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Is anyone actually buying into this load of crap?

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+73 more 
posted on May, 14 2010 @ 01:45 PM
I've been seeing this disgusting TV ad from Citizen's Bank trying to pass off supporting the banks as our patriotic duty or something. Their new slogan is "Good banking is good citizenship".

I love the part where they say, "my savings are another person's mortgage".

They completely fail to mention that your savings make about a half a percent interest if you're lucky, while they charge about 10 times that much interest for the money they borrow out.

Not to mention the fact that, thanks to fractional reserve banking, they get to loan out 10 times more money than they actually have in those savings accounts. They're charging people massive interest to loan them money that they don't even have, that they created out of thin air.

Then they have the gall to pass this whole criminal enterprise off on us as somehow patriotic and wholesome as apple pie. If you believe all of the bull spouted in this ad, you would think that banking was the cornerstone of the American republic.

[edit on 5/14/10 by FortAnthem]

+8 more 
posted on May, 14 2010 @ 01:52 PM
I agree, you would think that we would have realized much sooner that we were being robbed, raped, and getting it stuck to us much sooner then now.

Just goes to show how naive we are about how things work.

My question is.. Why are people NOT "up in arms" over this. Yes, you can take "up in arms" as either armed rioting, revolution, to simple pulling their money out of the banks.

It completely eludes me as to why we are taking this lying down.

+16 more 
posted on May, 14 2010 @ 01:53 PM
This is good this is a sign they are on the edge. People don't trust them anymore so you know they are going down the tubes when they have to resort to campaign ads to try and hang on to this corps of an economyl.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 01:57 PM
Was that a church,
a town hall meeting,
or a commerce rally?

Interesting comericial.
It suceeds in getting across
the idea of feeling good about
banking, while side stepping all
of the major issues or real concerns.

David Grouchy

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem
mmn, theres an ad on uk tv on the moment, i think its halifax building society, boasting how they will reward customers with a five pounds a month gift, small print at the bottom says that savers must have at least a thousand pounds in their account, whoppee doo, champagne for everyone!! Thats almost as good as Tesco giving you five pence a litre off petrol if you spend fifty pounds on your grocery, wow thats really gonna change my life.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:12 PM
At least they are honest in their MO at the end..."Good banking is good citizenship...[then]...good citizenship is good bu$ine$$". I must say, if idiots think that saving money leads to jobs, growth, orga_ms, etc., they deserve any consequences from putting money into a bank that fails. I don't have television so I am just amazed at commercials now-a-days (and I'm only 24). Honestly, the communism philosophy/ideology on the surface would agree with the ideas posited in that ad.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:35 PM
Fractional reserve banking is not bad - while it can fluctuate, we are much better off through this process than before.

It allows people to continue working their jobs while there is not an instant demand for the good they produce.



If people had to save money up before they could buy one, then the demand would just fall through the roof, and our country would be filled with apartments.

Besides major loans for first time home/car/college buyers, you should not be in any debt. Ones goal should be able to pay back all debt relatively fast. You may have to rough it up for 5 years, but the rest of your life will be in much better financial well being.

But people do not understand that - so banks make profit off of peoples stupidity - such as credit cards and excessive loans.

If the stupid hand you money, why not take it?

+8 more 
posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:39 PM
Wow I thought the crap Bank of America was putting out on the history channel during all the America shows was disgusting, but this....

Nothing on earth makes me as physically ill from pure anger as these bottom feeding soulless parasites known as banks. I cant wait to see em all go down in flames. Why cant we have a revolution/war against them? Everyone is focused on the wrong people, all the while these slimeballs keep on doin' what they do with no fear of backlash. If they could go bash your head in and then go steal your car, house and maybe your dog so they could sell it to the highest bidder with no legal ramifications they'd do it. The laws with teeth are the only thing in this world that hold the banks back from totally destroying your life so they can make another buck.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:41 PM
That commercial should have been reserved for the film Idiocracy, or perhaps it's never-to-be prequel.. "Idiocracy: The Fall & the Exodus of the Intellectual Citizen".

I have the most amazing urge to just backhand everyone in that commercial. *Thwap* - *Thwap*. Even the kid.. *Thwap*.. "Don't be stupid, go read a book and stop listening to your dumb father."

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Cygnis
I agree, you would think that we would have realized much sooner that we were being robbed, raped, and getting it stuck to us much sooner then now.

Just goes to show how naive we are about how things work.

My question is.. Why are people NOT "up in arms" over this. Yes, you can take "up in arms" as either armed rioting, revolution, to simple pulling their money out of the banks.

It completely eludes me as to why we are taking this lying down.

Here is why: Lying down is the least path of resistance, for now. But like the dance of 'musical chairs', always they are listening for the cessation of the music, so they can be first to take their rightful seats. If they are playing the music, in charge of the beat, how can they not take advantage of their position? My God, a year ago I used the term 'Bolshevik' on an ebay message board, and I was told that that sort of language is unwelcome! Now there are animals putting hideous Washington DC 'border patrol' pictures of watermelon traps, on the same board, and politics are ALL that matter. But since everyone there also believes that 'Muslims' flew planes right through concrete and steel...the band plays on. The racism is encouraged, because it hides the real vermin in charge.

We are scrambling, most of us, to tread water, financially, and this is what we are supposed to be doing. Leaves little time for thought or action about politics, because it's painful to survey and comprehend, even when things are neutral. I ask everyone to consider what will happen when the currency is at last destroyed.

Guess what: Those who caused this mess, and who are working incessantly to prolong this mess, have been rewarded most handsomely. They are in the strongest position to gain as metals skyrocket, and it will be a 10 bagger at the least. It will be as though all the stock picks are a screaming bargain and buy...but ONLY the rich will be able to afford it!

This is all going exactly according to plan. Does anyone really believe that there are not computer constructs mapping out every possible scenario regarding this planned media Armageddon? And for THEM!!!? A 'final battle' that will have incomprehensible thought reading weaponry, and the means to arrest a defenseless citizenry, en masse!


[edit on 14-5-2010 by davidmann]

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by davidmann

Dont worry friend.

Their metals and their assets are nothin g worth, the most valueable thing to us AND them is our work, and this still belongs to us, if we decide to only "work" for ourselves and our neighbors, they are worth #.

If i have the knowledge to live of the land, he can try eat his gold and his 5 acre house too.

If WE woukdnt have such incredible value for them they wouldnt try so hard to "own" us.

We were the winners from the beginning and we are the winners now.

But as you say by means of idiocy, they keep this thought down and their propaganda works perfectly, but youll see.
Here in Greece for example people i never would have thought of seem to realize this simple fact without ever being told, by mere observation and reflexion and slowly waking up

It'll all be good

[edit on 14-5-2010 by Dynamitrios]

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by PlausibleDeniability
Wow I thought the crap Bank of America was putting out on the history channel during all the America shows was disgusting, but this....

Nothing on earth makes me as physically ill from pure anger as these bottom feeding soulless parasites known as banks. I cant wait to see em all go down in flames.

Woo hold on boy

it' my plan to take up residence in one of these fine building after the internal decor has been removed by the public who have every right to be angry with the banks but can you please go easy on the fire bombs because i didn't want to re-wire the place or have to put a roof back on it.

I can see your not too impressed with the new digital amro but you need to consider your personal carbon tax bill paid to the IMF if your going to go burning things down.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 05:53 PM
wow that was quite possibly the most vile thing I've ever seen. And the worst thing is people out there will fall for it.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem
Just wondering if you use a bank to cash your paycheck?
or use an ATM to access your money?
or write checks to pay your bills?
credit card much?

...just sayin...

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 06:04 PM
The symbol at the end of the clip with the green background is the same as royal bank of scotlands RBS symbol.

Good banking my ass and we had to bail them out so how can they go on about good banking given that light.

BCCI was it around today would fit in quite well with the banks of today.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
reply to post by FortAnthem
Just wondering if you use a bank to cash your paycheck?
or use an ATM to access your money?
or write checks to pay your bills?
credit card much?

...just sayin...

Cashing paychecks, ATMs and writing checks to pay bills are about the only legitimate functions of banking anymore. They store my money and give me easy access to it when I need it.

Their lending practices are where I have problems with them. They pay almost non-existent interest to people with savings accounts, then turn around, lend out 10 times what they have at interest rates that should be considered criminal. Basically, they lend out money they don't have at exorbitant interest, keeping the common man in debt slavery to them.

I am working hard to pay off my bank debts and credit card so someday; I can become free of their tyranny.

[edit on 5/14/10 by FortAnthem]

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 06:29 PM
Citizens Bank is a really crappy bank.
I tried to open an account there, showed the bank chic everything she asked for, and not only did she have to check my ID twice (the first time she claimed it was fake), when she was about to create the account I asked a simple question (about why I had to open both a savings and checking account, instead of just opening a checking account like all the other banks out there) and her reply was that I could no longer open the account because I was a "security threat risk". Mind you, I've got over 40 grand in the bank, and make almost 40 grand a year these days.

Citizens Bank is as bad as PNC and the now defunct National City. I don't think a commercial could improve Citizens Bank's image much.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

My bank didn't loan to me when I asked for a 5000 dollar loan to get a #ing car, and I showed them that I was registered for college and everything.

This ad makes me sick.

Good lookin out OP.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 06:40 PM
... I have no EXTRA cash to put in their Bottomless Hole bank... The govt. has already taxed it outta me... To bail them all out... This is one " Twilight Zone " commercial... BTW , our taxes paid for it...

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 06:40 PM
you people in the UK must be bigger then the HULK i couldnt immange
carrying around a 1000 pounds all day man I couldnt lift that much even once.
tell me how do you do it whats the secret
and what about the people who have a 1000000 pounds ? must sell alot of dump trucks in your country.
my wife had the nicest bonet

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