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posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Paradox.
I asked from the start for readers not to take offence. But a truth of this magnitude that I am advocating will indefinitely step on all individuals toes who have been raised in a society today and even 50,000 years ago. I expected this to be controversial. I understand if it seems I am "knocking" people down with the truth of the matter, that is how I would feel as well. As if everything I believe in were just a Human answer to every problem which we can not perceive the factual answer. You must be bloody kidding me is what I would say! But, self liberation is key to understanding what plagues us with fear.

But then you go on trying to offend people by making assumptions about why they believe what they do. You keep bringing up the ego of others while stroking your own as you really believe the nonsense that you are spewing. I was trying to give a different perspective, but you aren't interested in that. I say that everyone should just agree with you because it won't change anything trying to have an intelligent discussion with you. It is clear you have little understanding of the Christian faith, but I can't blame you, I wouldnt be surprised if you never touched a Bible in those years with the catholics.

With the truck heading towards you analogy; You assume the truck isn't real, so you don't even look. Good Luck in the future. I hope your genius ideas are right for your sake.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:11 PM
The truth is a bitter one. Those who cannot accept it may get upset all they want. I'm not here to weigh the argument. I don't accept false premise as an argument because Religious Dogma is just that. Please, insult me and also claim I am stroking my ego with this thread it is quite childish such an accusation. Whilst those users display their own ego in their rebuttal. Along with dogmatic conclusions such as, There ought to be a God and if you don't believe then you're just more worried about the statistics more than the "meaning" behind life! How far short does that fall, this contradictory way of arguing. Religious belief is such a contradiction in itself. You claim to achieve a higher meaning and understanding in life with no assimilated factual knowledge but a creation story and a promised life after death. How primitive a certain array of individuals posting in this thread. I say, whatever helps you sleep at night.

[edit on 9-2-2010 by Paradox.]

[edit on 9-2-2010 by Paradox.]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by Paradox.
The truth is a bitter one. Those who cannot accept it may get upset all they want. I'm not here to weigh the argument. I don't accept false premise as an argument because Religious Dogma is just that. Please, insult me and also claim I am stroking my ego with this thread it is quite childish such an accusation. Whilst those users display their own ego in their rebuttal. Along with dogmatic conclusions such as, There ought to be a God and if you don't believe then you're just more worried about the statistics more than the "meaning" behind life! How far short does that fall, this contradictory way of arguing. Religious belief is such a contradiction in itself. You claim to achieve a higher meaning and understanding in life with no assimilated factual knowledge but a creation story and a promised life after death. How primitive a certain array of individuals posting in this thread. I say, whatever helps you sleep at night.

This post only demonstrates that you are only arguing against your own assumptions towards other people rather than actually debating the things which people say and so forth. Of these assumptions, you also pick the weakest points and things people say, while at the same time completely ignoring any good points made.

Which is a common tactic of Atheists in general that I come across here. They only want to argue against the worse arguments that can be made, that which they have premade responses for already. Such as in this post where you assume it's all belief for everyone etc.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 01:12 AM
I have not been programmed. I read the God delusion so now i can quote it all the time and think like Dawkins, good thing im not like those sheeple anymore.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 02:29 PM
I thougt about this issue for a while.

I gained a new opinion.

The old wisdom in history. Claiming they learned it's all a hoax ! Religion, spirituality, afterlife, reincarnation... Not gonna happen.

They once were a great civilisation, an ability necessary for your ways being remembered millennial in the future.

Now. Can you tell me if they wer able to die and come back to life ?
If so could they have passed on or just as if in a coma or dreamless emptiness of nothing ?

If there are no accounts on it, it must mean they simply obtained an atheistic few. And the ability sending their knowledge to the future.

You really have to get back from the dead for even the slightest claim of denial or truth can be made.

This way their message is just as unreliable as others.
Ok they were able to finger fear. So are some of us. ( no knowledge of topic )

All evidence can as it can be used now. Corrupt, a lie.
If I'm mistaken. Please explain it to me again ? But keep in mind none of my above arguments can be used as evidence. As it's not.

Really, How can they know ? Without becoming extinct I mean.

[edit on 11/2/10 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by zaiger

So you are programmed a Dawkins kind of way.

Human nature is all about programming !

Don't you remember school. The way you learn is by repeating again and again. After a while it's become a programmed understanding and the ability to use it in life.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 02:34 PM
My bad double clicked

[edit on 11/2/10 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

It was a joke. Saying someone is "programmed" really has no basis and is really just a poor way for people to understand why someone else does not think they same way his or her self does. Like you get so caught up on "im right, im logical and perfect" that for someone to disagree with you they must be programmed. This method of reasoning is nothing new or intelligent.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by zaiger

What you say is true but not what i think programmed means.

It's my idea of reality and how it's different or difference from reality of others. The experience you and any other have of reality, is influenced.
Your parents, country, education, hardships, wealth, poverty. They will make you see and act differnent in life.
These basic ideas can be altered and changed, never will the way you percieve reality change. A it's best ajusting it.

Your argument I would choose to call it indoctrination.
Not like a program but more like influenced.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by zaiger

It was a joke. Saying someone is "programmed" really has no basis and is really just a poor way for people to understand why someone else does not think they same way his or her self does. Like you get so caught up on "im right, im logical and perfect" that for someone to disagree with you they must be programmed. This method of reasoning is nothing new or intelligent.

Programming has no basis? Yet the human brain operates on patterns. And if I wanted to memorize information I would repeat a process again and again to remember it, there's your evidence. See that's another thread as well. But, I am speaking of Religious Programming. I'm not pertaining to individuals who live a patternous life like you refer to in your comic. I am alluding to a Religious answer to Human Curiosity and Fear. A dogmatic answer that "programs" those who believe it, and live by it, to not accept factual evidence because of the fear which surrounds it. Life after death is the complete neglect in death itself. We all fear death, so we find a way to never die. And that helps us sleep at night, like I have said. But to advance forward beyond comprehension, we must destroy the very columns that hold the primitive concepts we worship dearly, and find a new "meaning" to life, one not so "Hollywood."

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by badmedia

There are 2 kinds of closed minded people. Those who believe, and those who don't.

Your signature express your bias. It's not about God it's a greater picture, one that we as Humans don't have the full ability to understand. God is such a primitive thing, even by popular definition. Sure, I believe in God, because my definition is different. I am no atheist. Any term created by a group towards another whom do not live by their beliefs is slander. If I were to use the word "idiot" to express an individual who believes in a Religious Leader it would be alot easier to recognize the bias.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by Paradox.]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

If I understand you correctly, we have held close "ancient civilizationary" traits such as Religion, because we are curious at heart. We need an answer to our problems, a quick and easily applicable answer that need no true evidence at all. Just belief. But belief is merely fear veiled within. I hope that may answer your question.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by Paradox.]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by Paradox.

Just because you say it does not make it so.
What is this religious programming you are talking about? I have seen the problems on both sides. Christians will rattle off non-sequiter lines from the bible while the other side will do the same with dawkins books. Both are about as mindless as the books they are quoting if you ask me. But like i said calling someone else "programmed" really means nothing, they do not think like you so they must be programmed.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by zaiger

Darwin's theories are outdated and more like well made observations if you ask me. I understand where you are going with this. But you have to understand, Darwin was making analytical assumptions based on scientific data and observation in the real world. Religion is taking imaginary ideas and putting them in a factual format. You can not contrast Darwinisim to something that simply does not exist. Darwin only gave us a start. The fault of many scientist is they tend to stick to their roots and barely ever accept that maybe, Darwin - or whoever else, could have been wrong. Is Darwinism primitive? Yes. But can you compare it to something that does not exist? No. Religion does not deserve a contrasting point only because of its following in the world today. If one man were right, and the rest of the world were wrong, he would still be correct. What I am trying to convey is, maybe we are all wrong and perhaps we must find a new foundation to base this life on. This is real advancement, and this is the underlying motive behind the OP.

[edit on 12-2-2010 by Paradox.]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:19 AM
And, it's not about "thinking." Religious Programming is not a way of "thinking" it's a way of understanding. And neglecting any idea out of the realm of the program itself. You could call anything in this God damn world programming, because it is. But it's only Religious Programming when the participants of the Program are driven by fear. This creates a bond between Human instinctive traits and Religious Dogmatic conclusions, which we call "Insert name of Deity Here."

[edit on 12-2-2010 by Paradox.]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Paradox.

No.I meant it a little different.

Programmed to expect something is what makes a lack of it,an uneasy truth. As you try to explain a few times already.

But now the other way around.

The end brings nothing just is, programmed. Is actually a comfortable fearless way for life to end. Without fear of the eternal wrath of a deity, or anxious doubts, consuming lifetimes of joy.
This is the easy choice. The choice what makes all fears don't matter at all.

To be fearless is a pleasurable way of life.Live your life as you just don't care.

It's not unthinkable previous civilisation could have gained a programmed believe. An Atheistic expectancy. It's is definitely the easy choice.

My question is. What proves these people were on the right track ?
Absolute proof requires death, and reviving to tell about the experience. There is no way of knowing this.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:04 AM
Why is it that so many (edit from "all") non-religious people think that every religious person is a complete wack-job and has no mind capable of individual or productive thought?

I know that there are people out there that have been brain-washed by somebody they idolize, but that is not just the religious folk. Take a look at the lives of our young people especially and look at how many of their actions are at least affected by the latest popular trend, style or celebrity.

I have been a Christian my entire life. Was born in a Christian family and truly made my faith my own by the time I was in High school. As an elementary school child I would ask questions that my teachers couldn't always answer.
ex: "If God exists for all eternity (think of a line with no end in either direction) and the earth was made at a precise moment in time, when did God ever get to that point in time?

My thought was that any one point on a line has an infinite distance both before and after it. If God had no beginning, how did he ever get to the point that we are at?

Anyway, that's just to say that as a "religious person" I have always questioned what I was taught. I have changed many of the doctrines that I once believed because after looking into them deeper I discovered them to be false.

How is believing the science that the government and educational system spoon feeds you any different from the message brought by a minister? Because it is backed up by facts? So is much of the history recorded in the Bible. In fact, Much of the Bible can be proven, the only parts really left up for debate are the miracles that science can't prove, but they can't disprove either. Other than that it's the creation and flood accounts which have been interpreted in different ways anyway)

You are right about one thing. We are tiny, insignificant, a spec on a spec in the universe. That is what makes God's care for us so much more grand. Is it egotistical? I don't think so. It does instill a sense of pride. Not all pride is evil. There is a difference in having self worth and being arrogant and cocky. Should we all go around feeling like trash because we believe that nobody in the world cares about us and we are really just hairless monkeys that are going to die eventually and simply cease to exist? Sounds rather bleak to me. I'd rather think I have something to look forward to. If I simply disappear, what have I lost, as I won't be able to remember the life I wasted trying to please that magical wizard. I won't exist, so really nothing that I do now matters because when it's over, I won't be capable of having regrets.

Does that make me a coward? I don't think so, but then again I guess you are entitled to your opinion, I just think it's wrong.

(Sorry if this has pretty much already been posted, but I was tired and only read the OP. This was a quick, gut-response to teh post so if it comes off rude, I apologize, but it is exactly what came to my mind. I don't care much for being politically correct and care even less if I get flamed for saying something others disagree with. My opinions have been made known, and thats all I really wanted to do for the time anyway. Peace.)

[edit on 12-2-2010 by Mykahel]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Even the Ancient Greeks and Romans and Celts believed in an afterlife - and they were very advanced for their time. And they did not flourish, they fell like every other civilization in history, like our civilization will fall as well if we do not adopt new ways to look at the world. So, it is conclusive that these civilizations were not successful, they died off because of either War and Murder or Religious Tribulation, sometimes even both. Look at post modern world, Religion had civilization at a stand still because technology was not looked well upon by the Church. Post modernism brought doubt into Human Kind with regards to "God" because of new thinking. Imagine if we had never left Religious Tribulation or Religious Order behind - your Grandma would never of received that blood transfusion and your Cousin with Cancer would never had of went through Chemotherapy. Do you see my point? Religion is a program which withholds civilization from true advancement. And if you could speak to any of the great minds who have fallen in their civilizationary period, such as Aristotle I bet they would agree now a thousand years later, that Religion is a prison that appears to be salvation.

[edit on 12-2-2010 by Paradox.]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Paradox.

We are much alike you know.

I totally for 100 % share and agree your opinion on religion.

On the afterlife and God like higher presence is what I disagree with.
As for the proof of 100 % disregarding it. Well with what you did not enlighten me with.yet ? Or there is no proof ?

As for your argument of ancient civilisation believing in the afterlife.
This afterlife used to it. No separate side where evil dwells.

Above all I'd like to point you to the ancient civilisation from the thread.
If what you say would be true. Where are they now ?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by Mykahel

How is believing the science that the government and educational system spoon feeds you any different from the message brought by a minister? Because it is backed up by facts? So is much of the history recorded in the Bible. In fact, Much of the Bible can be proven, the only parts really left up for debate are the miracles that science can't prove, but they can't disprove either. Other than that it's the creation and flood accounts which have been interpreted in different ways anyway)

I have not been spoon fed any of this. I have come to my own conclusions through my own studies. And you seem to be ignorant of the miracles that cannot be explained that you speak of. Because coincidentally, they are the pillars holding your Religion up. Religious dogma has been discussed thoroughly throughout this thread, and to comment before reading it shows how narrow minded an individual you are. Next time take the time to consider all angles of forefront and opposition before posting your opinion.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by Paradox.]

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