and plutonium devices nearly everyone on the planet has it in their bones. almost every square ft' of the planet now has plutonium dust covering it, from air stream distribution of the atomic elements.

then you have chemtrails from every facet of the commercial,military,and private aircraft industry.
then toxic waste in the air water and food from every conceivable source including farming.

the list goes on and on and on, etc,etc,etc

yeast, molds, and viruses are a major contributing factor of mutations in the lower intestinal tract, that ultimately lead to cancers as well.

the idea is if you keep the ph in your body above 8ph cancers cannot live in an oxygen rich environment. they can only live and grow in an acidic environment.

stay out of the sun. its extremely bad for you, and sun screens are worthless, probably even helps cancers. grow.

we absolutely created cancers in our ignorance, or maybe not? some governments and industries want us cancerous and then dead.

you can find most all this info all over the web, but as a child my father and our family Dr. use to sit around and talk about all this stuff. and that's been over 40 years ago

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by aliengenes

stay out of the sun. its extremely bad for you, and sun screens are worthless, probably even helps cancers. grow.

Vitamin D. That's all I have to say.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by aliengenes
prior to 1945 there was no such element as strontium 90, but after the governments of the world continued detonating uranium and plutonium devices nearly everyone on the planet has it in their bones. almost every square ft' of the planet now has plutonium dust covering it, from air stream distribution of the atomic elements.

then you have chemtrails from every facet of the commercial,military,and private aircraft industry.
then toxic waste in the air water and food from every conceivable source including farming.

the list goes on and on and on, etc,etc,etc

yeast, molds, and viruses are a major contributing factor of mutations in the lower intestinal tract, that ultimately lead to cancers as well.

the idea is if you keep the ph in your body above 8ph cancers cannot live in an oxygen rich environment. they can only live and grow in an acidic environment.

stay out of the sun. its extremely bad for you, and sun screens are worthless, probably even helps cancers. grow.

we absolutely created cancers in our ignorance, or maybe not? some governments and industries want us cancerous and then dead.

you can find most all this info all over the web, but as a child my father and our family Dr. use to sit around and talk about all this stuff. and that's been over 40 years ago

I agree with most of your post aside from the sun being bad for you. If anything, the chemicals in the sunscreen are worse for you than the chance of burning your skin. The sun isnt bad for you, people have always had the sun shining on them, burning your skin is bad for you. When your skin actually tans its healthy.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:02 PM
The only way cancer is man made is because we trigger it. The food we eat, what we drink, we smoke, we are surrounded by polluted air, etc.

It's impossible not to trigger your cancer cells these days.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by AndrewJay

small doses either early in the morning or late afternoon. direct sunlight overhead from before noon until a little after 5 in the summer is BAD. direct exposure is like standing under an X ray machine and over just a little time will cause melanomas and other forms of skin cancers.

how i know this is i currently have a few skin cancers, basal cell carcinoma. and several of my closest friends died from melanoma.
my father died from prostate and lung cancer
my half brother died from small cell carcinoma
my cousin died from small cell as well
my grandfather died from Emphysema, which was a horrible death.

all theses cancers weren't caused genetically. my grandfather worked for coppers company, manufacturing creosote rail road ties for the railroad, which ultimately led to his Emphysema.

my father smoked heavily as did my cousin and half brother.

anyway, the sun really is the enemy. it just feels too wonderful to say

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 08:12 PM
Not surprised at all. Fringe science had been saying this for some time now, but it's nice to finally see more credible institutions making their own legitimate discoveries.


posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 08:55 PM
Interesting thread. I viewed a very interesting BBC documentary called "The Way of All Flesh". It basically shows that most of cancer research efforts in the past were misdirected. This woman Henrietta Lacks cells were taken from her just before she died. They have been growing and multiplying ever since. There are now billions of these cells in laboratories around the world. Check it out in light of this discussion, I think it adds some perspective.

Google Video Link

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:25 PM
I personally think that we are just more aware of it now then people where back then. We have more people so I think the rate of cancer victims would just be higher. I have no doubt in my mind that everything we surround ourselves now does help in the mutation of free radicals in our bodies. I work in the RF industry and just about everybody that has worked in the field has had some sort of tumor/growth/cancer of some type. (Not everybody but a majority)

I am no scientist by any means but I do believe all the chemicals we ingest, the RF we absorb, general radiation of power etc do contribute to cancer.

Edit: I know I just posted this but the first article I looked at on the web was about Phenylalanine. Just happens that the Diet Coke Plus I am drinking contains this stuff. The more you read about it the scarier it is. I will have to read more but the first article I read stated that cancer can not survive without this substance!
edit on 15-10-2010 by Άδης because: (no reason given)

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