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NASA discovers brand new force of nature

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posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Yes, it is "cumulative" and it originates at the center of mass. The Sun is the center of mass of the Solar System, it contains 99.8% of all of the mass in the Solar System.

The "bend" starts at the center of mass and lessens the further from there you go.

edit on 9/27/2010 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

In all seriousness, we understand the laws of physics in our solar system. NASA, I believe, may be conditioning us. At some point it will become obvious that there is an anomolie in space. I would also reference their disinfo videos. Remember, a vid to claim that there's always a solar maximum and this one would be no different than others, post Kaku and others telling us that NASA and others had missed it, and that this would be an extraordinary solar maximum. Then, making a statement about the Mayan calender of all things. Stating that it's just a calender and doesn't specifiy the world will end, while failing to point out that the accompanying mayan transcripts (codex) does, in fact claim it to be the end of the fourth world, and that it coincides with the earths intersection of the galactic plane. When the government starts pumping out defensive info, you know a nerve has been struck. Tree ring and ice core data indicate tremendous volcanic activity at 3600 year intervals as far back as we can go. Santorini (1644 ad) the deluge, etc. You see, they're backed up by Sumerian, Egyptian, Christian and even chineses texts. Why would we discount this? After all, the Sumerians knew the proper orbits, sizes and alignments of our solar system more than 6000 years ago. Our scientists laughed it off, then we discovered Pluto in 1930, and IRAS verified the information provided by the Sumerians ( and Egyptians....and Minoans.....and Chinese....and the authors of the Bible.......and on and on.). Furthermore, NASA makes the claim there is no Planet X, despite discovering in and announcing it to the press in '83, and naming it. It was quickly followed by a denial. "Saucer? What Saucer?" Remember?
Either way, we understand gravity. And we understand why the probes are suddenly "slowing down". Here are some other thoughts on the

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by astrogolf

Good as explanation as any.. My last ditch answer was going to be that the Computer Program running that we all are in was never programmed that far out. We hit the parameters of the program, and in 2010 they hit the reset button, /format C:/ and start over.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by astrogolf

is it not a coincedence that alot of people discount aliens visiting earth because of the
cant go faster than light speed problem
it has been ingrained in us to accept that we could not speed up to light speed without useing all the energy in the universe and shrinking to the size of the smallest partical we know of i wounder if einstein would roll in his grave knowing his theorys have blinded physics to the truth
if einstein was wrong then the time distance calculations could be off by factors

why is the limit the fastest things we have witnessed?
if we were all blind would the fastest speed be sound?
if we were the size of our galaxy we could walk faster than light could we not?
so is it just scale?

if we could possably think einsteins theorys dont make the laws
he just trys to explain them
so what if he was wrong

ps he was a great man but a man none the less capable of great thought and not perfect as no human is

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:19 PM
Here is what I hope is happening outside our suns gravity well.

Imagine if outside a heavy gravity well that all matter can move either at the speed of light or instantaneously like quantum entanglement. This would open up the Universe and might even indicate that it is smaller than we think.

What if Space/Time only exists withen or around gravity wells? We cannot know for sure because we have never measured anything outside of gravity.

The space between Suns could be a vast emptiness with a much different set of laws. What we see from other Suns and galaxies that also exisit under strong gravity wells looks to mimic our own experience but that is not proof that the laws of physics in between gravity wells is the same as it is inside a well.

The Probes may appear to disapear one day when they exit our suns influence as they may just instantly move to the next point in space were a gravity well exisist.

In other words...maybe outside gravity its all a wormhole.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by Xeven

im really glad you bought that up
how do we know if time space is constant at all out side our solar unit?
how do we know that in the absence of gravity we could easily speed up passed the speed of light?

the answer is we dont know what time dialation of lack of time would do to travel speeds or distances


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:49 AM
I understand that gravity is one of those assumed theories, but why must everyone act like we know so much about it?
it is true that we have enough mathematical data to assume a gravitational constant, but frankly thats only relevant to our specific planet. we can see (based on math) that inside our solar system that the standard gravitational constant based on mass is still close, although through space exploration, in the last 40 years we have come to learn that the gravitational constant isn't actually all that constant.

also I do happen to wonder, has nasa taken gravitational lensing into account when considering the position of these probes relative to earth. it wouldn't be the first time that nasa has miscalculated like this

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:44 AM
maybe someone can help me on this as well. people have often referred to the galactic plane as though it were in anyway significant. however, the galactic plane is basically a line drawn (plane technically) from the sun to the center of the galaxy. it isn't in any way based on the actual material of the galaxy ( the axis of which we are unusually far off from and not crossing for quite a long time). so how can it be of any significance if humans are simply playing connect the dots and this little planet happens to cross that line every few years? Im only trying to understand and not trying to pick a fight with the believers in planet x ( because i have no hope of spelling that name accurately) who seem to bring it up time and again.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by theAmospProphecy

if you can imagine the galactic plane is connected to the middle a super massive black hole at its equator
as the super massive black hole spins it gathers up the fabric of time/space more at this equator
this means that more mass is on this plane and it is more energetic than the surrounding space
the spiral galaxy were are in started out as a flat disc on a plane
all matter was evenly spaced out think of a frisbee
what this demonstrates is that there is a charge and momentum imparted to the mass more on this plane than above or below
i beleive there is more electro-magnetic potential in the plane and the change in potential energy when in alignment with the plane gives our solar system a bit of an energy blast
this is theory not fact but is how i understand it to work

hope this helps


posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 12:06 AM
thanks for the explanation, but it doesn't really explain the significance. what you described isn't actually the galactic plane, what you describe is the galactic equator. our solar system lies unusually far below the galactic equator. the planet earth wouldn't cross the galactic equator again until long after our sun has fizzled out. the galactic plane on the other hand, is an arbitrary line, drawn from the center of our sun to the center of our galaxy. its only used to help triangulate the position of other stars within our galaxy. our planet crosses this line 3 or 4 times every century, and yes it will again around 2012. but we will not come anywhere near the galactic equator, thus my question is still, whats the significance of this line, with regard to doomsday or extraplanetary collisions? I hope no one thinks I'm trying to attack anyones ideas, Im only trying to ascertain whether, its a confusion by others of vocabulary, or if I am missing some explanation that would make this arbitrary line (the galactic plane, not the galactic equator) significant. and thanks again for responding. its much appreciated.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by theAmospProphecy

Above and below are kind of tricky to define in terms of the Galaxy but the solar system passed through the galactic plane (the plane which runs through the galactic center with an equal distribution of matter on either side of it) about 3 million years ago and is still moving away from it.

It will be in the neighborhood of 30 million years before we do it again. The Sun will still be here.

edit on 9/30/2010 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by theAmospProphecy

A Foucault pendulum will miss some pegs.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Xeven
Here is what I hope is happening outside our suns gravity well.

Imagine if outside a heavy gravity well that all matter can move either at the speed of light or instantaneously like quantum entanglement. This would open up the Universe and might even indicate that it is smaller than we think.

What if Space/Time only exists withen or around gravity wells? We cannot know for sure because we have never measured anything outside of gravity.

The space between Suns could be a vast emptiness with a much different set of laws. What we see from other Suns and galaxies that also exisit under strong gravity wells looks to mimic our own experience but that is not proof that the laws of physics in between gravity wells is the same as it is inside a well.

The Probes may appear to disapear one day when they exit our suns influence as they may just instantly move to the next point in space were a gravity well exisist.

In other words...maybe outside gravity its all a wormhole.


I hadn't gotten that far out yet. But if the idea the gravity pins matter to a single state is correct, you could be onto something.

Well Thank You. That's a bit of interesting gristle to spend my bus trip chewing on today.

edit on 2010/9/30 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 12:36 PM
Plasma cosmologists resolved the issue of the space probe speed anomaly years ago.

For links to more resources on the topics covered in the article, look here.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1

there have been some press releases from nasa and ibex

i have been gathering info at the thread above


posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:23 PM
This is not the new source of energy promised by Tesla.
From NASA.
No it is some sort of confusing force NASA knows nothing about.
Lets wait and we might get it was all a big mistake.
Problem solved by a big lie.
How would we know if not announced in the first place.
Easy to denounce it a month later when the uber science
controllers see there is a problem in gravity and it can't
be resolved.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:17 AM
I still fail to see why people think gravity is a "new" force of nature.

The nature of gravity is simply not fully sussed out yet.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by mnemeth1Plasma cosmologists resolved the issue of the space probe speed anomaly years ago.

It takes a plasma cosmologist like it takes a rocket scientist.

Point is, you don't need to be a plasma cosmologist.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by AeonsThe nature of gravity is simply not fully sussed out yet.

"Sussed out"?

What a riot!

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 01:03 AM
If this has been brought up then my bdad.

I am wondering if the unkown force NASA found is this:

Giant Ribbon Discovered at the Edge of the Solar System

The article is from 2009.

October 15, 2009: For years, researchers have known that the solar system is surrounded by a vast bubble of magnetism. Called the "heliosphere," it springs from the sun and extends far beyond the orbit of Pluto, providing a first line of defense against cosmic rays and interstellar clouds that try to enter our local space. Although the heliosphere is huge and literally fills the sky, it emits no light and no one has actually seen it.

Until now.

NASA's IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer) spacecraft has made the first all-sky maps of the heliosphere and the results have taken researchers by surprise. The maps are bisected by a bright, winding ribbon of unknown origin:

The article goes on to state that the ribbon goes between the 2 Voyager craft, and neither craft noticed it.. Since scientists are still not sure how this thing is created, or made up of, this might be a possible explanation for the effect on Voyager.

edit on 10-10-2010 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

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