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Possible cancer cure found in blushwood shrub

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posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by QtheQ

Hey, I agree with you.
However, we live in a legislative world.

It would be hard to find drug companies in a world in which responsibility for care was left to the individual. And I would probably argue that medicine would suffer greatly from it.

While I don't like the idea that the FDA has "rule" over what is legal in the medical world, I would rather that than being thrown into the stone ages in regards to medicine.

I mean, surely you can see this side of the coin as well, right?

This is what science is for.
It is a great discovery, but it needs to be tested before everyone takes the drug.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Phage

reply to post by Pinkarella

Be careful both of you(Phage, Pinkarella) speaking about "Cures"..... in the medical establishment there is no official "Cure" for cancer.

It is merely called in medical jargon "Remission".

The resident member "VneZonyDostupa" in the medical part of ATS would kill you both for saying that.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by RadiatorOfTheLight

Why would it cost that when they are injecting it in dogs, cats and other animals. It comes from a fruit. Mass produce and grow more fruit plants and anyone should be able to afford it. How much could it possibly cost for extraction.

Something like this should be free after all the money the public has put in to the study of cancer fighting agents!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by jjjtir

Hmmm. Cancer free for 22 years. You can call it whatever the hell you want, I'm damn well going to call it a cure.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:01 PM
This is not too surprising to me. It is my belief that there are cures for every affliction somewhere on this planet, in plants and other organisms, and all we have to do is find them. A daunting task to say the least. But one that must continue.

I also agree that the "cancer industry" is too big to allow it "to fail." And if they make it so you have to mortgage your house to get the treatment, that's callous. It shouldn't cost you everything you own to be able to receive treatment for an illness. So, I feel that the treatment will be discredited and people will be discouraged from that route by their doctors.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:11 PM
The schrubs Latin name is Hylandia dockrillia
Can someone research the location zones where it grows?
I'm on my iphone...

[edit on 6-2-2010 by Granite]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by arizonascott
reply to post by RadiatorOfTheLight

Why would it cost that when they are injecting it in dogs, cats and other animals. It comes from a fruit. Mass produce and grow more fruit plants and anyone should be able to afford it. How much could it possibly cost for extraction.

Something like this should be free after all the money the public has put in to the study of cancer fighting agents!

I dont agree with the stance of big pharma - but if you think about it it all revolves around money. They claim that the cost is to offset research and development both past and future, they rush to patent the composition of the extract (please view the 2nd of my previous links) of what is in effect a natural compound.

Then along come generic pharma companies that will manufacture a cheap equivalent, and the result is adverts like the one that follows - sponsored by those who would like to maintain the profitability of their enterprise (warning not very pleasant viewing)

Pretty hard to believe this is shown on prime time TV right.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by jjjtir
reply to post by Phage

reply to post by Pinkarella

Be careful both of you(Phage, Pinkarella) speaking about "Cures"..... in the medical establishment there is no official "Cure" for cancer.

It is merely called in medical jargon "Remission".

The resident member "VneZonyDostupa" in the medical part of ATS would kill you both for saying that.

G'day jjjtir

That got me thinking.....

I looked on good old Wiki & came up with this:


A cancer patient is "cured" if they live past the time by which 95% of treated patients live after the date of their diagnosis of cancer. This period varies among different types of cancer; for example, in the case of Hodgkin's disease this period of time is 10 years, whereas for Burkitt's lymphoma this period would be 1 year. The phrase "cure" used in oncology is based upon the statistical concept of a median survival time and disease-free median survival time.

I think that's a pretty-well accepted use of the word "cure" in this context.

I tend to shy away from & not use the term "cure" when talking about the cancer technology with which I am involved. I tend to use the term "deactivate" in view of the nature of the specific technology.

However that is simply my own idiosynchratic wording.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by pixanomaly

G'day pixanomaly

You need to look at that ad again

It's actually about truly fake drugs.....drugs that are made of stuff like rat poison, etc... & then placed in packaging that mimics real packaging.

Those fake drugs kill people.

It's not about discouraging people from buying generic drugs.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

I personally don't agree with using the term "Remission".

Just tired of reading every thread in the medical forum skeptics countering natural non-chemo/radio "cure" proponents with this word.

That's why "cure" is wrapped in quotes, not every oncologist agrees with the terminology, especially extreme skeptics blindly requesting the "gold standard" of double blind studies...

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

I would tend to agree save for the fact that I have always been one to look beyond the superficial. Review the video and watch the link and the named sponsors...

Visit the site

It's not just drugs for weight loss or erectile dysfunction (ED) that are being faked. Counterfeiters are now targeting lifesaving medicines for conditions such as cancer and heart problems.
sponsored by ?

something else you may be interested in

China's newly amended law clears the way in legal issues for the use of generic versions of patented drugs domestically, but whether a mature compulsory license system is able to develop in the country relies on the specific operations of the law, said Jia Ping, founder and CEO of the China Global Fund Watch Initiative and a leading researcher on HIV/AIDS, law and human rights in China. "Demand for HIV/AIDS, cancer, hepatitis and cardiovascular diseases drugs are currently high in China, but patents of most major drugs are held by a number of international manufacturers, which push domestic ones downstream in the industrial chain," Jia said.


posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by jjjtir
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

I personally don't agree with using the term "Remission".

Just tired of reading every thread in the medical forum skeptics countering natural non-chemo/radio "cure" proponents with this word.

That's why "cure" is wrapped in quotes, not every oncologist agrees with the terminology, especially extreme skeptics blindly requesting the "gold standard" of double blind studies...

G'day again jjjtir

I might suggest that.....

.....extreme skeptics blindly requesting the "gold standard" of double blind studies.....

.....could actually be viewed as responsible doctors who are trying to practice safe medicine for the sake of their patients.

I depends how you look at it

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:14 PM
Any one who says that a simple cure for cancer will be buried by big drug companies completely underestimates the will of humans who are educated and determined.

Unless the scientist sells out, then it will happen.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:15 PM
OK, so how can I get my hands on some Blushwood Shrubs, and how could I create the extract from the fruit, or is it possible the fruit could work without the need to go through the extraction process as a PREVENTATIVE medicine, therefore BYPASSING all the stupid clinical trials and the hurdles put in place to skim as much profit from this before it could hit the shelves.

Anyone know what they taste like?

If this were possible, there's nothing the PTB can do then because WE could plant the stuff absolutely everyhere and it would be FOOD, not medicine.


posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by pixanomaly

G'day again pixanomaly

I noticed the sponsors for the ad. I have no problem with that at all because that ad will save lives.

As for China.....

There are some really strong progressive areas of medical practice & medical industry in China, but it is also fraught with difficulty in some areas.

On the one hand, medical practice can be good enough that I will send staff their for training.

On the other hand, some of the patent abuse is shocking & some of the resulting technology is technically substandard.

I'm glad I don't have to do too much business's far too complicated!

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

[edit on 6-2-2010 by Maybe...maybe not]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:23 PM
This reminds me of a movie where a bio-scientist finds a cure for cancer in a forest, but the large scale Pharmaceutical Companies burn the forest to the ground. The fault of man begins with searching for an answer within not himself or by his own means - but through the means of another. If this is tested further, and proven to be a cure WITHOUT the acceptance of a board of dirty lying greedy bastards, then you ought to find a way to get your hands on some of that shrub. Liberate your mind. Find an answer to a problem yourself.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by nerbot
OK, so how can I get my hands on some Blushwood Shrubs, and how could I create the extract from the fruit, or is it possible the fruit could work without the need to go through the extraction process as a PREVENTATIVE medicine, therefore BYPASSING all the stupid clinical trials and the hurdles put in place to skim as much profit from this before it could hit the shelves.

Anyone know what they taste like?

If this were possible, there's nothing the PTB can do then because WE could plant the stuff absolutely everyhere and it would be FOOD, not medicine.


G'day nerbot

You ask for thoughts.....

My thoughts are that you need to be extremely careful when you do anything like that.

Extremely careful.....

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Granite
The schrubs Latin name is Hylandia dockrillia
Can someone research the location zones where it grows?
I'm on my iphone...

[edit on 6-2-2010 by Granite]

It seems not to be Hylandia dockrillia, but Fontainea oraria see wikipedia
See the video at 02:14 it's exactly the same image as in wikipedia, which links to this website.
And interestingly they say

"One species, Fontainea oraria, the coast fontainea, is known only from 10 living plants growing on private property near Lennox Head in northern New South Wales, Australia. Its status is highly endangered."

So let me state it clear: They claim to have a cancer curing drug found from a plant, and the 10 last remaining plants of the species are growing on private property? Could be a scam, but doesn't have to. At least there is a patent which mentions the magical EBI-46
Next question: When was this info added into wikipedia and from whom?
A quick look into the wiki history reveals it was on 08:49, 12 January 2006 by a Peter Greenwell. How does he know about the "10 living plants growing on private property near Lennox Head"? Original research on Wikipedia?

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Paradox.

I always liked of Medicine Man (1992) think the cure ended up in something a little more surprising than a plant ;-)

But I agree with your sentiments, maybe the answer is more preventative - rather than living an unbalanced lifestyle and then expecting medicine to come to the rescue - not that I dont believe it has its benefits just that it should be a fairer industry for those who seek a cure.

Interesting that in the first video they appear to have taken an interest in the fruit by observing the squirrels would bury the seeds. Really don't know how that works.

Maybe eating it will provide some benefit but their take depends on injecting the extract into the tumour its-self which may be beyond the casual horticulturist at home, if you get my drift.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not

I am working closely with 2 new potential "blockbuster" "cancer curing" technologies in the device / pharma area.

From where I sit, I don't believe there is a big conspiracy to suppress such "cancer curing" technologies.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by Maybe...maybe not]

How the hell can you be in the Pharma field or related to it and not know that Big Pharma isn't in the business of making people better, it's about hooking them on their drugs for long term profit. It's about maintaining the disease or managing it..never about curing it. That is what they do. They have hijacked the system and created a needless market, much like cigarettes. We don't need cigarettes, but the makers have convinced people to smoke and hook them.

You will never see a cure from the big boys, but there are plenty of doctors with INTEGRITY and BALLS that know what steps you need to do to cure cancers. It's so simple, you just give the body the tools it needs to rid the tumors and the immune system takes care of everything else.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by Roid_Rage27]

[edit on 6-2-2010 by Roid_Rage27]

[edit on 6-2-2010 by Roid_Rage27]

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