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Attention Beauticians: Symptoms of Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 09:03 AM
Five or six years ago I gave a slide presentation of my Iridology research:

(scroll down til you see the pictures of the irises)

to a school for beauticians in Mishawaka, Indiana; the reason being that I was doing research into Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome at the time--a thyroid condition which is typically missed by orthodox Western medicine; and the purpose of my presentation was to alert beauticians of the some of the symptoms of Wilson's that they might see in their practice with regards to fingernails and hair (google Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome).

Another important symptom of Wilson's, however, is decreased body temperature.

98.6 is typically looked upon by the medical profession as being the normal human body temperature; which, however, varies with women according to their cycle. And probably anything between 98.0 and 99.0 could be considered as more or less normal.

When you get into the area of 97.6 or 97.2 or even 96.8 as a basal body temperature, however, this typically indicates some kind of a problem with the thyroid gland; the consequences of which are that a whole series of chemical reactions simply do not proceed efficiently because certain enzymes act only within that very specific range around 98.6.

Most doctors of Western orthodox medicine pay little attention to this particular syndrome; typically not even ordering a level of "Reverse T3", which provides the chemical marker for the most accurate diagnosis; which is why I suggest that anyone with an unresolved thyroid problem find a local doctor who has experience in the Wilson's Thyroid protocol.

Michael Cecil

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

Thank you for the information. My fiance and I both work in the alternative medical field, and oddly enough we were just discussing the rampant thyroid issues amongst women we know. After reading your article we began musing that perhaps there is a link to many of the female products commonly used out there.

In Chinese medicine, the thyroid (as well as the adrenals) are ruled by the kidney meridian. Knowing the kidneys function it isnt an extreme leap to draw a connection to long term toxic exposure by certain mundane products that are considered safe. Food additives being obviously suspect contributors as well.

Also the hair and nails are considered the richness (or treasure) of the kidneys, so diagnosis via these indicators the 5 element paradigm lead one to address the kidney meridian.
edit on 13-10-2010 by Shadowfoot because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

It really amazes me how many people have thyroid problems and never get a proper diagnoses. I suffer from Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and my normal temp is usually around 96.7.

For me to get diagnosed properly I had to find a dr that had a endocrinologist as a friend. It got me a quick referal and path to treatment. I'm lucky to have a specialist that is dedicated to treating. After a year and a half of no improvement he put me on an additional med of T3. It really made a difference!

One thing I learned and will share. Most doctor's just test TSH and will decide if you are having thyroid issues by that test alone. You can have thyroid issues that the TSH test does not reveal. BUT, if you ask for a full thyroid panel to be run, you will not get it unless you are at a specialist. WHY??? Because most insurance will not pay for it! My first TSH test showed me as borderline low, but once I had a full panel ran, my thyroid antibodies were 10x above normal.

Also, my dr told me about "clinical hypothyroid", meaning you TSH can be a little low according to standards, but it is a lot low according to your body. Everyone is different, but unfortunately the medical establishment treats us all the same.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 11:57 AM
There was another reason that I went to talk with the beauticians: I had read a study about high incidences of breast cancer among beauticians as a result of using high emf blow dryers. Go to any beauty shop and just watch the way that women get their hair dry--multiple minutes of the beautician swinging the blow dryer in the area of her breasts.

Makes me cringe every time I see it.

Google "low emf blow dryers" or "low emf hair dryers".

And, since that time, I have learned that those who specialize in doing nails typically have no longer than a 5-7 year career. They become too toxic from inhaling the chemicals from the nail polish.

I also have serious health concerns about applying such chemicals to nails in the first place--as if the body does not have the ability to absorb those toxins through the nail beds.

Google "milk thistle" and other "herbal liver detoxifiers".


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Shadowfoot
reply to post by Michael Cecil

Thank you for the information. My fiance and I both work in the alternative medical field, and oddly enough we were just discussing the rampant thyroid issues amongst women we know.

The primary concern, first of all, should be the use of fluoridated water and fluoridated toothpaste which disrupts the activity of the thyroid in at least 3 ways accoring to an alternative medicine M.D. that I know.


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

Good point also!

My mother-in-law was a nail tech & beautician for years. She eventually had to quit that job because of a dermatitis that was never properly diagnosed, but her hands are very stiff now and react horribly to many products. But that is not the scary part. She has been diagnosed with an advance stage of dementia at the age of 57!!! It is so terrible, she can't read, her memory is gone (of course) and she can't take care of herself. We've had to place her in a group home. I've often wondered if her years (30+) of work in the beauty industry, plus the fact she was an alcoholic, is what landed her in this condition.

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