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Obama backs mosque near ground zero

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posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:20 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama has come out in favor of allowing a mosque to be built near ground zero.

Obama said Friday that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else. He said that includes the right to build a place of worship on private property in lower Manhattan.


Well this doesn't suprise me at all.

I Guess he is just letting his muslim roots show since he has nothing more to loose.

Obama will be a 1 term President.


posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by SWCCFAN

righto doesnt surprise me either

mr obama is staying true to his roots....

welcome to the united islamic states of america

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:28 PM
Really, he supports this? What a shocker.

And what else can the pansy pc President say?

We all know this is being built as a daily reminder to us Americans, of what happened that day. It reinforces the myth the al quaeda muslims did this, and thus keeps the terror machine rolling.

I would not be surprised to see many politicians of both and all parties have a hand in this because it lines pockets to keep the terror machine lubed and running.

Of course He supports this! This type of thing is bread and butter for the crooks and theives in washington.

+10 more 
posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:32 PM
Thank god we have someone that protects our freedom of religion, its in the Constitution for a reason.

Not just for christians, but ALL religions.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:34 PM
Does anyone else remeber how he mucked up the oath of office?

It's not like anyone else in recent history kept it either but it makes one wonder.

I wonder what his approval rating will be monday morning.

+7 more 
posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:36 PM
I don't particularly like Obama or approve of a lot of the things that he does or doesn't do, however I most certainly approve of this. Finally, Obama does something worthwhile.

I don't see why people have a problem with this mosque. The Imam at said mosque has actually spoken out about Islamic extremism and done far more than most Christians on the issue. I think it is ignorant to blame an entire group of people for the alleged actions of a few.

Are all Catholics or Christians sex offenders because a relatively few have been caught fiddling boys? Should we now protest church's going up near schools or boyscout camps?


[edit on 13-8-2010 by airspoon]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by ErEhWoN

Seperation of church and state.

His opinion on the matter is really irelivant.

What is relevant however is the voice of the American people. The majority of them do not want the mosque built there.

What if someone buys the property next door and opens up a strip club?

They have that right too as well.

What about a Bar?

Or a Jewish Synagogue?

I bet that would piss them off!

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:41 PM

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law "respecting an establishment of religion", impeding the free exercise of religion, infringing on the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

Did you miss that part? Or were you just too busy throwing random accusations around?

I Guess he is just letting his muslim roots show since he has nothing more to loose.

Obviously. Damn him for his religious tolerance that is also backed by the constitution.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by Whyhi]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:42 PM
Let's see...BHO spent several years of his childhood as Muslim...he still doesn't attend church to this day...he notes in one of his books that his Mother wasn't religious by any means and that he pretty much grew up the same way...the man is so fake it isn't funny....good thing he's so lazy because if he had any ambitiion at all he could really damage this country to the point of no return.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law "respecting an establishment of religion", impeding the free exercise of religion, infringing on the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

Did you miss that part? Or were you just too busy accusing random people that you dislike?

I Guess he is just letting his muslim roots show since he has nothing more to loose.

Obviously. Damn him for his religious tolerance that is also backed by the constitution.

the Constitution is old and outdated, most new countries and even old countries have update there Constitution's

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
the Constitution is old and outdated, most new countries and even old countries have update there Constitution's

The US updates our "outdated" constitution too. Last time being 1992. How often you ant it amended? Every time the wind changes directions? When it suits your needs?


OP, not surprised huh? me either....I'm not surprised he is siding with the constitution. You want it changed like Agent_USA_Supporter? What parts need changing? Why?

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by neo96

That's right and didn't Obama mention something about Visiting All 57 States?
Obama said he's going to campaign in 57 states, and it turns out that there are 57 Islamic states. There are 57 Islamic states.

Was it this Picture that caught your attention about Obamas religious views or this:

Obama to host Ramadan meal
Celebrations like iftar dinners "remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings," Obama wrote in a statement Wednesday.

A Muslim Or Not, You Decide.

[edit on 13-8-2010 by guohua]

[edit on 13-8-2010 by guohua]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:04 PM
I wonder if America bombed mecca, would they allow the building of churches?.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by SWCCFAN

What is relevant however is the voice of the American people. The majority of them do not want the mosque built there.

On the contrary, what matters most to Americans is their freedom of religion.

The majority of people were against inter racial marriage, unfortunately for them, we have the Constitution.

Should we close Catholic churches close to schools because of their affinity for pedophilia?

Don't let the terrorist instill so much fear in you that you trample your own Constitution. It's why they carry out attacks, and you let them win when you deny your own Constitution.

Live not in fear, our strength is in our FREEDOM!

Don't let them take that away. Be strong.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:28 PM
Well lets look at another situation that happen where I live.

About a year after Hurricane Katrina a person bought private property and had intentions to build a strip club. The Local Government gave its approval but after public outcry they later issues a stop work order.

The issue there is that the people said no.

We are looking at somthing Obama said and it realy isn't relivant since its a local issue.

The question should be what do the people want?

After all power to govern comes from We the People.

I personally think that the muslims are not to blame for 9/11.

However the majority of people don't want the Mosque built 2 blocks from ground zero.

Just as the Majority of people here didn't want a strip club built 2 blocks from a school.

The only diffrence is that the local government here listend to the people on that issue, whereas the local government in NYC has not.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:42 PM
Oh shut it just shut it. "freedom of religion" "freedom of religion" "freedom of religion" They are not saying they don't want a mosque built.

Just not on GZ thats all they are saying. They think that "we the people" will be upset and they are right MOST people do not want a mosque built on GZ.

Did i not hear that NY offered land not far away? (think i heard it at work on the radio of a co-worker) Why not move it?

And how would they use it? Have you seen times square on new years? Now just think of that many people around the mosque protesting.

Yes Obama is all for it it makes him look good to his buddy's in the M.East and hey if the American people start anything then he can take away more rights or start marshal law.

And what do you care about the Constitution? It is nothing anymore because "we the people" do not enforce it (patriot act anyone?) the FBI has taking Americans and locked them up and pissed on the Constitution.

Yet they still can and do do this and the Prez has pissed on it many times and all you do is come to a website and say "Constitution" and "freedom of religion"

Now it is true they have the right to build it and thats fine but how safe will it be for them and all the people of Islam in the USA alot of them don't want it built there.

And you have a lot of (crazy)people that will not protest but open fire on these people just because it was built.

I say move it down one block whats the big deal? Why GZ when you know people are gonna be pissed.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by fapython

I wonder if America bombed mecca, would they allow the building of churches?.

First of all, America is a country with citizens of all different religions, while Saudi Arabia isn't. We aren't talking about a Saudi or Al Qaeda Mosque in New York, rather we are talking about Mosque patronized and run by American citizens. Yes, there are many Americans who practice the Islamic religion, some of who even fight in the military. This continent was populated, at least in part on the idea of freedom to practice your own religion. Liberty is supposed to be the corner-stone of our values here in this country, while Saudia Arabia, I think not. Would you like it if our government followed all of the other Saudi policies? We are far different from Saudi Arabia and thank goodness for that.



posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by GunzCoty

martial law doesnt concern me as much as sharia law

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by SWCCFAN

"However the majority of people don't want the Mosque built 2 blocks from ground zero."

"Just as the Majority of people here didn't want a strip club built 2 blocks from a school."

How, or why do you tie those two sentences together? neither are precedential to each other, as in "just as"

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by GunzCoty

Oh shut it just shut it. "freedom of religion" "freedom of religion" "freedom of religion"

Tell the first amendment to shut it then. Can you imagine what people like the teaparty would do when they heard Obama wants to amend the constitution? Oh wait, they'd be for it if it suits their needs...

Yes Obama is all for it it makes him look good to his buddy's in the M.East and hey if the American people start anything then he can take away more rights or start marshal law.

So you have no problem with breaking the first amendment but you criticize Obama for "taking your rights away / starting martial law"? Alright then...

It is nothing anymore because "we the people" do not enforce it

Ah, so you've admitted you have no problem breaking the constitution to suit your own views even if it blocks the rights and wills of others.

all you do is come to a website and say "Constitution"...

All of the teapartiers say the same thing and everyone likes them here regardless of their stupidity.

Yeah, some people may not like it, but that's called freedom of religion, freedom of speech etc. And yes, someone may take it to the extreme and harm the building / people, which would be kind or ironic, but are they really to not have freedom because someone else thinks they are a terrorist / insensitive and whatnot.

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