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Are the militaries of the world provoking a hostile ET response?

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:14 PM
Are the militaries of the world provoking a hostile ET response?

From ancient astronomy to the first man in space, our race took great interest in exploring what lies beyond in the vastness of space. Searching for logical explanations of the mysterious, deep space phenomenon, fascination of human colonization on Mars and the quest find the answer to our most controversial question, “[I]Are we alone in the universe?[/I]” However, over the years, space exploration has been spiraling into a dark, sinister path of lies, secrecy, and fear just as more legit, unexplainable UFO sightings take the rise.

[I]What do we have to fear of observing civilizations?
What do our leaders find so threatening about these UFO’s that they must lie to us?
Why keep secret space faring races? (if that is what they are)[/I]
Those questions have been answered, but not accepted by many whom strongly believe.

Forget lies, forget secrecy, we should worry about the fear. The fear of dragging conflict and war to the stars and beyond. This most certainly is a negative image placed upon Humanity by militarizing space and manufacturing “Terrestrial Space Based Weapons” and “Anti-ET Space Based Weapons”. Have we used these weapons? We can’t be too sure. Do these weapons exist? Definitely yes, but this obviously sends a strong message that our “Leaders on this planet are provoking a hostile response from Extra Terrestrial civilizations.” Doing so, poses an imminent threat to people here on earth. Militarizing space is something to fear since we still remain a type-0 civilization and this, most certainly, will provoke a hostile response.
Why will space based weapons and militarization of space result in a hostile response? Let’s take a brief look at the difference between “Owning land and Owning parts of space”, We have the right to “Own land” such as ones private property, government property, and the land we call our country. Land can be bought, land can be sold, land can be given, land can be taken but only through the Law or the Rules of war. (correct me if I’m wrong.) Our laws only govern the people on this planet, nothing more. Now you may ask me, “What do the Laws that govern us and the people of the planet have to do with anything?” I’ll tell you. “Our”([I]Human[/I]) laws don’t govern what goes on in space or whom should own a portion of it. Even by government, one doesn’t have the right militarize or create space zones for personal use. Some would say, “Why can’t we own parts space?” Put it like this, one must have common sense to know the answer, and not have a “Down-To-Earth” mindset. Space simply cannot be governed or owned when we share it with thousands upon thousands of advanced/intelligent space faring civilizations. Another strong reason why one cannot own or militarize space is because if we placed laws that governed space, (If we owned portions of space) they would not be widespread (Known of) throughout the Galaxy and the Universe. Traveling Alien civilizations would see our military presence as a threat when fired upon for unknowingly trespassing into Militarized Space Zones and will likely provoke a hostile response. Space is a free-zone, quiet, peaceful, but deadly in many areas. Supernova’s, Galaxies and Planets Colliding, and other dangerous cosmic events or phenomena, basically the only violence that should exist in space is natural cosmic events.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:18 PM
Getting a treaty to ban space based weapons and the militarization of space will be difficult since leaders of the United States of America, Israel, China, Russia agree to having them.

As seen in this article

NTI: Issue Brief: Future Space Security

[I] Issue Introduction
Growing U.S. and global dependence on space assets for a wide variety of scientific, economic, and military purposes has raised concerns about what might happen if such assets were to be threatened by hostile countries. Today, only the United States and Russia have tested space weapons of any sort, but a handful of other countries (including India and China) are believed to be conducting at least initial research into lasers and kinetic kill systems intended for space attack. With Russia’s old anti-satellite system believed to be no longer operational and with the tentative nature of other foreign programs, the United States sits in a leadership position in this debate. At the Conference on Disarmament (CD), however, there is a stalemate in talks due to China’s freezing of negotiations on all forms of arms control (including the Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty) until the United States agrees to negotiations on a treaty to prevent the weaponization of space. Both sides have refused to budge, resulting in a stoppage of business at the CD for the past two years.
Thus far, the Bush administration has enunciated a largely military-driven response to space vulnerabilities, suggesting the inevitability of space-based weapons—both for missile defense and to protect U.S. satellites and other spacecraft. The administration has argued that treaties would only constrain law-abiding countries and that there would be no way to stop hostile states from violating these agreements. By contrast, many foreign governments and administration critics have made the case that diplomatic measures may be much more effective than military means in protecting space, particularly in the increasingly crowded realm of low-Earth orbit (60 to 300 miles above the Earth). They argue that it would be best to establish binding treaties before threats to space assets emerge. A variety of issues are involved, including complex questions regarding the nature of space debris that weapons tests will generate, as well as uncertainties regarding commercial and political implications.
Issue Brief
Space is a realm currently used for scientific, commercial, and military purposes. Satellites make weather reporting possible, allow people to call and transmit data overseas instantaneously, and facilitate the flights of precision-guided munitions (of the type used in the Gulf War and in Afghanistan) to their targets with great accuracy. What worries the Bush administration and many military planners is what might happen if these assets themselves were to be threatened in some future war or by a rogue state or terrorist attempting to cripple the U.S. economy. While such threats today merely exist in theory, it would not be beyond the capability of almost two dozen countries to develop and deploy crude anti-satellite weapons that could be launched into space to attack U.S. assets. For example, a country might launch a small satellite packed with pebbles or nails and direct it into a high-speed collision with a critical U.S. satellite or spacecraft. Orbital objects travel at speeds of approximately 18,000 mph, meaning that such collisions would certainly be fatal. Critics note that such weapons do not yet exist, that their development and testing would be transparent and therefore possibly preventable, and that the United States has other military means to prevent their use. But there are other issues as well.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:33 PM
Hi OP, Nice piece.

In my opinion forget about space based human weaponry as it's nothing to do with the real picture. Forget about whats her name who appeared on the National Press Club trying to represent the supposed fears of
Von Braun re SB Weapons.

It's my opinion races other than humans --present day, are controlling the show, almost world wide.
Some have their agenda in Human collectorral survival and others have their agenda in the health of this ball we live on.

The many more and the two above mentioned have no understanding, except the many EBEs who have, perhaps through hybridation, know what the human innocents and the high purpose Illuminati groups pose as a threat and in some arenas -- plan int steps, mass reduction of this world's population.

In addition, I coming to believe a more and more, based on my readings, a serious magnetic shift and partial crust rotation effecting the earths population will soon occur. Perhaps in our lifetime? Most importantly, within our Children's lifetime.

So, I suggest we not worry about 'space based weaponry'. At least for the short term.


NOTE: edit: repeated words, decoy

[edit on 12-3-2010 by Decoy]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:37 PM

Continuation of Article

If the United States hopes to develop an effective national missile defense, it will need to rely on a variety of space-based sensors and tracking radars and possibly constellations of space-based lasers and kinetic kill satellite weapons. In wartime, these systems could create inviting targets for U.S. adversaries. For these reasons, the Bush administration wants to investigate its options and develop weapons capable of meeting these threats before they arise. Few analysts, however, have worked out the possible long-term implications of such deployments on the physical environment of space (particularly low-Earth orbit) or their political ramifications. Existing treaties governing space (see chart below) ban the stationing of weapons of mass destruction in orbit, ban nuclear testing in space, and forbid states from engaging in activities might threaten other parties without providing prior warning. They also require compensation for damage caused to spacecraft and call for all activities to be carried out for “peaceful purposes.” Nonetheless, there are gaps in these agreements and room for possible differences of interpretation of various clauses that may open the door to space weapons. In addition, there is the possibility that certain states may simply violate the treaties altogether, if push comes to shove.
Possible Types of Weapons
Space weapons under consideration today consist of several basic types. First, ground-, sea-, and air-based missile defense interceptors all use low-Earth orbital space as a location for the interception of ballistic missiles passing through space, usually at altitudes of a few hundred miles or less. The bulk of weapons in the current missile defense test program of the United States consist of this type of non-space-based interceptors. Second, space-based weapons are being considered for future development, testing, and deployment against ballistic missiles, but probably not until sometime after 2010 (due to technical obstacles). These systems include kinetic kill interceptors that would destroy missiles by collision alone and space-based lasers that would send high-powered beams at rising missiles in order to disable or destroy them. A third type of space weapon is anti-satellite systems, of which various designs are possible. Some might be direct-ascent missiles that would be launched into space and either collide directly with or detonate conventional explosives near their targets to destroy them. Others might be space-based systems that would be moved into companion orbits and exploded near target spacecraft. Although treaties currently prevent the testing of nuclear weapons in space, nuclear-tipped anti-satellite and anti-missile systems could be developed if the existing treaty regime were to collapse under political pressures caused by uncontrolled space weaponization. Despite U.S. leadership in space, the Bush administration has tasked the Defense Science Board with investigating possible low-yield nuclear weapons for missile defense purposes if existing kinetic kill systems fail to achieve their goals.
Major Space-Related Arms Control Treaties*

Treaty: Limited Test Ban Treaty
Entry into Force (Yr.): 1963
Key Provisions: Bans nuclear weapons testing in space
Treaty: Outer Space Treaty
Entry into force (Yr.): 1967
Key Provisions:
-Bans WMD in orbit
-Bans military installations on the Moon
-Bans claiming of territory in space or on celestial bodies
-Requires prior notification in case of planned harmful activities in space

Treaty: Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT) Treaty I
Entry into Force (Yr.): 1972 (U.S.- Soviet)
Key Provisions: - All ban interference with satellites engaged in treaty verification (similar provisions in each of these treaties)

Treaties re-introduced by different name?
*Same Key Provisions as the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT) Treaty I*
-INF Treaty
Entry into Force (Yr.): 1987
-Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) I
Entry into Force (Yr.): 1994
Treaty: Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Object
Entry into Force (Yr.): 1972
Key Provisions: Requires payment of compensations for damage caused by spacecraft
Treaty: Convention on the Registration of Space Objects
Entry into Force (Yr.): 1976
Key Provisions: Requires international notification of the function and orbit of all space launches

*This chart does not include the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (1972-2002), which terminated with the U.S. withdrawal in June 2002.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:40 PM
Israeli Official Urges Space Based Weapons

11 January 2005

HERZLIYA, Israel - Israel's top lawmaker for defense and security affairs has called for the development and deployment of space-based weapons as part of an integrated sea, air and space force designed to deliver decisive victory in future full-fledged conventional wars.
In a rare public discussion on Israel's military use of space, Yuval Steinitz, chairman of the Israel's Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee, said the nation must compensate for its lack of strategic depth on land by expanding use of sea- and space-based attacks.
Specifically, Steinitz urged defense and industry officials to consider future developments of anti-satellite missiles, satellite-attacking lasers and ship-based missiles "that can strike the skies."
" In Israel, our strategic Achilles' heel is our miniscule geographical size," Steinitz told a Dec. 22 symposium sponsored by the Israeli Space Society and the Fisher Institute for Strategic Air and Space Studies. "This lack of ground territory - and our obligation to defend the homeland from attack - drives the need to develop a strategic envelope of air, sea and space forces not only for defense, but for attack."
In his lecture, "Space and Israel's National Security," Steinitz outlined four worldwide trends in the militarization of space:
• Use of satellites for intelligence and communications.
• Satellite-guided weaponry.
• Anti-satellite and satellite defense systems.
• Space-to-ground means of attack.
" We can draw many lessons from the evolution of air warfare," Steinitz said in an interview. "Just as the airplane evolved from an intelligence gathering platform to a self-protected precision attack system, so should the satellite - in the years ahead - be maximized for all kinds of missions."
Citing proposed space-based weaponry programs in the United States and elsewhere, Steinitz said Israel must not ignore trends and technologies that can extend the battlefield beyond the atmosphere.
Tal Inbar, vice president of the Israeli Space Society and research fellow at Israel's Fisher Institute of Strategic Air and Space Studies, said, "This is the first time an Israeli official publicly talked about the need for Israel to develop its own space warfare capabilities such as ASAT [anti-satellite], radiation weapons and so on."
And while Steinitz conceded that his exhortations for a militarized, tightly integrated sea, air and space force was merely "my personal vision, at this point," he said he would use his influential committee chairmanship to push for greater space-related funding. "What we're seeing today is just the beginning spark of a new kind of warfare that warrants a new kind of defense doctrine and organizational structure," Steinitz said.
" In the long term, it should be possible to consider segregating the [Israel Defense Forces] into two arms: the Ground Forces arm and the Envelope Forces, which I envision as a combined sea, air and space arm that ensures strategic depth for deterrence and defense," Steinitz said.
Israel's technological advantage over regional adversaries will allow it to determine where and how the next major war will be fought, he said.
" The other side faces a military handicap when compared to Israel, but it can use its borders to try - through primitive means like Scud missiles, long-range artillery and guerrilla tactics - to threaten Israeli territory. Israel cannot allow itself to forsake its ground forces, but it also cannot permit itself to be dragged into a land war. Therefore, it is beneficial to push the war into the air, sea and space."
In the event that Israeli air bases and critical military facilities come under enemy attack, Steinitz said Israel would have to rely on assets deployed at sea and in space.
" Sea and space assets don't require physical contact with the homeland, and so they are more efficient and survivable in the event of conventional war."
The committee chairman disparaged conventional wisdom that Israel no longer faces the threat of large conventional wars involving massive ground attacks.
Some Reservations
While Steinitz's call for Israel's exploitation of space resonated among many of the officials at the event, his belief that sea- and space-based assets would contribute as much or even more than airborne capabilities rang hollow among the air-power enthusiasts.
" I have serious reservations about the doctrine mapped out tonight," David Ivry, former commander of the Israel Air Force, said in response to Steinitz' presentation.
Ivry, a former director-general of Israel's MoD who administered a significant portion of Israel's military space program in the 1980s and 1990s, warned against over-reliance on satellites, given Israel's spotty track record in successfully inserting spacecraft into orbit.
Alluding for the first time that Israel suffered more than the two publicly known launch failures - one involving the Ofeq-4 in 1998 and the other last September with the failed Ofeq-6 launch - Ivry said, "We've had more satellites on the ground than in space. . The failures of satellites over time were too frequent, and it will be very difficult to build support for reliance on space."
More than 150 nations, including Russia, China, Canada and members of the European Union, are pressing for a permanent ban on weapons in space that goes well beyond the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which first codified "the peaceful use of outer space" and outlawed military bases or weapons of mass destruction in orbit. Annual attempts to update the treaty to include ASAT and other space-based weapons remain unsuccessful, largely due to opposition from the United States.
" Israel is one of the very few nations of the world that routinely abstains from voting for a resolution to ban weapons in space," noted Theresa Hitchens, vice president of the Washington-based Center for Defense Information, a public policy think tank.
" The assumption has always been that Israel did so to demonstrate political support for Washington ... But this news that serious people in Israel are seriously pushing for weaponizing space is highly disturbing, and shows that thinking in the United States is starting to corrupt the policies and doctrine of other space-faring nations," she said.

[edit on 12-3-2010 by QuantumDeath]

[edit on 12-3-2010 by QuantumDeath]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:42 PM
Don’t you just love how both of these articles fail to mention the threat this will pose to Extra Terrestrial Civilizations or to safely say, “Other Living Entities”? If you look in article two, the only space-faring civilization that they claim space-based weapons will only affect the nations. (Humanity).

Sure, people may be able to shrug this off in the year 2010, but are we ignoring a catastrophe that can be avoided in the near future? We are focusing more on lessening the casualties and the successes it will bring the military, creating the illusion of safety over the severe consequences we would face. We know the dangers this will cause, however, militaries around the world would rather pursue this action, therefore, our militaries are knowingly attempting to provoke a hostile response from the unknown only to gain power. It’s the illusion of safety that will result in the deaths of many or maybe even bring about the apocalypse. This threat is as real as you and me, just because we haven’t provoked a hostile response from another civilization, doesn’t mean it won’t happen. One may say, “Oh, it wont be in my lifetime”, isn’t that just like saying, “I don’t care for the future of my children’s lives” or “I don’t care for the lives of our children’s children?” One of these days, we as people will have to take faith in this in order to prevent it from happening. Our doubts are going to get us all killed in the future and we only have ourselves to blame.

Our leaders are like bullies, agging on for a response from a student. The game being played is pure stupidity.

[edit on 12-3-2010 by QuantumDeath]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:50 PM
Interesting OP. As things stand, we don't know if there ARE extraterrestrials buzzing around our planet. IMO it's reasonable to accept the possibility that UFOs are just an unexplained natural phenomena.

If there are ETs in our vicinity...we know nothing about them. They may be hostile by disposition. If UFOs are ET and observing our technology....there's no great reason to believe they are neutral or benevolent...or hostile.

Your bolded text...

For example, a country might launch a small satellite packed with pebbles or nails and direct it into a high-speed collision with a critical U.S. satellite or spacecraft. Orbital objects travel at speeds of approximately 18,000 mph, meaning that such collisions would certainly be fatal. Critics note that such weapons do not yet exist, that their development and testing would be transparent and therefore possibly preventable, and that the United States has other military means to prevent their use. But there are other issues as well.

The technology does already exist to destroy satellites...China and the US have demonstrated this ability in tests and acts of political bravado. What should give them pause for thought is the chaotic, unpredictable outcome of destroying a satellite in an act of war. There's around 14,000 objects orbiting the Earth...they are all at risk of deteriorating orbits creating collisions. The debris from a targeted destruction would pose a great risk to the antagonist's technology too. Unpredictable collateral damage....butterfly effect.

This illustrates the number of artificial objects around our planet...


posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Hah? IMO it's reasonable to accept the possibility that UFOs are just an unexplained natural phenomena."

Your obviously not totally researched on the UFOs in this world. Actually I'm I'm shocked yet fascinated at the balls of someone posting such nonsense here.


posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 02:18 PM
The universe is large enough that there wouldn't be a hostile response. In fact they just would not care at all. The same way you wouldn't care about a single fire ant in an abandoned lot in the next state.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by alexander_delta

I can see where you are going, but there are many civilizations in the universe and you never know that some of them might have made colonies within some of the planets in our solar system. Either for mining materials or for acquiring a settlement for a more, "Widespread" view within our galaxy, etc. However, there is one thing that I must add. Humanty has been known througout history, to invade, take, and run out people of their own land. Since corporations seem to run the show, you could say there is a greater chance that when we do advance (if we are allowed to by our observers) to where we can further travel into the stars, we will find a planet full of precious materials such as metals, such and such. Companies see it as a money-making opportunity and decide to go in and reap whatever that planet holds. What happens when that "Specific" planet is already inhabited by another civilization, advanced/intelligent or not? Won't we see history re-write itself again? Attempt to trade? (which I wouldn't see the use in that). If there is nothing that we have that they want, but they have something that we want but won't allow us to harvest, what then would this most likely escalate to? Using force to try and run them out, while we would broadcast through the media, "Alien poses hostile threat to peaceful human presence." That, as the media would like you to believe.

This is a more like the movie, "Avatar".

But no, it wouldnt cause all civilizations of the Universe to go to "War". Just those civilizations in our galaxy that are within reach of us.

It's something to think about since human history of invasion and conquering is likely to repeat itself.

[edit on 12-3-2010 by QuantumDeath]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Decoy
reply to post by Kandinsky

Hah? IMO it's reasonable to accept the possibility that UFOs are just an unexplained natural phenomena."

Your obviously not totally researched on the UFOs in this world. Actually I'm I'm shocked yet fascinated at the balls of someone posting such nonsense here.


So what does 'totally researched' mean? Perhaps you could enlighten me with your research? Before you blow away the mystery of UFO phenomena and share your insight...maybe you could respond to the OP?

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Hi all,

Totally researched means not totally disabled and debunking the reality of which many people have witnessed, photographed, filmed or video'd that are not military black projects.

My goodness Sir, you wrote stuff that's obviously showed colors of in-experience and lack of work in the study and research of EBEs and true UFOs.

I have no problem w/anyone going against the grain, but #--show you data along with the statement...


posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Decoy
reply to post by Kandinsky

Hi all,

Totally researched means not totally disabled and debunking the reality of which many people have witnessed, photographed, filmed or video'd that are not military black projects.

My goodness Sir, you wrote stuff that's obviously showed colors of in-experience and lack of work in the study and research of EBEs and true UFOs.

I have no problem w/anyone going against the grain, but #--show you data along with the statement...


Kid, you're all back to front on this. We don't know what 'black projects' there are. We can't separate the black projects from anything else until we do. I've seen two true UFOs and still haven't jumped to the conclusion that they are ET. If we can't say for sure that UFOs are ET, we can't say they are EBE.

Step up with some data that says otherwise and I'll change my mind in a split-second

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 07:25 AM
look at space based weapons this way

humans evolved as most advanced predator species on earth and can't change

when and IF we meet another predator it will be simple as us vs them so there's your answer

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:29 AM
Space based weapons should be banned!

The Israelis want them, then the Palestinians & Iranians should also be given them. The Chinese want them, then the Tibetians & Japanese should be allowed to follow suit. Russians want them, the Ukranians, & Georgians should be handed them. Exact same scenario with the Americans.

It's my belief that if any country should ever use one on another nation, then said country should should have have the exact same weapons system used on them.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Dinamo

when and IF we meet another predator it will be simple as us vs them so there's your answer

If it was only that simple my friend.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:44 PM
If a hostile ET did come across our path their wouldn't be a lot we could do. The technology of a space traveling species would be for more advanced than ours that we wouldn't stand a chance in a conflict. Or if the ET's wanted a resource we have they could just take it and we wouldn't be able to stop them.

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