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Raj Patel steps forward as Maitreya

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posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 06:16 PM
Anyone looking for a savior to step forward and solve their problems for them is a lazy idiot.

I've no idea who this "Maitreya" person is supposed to be but anyone claiming to be a "divine savior" is a con artist, period. Anyone following such a phony is a pathetic fool.

Instead of waiting for a savior, roll your sleeves up and freaking get to actually working to make it better.

All the damned Abrahamaic religions should be outlawed as crimes against humanity if you ask me. Nothing but trouble since day one.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by TheTruthIsFromGod

Originally posted by joechip
I think this thread should be put into the hoax category, primarily because the title is so misleading. Raj has NOT 'stepped forward" in any sense of the term. I, for one, really dislike the tendency for ats posters to mislead this way. It's one thing to claim that he is this or problem there....but to claim he has stepped forward...when he clearly has not, that' just dishonest. Does your righteous and just GOD condone your lying?

Are you just stupid or are you trying to be stupidiest than you are?

If Raj Patel had really declared being Maitreya, you'd have heard about it worlwide, that's called the Declaration Day. So please, stop being ridiculous!!!!!!

But, I didn't lie, Raj Patel has stepped forwards towards Maitreya. Raj Patel is now seen by the mainstream media as a savior, a world savior, so with a bit more promotion and advertisment, he'll soon be able to declare himself as Maitreya.

Most of the people on this forum and in the US are really thick, they don't understand, they don't listen, they don't use their brain, they are just willing to give hatred and violence, this is what happens with the unfair people.

[edit on 9-6-2010 by TheTruthIsFromGod]

you know the title says he has stepped forward 'As' the Maitreya, not 'toward' the Maitreya. You lie and then try to worm your way to a better position when called out on it.
And you call me stupid because I point it out.
This thread is a lie.
And I'm not "stupid" enough to grace this lying thread anymore.
Good day, sir.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by joechip

Originally posted by TheTruthIsFromGod

Originally posted by joechip
I think this thread should be put into the hoax category, primarily because the title is so misleading. Raj has NOT 'stepped forward" in any sense of the term. I, for one, really dislike the tendency for ats posters to mislead this way. It's one thing to claim that he is this or problem there....but to claim he has stepped forward...when he clearly has not, that' just dishonest. Does your righteous and just GOD condone your lying?

Are you just stupid or are you trying to be stupidiest than you are?

If Raj Patel had really declared being Maitreya, you'd have heard about it worlwide, that's called the Declaration Day. So please, stop being ridiculous!!!!!!

But, I didn't lie, Raj Patel has stepped forwards towards Maitreya. Raj Patel is now seen by the mainstream media as a savior, a world savior, so with a bit more promotion and advertisment, he'll soon be able to declare himself as Maitreya.

Most of the people on this forum and in the US are really thick, they don't understand, they don't listen, they don't use their brain, they are just willing to give hatred and violence, this is what happens with the unfair people.

[edit on 9-6-2010 by TheTruthIsFromGod]

you know the title says he has stepped forward 'As' the Maitreya, not 'toward' the Maitreya. You lie and then try to worm your way to a better position when called out on it.
And you call me stupid because I point it out.
This thread is a lie.
And I'm not "stupid" enough to grace this lying thread anymore.
Good day, sir.

Great news and don't come back!!!

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 06:13 AM
Raj Patel says that activism and individual action are the key which will permit to this world to change. That sounds nice but as you know, activists today are used for other purpose. You think you serve a cause whereas evil people are using you to implement their own agenda.

* Politics is only lying to us (president after president, we're deceived).

* Economy deceives us, they are always the winners and us the loosers (more taxes and less income, higher prices).

* Religious institutions are using us: hypocrisy, hatred, sexual abuses, violence, false teachnings,..., that's what they teach to the people, these religious groups are sects (religion is a private matter).

* The environmental cause is just here to make profits and to lie to us about the real climate changes, it's a way to promote globalization. They have to find causes to unite the world.

Raj Patel promotes a kind of world revolution and he recommands for this purpose individual actions. We all know that the revolutions have all been staged (French revolution, Greek revolution, Iranian revolution......), nothing really come from the people. They have some key covered agents on the field and these guys are here to push the movement, at the same time, the authorities feign to give up their power to the people. That's all fake just as the revolution Raj Patel is speaking about.

Read this article that Raj Patel has added to his blog 2 days ago, it seems activism makes us happier (irony):

My recommandation:
just focus on yourself and do not militate, do not involve in any of their operation (even the charitable ones - you may help people, but directly, without passing by one of their organization-), respect their law (so as they cannot use the law against you), don't vote, don't open any association (that's useless, you'll not succeed unless you accept to collaborate with them), and try to have the smallest economic print (consume just what you need). If you act like that, they won't be able to harm you.

Raj Patel will not declare himself as Maitreya until the D day and this day will not come before we are confronted to war. Once the situation in Palestine will become totaly unsolvable and that we are on the verge of a world war (including Iran and the other major actors), then Maitreya will come as the savior.

This D Day could be a matter of months or years (2012 seems the right date). It's all relative to their plan, this evil plan has been operating for centuries, so you may understand that even if it still takes months or years to come to the end, it's a very short time compared to centuries of conspirations against us.

These world tensions (Palestine, Iran, Afghanistan...) are all staged and accurately orchestred to bring the world in this desperate position, so as to make us accept their New Governance, their new World.

posted on Jun, 10 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by TheTruthIsFromGod

I've been reading this thread and i looked at a few of the videos you linked to. Is Raj Patel Satan (or at least someone evil), Possibly. Who knows. Is he the Maitreya? Absolutely not! The Maitreya is NOT SATAN. Maitreya is an ascended master and does not have 3rd dimensional form. He is a 5th dimensional being. From our perspective he is not corporeal.

Maitreya, whose name is derived from the Sanskrit maitri, meaning universal love, is known to Buddhists as the embodiment of loving kindness. Some believe this planetary master was Krishna, and that he inspired the life of Jesus. Maitreya is a Buddha, working diligently behind the scenes to enlighten humanity and birth the age of light. He is the planetary Christ who overlit Jesus during his lifetime and is the head of the Great White Brotherhood. He works to enlighten humanity and bring in the new Golden Age. Lord Maitreya is the being who holds the office of the Christ-Grid frequency for our planet. This is the new grid system of higher evolution. He is the head of the Spiritual Hierachy and is often called the "Master of Masters". He has served this position for 2500 years and is an aspect of Jesus/Sananda.

Whatever Benjamin Creme is spouting off about. HIS Maitreya is a fraud, and your concept of Maitreya is misguided. We are in an age now where the knowledge that was lost to us when Atlantis and Lemuria sank is now coming back Full Force. The great awakening has begun and none too soon. You may think that I am some Satan worshipper or something, but you are wrong. I was raised Catholic, and have a great love for Jesus the Christ, another great Ascended Master (perhaps the greatest of all). I will be interested to see what happens with Raj as he is very charismatic, but i want to state again that Satan and Maitreya are not synonymous. Please dont refer to them so.


posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by WisdomSeeker
reply to post by TheTruthIsFromGod

I've been reading this thread and i looked at a few of the videos you linked to. Is Raj Patel Satan (or at least someone evil), Possibly. Who knows. Is he the Maitreya? Absolutely not! The Maitreya is NOT SATAN. Maitreya is an ascended master and does not have 3rd dimensional form. He is a 5th dimensional being. From our perspective he is not corporeal.

Maitreya, whose name is derived from the Sanskrit maitri, meaning universal love, is known to Buddhists as the embodiment of loving kindness. Some believe this planetary master was Krishna, and that he inspired the life of Jesus. Maitreya is a Buddha, working diligently behind the scenes to enlighten humanity and birth the age of light. He is the planetary Christ who overlit Jesus during his lifetime and is the head of the Great White Brotherhood. He works to enlighten humanity and bring in the new Golden Age. Lord Maitreya is the being who holds the office of the Christ-Grid frequency for our planet. This is the new grid system of higher evolution. He is the head of the Spiritual Hierachy and is often called the "Master of Masters". He has served this position for 2500 years and is an aspect of Jesus/Sananda.

Whatever Benjamin Creme is spouting off about. HIS Maitreya is a fraud, and your concept of Maitreya is misguided. We are in an age now where the knowledge that was lost to us when Atlantis and Lemuria sank is now coming back Full Force. The great awakening has begun and none too soon. You may think that I am some Satan worshipper or something, but you are wrong. I was raised Catholic, and have a great love for Jesus the Christ, another great Ascended Master (perhaps the greatest of all). I will be interested to see what happens with Raj as he is very charismatic, but i want to state again that Satan and Maitreya are not synonymous. Please dont refer to them so.


I know buddhism quite well, I've passed much time studying any kind of New Age doctrines and they are all based on the same concepts (reincarnation, absence of good and evil, no concept of Satan, no concept of a Unique Almighty God, no concept of a judgement day, no concept of Hell/paradise -or other definitions-).

In these kind of beliefs, a person is a soul who reincarnates infinitely to elevate his soul until he reaches the soul kingdom which is not material and which means we've reached the highest levels. The time is a cycle and our soul state is cyclical too. I know personnaly many people around me who share these doctrines (even close family), so I know what I am speaking about. And what I have to say about it is that this doctrine is simply not true, it's a lie.

If you compare God's version of this whole life and universe (the Koran) and the New Age's doctrine, God's version is far more convincing, more logic, more beautiful, more fair, more perfect.

So I am not foolished by anyone, I am not following anyone except God and the Koran. I think the New Agers are open minded, so I really advise you to open your mind and to think about what I say, to revaluate your past conclusions, it's worth it.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by WisdomSeeker
reply to post by TheTruthIsFromGod

I've been reading this thread and i looked at a few of the videos you linked to. Is Raj Patel Satan (or at least someone evil), Possibly. Who knows. Is he the Maitreya? Absolutely not! The Maitreya is NOT SATAN. Maitreya is an ascended master and does not have 3rd dimensional form. He is a 5th dimensional being. From our perspective he is not corporeal.

Maitreya, whose name is derived from the Sanskrit maitri, meaning universal love, is known to Buddhists as the embodiment of loving kindness. Some believe this planetary master was Krishna, and that he inspired the life of Jesus. Maitreya is a Buddha, working diligently behind the scenes to enlighten humanity and birth the age of light. He is the planetary Christ who overlit Jesus during his lifetime and is the head of the Great White Brotherhood. He works to enlighten humanity and bring in the new Golden Age. Lord Maitreya is the being who holds the office of the Christ-Grid frequency for our planet. This is the new grid system of higher evolution. He is the head of the Spiritual Hierachy and is often called the "Master of Masters". He has served this position for 2500 years and is an aspect of Jesus/Sananda.

Whatever Benjamin Creme is spouting off about. HIS Maitreya is a fraud, and your concept of Maitreya is misguided. We are in an age now where the knowledge that was lost to us when Atlantis and Lemuria sank is now coming back Full Force. The great awakening has begun and none too soon. You may think that I am some Satan worshipper or something, but you are wrong. I was raised Catholic, and have a great love for Jesus the Christ, another great Ascended Master (perhaps the greatest of all). I will be interested to see what happens with Raj as he is very charismatic, but i want to state again that Satan and Maitreya are not synonymous. Please dont refer to them so.


I know you are not lying to me. But what you are telling me about Maitreya is his own version of the truth. You are following a false doctrine, Maitreya promises you what he cannot give to you. Only God can give you a true promise. You have to reevaluate your point of view, just take a break and think again about your life.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by TheTruthIsFromGod

One thing to make clear. This is not NEW AGE philosophy. This is ancient (OLD AGE) knowledge that comes from a previous civilization during the time of Atantis and Lemuria.

Theosophists and myself especially DO believe in a singular creator being. HE/she is the source of all. Other beings are granted some creator status, but there is only ONE TRUE GOD. I'm not sure where your understanding comes from that we don't believe in GOD or good and evil for that matter. Karma is real.

I too know of what i speak. A close family member is a messenger for Ascended Masters and channels them almost daily. I have heard the wisdom of the message the beings speak and believe in it. I've come to understand that EVERY organized religion is foundationally flawed by the hand of man, so I no longer follow what I call traditional religion. I respect your view on the Koran and your beliefs, though i do not share them.


posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:07 AM
After the first apparition of this phenomenon in Norway (12/2009), Creme announced that we would see other spiral apparitions in the future, which has already happened in China (12/2009) and now in Australia (06/2010).

Benjamin Creme and ShareInternational have announced that this new spiral phenomenon is heralding Maitreya's emergence. Creme has also announced that many more such spectacular celestial signs could be expected.

I am not saying that these signs are what we are told, but Creme has clearly connected these astral events to Maitreya's emergence. No matter what these phenomena are, don't trust Maitreya/Raj Patel, don't trust anything which is promoted by this society.

Keep your faith in God and take the Koran as your guide.

5 June 2010, Australia:

December 2009 China:

December 2009 Norway:

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:11 AM
In this first day of the soccer World Cup, Raj Patel speaks about how the shack dwellers in South Africa are the big losers of the World Cup. They cannot take advantage of the economical opportunity of the World Cup neither they can enjoy the matches.

Few time after Raj Patel has spoken about this issue, we've seen on TV that some schack dwellers had taken action against the authorities in South Africa.

Once again, Raj Patel has intervened on key problems, he's given a strong speech for more justice and equality, Raj Patel's behaviour is more and more far from the one of a mere writer and closer and closer to the one of the World Teacher. 5 month after his last book's release, Raj Patel is still supposedly promoting his book, can you believe this?

Watch this man, watch him very carefuly!

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by TheTruthIsFromGod
He has a secret goal, to deceive us, as the Satan he is.

Yep, you've got my vote on that.

Didn't like his picture at the top of his website. Not the sort you would want to run into alone in a dark alley.

They always start by saying nice things, too...

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul

Originally posted by TheTruthIsFromGod
He has a secret goal, to deceive us, as the Satan he is.

Yep, you've got my vote on that.

Didn't like his picture at the top of his website. Not the sort you would want to run into alone in a dark alley.

They always start by saying nice things, too...

He is not supposed to have the same appearance than in Nairobi. In Nairobi, Maitreya used a self-created body which was only temporary. (an fake body which was just an illusion)

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 02:52 PM
In this 16th episode, I expose more and more obvious connections between Share International and Raj Patel. People say these are mere coïncidences, I don't believe in coïncidence and when coïncidence becomes the general rule that definitely means that these are not coïncidences. Coïncidence is the weapon of the ignorant, whatever an ignorant person cannot explain, he interprets it as a coïncidence. From part 1 to 16, I've reported tons of "coïncidences"... Come on! Let's be serious, this is the real world! Wake up!

I get all my guidance from God and the Koran ALONE. You want to have guidance? You want to know the truth? You want to see this world as it really is?

Then follow my recommandation: repent, Worship God alone, take the Koran as your only guide, you'll find relief and guidance otherwise only perdition awaits you.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:57 PM
Watch the Palestinian conflict, the rising pressure under Iran, the reform of the UN, NATO, the global economic reforms, as in Europe, they now have a real european economy, Europe now prevails on any government within it.

The more we get close from a worlwide nuclear war which will start from Israel & Iran, the more Raj Patel/Maitreya will enjoy a worlwide media coverage and the more the D Day will be close.

The major governments and institutions have passed huged measures during this South African Soccer World Cup. They have profited of the World Cup, of the unawareness of the people to pass their major reforms, we've done another big step towards the New World Order of Maitreya/Satan/Raj Patel.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by TheTruthIsFromGod

Originally posted by nine-eyed-eel
Here's Raj in an icky Communist hour from the witch's gingerbread house in the woods:

He's not walking on the water here, just doing the every-day political takeover...

And you expect to see him walk on the water!!!

The people today don't believe in anything, not even themselves.

His power is occult, which means that he can take control of a person or a group of person by occult technics (as hypnosis,...).

For instance, if you go in the audience during his speech, you'll be has hypnotised in your head, you'll only say Amen to his claims and you'll feel unusually happy, and full of love and compassion for this guy. This how it works.

What is wrong with you? I've seen Raj Patel speeches. I've never been full of love and happiness afterwards. He's fairly open about being an anarchist. He's racist. And he's about as enigmatic as tree bark. He's not as nearly significant as you make him out to be. And you sound like an absolute crackpot he's Matreyia he's matreyia. Where is the prroof of th e occult, the mind control, the hypnosis? You simply make libelous statements against a guy with no proof.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by DrJay1975

Originally posted by TheTruthIsFromGod

Originally posted by nine-eyed-eel
Here's Raj in an icky Communist hour from the witch's gingerbread house in the woods:

He's not walking on the water here, just doing the every-day political takeover...

And you expect to see him walk on the water!!!

The people today don't believe in anything, not even themselves.

His power is occult, which means that he can take control of a person or a group of person by occult technics (as hypnosis,...).

For instance, if you go in the audience during his speech, you'll be has hypnotised in your head, you'll only say Amen to his claims and you'll feel unusually happy, and full of love and compassion for this guy. This how it works.

What is wrong with you? I've seen Raj Patel speeches. I've never been full of love and happiness afterwards. He's fairly open about being an anarchist. He's racist. And he's about as enigmatic as tree bark. He's not as nearly significant as you make him out to be. And you sound like an absolute crackpot he's Matreyia he's matreyia. Where is the prroof of th e occult, the mind control, the hypnosis? You simply make libelous statements against a guy with no proof.

You're already lost. Maitreya/Raj Patel does not need to use his occult power on those who are already with him. You have nothing to sell to Satan, he already owns your soul, you're totaly useless, he knows that the people like you follow him on the big lines. loser.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by TheTruthIsFromGod

I see your still on your one man crusade to ruin Raj Patel.

I have been hearing murmurs of a saviour being presented to the world over the last couple of years. These are very subtle hints. They have come from many different sources.
All are alluding to a similar event. From what I am hearing something is about to be presented as God's will.
To many a person will be presented as a saviour. Maybe this will be the Maitreya you have been searching for.
I have a good idea who this person will be. I am not going to start jumping up and down declaring who this is. I have no interest in all of this. I will not be following and I will not be protesting.
This event and person will be presented to the pubic before the end of this year. I think it will actually take some time before people realise its coming from God. It will not be shoved in their faces at first and will be brought about in a very subtle manner.

I just wanted to let you know that you are wrong about it being Raj Patel. It is not Raj Patel. I hope you will apologise for the rubbish you have spouted about this man.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
reply to post by TheTruthIsFromGod

I see your still on your one man crusade to ruin Raj Patel.

I have been hearing murmurs of a saviour being presented to the world over the last couple of years. These are very subtle hints. They have come from many different sources.
All are alluding to a similar event. From what I am hearing something is about to be presented as God's will.
To many a person will be presented as a saviour. Maybe this will be the Maitreya you have been searching for.
I have a good idea who this person will be. I am not going to start jumping up and down declaring who this is. I have no interest in all of this. I will not be following and I will not be protesting.
This event and person will be presented to the pubic before the end of this year. I think it will actually take some time before people realise its coming from God. It will not be shoved in their faces at first and will be brought about in a very subtle manner.

I just wanted to let you know that you are wrong about it being Raj Patel. It is not Raj Patel. I hope you will apologise for the rubbish you have spouted about this man.

I won't apologize for being right. Raj Patel is the One, even if by miracle they change their plan at the last minute and introduce another Maitreya than Raj Patel, it's 100% sure that Raj Patel is playing a key role in the Maitreya's deception.

Maitreya/Raj Patel is not from God. No Messiah is awaited but only deceivers. Wait & See

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
reply to post by TheTruthIsFromGod

I see your still on your one man crusade to ruin Raj Patel.

I have been hearing murmurs of a saviour being presented to the world over the last couple of years. These are very subtle hints. They have come from many different sources.
All are alluding to a similar event. From what I am hearing something is about to be presented as God's will.
To many a person will be presented as a saviour. Maybe this will be the Maitreya you have been searching for.
I have a good idea who this person will be. I am not going to start jumping up and down declaring who this is. I have no interest in all of this. I will not be following and I will not be protesting.
This event and person will be presented to the pubic before the end of this year. I think it will actually take some time before people realise its coming from God. It will not be shoved in their faces at first and will be brought about in a very subtle manner.

I just wanted to let you know that you are wrong about it being Raj Patel. It is not Raj Patel. I hope you will apologise for the rubbish you have spouted about this man.

Bring your proofs or keep silent

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by TheTruthIsFromGod

You will have your proof very soon.

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